A/N : Sorry this was late but I was suffering from a busy holiday and writers block. This chapter isn't as good as usual in my opinion but hey, I hope you enjoy it. Warning: Pure fluff ahead.

"Why is it that the whole team knows? Why did you tell Stark?" She muttered furiously when she eventually caught him trying to hide.

"To be fair, I think I had a concussion and I almost got him killed because I was so busy thinking of you and the baby and what it will be like. He asked me why I was so distracted and it just slipped out, I'm sorry Tasha," he rambled.

Natasha rolled her eyes, shaking her head at him. There were times where she wanted to hug him tight and others where she just wanted to slap him.

"So, you told Stark because, you were foolish enough to get distracted, even though I asked you not to?" she half asked half stated.

Clint bit his lip; he now realized what a lame excuse that was. He nodded and she let out a sigh. She turned around and walked out on him. Clint heaved a heavy sigh; a silent Natasha was never a good thing.

Clint followed out after her but spotted Tony having a chat with Steve nearby. "Oi, Stark!" he shouted and they both turned around. Tony looked guilty as Clint raced toward him.

"I told you not to tell anyone," he mumbled angrily.

Steve looked between the two men and awkwardly waved. "Uh, I'll see you later, Tony. I think I heard Bruce calling me," Steve whispered before walking off. Tony nodded in the Cap's direction though Clint paid no attention to him.

"I'm sorry, I was talking to Steve and he mentioned that you were acting all different and it just slipped out."

"Tony, you idiot."

"But you still gotta' love me, right?" he said, raising his arms out.

Clint raised his eyebrows at him.

Tony's arms dropped and he looked at him in mock hurt. "Just make it up to Tasha, bring her chocolates or something. It always works with Pepper," Tony advised him.

Clint scratched his head, "Natasha isn't like other girls, I doubt that would work."

"Well, work something out, you know her better than anyone. I've got work to do anyway, upgrading my suit. Good luck," Tony smirked before setting off to his lab leaving an annoyed Clint alone.


Since the incident Clint had been treating her like she was the Queen of England. She woke up to her breakfast being made for her and a hot bath ready. She had been taken off field due to the fact she was expecting. It was unlike other jobs where you could still work until a certain amount of months into the pregnancy, Natasha's line of work was dangerous for a baby.

She didn't particularly like being dependent on someone but she knew it was Clint's way of making it up to her. She decided to forgive him before he cooked for her again. She cringed, he tried hard but his food was always burnt to charcoal. She smiled fondly, despite herself.

She remembered the first time she had kissed Clint. She recalled how surprised she was with herself; she never thought she would have felt love for Agent Barton. It taught her that things never ended up the way you expected them to.

She remembered herself standing outside. It was New Years day and fireworks painted the sky with bright colours and patterns, Clint was close beside her as the cold air nipped at them. It was the day that Tony had decided to propose to Pepper in front of everyone and she shouted a very enthusiastic 'Yes'. Natasha had smirked at the scene and retreated outside, but Clint had followed her. He asked her if she ever planned on getting engaged and she looked at him in bemusement.

'Love is for children,' she had said.

'It doesn't have to be,' he responded and that was when it had happened. Their first ever kiss.

Snapping out of her flashback, Natasha went to find Clint.

She discovered Clint sat on the sofa, watching a Sherlock Holmes movie. The man playing Holmes reminded her lot of Tony.

Natasha sat beside Clint and he smiled.

"I forgive you, Clint. You do know that right?"

He turned his full attention to her and looked extremely relieved. Obviously he didn't know.

"Thank you, Tasha."

The corners of her mouth twitched up into an uncontrollable smile as he put his arm around her.

"You know what I want to call the baby if it's a girl. Hattie," he joked.

"Hattie? I will kill you before you name our child Hattie," she retorted.

"What do you think it will be? Girl or Boy?" Clint asked, feeling a rush of excitement.

"Something tells me it'll be a girl," she said slowly.

"It must be then. You're never wrong."

She let out a laugh and then her face went blank.

"I was meaning to tell you that in two weeks time I'm having the first ultrasound," she informed him.

She seemed tense, almost fearful, and without thinking he asked, "Ok. What are you scared about?"

She looked at Clint in mild surprise. She still got surprised at how he knew her so well and could read her like an open book. She used to be wary of the fact. At first she had thought that wasn't good for someone who was a spy, being easy to read. Though, she soon found out no one but Clint could really see her for what she was. She still hadn't figured out if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Nothing," she said but her voice cracked.

"Tell me?"

"I'm scared something will go wrong," she whispered so quietly that Clint had wondered if he imagined her saying it.

"I promise you that everything will be fine."

When they lie together in bed that night, Natasha was lying on her side. Clint placed his hands onto her small but growing bump and rested his head on the nape of her neck.

"Thank you," he whispered drowsily. Natasha was about to ask why he was thanking her when she heard the heavy breathing of her partner. She couldn't help but smile as she closed her eyes.