A/N: Just to let you know, the wolves in my story are going to be um, a bit horny I guess towards their imprints when they come of age, so yeah. If that's not your cup of tea I'd suggest not reading this fic. But I mean c'mon, who doesn't love overprotective wandering eyed sexy guys? ;) It still is rated T though, so that means no descriptive sexy-time. Unless ya ask for it~ PS, this one is slightly shorter than yesterday.

I hesitated before knocking on what I hoped was Claire's front door. I was worried about whether or not I had gotten the address right, but Freya had looked it over and assured me we had the right house. I stood there, waiting for someone to get the door. When no one answered, I knocked again, but before my knuckles came in contact with the wooden door, it opened. A woman stood in front of me, smiling politely.

"Hello. I'm Merissa, Claire's mother." I looked her over. She looked nothing like the eight year old I had met yesterday. Maybe Claire was one of those girls that had her father's features. My dad told me I resembled my mother an awful lot, but had no idea where I got the curly hair from. Sometimes I wished I looked like my dad though. He was handsome, even for an old guy. I also wouldn't have this damned red hair, and instead have his gentle brown tone. I looked up at Merissa.

"Nice to meet you, um, Mrs.," I smiled, though it felt a bit forced. "I'm Laylei."

"Oh, please, call me Merissa. Gosh, Claire's been talking about you so much. She'll be glad you came over." Now that, I doubted. I met the girl yesterday, she couldn't possibly like me that much. "Claire, honey, come on!" She shouted, and Claire ran down the stairs wearing a cute pink dress with a flower in her hair. Eh? Was I supposed to dress up for a tea party? I didn't know, I've never been to one. And why'd she make Claire come all the way down here? I could have easily come up. I must have showed how confused I was by the look on my face, because Merissa smiled easily but tilted her head.

"What's wrong? Aren't you ready to go?" Claire's face looked a bit mischievous from behind her mother.

"Go?" I echoed, blinking. "Go where? Where are we going?"

"To… La Push. For Claire's birthday…" Merissa extended slowly, talking to me as if I were a damn mental patient. What the hell is a La Push? It sounded French. Nobody told me about it being Claire's birthday either. Or, she didn't tell me. Isn't that something you tell people? I didn't know. I don't tell people about my birthday. I'm starting to sound like a broken record…

"Birthday," I repeated. "As in, a birthday party?"

"I know I said tea party," Claire smiled deviously. "But I also knew you wouldn't come if I told you it was my birthday party. So, I didn't." She crossed her arms.

"And," I continued, "We're going somewhere for this?" Claire huffed.

"Yes, yes! Now come on, Aunt Emily made me a cake and it's chocolate! I love chocolate cake." She confessed to me as she dragged me out the door and into their car. Merissa slid into the driver's seat and turned on the radio as we hit the road. I didn't mind that I was in a complete stranger's car, or that Freya had no idea where I was. The only thing I had a problem with was the cake. Chocolate?

Eww. No thank you.

We parked in front of a house that had cute little windchimes near the door. I liked windchimes. Climbing out the car, I decided to take my hoodie off. It was actually warm near the French sounding beach, and I for one wasn't about to overheat and pass out. I rolled my eyes softly at myself. I was beginning to sound like one of those crazy people that talk to themselves. Oh… right.

"Claire-bear!" I heard a voice yell with excitement, I turned towards him, not surprised that it was Quil. He scooped her up and hugged her tightly. Huh. I guess they weren't siblings. Isn't it strange for a grown man to hang out with an eight- excuse me, now nine- year old girl? I dunno. I'm not a fully grown male. Claire giggled.

"Put me down, Quil! I brought Laylei!" Quil's eyebrows furrowed, as if he had forgotten who I was. I didn't blame him. My face wasn't very memorable. He glanced over at me and must have recognized my face, or just pretended to, at least, because he said hey and we went inside. Another woman, who slightly resembled Merissa smiled at me welcomingly. I noticed she had long scars traveling down her cheek, but I decided not to dwell on that too much. I knew how it felt to have people look at you funny, and I wasn't sure she'd appreciate it that much. I assumed she was Emily, as I recalled Claire mentioning something about an Aunt Emily. She didn't seem to mind my slight wonder with her face, however.

"Hey there, I'm Emily," She told me gently. "And you are?" She asked, smiling.

"I'm Laylei," I introduced, before scanning the room. Holy shit, there were a bunch of guys. Big guys, like Quil big. They all looked at me, before forgetting about me entirely. I glanced them over, uncaring whether or not they saw me do so. I briefly made eye contact with a few of them, until a pair of warm brown eyes stopped me. They all had brown eyes, so I don't know why I was so taken with his. They were cinnamon shaded, framed by dark lashes. He had inky black hair that was slightly disheveled and could probably use a trim. His skin was a bit lighter than the others, but not by much. He looked to be about twenty or so. As I looked him over, I noticed the room had gone quiet. He was just… staring at me. One of the bigger guys said something about how unfair it was that the pups got some. I didn't question it.

"Umm…" I mumbled, scratching the back of my neck and trying to think of something to say. "Hey."

Excuse me while I go drown myself in my own stupidity.

Hey?! You don't say hey to a guy who's currently looking at you like you're the fucking universe. I wasn't very experienced with guys, considering the only ones I've ever talked to were my dad and that pedophile Quil guy, but I'm pretty sure if you say hey after saying hey a minute ago they're gonna give you a look and slowly ignore you. I glanced back up at the guy's face and noticed he was still staring at me in awe.

"Hey!" He smiled brightly, revealing a set of perfectly straight, white teeth. "I'm Collin." He nearly rammed into me in an attempt to get closer, causing some of the other guys to guffaw loudly. He glared at them. I noticed how tall he was compared to me. Collin was probably about 6'3, whereas I came in about the 5'2 range. He wasn't as muscular as some of the others, but he was leaner. He turned back to me and smiled again. "Come on, come with me!" He took my hand surprisingly gently and led me outside. He walked aside the beach holding my hand and swinging them around as if we did this everyday. I pulled my hand away uncomfortably. Collin's face looked pained, as if he couldn't believe I did something so cruel. He covered it up quickly, but not quick enough for me not to notice it.

"Collin." I stated, trying to start up some kind of conversation. "What's your last name?" His eyes brightened.

"Littlesea. My last name is Littlesea." He took my hand again, unwilling to give up. "What's your last name, Laylei?"

Huh? I peered up at him. My last name? Well, my last name wasn't as near as cute as his.

"Uhm, it's Oberlin." He nodded enthusiastically. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him. "How old are you?"

"Fifteen," Collin replied easily. Fifteen? Holy shit, if he was fifteen I was forty-fucking five.

"F-fifteen?" I repeated skeptically. He noticed my flustered and chuckled softly.

"Yeah. You're about fourteen, right?" He added, a certain glint in his eyes. I nodded, and his cinnamon looking eyes darkened a bit. "That's good. We're about the same age…" Okay, this bipolar dude was kinda creeping me out. Collin cleared his throat quietly, before asking me another question.

"Do you live in Forks?" I shook my head.

"No, we're just on vacation. We'll be gone in about maybe four, three days." I shrugged as I said it, but he froze beside me, making me stop.

"Gone?" He asked huskily. I nodded hesitantly. Collin growled and his body shook lightly, and he pulled me closer to him in a hug. "You can't leave," He snarled. "You're mine, and no one is taking you away." He let go of me abruptly and ran into the forest, leaving me to wonder why the hell this Collin guy had mixed emotions, and why he would even care if I left. I just met him.

Maybe he was one of those people who got attached to someone easily. I didn't know. I wasn't him.

I did accidentally notice something though. If I put my name and Collin's last name together, it rhymed.

"Laylei Littlesea." I had giggled, shaking my head. I sounded like a stalker.

I also noticed a wolf howled later that night.