Phoenix's and Fate
Wow, chapter three only a year and a half after the second chapter, I'm getting better at this! No, seriously, I am so sorry about late updates. I had some massive writer's block, but this year I just cannot turn off the creative writing juices. This story is one of three HP stories I have in the works, the other two being connected as a part of a series. Either way, on with the story!
An Unexpected Spark
Draco was completely caught off guard by how easy it was to go along with the fact that he was going with Harry Potter into his house. He'd honestly never thought that the two of them would be able to be in such a predicament. Even stranger was the overall look of the house as he walked in, he wasn't sure what he'd expected when he'd walked into Harry's house, but he certainly hadn't expected seeing a somewhat scowling photograph of Severus Snape sitting on Harry's mantelpiece, It was amongst the pictures of many other people that he recognized, men and women that had fallen during the war. But the placement of it was what caught him off guard, it was placed close to the centre, alongside a picture of a man that had to be Harry's father (from their close resemblance) and three other men, all of them he recognized from various points in his own childhood. He obviously recognized Professor Lupin, as well as Sirius Black, a man he'd heard much about in his family (of course all along the lines of him being a blood traitor) and then there was that verman Pettigrew.
He'd been confused by the strange sight of the four of them together, laughing in the picture as they had stood side by side. On the other side of Severus' picture was a beautiful woman whom he could see had the same striking green eyes as Harry, and he quickly placed her as his mother. She was also laughing in the picture, eternal youth captured in a forever looping ten second enchantment. Accompanying the pictures of those dead and buried though were also pictures of the living, the wall above the fireplace was a collage of pictures of Witches and Wizards who fought on Harry's side during the war.
He'd taken in all the pictures before turning to Harry and simply asking, "How in Merlin's name did you get a picture of Snape?"
Harry chuckled to this, smiling as he sat down with Teddy remaining on his lap, though the young boy's attention never averted from Draco, whose appearance he was still mimicking. "Well, I found it among what was left of my mother's things. There was a small box of salvaged items at the back of their vault at Gringotts and that was in there, as were a few other pictures and knickknacks." He said, smiling as he remembered moving to clear out a good portion of his gold only to see the box there. It had been a gift that was greatly appreciated after the grief of the war and those that had been lost.
Draco nodded to this, staring at the picture for a moment before a familiar ache in his chest caused him to turn his gaze away. He looked to the man sitting on the couch, and the child in his lap, raising an eyebrow as he asked, "How did you come about getting Teddy? I mean aren't you kind of young? I mean I can assume you have the Weas-... I mean Ginerva's help." He even peered about looking for a woman's touch. Instead he was met with a house that was somewhat like his own, decorated only barely enough to be homely, with a few decorative quidditch paints about and various children's toys and books littered about.
He paused as Harry shook his head, "Ginny and I broke up, it's been over a year now actually. As for Teddy well, he was being cared for by your Aunt Andromeda Tonks, however she passed away about six months back, as his godfather I became his legal guardian. As for being young, we can't help certain things I guess? I mean, weren't we both a bit young to deal with some of the rubbish that was tossed our way?"
Draco nodded to this unconsciously, remembering the searing pain of the dark mark being affixed upon his arm, it had been a momentary mark of pride, until he'd been told the price he had to pay to join his father and his 'friends'. There were other things as well that he supposed he'd been too young to deal with, but what was in the past could not be changed, instead he chose to be nosy about his host.
"So, what happened between you and Ginny then? If I remember the Prophet's articles correctly you two were the couple to be. 'Love found during war' and all that." Ah yes, he remembered that article, it had done well to line his owls cage, as well as every other story written by Rita Skeeter. Many of them targeting he and his own family, the ones claiming him to be a soul devouring youth was laughable, while the others claiming him to be attempting to be the next 'Dark Lord' were simply insulting.
Harry meanwhile rolled his eyes, adjusting Teddy in his lap only to release the boy when he fidgeted, allowing him to climb down and toddle over to Draco, staring up at him with wide blue eyes, his thumb placed firmly in his mouth. He stood there like that for a moment before simply sitting at his feet, looking between the two men as they talked.
Both of them were surprised by this, Draco because he'd honestly never been around children younger than Hogwarts allowed. Not to mention those that he'd seen about in Diagon alley and in other social situations were often whiny or had the habit of bursting into tears whenever he was around them. Instead this one seemed to enjoy his presence. Harry meanwhile was astonished, Teddy had never been one to be fond of strangers, he tended to stick to their own small group, new or invading people were met with small scowls and avoidance. But no, Teddy seemed to warm up to Draco rather quickly, and for some strange reason this pleased him greatly, simply knowing that he might already have a potential friend from his past in the small town helped to lighten his mood even more.
He remembered Draco's question though, leaning back into his seat on the couch as he said, "I suppose we simply weren't right for each other. I mean, she made me happy enough, but we were too different. I'd changed the war, and she hadn't."
Draco gave a slight nod of the head to this before smirking as he said, "I can only imagine her pack of brother's were gleeful with you dumping their sister."
This earned him a small chortle, "You can say that, the older ones seemed to understand the most, even George was less angry than Ron was. Of course it takes a lot to rile him up since the war ended, it's taking him a long time to get back to normal, understandably of course. Ron though, he was pissed, still hasn't spoken to me actually. He 'speaks' to me through Hermione, usually clipped messages about how good Ginny doing with the Harpies and the Beater that she's seeing now."
"Moved on rather quick hasn't she?" Draco commented, choosing to move over and take a seat in the armchair across from Harry, not missing the fact that Teddy followed him, sitting by his legs only after grabbing a small wolf plush off the table, hugging it close as he returned to watching them.
"I guess? I can't really tell, I never really had a chance at any sort of normal relationship, the closest I got was with Cho Chang, and that certainly wasn't normal what with me being the last person to see Cedric alive. Ginny and I tried, it just didn't work, she didn't seem to understand just what I'd gone through, and no amount of explaining it could ever suffice." Harry explained, surprised by how easily he could talk to Draco, though he supposed a chance to speak to someone who wasn't Hermione was nice for a change as well.
Draco understood what he was talking about all too well, he'd had three 'relationships' that were anything longer than a one night stand. One of which being Pansy, whom he regretted completely since she was an arrogant, egotistical, bitch who seemed to take all of her mannerisms from the same psychotic book that his father and twisted aunt had apparently read. Then there was Astoria Greengrass, a woman that his mother had tried setting him up with after the war, but she'd been too young, and far too innocent a woman for him. Then there had been his strongest relationship, Blaise Zambini. The two of them had been good friends for many years, and after an interesting night in the showers during sixth year they'd become something much stronger. They had remained good friends after the war, and Draco remained in good contact with him, as the only friend from his school years that he owled on a regular basis, if at all. They'd simply realized that they had different feelings shortly after the war. Blaise wished to remain in the United Kingdom, taking up a Healing Apprenticeship, while Draco had had one foot off the island for a long time.
Blaise had also been Draco's awakening to the fact that he was at the very least, bi-sexual. While he hadn't been revolted by any of the women he'd bedded, there was certainly a stronger physical reaction to Blaise's well toned chest and body than the curvier shapes of Astoria, and as for Pansy, well he liked to blame their relationship on peer pressure and adolescent stupidity.
"So, how are Granger and Weasley? Still confusingly together?" He asked, suddenly finding himself far more curious about goings on back home than he had ever been in the past. He wasn't sure if it was some unknown longing to know about something from his younger years, or simply a need to know that the rightful victors of the war had fared out far better than those who'd made the 'right' choice far too late into the fight.
Harry laughed as he said, "Yeah, he's working at becoming an Auror, and obviously pissed I'm not there to be his partner, despite the fact he refuses to talk to me. While she's working with the Ministry, they're happy I suppose. I haven't spoken to him in a year and a half. As for her, well, she's as bright as ever, I wouldn't be surprised if she was Minister some day."
"Neither would I be, she's what the Wizarding world needs too, a bright muggle born. I honestly think blood purity is overrated." Draco said while raising his eyebrows in a mocking manner for a moment before leaning back in his chair, vaguely registering Teddy leaning against his leg.
Harry meanwhile gaped at him before asking, "Wait, what? I never thought I'd hear those words coming from your mouth, considering you called her a Mudblood in third year."
"First off, if you'll remember I was rightly punished for that, with a properly painful right hook. Also, what can I say, I'm not the same prat you went to school with. I grew up, stopped trying to walk and talk like a man who was stupid enough to allow a known killer into his home. I also took a good look at the world around me and realized how wrong I was about certain things. All throughout school I watched witches and wizards excel, despite lacking 'pure blood' while those that did have it squandered it."
"It's good to hear that you changed, you're not the only one… Of course my changes were less… grand?" Harry said while giving a small shrug of his shoulders, since his changes were anything but 'grand' to him, instead he'd thought of them as small necessary steps he'd taken to recover from the war.
"Thanks, nice to know growing a spine of my own, and gaining an opinion is a 'grand' change. So, what changed with you Potter?" Draco asked, a somewhat playful smirk upon his lips.
"Oh you know, I learned to stop whining about my past and all that had happened. I also gained a lot more respect for certain people that I'd judged simply for their house placement or simple smaller predicaments. I suppose the greatest change of all came with realizing that if I wanted a chance at a 'normal' life I needed to get away from the United Kingdom. I'd never been a fan of the attention I got, and it only got worse after the war. They all praised me, but were blind to what I'd gone through. All that mattered was that I was their chosen one, the boy who'd lived and ended the war."
"That I understand, of course I was on the other side of the coin, I grew tired of people balancing between pitying me for being the 'boy who lost his childhood to the war' and those waiting for me to wake up one day and become my father. They knew nothing of me, judging purely on hearsay, and I was sick of it." Draco muttered, rolling his eyes at the stupidity of the general public.
"So what drew you here? It seems such a random place for you."
"It's far less random than you think. My maternal grandmother came from this town. She had met my grandfather during a World Quidditch game in Saskatchewan, and it had been love at first sight. If only she'd know about the psychotic family she was getting into. How about you, how did you end up coming here of all places?"
"I came across it while looking for a teaching position, it was far enough away to get a fresh break while still close enough to come back quickly should the need arise."
"How did the your friends feel about that, or your family? Surely they must have fought you leaving." Hell, he was surprised it hadn't been plastered about the papers, or that there hadn't been an outcry from the public stopping their hero from leaving.
"Well, to be honest only Hermione knows I'm here from my Wizarding World contacts, as for my family, I barely speak them as it is."
He noticed that Draco was looking at him strangely as he said this and he smiled, "I was raised by my mother's Muggle sister and her family, we never got on that well. What with me living in a closet under the stairs up until my years at Hogwarts. They were against anything that disrupted their perfect magic free world. After I found out the truth they still never treated me right. I understand why now, but still, I have no urge to reconnect with them, and they feel the same way."
Draco stared at him with wide eyes and raised brows before shaking his head, "You mean to tell me that the 'Great' Harry Potter didn't even know he was a wizard until his years at Hogwarts? Not to mention, you were raised by Muggles? You're a Potter, one of the last-... Nevermind… So only Granger knows eh? Should I expect a pack of Weasleys to come tumbling through the floo to drag you back?" He cast a dry look towards the fireplace, half expecting it to cough out a cloud of green dust and a cluster of gingers led by a woman that frightened the ever living crap out of him. He'd seen her finish off his blasted aunt, and her sheer ferocity had struck him terrified.
"No, I knew nothing about it, I suppose that's why I'd had no problem talking to you in Madame Malkins' and why I'd been so confused as to why Ron was against anything Slytherin. I lived the first eleven years of my life thinking that my parent's had been killed in a car crash. As for the Weasley's, no, that won't happen. I don't have my fireplace connected to the floo network, and even if I did, Hermione's got instructions to not tell them where I am."
"Have you seen Molly Weasley? From what I remember of her she's a very determined woman, if she wants to find you, she will."
"I know, but for now, she's helping her family recover from Fred's death, while also helping care for her Granddaughter, she's busy and I think she'll stay that way until I' ready to talk to her. At least that was what she said in her last letter to me, they know I'm gone, they just don't know where I am." He further explained while giving a small shrug.
Draco nodded while giving a small sigh, "I'm the same way I suppose, mother knows where I am, but she's beyond talking to anyone. The war.. changed her, she's still the strong woman I remember, but she's shaken up pretty bad. Aside from that, only Blaise knows where I am."
Harry nodded to this before leaning forward slightly, "I meant what I said you know? After your trial? I'd like to try a chance at a friendship between the two of us, I think we stand a chance at being able to get along. I mean, we're not hexing each other yet, and Teddy, he seems to enjoy being around you."
Draco nodded slowly to this, looking down to the tyke who'd managed to doze off, propped against Draco's legs. "I think that we can give it a fair shot. You certainly seem a lot more agreeable than I remember, of course I was an impossible to please prat back then, and Teddy is family. So if you don't mind chumming around with a reformed Death Eater, I suppose we can give being mates a go." He said with a small smirk before remembering something he'd withheld earlier.
"I should also mention that you and I will be working together, I'm the Potions teacher at the school here in town. So it'll be nice to know a friendly face."
Harry smiled to this, pleased to know there would be someone he knew at the school as he said, "You know, you always reminded me more of Snape than your father. You may look like him, but you act a lot more like Severus than your father."
Draco started at this, Harrys words meaning far more than he realized as Draco gave a genuine smile, "Thank you, he was my god-father. A good man, and he was often the only reprieve I got while at school, especially from Sixth year onwards."
"Yeah, about sixth year-" Harry started, feeling the need to apologize for their moment in the bathroom that could have ended much more terribly than it had.
Draco caught on to this and he quickly cut him off, "Don't. I'm not mad at you, I was, furious in fact, but to be fair, I was going to use the Cruiciatus curse on you. Just next Potter? Don't use a bloody spell unless you know what it does…"
Harry nodded to this, his face heating up as he remembered the sight of Draco lying there in a growing pool of his own blood.
"Noted, I was a git that year, so much was going on, between obsessing over you and Dumbledore working me ragged with extra lessons focusing in on Tom Riddle it was such a clustered blur. Not to mention all the Ron and Hermione drama." He said while resting his head in his palms, remembering how frustrating his sixth year had been.
"Obsessing over me, Potter? I barely noticed, I was stressed as it was that year, for reasons I'd rather forget if you don't mind. Though I do remember seeing Weasley fleeing for his life from a flock of little blue birds. You know, when he wasn't locking lips with Miss. Brown, or mucking up your Quidditch games." He had a familiar smirk in place as he said this, remembering the little rhyme that unfortunately got turned on him later in the year.
"Hey, he's a good player." Harry countered, looking up from his hands with a displeased little look upon his face. Despite the fact that they weren't talking Ron was still as close as a brother to Harry.
"Oh sure, when he didn't have his head up his arse. He was far too easy to distract, much more concerned with how he looked, rather than playing the damn game. Not to mention the fact that everyone and their mother knows that Granger confuddled McLaggen during the tryouts. Not that I blame her, that pompous fool had an ego big enough to fill the Slytherin dungeons, but he was still a better Quidditch player than Weasley."
Harry opened his mouth to counter before simply nodding his head in agreement, "Yeah well, it's not Ron's fault he was the youngest of a group of highly successful and bright brothers. Not to mention being friends with an unfortunate attention magnet, and falling love with the Brightest witch of our age."
"True, he made prefect though, how he did so I'm not sure. I always assumed it was favouritism, or the fact that he always was involved in your escapades. Honestly I thought you should have been prefect with Granger."
Harry gave a nervous chuckle as he heard this, running a hand through his hair as he said, "Actually, I wasn't chosen for prefect because Dumbledore didn't want to put any more attention on me after Fourth Year's end, I wasn't exactly the most popular kid that year. So he chose Ron instead."
"Yeah, that makes sense, Fourth Year did have a rather rough end. As for fifth year, well I may have been part of the Inquisitorial Squad but that wretched toad still drove me nuts. That and you and your ruddy group with the room on the sixth floor. We damn near drove ourselves mad trying to get in there, I will say I totally deserved that nasty little hex that Ginny used on me though." He shuddered at the memory, Weasley or not, the women from that family were certainly something to be feared, and in his opinion Hermione fit right in with them.
Harry gave a small smile to the memory, "Yeah, everything kind of went downhill after that though didn't it?"
Draco nodded to this, honestly after fifth year his happy memories of school all but ended, spare the moments that he shared with Blaise. He tapped his knees with long pale fingers for a moment before Harry suddenly spoke up, "Enough with that though, fresh starts right? I'll tell you what, how about I get this little one off to his nap and then perhaps we can have some tea? And maybe a game of wizards chess?"
Draco smiled to this as he said, "That sounds like a capital idea, I can't remember the last time I had a fair game of chess. I usually just played with either mother or the house elves, and they always let me win. As for my housemates, well Blaise was the only one who offered a fair challenge. I must admit though, I always wanted a chance to challenge Weasley, especially after hearing about his feat during first year. I've played Mcgonagall myself a few times during my many detentions and each time she wiped the smirk off my face."
Harry chuckled to this, moving from his seat as he walked over and bent down at the knees, carefully scooping up Teddy in his arms. Teddy's hair had faded to a light brown colour in his sleep, freckles scattered across his cheeks and his face still rounded by baby fat. Draco watched Harry as he picked up the boy, his eyes catching the other man's for but a moment. Harry gave him a small crooked smile before walking off, Kreacher meeting him halfway down the hall with a soft pop, his small rough voice coming out in a whisper that was reminiscent of sandpaper against bark.
Draco watched this before exhaling quietly, unaware that he'd been holding his breath since he'd locked eyes with Harry. Just that small moment had reminded him of the strange feeling he'd last had when their hands had touched at the Ministry, a fluttering skip that he was unaccustomed to, but all too familiar with when it came to the 'Boy who lived'. There had been other moments he'd felt it, first year seeing Harry catch the remembrall triumphant in his brilliant flight, fourth year seeing him come down into the Yule ball in his dress robes, fifth year witnessing his fierce determination when it came to outwitting Umbridge and protecting his friends. Sixth year he'd been far too wrapped up in his own foolishness to notice such a thing, and their interactions had been so rushed and filled with fear that Draco liked to try and forget the whole debacle. Then there was seventh year, he'd known it had been Potter that day at the manor, and he'd told the truth to the Ministry. He'd wanted him to win, but it had been more than that, he'd felt the feeling once more when catching those brilliant green eyes that betrayed so much of the man. They had shown his blind fear in that moment, and Draco had known that he'd had to protect him. So, he had, and he'd given up the only one whom he'd know would not be killed immediately.
He'd honestly wished many times that he'd taken a step, made a choice that day, chosen to go with Potter and the others. But he hadn't, he'd chosen to be the man his father could never be, staying to protect his mother. In the end they had protected each other, she lying to the world's most skilled legillmens, and he staying behind and giving up far more than he'd ever truly intended to give in his father's war.
What his recurring feeling meant in regards to Potter, but as he watched him walk back down the hall of his one level house Draco was sure of one thing, he was looking forward to getting the chance to know the man now that the threat of the Dark Lord Voldemort was gone. Perhaps without the looming threat they could find their own form of friendship in the peace left behind after the war.
Oh, I love this chapter, I really do, and it's going to hurt like hell to write onwards, because yay! They're getting along, but you know, no such thing as happily ever after :D
Read, review and all that jazz!