This idea came to me while watching a movie. I hope you all enjoy! x

English is not my main language, forgive my mistakes.

"Hey, princess," a gruff voice echoes in the cold December night. Robin gets even angrier. She had just left Barney's apartment because of an very stupid fight and was not at her best moment for that stupid play.

She turns around, ready to scream with that strange, but is suprised when a heavy hand throw her against the wall and an cold blade is pressed against her throat.

"You look angry, princess," he had an strong smell of beer and cigarette.

Robin is not the kind of woman who cringes over a situation like that, but that guy had a blade pressing her throat. Fear quickly spread down her spine and she couldn't stop thinking about how unnecessary that fight with Barney had been.

"I like when they're angry," he smiled.

The stranger lowered his blade when the sound of footsteps was getting closer to the alley. A man holding three heavy bags entered Robin's field of view. Her eyes met his, asking for help. But he gets even more appalled by the situation than she was and hurried steps. The stranger laughed, relieved.

The heavy hand snatched the purse from her arm and began to desperately searching for her wallet. When he finally found, emptied it into his pocket. Then, grabbed her throat and began to cut off the buttons of her coat, with the blade. Robin panicked and tried to push the man, who lost his balance and stumbled backwards. But, before she could even get out of that alley, the heavy hand grabbed her arm. Robin made an outcry of pain, which only made him laugh again. "Where do you think you're going? We barely started!"

A metallic sound echoed through the alley. Robin felt the panic in her spine increase. Were that his friends or more cowards who won't help her?

The man dropped the knife on the floor, which took Robin out of her reverie. She saw the panic that was growing inside her reflected in his face. Then she turned in the direction whence came the metallic sound. A gun - a gun that she knew very well - was pointed toward the stranger. The dim light of the moon illuminated the furious face of the bearer of the weapon. Barney's furious face! "Easy, buddy! We can share!" The man pointed to Robin's purse on the floor. Barney made a motion with his fingers, unlocking the weapon. Robin's heart speeded up. His face was impenetrable. Completely absorbed by anger. She had seen him angry - minutes before, actually, during the stupid fight - but never like this.

"You better get the fuck out of here," his voice was cold as that night. The stranger did not think even once before obeying the man with the gun. He ran so fast that not even remembered to grab his knife lying on the ground.

Once they were alone, Barney lowered the hand holding the gun and looked at Robin - the impenetrable mask falling gradually. "Are you okay?", I am now, she wanted to answer, but her voice would not come out. She found herself running toward him, and involving him with her arms tightly as possible.

He wrapped his arms around her trembling body. "You scared the shit out of me here, Scherbatsky," his voice faltered with a nervous laugh. "You forgot your gun at the apartment. I was using it as an excuse to come after you. Good thing you taught me how to use it, right?" his voice was failing.

Robin broke the hug and held his face in her hands, looking in those blue eyes that always calmed her, but now seemed to have just come out of a storm. She joined her lips into his in a slow, deep kiss.

When their lungs begged for air, they separated. Robin smiled. "My answer is yes," she said, looking into his eyes. The smile that cut his face made her heart race.

"What? Really?" Robin could not contain the smile on his enthusiasm.

"Yes. I'm keeping this baby. Our baby...", she said, hesitating.

"Our baby," he laughed and kissed her. He would never lose her of sight again.