WHAT IS THIS? An update?! What is this madness!

About time right? I really have no excuses other than stress and writers block. There will be more about that at the end of this chapter. But! For now…



"Lovi! Feli! We're about to leave!" Their mother called from the living room. Today was their seventh birthday, and their parents decided to take them to the amusement park to celebrate it. Well, in actuality it was their father who decided it. Chiara- their mother- finally agreed after much begging. From both her children AND husband. The twin boys came running enthusiastically down the stairs followed by their father. And if she had to guess, judging by the tricorne her husband had forgot to take off of his head, she would say that they had just finished playing pirates. Honestly, her husband- Basilio- was a child himself. He was an amazing parent, there were even times where she herself felt jealous. They seemed completely opposite of each other. He was so nice, charismatic, while she was rude, and quick to anger. She could see both her husband and her in their children. She had gotten most of her looks from her father Romulus. Her golden eyes, mahogany hair, and her curl. The only thing she had gotten from her mom was the shape of her face and freckles. She could see a lot of herself in her oldest, Lovino. Feliciano meanwhile got most of his traits from his father. The auburn hair, deep brown doe eyes. But they both got her family's curl.

"Ready?" Basilio asked, giving one of those beautiful smiles that had made her fall in love with him in the first place. She then realized she had been staring at him the whole time, and blushed.

"S-Si…" She muttered. She was pretty nervous for today as well. For she had a secret. Her husband knew, of course. He was ecstatic to hear the news. She knew he would be. But now she had to announce to the rest of her family. She figured today would be a good day to do it, especially since her father was going to meet them at the amusement park as well.

They piled into the car and set off. Everything seemed perfect with all of them together like this. Her husband reached for her hand while still keeping his eyes on the road. She happily obliged giving him her hand. Feliciano was singing along to the radio while Lovino stared out the window, watching the scenery pass them by. Chiara rubbed her stomach with her free hand. Basilio watched from the corner of his eye and gave her hand a loving squeeze. She looked over and shared a smile with him.

Everything was perfect.


"There they are! The birthday boys!" Their grandfather shouted, waving happily.

"Nonno!" Feliciano yelled, running into his grandfather's arms for a hug. Lovino was a little hesitant. He had always felt that Nonno had liked his brother more. He was always quick to act that way when they came to visit for holidays or birthdays. Feliciano always got praise, better presents, on some occasions Feliciano would actually get more presents than Lovino. He always felt he came up short against his younger brother. His nonno pulled him into a hug and Lovino reluctantly hugged back. He could attempt to be nice before nonno started comparing him to Feli.

Their day consisted mostly of riding rides, eating food that was incredibly unhealthy for them (much to Chiara's chagrin), and walking around. Of course, because of how short Lovino and Feliciano were they couldn't ride all of the rides. Chiara couldn't ride any of them, to which made the twins very confused. They were pretty sure they had ridden all of the rides that they could until they heard a heavy fake Romanian accent cut through the air.

"Only those who are brave shall face the terrrrrorrrrs within! Blah!" A man exclaimed, wearing a black cape, fake fangs, and way too much eye liner. Feliciano yelped and hid behind their father, who merely suppressed his giggles while comforting him. Their mother merely rolled her eyes and Lovino felt like doing the same. Everything was so fake about it, it was to the point of being pathetic.

"Do you guys want to ride it?" His father asked with a grin.

"N-No! There could be scary things in there! Like werewolves! Or vampires!" Feliciano sobbed out.

"Feli, don't be stupid, there's no such thing…" Lovino muttered, initiating another eye roll.

"Lovino, be nice to your brother! It's perfectly fine to be afraid! In fact, I'm getting a little chills as well. Are you going to make fun of me as well?" His nonno asked with a glare.

"Yes." Lovino snapped back, glaring as well.

"Enough!" Chiara said cutting in. She turned to her father. "Let ME handle this." She snarled. Her father threw his hands up in surrender, slightly frightened. He knew perfectly well of his daughter's wrath, therefore knew better than to argue.

"Feli, you can wait out here with me, if you want. It's fine if you don't want to ride." She said smiling down at her son. He gave one of his wide smiles with closed eyes and nodded in return.

"Come on Lovino, let's go face the terrors!" His dad said exited, he turned to his father-in-law. "You comin' too, dad?"

"Hmm, no I think I'll wait out here." He replied. Lovino huffed. Of course he wouldn't want to ride if Feliciano wasn't going to be there.

He and his dad waited in line and them boarded the ride. One of the workers went over the rules while someone check to make sure they were seat belted in. Then they were off. The ride was just what they expected. Rubber bats tied on the ceiling with string, random fake monsters popping out of the walls, a skeleton of an old lady sitting in a rocking chair while mechanics made it rock like the skeleton was alive, paintings who's eyes followed you. Lovino yawned.

"I agree," His father said, responding to the yawn. "Not very terrifying."

Just at that moment, they dropped. There were screams of surprise when they road through darkness. It was then that they realized this was an inside roller coaster. Things still popped out at them and some screamed but only really because they were afraid of running into them. Lovino held onto the bar and closed his eyes. Even though he could barely see anything in the first place, it helped him to close his eyes on rides like these. Next thing he knew, they were back in the room with the people in line waiting to ride. Lovino blinked surprised. That wasn't what he expected from this ride.

But it still wasn't scary…

"Lovi! Come look at this! They took pictures of the people on the ride. When did they have enough light to do that?" His father said. Lovino cringed. He hated when they took pictures. Everyone just looked stupid. He looked around, and noticed a game stand with a bunch of stuffed animals hanging from its ceiling. He walked over to it. Lovino wasn't sure why this stand out of all of them in the amusement park caught his eye. They were all pretty much the same. Except this one had stuffed animal turtles. And he really wanted one.

Through out all of this Basilio was talking to himself thinking he was talking to Lovino. He didn't think anything of the silence since Lovino sometimes kept to himself, just like his mother. Basilio smiled at the thought of his wife, his pregnant wife. He should probably be getting back to her now.

"Come on, Lovino." he said walking back to the rest of his family while continuing to talk to the air, receiving weird looks from other people.

Lovino turned around and saw his father was gone. Panic struck him as he looked around frantically. Where was he? Did he leave him? His dad would never abandon him! Right…? Oh no… he was lost. He began to fast walk while continuing to search for his father. This is how kids got kidnapped! These kinds of things happened on the news, it could never happen to him! He wouldn't let it! With that thought in mind he began running. He knew staying in one place may increase the chances of his parents finding him, but it would also increase the chances of someone else finding him and taking him! By the time he began running out of breath he found himself even more lost than to begin with. Maybe he should have just stayed where he was… now his parents would never find him and he would be forever trapped in this amusement park. No, gotta think positive… they'll realize he wasn't there and will come looking for him! He knew they would-!

His train of thought was interrupted as he ran into something, causing him to fall backwards. He looked up and saw green. No, it wasn't green, emerald was a better word to describe the color of this man's eyes. He seemed frozen to the spot, but not with fear, no, he felt at this moment he could never be afraid of this person. Even though he was a complete stranger. He felt mesmerized. But he quickly snapped out of it when the man began to speak as he knelt down to Lovino's level.

"Lo siento, mi pequeño tomate," He said, confusing Lovino with his foreign language. "Are you okay?"

Now Lovino would like to think that he was smarter than the average 7 year old. He should know better than to tell a complete stranger that he couldn't find his family. Because then he would be telling the stranger that his family was no where around and he was completely alone. Which could lead to kidnapping. He had the "Don't talk to strangers" talk with his parents, so he should know better. But for some reason he found himself telling this man everything. Which then lead to him crying about "being abandoned". The man held Lovino in his arms and tried to reassure him that his family did not leave him while soothingly rubbing his upper back to calm him.

"I'll help you find your family, little one." He said with a smile. He stood up and took Lovino's hand and began walking. "My name is Antonio, what's yours?"

"L-Lovino…" The boy wasn't sure why, but it felt like he had known this Antonio guy all his life. As they kept searching for Lovino's parents he found himself telling the man more about himself, some things you really shouldn't be telling a stranger. But Antonio was a good listener. He never interrupted him and would sometimes even agree with him. And when he mentioned he felt inferior to his brother, he felt Antonio give his hand a loving squeeze. Lovino felt himself smile a little bit, but pushed it down with a blush. Why was he smiling for this stranger? If anything, it should be creepy how this guy was holding his hand like he knew him! The guy was grinning like an idiot too. Crap, Lovino probably just got caught by a pedophile. But he didn't seem dangerous, although that's probably how he pulled his victims in…

"Are you a pedophile or something?" he heard himself ask. Antonio looked down at him surprised and slightly confused.

"Pedophile? No way. Pedophiles are disgusting!" he said sticking out his tongue, as if grossed out. What a child. "I'm just helping you find your family. They're probably really worried about you."

Lovino felt himself relax. Of course Antonio could be lying, but it just didn't seem like it. Lovino, for some odd reason, trusted this complete stranger. As they continued walking Antonio would ask Lovino random questions about himself. Like his favorite color, animal, what he wanted to be when he grew up, and anything else that would come to his mind. Although Lovino loved the attention it was starting to get incredibly annoying.

"Antonio! Where the bloody hell have you been?!" An English voice sliced through the air. A few people looked over confused as a man with blonde hair and huge eye brows marched over. "We have been looking for you everywhere! We are ready to leave! Honestly, I don't even understand why you wanted to come here in the first place! Furthermore-"

"Arthur, this is Lovino." Antonio said, annoyance clear in his voice. Arthur stopped talking and looked down and the little boy that he hadn't noticed before. He jumped in surprise.

"Shit! You damn git! Why didn't you tell me there was a child with you?!" Arthur scolded. "I would've known to watch my mouth."

Lovino flinched at Antonio's glare. If looks could kill…

Arthur didn't seemed to noticed, or chose to ignore it. "So, this is Lovino… Oi! Where are his parents?!"

"We're looking for them!" Antonio growled. It sounded like a large dog, or a wild cat. Lovino thought he was imagining things. That wasn't a normal sound people made, so it was impossible for this man to have done so. Completely impossible. But why did Lovino feel afraid all of a sudden? That Arthur guy didn't look afraid at all. In fact, he looked up for a challenge. Did these two hate each other or something? Lovino could feel the tense air between them. He just wanted to find his parents! But now suddenly he was stuck in the middle of an argument between two idiots.

"Hey, you bastard! You're supposed to be helping me, damn it!" He shouted. They both jumped. Arthur started laughed, while Antonio stared, surprised. Damn him. Lovino shoved past the two adults and continued on his way, leaving them behind.

"My, looks like your mate has quite the mouth on him." Arthur said, with a snarky laugh. Antonio glared back at him.

"My Lovi has fire! Besides, at least I have a mate." Antonio said with a smirk. Now it was Arthur's turn to glare.

"I don't like you."

"Feelings mutual."


Chiara had finally finished scolding her father and consoling Feliciano after he burst into tears from the argument when her husband came walking back. She gave a small smile before looking behind him and raising an eyebrow.

"Where's Lovino?"

"Huh?" Basilio asked, looking behind him. He blanched as he noticed his son was not there. But he was just there a minute ago! Where did he go?! "I… I-I swear he was with me last time I checked!" He said, turning back to his wife. He flinched when turned around. She looked ready to murder someone. He couldn't remember the last time he saw her this mad. Romulus even looked pissed.

"You're in trouble now…" His father-in-law muttered.

"Fratello's missing?"




Antonio had finally caught up with Lovino, while Arthur had gone to round up Gilbert, Francis, and Joan. He was amazed with how fast this little Italian boy could walk. He was quick for a human. He had almost lost him, but he was adamant about staying close to his mate to make sure no harm would come to him.

"What the hell is with you, bastard… why won't you leave me alone?" Lovino demanded.

"I don't want you to get hurt." The Spaniard answered with a smile. Why did this stranger care so much? Why did he ask so many questions that he really didn't need to know? Why was he so comforting to be around? Lovino was being stupid, trusting this man. For getting this strange want to hold his hand again. It was a weird feeling. Every time he would look into his eyes he would feel frozen to the spot. He just hoped he would find his family soon. And that they were looking for him as well. He looked at all of the game stands and gazed at all of the possible prizes. The giant stuffed dogs and fruits like bananas with faces hung from the top, the medium sized stuff dogs in the back, a few had the turtles he saw earlier and of course the more likely prize for the children who tried but failed to win were cheap beaded necklaces to soften the blow of not getting a stuffed animal. Little to his knowledge, Antonio was watching him with a soft smile on his face. Lovino was perfect. He just couldn't wait until he was of age. Strange how hundreds of years seemed to fly by but these past seven years had gone by almost painfully slow. Now that he had found his mate, he was starting to become impatient. But he knew he had to wait. Although, that didn't stop him from watching over his little Lovi. Gilbert and Francis always made fun of him, but they just didn't understand that he just had to keep his mate safe!

"Lovino?!" The boy's head shot up. He let go of Antonio's hand and ran towards the older Italian woman.

"Mama!" Chiara embraced her son. Her fear and stress melted off of her by the knowledge that her son was safe.

"Who was that man with you?" She asked her son.

"That's Antonio." Lovino answered. "Hey, you ba-" He started, looking up. He was no longer there. "Where did that idiot go?"

"Heh, come on, Lovi, it's time to open presents. But don't think you're getting off easy. You had no idea how worried I was about you!" She said, standing up and taking her son's hand. Lovino pouted, but allowed his mind to drift back to the Spaniard who had held his hand only minutes before. It felt different than when his mom held his hand. He just didn't know how, but he kind of missed that feeling.


Feli ran up and hugged/tackled his brother, crying about how he was so worried that Lovino had been kidnapped or killed or taken hostage. What a pussy, Lovino rolled his eyes but lightly hugged his brother back. They sat at the picnic table while their Nonno went back to his car in the parking lot and got their presents all the while his father scolded him for not staying close.

"I'm glad you're okay though." His father said, while his brother clung to his arm. His mom stared down at the table, her face was slightly green like she was going to be sick.

"Mama! Are you okay?" Feliciano asked, worried. His mom looked up, her smile looking slightly forced.

"Si bambino, infact there's something I need to tell you two-"

"Presents!" Their nonno shouted, setting them down on the table, quickly gaining the twins attention. Their mother scowled at her father, while he looked bewildered.

"Can we open them? Can we open them?" Feliciano asked, excitedly. Their mother sighed.

"Oh, I suppose…" She said. They began tearing into their presents. Praising their new toys and games and fake praising new clothes. When they finished unwrapping and thanking the adults for the presents their mom suggested they go home and eat the cake she had prepared for them. Feliciano squealed happily and jumped up ready to go. Lovino stood up, but noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A green bag with red tissue sticking out of it. He walked up to it, pulling out the tiny card attached to the bag.

Happy Birthday Lovino

The small smile on his face got much bigger when he pulled out the tissue paper to reveal a stuffed turtle. How did his parents or nonno know he had wanted one? He held the turtle close to him as they left the amusement park and got into the car.


Chiara turned around in her seat to look in the back, at her children. Maybe this would be a good time. But when she looked back, she saw them both asleep. Lovino cuddled up to a stuffed turtle that she didn't remember them getting. It was probably his grandfather.

"Maybe we should tell them when they wake up." Her husband suggested with a smile. She nodded and grinned at her husband.

There was always time.


Oh my, God… I actually did it! I am NOT getting tired nor giving up on this story. Especially when I'm only on chapter 2. XD

I just had trouble on this chapter because honestly I found it quite boring but necessary. For you see this is still in the prologue stage. Next chapter will be when everything really starts. Which will hopefully come out much faster than this one did. Thank you for reading! Be sure to review