Disclaimer: I don't own my little pony and Naruto

Summary: Naruto loses his memory after his battle with Madara, but not only that he got sucked to another dimension, how well will he fare in the land of Equestria.

Naruto stared at the man that was laying on the ground before him. They were in the middle of the torn lands of a wasteland with the rain pelting on the countless bodies that littered the grounds around them, as well as his comrades and friends, all of them who had come and tried to end this war and defeat the mad man that wanted to control the world. He had planned to use all of the Bijuus power to form the Juunbi and use its power rule the elemental nations by submerging them in an everlasting illusion. Naruto had changed much over the years. He was standing at a height of 6'2, a height he would've been happy to gloat to his friends if he had the chance. He let his hair grow out until it reached his mid back. He wore a red cloak with black flames licking the edges. He had a Jonin vest that was littered with holes, tears and cuts. He wore a dark blue long sleeve with dark blue pants and a pair of black strap sandals. Naruto kept staring at the man, ignoring the rain that washing over them.

"So it is just you and me, Jinchuriki." Madara was panting as he tried to get back up but was pushed back down as Naruto slammed his foot onto his chest, electing a gasp of pain from him.

Naruto stayed silent as he kept the man from moving, he can still remember how it all came down to this. It's been five years since the war started, and so much has changed since the start of the war but he can still remember it clearly to this day. It took a year just to stop all the undead ninjas from coming back. Thanks to Itachis help, they were able to stop the Edo Tense except Madara, who did not dissipate as well, who disappeared later on in the battle, but there still was the problem with the Zetsus. No matter how many they took out, they still kept coming. The next couple years were spent trying to find the location of the Zetsus as they were becoming harder and harder to push back since they were able to take forms of allied ninjas. They were able to capture the black Zetsus, thanks to the Hyuuga's. The information they extracted from him was vital to finding the location of the ever growing Zetsus but they also found some things about Madara as well. It seemed that Madara had alternative plans for the Bijuus other than forming the Juubi and creating the infinite Tsukuyomi. As they were going to find out more, Black Zetsu dissolved himself before they could get any more information from him, but they already got what they needed from him and went upon searching the area. They had found the Zetsu plantation but they also found. They tried to free him but he was fused to the tree that it made it impossible for them to break him out. Yamato told them that they should destroy the tree before more of the Zetsu reinforcement arrives, that it was too late for him. They did as they were told and planted explosive tags all-round the tree along with Yamato and the unborn Zetsus. As everyone left, Yamato had set off the explosive, destroying everything in the cave. It was a victory for the Ninja Alliance but it was a small loss for Obito and Madara but they already had enough Zetsus to keep the plan going. In the end, even with Yamato's sacrifice, the battle had become a stalemate.

"Madara, tell me,is this the way you wanted to bring peace?" growled Naruto, taking shallow breaths as stared coldly at the once dead Uchiha below. Through the years, the war had changed Naruto, gone with his childish attitude, now replaced with a harden warrior.

He trained on controlling his chakra until he had full control of it. Kakashi was willing to help him ninjutsu and tactics, Gai had helped him with his physical strength and speed, and Kirābī had taught him some swordsmanship, even Kurama had helped him a little by teaching him ways on using his chakra.

It took two years but Naruto was finally ready to face Madara and Obito. Naruto and his sensei's met them, but were shocked to see that fully alice as he didn't show any signs of being under the edo tensi effects and the Gedō Mazō. Kakashi and Gai had chosen to take on Obito, Kakashi's former teammate. Naruto and Kirābī took on Madara, ready to end this bloody war. Kakashi and Gai had fought Obito with every trick in their arsenal until they finally ended him but not without a price. Kakashi had restrained Obito, while Gai released all eight gates to run him through ending both of their lives instantly, Gai wasn't the only one to die as Kakashi pushed himself beyond the point of chakra exhaustion, the continuous use the kamui and the Raikiri had taken a big toll in the battle, killing him in the process.

Naruto and Kirābī had a difficult time with Madara, the man truly is as powerful as the legends were told about him. The man had matched them with everything they could dish out. They tried to use brute strength to defeat him, but his Susanoo had taken the brunt of their attacks, it didn't help that he was very fast. Kirābī had came up with a plan to get to Madara. Kirābī went into his bijuu form,going with frontal assault to distract him, while Naruto got behind him. Madara had moved behind Kirābī and started to puncture him with chakra rods before forming his hands in a snake chains had sprouted out of the Gedō Mazō mouth, wrapping themselves around Kirābī body. Naruto wanted to help him but Kirābī had told him to stick with the plan. He attack Madara who was focused on Kirābī. Mada had felt intense, searing pain on his back which shattered his spine, as launching the Uchiha into the air. Before he could retaliate, he was again hit from behind with a volley of kicks, and then he saw Naruto in front with another Rasengan slammed into his stomach and was sent sailing down to the ground. Naruto then restraining him with his chakra chains making sure to keep his hands away from each other. He was about to go check on Kirābī and try to get the chakra rods out of him but it was too late, he was lying on the ground with not an ounce of chakra with in him.

"Not exactly, but I can't have any complications with such trash in the way of my plan." He said simply, ignoring the perturbed look on the jinchuriki's face. Naruto gritted his teeth as he just glared, but kept calm facade. "None of this had to end this way if you and your little friends had just given in, then everyone could have experienced everlasting peace."

"No, your peace would've have been a false peace. Even then you just wanted to control everyone under your illusion and become the new god." Naruto shouted angrily as he glared at Madara, but all he ever did was just looked at the blonde ninja impassively, before smiling.

"Hmph, after all this time, I thought you were just a stupid child." He said as more blood traveled from the corner of his mouth "Maybe that's why i lost to you, I forgot the first rule of the shinobi code 'A shinobi must never underestimate its opponent'."

"It doesn't matter anymore, everything you have is gone. Your army, and your subordinates, there all gone and when I finally end you, I am going to set free all the bijuu and destroy that stupid statue of yours. Face it Madara you lost," Naruto giving him a cold glare, then he started to prepare Bijuu Rasengan "May you rot in hell you bastard."

Just as he was about to hit him with the Rasengan, he felt something was pulling him from behind, when he looked behind him he saw there was a vortex, he turned to look at Madara, who was smiling.

"If I can't achieve my dream, then neither shall you." The Uchiha laughed as he watched the blonde struggle against the pull of the vortex.

"YOU BASTARD" Naruto screamed as he slammed the Rasengan into his head, killing him instantly.

Naruto tried desperately to escape the vortex but no matter what he tried, it kept pulling him in.

"Dammit." was all he said as he was completely sucked into the vortex, never to be seen again.



In a small clearing you can see three people who were standing on top of a was really interesting about them was they each had a pair of wings. The one in front of the other two seemed to be the leading of the group. She looked to be around 5'5 in height and had a pair of sky blue had a nice athletic build. she had light tan skin and magenta eyes that held determination, but what was really eye-catching about her was her hair, it was a spectrum of colors, which made it look like a rainbow that reached to her lower back. She was wearing an open sky blue leather jacket with white stripes going down the sides and a tight white and sky blue blouse. She wore sky blue track pants and had on white runner shoes.

"Now listen girls, are job is to clear these clouds out here that been covering the apple orchard for a while now. I would've done it myself but the higher-ups say you two need to meet your quota on this month." said the girl with the rainbow haired looking at the other two.

"Well, um, Rainbow dash, now wasn't a good time, I had a tea appointment with some of my animal friends, they're going to be upset that i cancelled on them." said the pink haired one of the group. She had long light pink hair that reached below her waist, and cyan blue eyes that held pure gentle innocence. She was 5'7, taller than Rainbow Dash and has fair skin and had a pair of pale yellow wings. She had figure that many women would kill to have, she had an hourglass figure with curves in all the right place. Her eyes were a moderate shade of cyan which had a sparkle in them. She was wearing a pale yellow turtleneck sweatshirt, and a long green skirt, with a pair of brown hippie sandals.

"Yeah Dash, couldn't you ask me to do this AFTER I was finished having my lunch." said the other had long pale blond hair that reached to her mid back, light tan skin and golden-yellow eyes and had a pair of grey wings. She was about the same height as Fluttershy. She didn't have an athletic build like Rainbow dash or a great figure like Fluttershy but she was still a nice was wearing a gray short sleeve dress shirt with two front pockets, and short brown cargo pants, with a pair of black work boots.

"Hey I would love nothing more than to go back to my training for the Wonder Bolts, but the guys up at Cloudsdale wanted us to finish by getting rid of the clouds here at Apple orchard." said Rainbow Dash with disdain in her voice as the two other fliers scratched their arms nervously at the thought of remedial classes.

"Oh, okay then" The Pink Haired girl squeaked out as she looked at the blonde.

"Fine" The blond-haired girl sighed knowing how time consuming that class was.

"Okay, Ditzy I want you to gather the cloud that are one the right side of the orchard." Ditzy just nodded watching Rainbow dash turned her attention to Fluttershy. "And Fluttershy I want you to take the left side of the orchard." Fluttershy just gave a nod as the rainbow haired girl turned her attention back to the both of them.

"And after you guys gather all the clouds, I'll start smashing them all, are we all clear?" They both nodded in unison.

"Good then let get this over with, the faster we finish, the faster we can go back to what we were doing."


Naruto was floating in a endless abyss as he contemplated on everything that has happened. He didn't know what to feel at this point. He had manage to stop Madara from controlling the world but failed to save those that were precious to him.

'Hey Kurama is there anyway to get out of here?' thought Naruto asking his tenant.

'Well there is one way out of this place, but it is highly risky.'

'Well, what is it?' asked Naruto wondering how they will get back to the Elemental Nations.

'Well if I pour all my chakra into your system and then focus at one point, will it will powerful enough to open another portal out of here'

'That doesn't sound so bad, why did you say I wasn't going to like it?'

'Because if do so the process will change you into a bijuu and the chances of opening the right portal to our world is one in a million and also there is a chance that we could die.'

'And the chance of getting the right one to our world is zilch, huh?'

'Yep, but do you really want to back anyway?'

Naruto didn't say anything for a minute as he pondered his options, going to an entirely new world was probably be better since he doesn't has nothing left for him in his world.

Naruto didn't say anything for a while, then he thought 'Does this mean I'm going to turn into a giant chakra beast if this works?'

'No, you will still keep your human form, but your strength, speed, agility and you will have all of my chakra.'

'But Kurama, what will happen to you?'

'I will be nothing more than a living conscious in your mind.'

'Well that sucks but at least I won't be totally alone.'

'Naruto get ready, were about to begin'


'Yeah Kit?'

'Thanks... for everything.'

'No problem kit.'

With no other word they started the plan, Naruto started to feel Kurama's power started to course through his whole body before it all started to focus around his stomach, he even expected it to hurt, but he didn't expect it to hurt this much. He wanted to end it so badly, just to get away from the pain.

'Just hold on a little longer, kit were almost there.'

Then Naruto saw a portal started to open up. It started to pull him until it finally touched him and with that he was gone.



"And... done" Rainbow Dash stated as she punched right through the last one of the clouds.

"Oh good" Fluttershy said quietly looking over to her blond friend.

"Finally." Ditzy stated happy to finish the job.

They were about to go back to what they were doing, but were stop by a thunderous roar from up above, they looked up seeing a multicolored vortex open and a flaming object shoot out and head straight into the Everfree Forest.

"Whoa did you guys see that?!" screamed Rainbow Dash.

"Y-yes." said Fluttershy quietly scared as she hid behind Ditzy.

"No Dash i was busy looking at the thing falling from the sky." Ditzy said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Well then let's go check it out then." Rainbow Dash started to fly off not giving either of them a chance to answer, heading to where object had crashed.

"Come Fluttershy, let's go after Rainbow dash before she gets in trouble" said Ditzy

"I, um, I am got to go, I um have some very important things to do, um ,yes so I need to do those important things, now, I mean if you don't mind." Fluttershy said backing up, absolutely scared of the thought of going in to the Everfree forest.

"Oh I see." said Ditzy giving Fluttershy a blank stare. "So you find whatever you doing more important than making sure that your friends are safe?" she said but before Fluttershy could retort, Ditzy went on "No don't say it, I'm sure whatever you have to do is more important, than making sure that Rainbow Dash is okay, even though she is going into the very dangerous Everfree forest where the chances of her getting eaten is very high." Ditzy said in a sad voice before she turned around to hide her smirk knowing the poor girl conscious would get her to come with her.


(Everfree Forest)

"You're so mean Ditzy." Fluttershy huffed, as she and Ditzy flew behind Rainbow Dash. Thankfully the object didn't land to deep into the Everfree forest, so they were mostly safe from the more dangerous animals that lurk in the untamed habitat.

"Aww Fluttershy you know I'm not mean, I'm just very... persuasive, hehe." Ditzy a giggled a bit as Fluttershy just gave a small huff of disapproval.

"Aww Fluttershy, don't be mad." said Ditzy as she wrapped an arm around Fluttershy "Okay, how about this Fluttershy, what if I helped you take care of your animals on my day off and I'll even bring Dinky if you want, as a way to apologize for tricking you like that, hmm?" said Ditzy hoping the shy girl wouldn't take offense to her .

Fluttershy still didn't say anything but Ditzy saw a twitch from her wings showing she was listing, so she needed one more incentive.

"And I will also bring you your favorite muffin."

"Do you promise?" asked Fluttershy finally answering her.

"I promise."

"Okay, I forgive you." Fluttershy gave Ditzy a small hug as they both watched the Rainbow beginning to slow down.

"Hey girls, where almost there." said Rainbow Dash as they were starting to see the crater from whatever crash landed.

They started to descend near the crater, as they got closer, they started to get a better view on what was inside of the crater.

"I can see something inside the crater, it looks... like a person." said Fluttershy as she looked deeper into the crater, then she gasp and covered her mouth in shock at what she saw.

"Hey, what's wrong Fluttershy?" asked Rainbow dash seeing her shocked face.

Fluttershy didn't say anything, she just pointed in the crater. They turned their attention to where she was pointing at, and what they saw shocked them. In the crater they saw young man with blond hair, three whisker marks on his cheeks, who seemed to be around his twenty's, was hurt and was covered in deep gashes and blood. His right arm seemed to be bend out in an odd angle. Most of his clothes were destroyed, except for his headband, that had a leaf on the front and thankfully, his pants were still there, but they were barely hanging on to him though.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" screamed Fluttershy, being the first one to break out of her shock; she flew down into the crater. Sitting next to the young man, she ignored the blood that was on his chest as she pressed her head on it. She prayed to Celestia that he was still alive.

'Please, please still be alive.' pleaded Fluttershy hoping to hear a heartbeat. As if her prayers had been answered, she heard a soft heartbeat, it was faint but it was still there. "RAINBOW DASH, DITZY, come and help me, he's still alive." Fluttershy screamed aloud as she tried to pick him up, the two finally snap out of their shock thanks to the pink haired girl and went down to assist Fluttershy get him out of the crater.

"Oh man, we have to get this guy to the Hospital." said Rainbow dash as they gently pulled him out of the crater.

"Yes, Rainbow dash, I need you to go get Applejack and tell her to bring the cart over here quickly" Rainbow dash nodded and flew off to go get Applejack.

"Ditzy, I need you to go get a first aid kit quickly." Ditzy gave a salute and flew off.

Fluttershy was now left all alone with young man.

'I have to stop the bleeding, oh I wish that Ditzy would hurry with those bandages.' thought Fluttershy. She had no choice but to rip off the sleeve of her sweater. She wrapped the sleeve around his arm, after she took off his headband, but when she did a card fell out. It had a picture of him on it, she could not read what was written on the card.

After a while Fluttershy started to smell something awful and then started to hear some growls. She looked out to the forest and saw something that made her freeze in fright. There were wolf like creatures that were made out of wood with glowing green eyes. They were looking at them with hungry eyes.

"Ugh, where am I?" asked a voice, it startled Fluttershy; she looked down and saw that the injured man had woken up, his deep cerulean eyes looked at her with curiosity and pain.

"Oh my goodness, you're awake." Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief "Don't worry sir help is on the way."

"Thank you, but who are you?" he asked

"My name is Fluttershy."

"What a nice name." Naruto said making Fluttershy blush a little. He started feel his eyes starting to get heavy.

"I would ask you more question ms. Fluttershy, but I just feel so tired right now." whispering the last part as young man started to close his eyes

"Wait sir." but it was too late, he already closed his eyes, though thankfully he was just sleeping. Just as Fluttershy was going to try to wake him up again, she started to hear a cart being pulled. She looked at the direction to where the noise was coming from, their she saw her friends coming one girl was riding a horse that was pulling a cart, Rainbow dash and Ditzy were flying right next to it.

"Whoa this guy looks more worst than a rundown old barn, what in tarnation happen to this fella?" asked the new girl as she got off her horse after reaching to where Fluttershy was and ran to where she was. She had long blond hair that reached below her waist, which was tied in a ponytail and was standing at a height of 6'0. She had tan skin, emerald eyes and three white freckles on each cheek. She was wearing a red plaid shirt and had a brown sleeves open leather vest which had some tassels on the front and a pair of brown worker gloves. She had blue shorts and brown cowboy boots which had some apple design on the sides.

Ditzy flew past her and went to Fluttershy and gave her the bandages, which she started to wrap it around his wounds.

"No time to explained Applejack, he lost a lot of blood, we need to get him to the hospital." said Fluttershy.

"Rainbow Dash, open the cart so I can put him in the back." yelled Applejack, gently picking up the young man. Rainbow dash did was she was told and moved out the way when Applejack came through. She laid the man down on to the cart, as Fluttershy climb into it, staying next to him.

"Okay gals, let's go, Hiyaa." screamed Applejack.


(Appleville, Hospital)

Nurse Redheart was having a slow day, nothing too exciting seem to happen in Appleville, but she was thankful for that though. She thought it was going to be same like any other day until someone or someone's busted through the doors and started to screaming. Her first reaction was to kick the idiot's out until she saw the person they were carrying. She never saw anyone that injured before here in Appleville. She immediately started to call for the Doctors and other nurses. They came quickly bringing with them a stretcher, and took him into the ER.


It already has been a few hours since they took him to the ER and have not heard anything on his condition yet. They were all in the waiting room, Rainbow Dash was pacing around, and Applejack chose to take a seat, as well Fluttershy and Ditzy who've already fallen asleep from the long wait.

"What in Celestia 's name is taking them so long?!" screamed Rainbow Dash, startling the sleeping duo.

"Calm down Rainbow Dash, i know anxious and all, you gotta be patient. The fella was in pretty bad shape when we brought him in." said Applejack reading through one of the magazine that was in the lobby.

Rainbow Dash just growled and went to take a seat. After a couple of more minute, the doctor finally came out from the ER. The girls got out of their seats started asking if the young man was ok.

"Ladies, ladies calm down everything is fine, the patient is just sleeping now" said the doctor as the girls finally calm down "It was touch and go there for a minute for the patient but he pulled through." the girls were all relieved about the news.

"Who was the one administer the first aid?" he asked, Fluttershy raised her hand shyly "You should be proud young lady, its thanks first aid and you girls quick transportation that he was able to make it through, when you guys brought him well... let just say he is very lucky to be alive right now." said the doctor, but he frowned a bit.

"What's wrong doctor?" asked Applejack.

"Well when we trying close his wounds something really strange happened."

"Like what?" asked Ditzy

"I'm still not sure if it really happen or my mind was just playing tricks on me from the stress, but it looked like the wounds were already closeing by itself."

"Well that's weird." said Rainbow Dash

"Indeed it is." agreed the Doctor "Anyway does anyone know who the patient is?" All the girls shook their head "Well is there anything that can give us a clue on who he is?" he asked, and again they all shook their heads, until Fluttershy remember something.

"W-well I do have this but it's kind of burnt and I can really read what it says." said Fluttershy as she pulled out the headband and card from her pocket, and handed the card to him. The doctor scanned it, but had no clue what it said.

"Well it seems that we have to wait until the patient wakes up, so he tell us who he is." he said as he handed the card back to Fluttershy.

"And how long will that take?" asked Rainbow Dash

"See how badly injured he was, at least 4 months, now you girls head on home you all look tired, and after this ordeal, you girls all deserve a nice relaxing rest, we'll contact you if anything changes with him."

The girls all nodded left the hospital and went back home to get some rest.


(Two weeks later)

Nurse Redheart was checking on the patient that was brought in a few days ago. When they first brought him in, he was already at death's door, but now, he looked like he was in perfect health, and it baffled the doctors to no end. It would've looked like nothing happen to him, if it wasn't for the fact he was still covered in bandages and cast. She was about to leave when she started to hear groaning from behind, when she turned, she was shocked to see the patient starting to wake up.

"Oh my gosh." said Nurse Redheart go outside "Doctor, Doctor."

"Yes, nurse Redheart what the problem?" he said as he started to come from around the corner.

"The p-patient, he's awake"

"That impossible!, how can he be awake?" said the doctor, surprised by this new information "He should have been out for months, it only been two weeks." he said "Well I'll go check on him, while you contact those nice young ladies that helped him and tell them that the patient is fnally woken up." she nodded and left.

They walked back into the room, when they got inside they found the patient standing upright, and looking around the room.

"Hello sir how are you doing?" he asked.

The patient turned his attention directly at him, looking at him a little suspiciously but after a while he spoke "I feel a little sore, but other than that I feel fine."

"Hmm, really?" said the Doctor as he looked at the patient.

"Um Doctor?"

The doctor snapped out of his thoughts "Oh yes, did you have any questions?"

"Who are you? And where am I?"

"Oh yes my name is Doctor Stable and you are inside at Appleville hospital"

"By the way sir, what is your name?" asked Doctor Stable

"My name?" asked the patient confusedly.

"Yes, your name."

"I...I don't know."

"You don't know?" the patient just nodded "Do you know where you from?" A quick shake of his head was all that he got.

"Do you remember any of your family?" again another shake of his head. "Oh this is worse than I thought."

"Doctor the girls are here" said Nurse Redheart as she brought in the girls.

"You girls are here, I need your help." said Doctor Stable, walking up to them.

"What's wrong doctor?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well it seems that he has amnesia." said the doctor, everyone gasped in surprise by the news "and I was hoping that you still had that card that you found on him."

"Oh yes here you go." said Fluttershy as she pulled out the card from her pocket, and handed it over to the doctor. The doctor took it and walked over to the patient.

"Thank you". he said handing the card to him, who looked him wondering why he gave it to him "Tell me, can you read what's on the card?"

"Um, Yes"

"Good, good" said the doctor happily after finding a breakthrough "Can you tell what it says?"

"Sure." he said as he started to read the card "It says 'Naruto Uzumaki'" then after he said that he started to look at the card more intensely. He started to feel a migraine until to become painful as he started to hear voices. He grabbed his head trying to ease the pain. Everyone started to worry and were going to help him until the doctor stop them.



'My name is Naruto Uzumaki the next Hokage, believe it.'

"I...I remember, my name is Naruto Uzumaki."

AN: Well here it is the first chapter The Lost Bijuu of Equestria. This is by far the longest chapter I have ever made. I would like some suggestion on what kind of special traits I should give for the unicorns in their human forms, something that doesn't have horns or changes to their eyes and hair. Also there is one more spot left open for the harem, I'll will put up a poll for you guys to vote on who should it be. Just encase you guys didn't get a good image off what the girls look like, there are some links to what look like on my profile. Anyway Read and Review :)