Title: Opposites Attract
By: SpiritRealm
Pairing: Warren/Zach, some Will/Layla and Ethan/Magenta
Rating: T possible M later on
!Warning!This is Yaoi! No like no read!
Reviews appreciated. Flames keep me warm on chilly nights.

Chapter 1: Movie Night

The week was slightly colder than the rest of winter. Zach was in his room. It was painted black, with blackout curtains, fluorescent lights and glow in the dark stars pasted on his walls and roof. Zach was wearing a neon blue and gray stripped shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. He was scrawled across his bed on his stomach with his legs waving around behind him. Zach clutched the dark grey thick plush bedspread in his fists while his eyes stayed glued to the horror movie on the screen of his T.V. Will was sitting next to Zach on the bed and he winced visibly as the thin wire cut through the passengers on the boat. The light of the T.V reflected the frightened expressions on Ethan and Layla's face from where they were sitting on the bed. Another scream echoed through the room and Layla's eyes widened at the scene playing on the screen. Will was wearing his red, white and blue tee shirt and light blue jeans. Layla was wearing a light green shirt with darker green designs on the front with light blue shorts to her knees. Ethan was wearing an orange and black checkered shirt and khaki pants. Magenta was not in the room at the moment, she was getting more popcorn. She was wearing a purple and black stripped long sleeved shirt and black fishnet leggings under a purple skirt that slightly passed her knee. Warren was sitting on the plush black carpet with his back pressed against the bed. He was wearing a black shirt with dark red designs and black jeans.

Warren had someway composed a bored expression on his face though inside he was shaking and nervous. The movie had frightened him, but sitting in Zach's room with him had him excited. Even though the others were here. Magenta came in holding a canister of warm popcorn. She sat next to Ethan and Ethan shifted slightly. Will was holding onto Layla for dear life and was now jumping slightly as the engine in the ship blew up, taking the engineer with it. Zach was whimpering slightly and out of nowhere he lit up. A yellowish green light bathed his face giving him a eerie look and frightening Layla who stifled a scream.

Zach buried his face in the gray pillow and let his hands dangle off the side of the bed. His right hand fell into Warren's dark wavy hair and Warren's heartbeat sped up. Zach ran his hand through Warren's thick somewhat soft hair and wondered if Warren was gonna cook him for it. To his surprise, Warren bought his hand up to clasp Zach's own. He was indeed so surprised that he jerked his hand back expecting a searing hot pain. There was nothing and Zach tumbled off his bed on top of Warren. Zach blushed as everyone asked him if he was OK. He nodded his head and hoped it was too dark for anyone to notice his blush. He settled next to Warren after he apologized and sat there with his right hand caught in Warren's grip.

Warren had let go of his hand a while ago and for some reason he just stared at it. The movie ended and they all screamed when Zach's mom opened the door. Well, cept for Warren and Magenta cause they were freakin tough. Zach's mom, Ms. Solas had laughed and than told the guys to come on down to the basement. The boys trudged downstairs and Zach and Ethan couldn't stop shivering. Two king sized mattresses were pushed together with tons of pillows and blankets on top. Ethan bounced forward and immediately claimed the bed closets to them. Will went with him and they both sprawled out. Zach and Warren awkwardly made their way toward the remaining bed.

After much tossing and turning both Ethan and Will were fast asleep. Zach pulled the plush blue blanket tighter around himself and Warren grunted and pulled it back when he felt the cold air hit his arm and leg. Zach squeaked as he was pulled with the blanket and smacked into Warren. Warren let out another grunt and pulled Zach into a hug. A blush spread out on his face but he slightly relaxed when he heard soft snoring. Warren had already fell asleep. Zach wiggled around a bit to make himself comfortable and decided that there was no getting out of Warren's grip, Zach had knew the older teen was strong but come on! This was ridicules. Than with a snort he stopped struggling, Warren was not going to deprive him of his sleep. And more snoring soon joined the first.