Shawn Spencer's...
Chapter 2

Shawn and Declan had be reunited at last. They had cried together in the entrance of the SBPD for ten minutes, before Shawn pulled away and finally got a good look at his sister for the first time in twenty years. He realized that him and her both had the same eyes. Then he realized something else.

"Dad, I got to call Dad!" he said to Declan.

"Dad? He's still here?" asked Declan, nervous that her dad would become angry or saddened when he saw his little girl after twenty years.

"Yea... You know he never truly gave up looking for you. He was convinced that you were still alive, even after the memorial service we had for you..." said Shawn, who was on his phone and waiting for his father to pick up.

"Dad! I need you to get down to the station right now. Your right across the street? Are you at the bakery? Ok, will you pick up a blueberry doughnut with strawberry icing on top with sprinkles? It's for a... friend. Please Dad, just do it... Ok see you in two minutes." Shawn said as he hung up the phone.

"You remember my favorite doughnut?" said Declan on awe.

"How could I forget my baby sister's favorite doughnut?" Shawn asked with a grin. At that moment, Henry walked through the doors and Shawn quickly hid Declan behind his back.

"Shawn, why did you want me to pick your friend up a doughnut? Who is this friend, anyway? Your only friend is Gus! And he hates blueberries!" asked Henry, annoyed once again at one of his two children.

"Dad, I want you to meet someone you haven't seen in a long time..." Shawn said, as he was pulling Declan out from behind him. Henry looked shocked at the sight of his only daughter.

"Flower?" he asked, using the nickname he had called her when she was little.

"Daddy?" Declan said in a childish voice, slipping back into her inner four year old. Henry pulled her into a hug and was saying over and over:

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it..." he whispered as a single tear rolled down his face. That's when he pulled away and lead her over to a interrogation room with Shawn right on their heels. Henry pulled out three seats and sat them around the table.

"Flower, who took you?" he asked with a certain anger around him.

"Mom had her lover set the fire and when they realized that California was too dangerous, because someone would have to see me and recognize me from the Amber Alert and missing children flyers, so they sent Mom's lover's daughter to D.C with me, via train, and I led a semi normal childhood. I grew up a child prodigy and I'm also extremely observant so I went to college at fifteen and graduate at the top of my class. I then knew I wanted to go into Law Enforcement and what better job then a BAU agent in the FBI? That's where I met my now ex boyfriend, who was my boyfriend for two years." she finished with flourish, speaking more to her family, who she hasn't seen in twenty years, then to her other family of team members. Henry and Shawn both looked murderous at the end of the story, but for different reasons.

"That cold hearted bitch!" Henry whisper-yelled into the room

"Who is this 'ex boyfriend' you speak of?" Shawn asked in his big brother tone. Declan gave Shawn a smile and pulled him up from his seat.

"Dad, I'm going to go show Shawn who my ex is ok?" she asked, in her 'I know you won't say no, so I'm going to anyway' voice. Henry wasn't paying attention her and just waved his hand at the door. Declan pulled Shawn through the door and over to where the BAU team is stationed.

"That one over there... No with the brown hair...NO! The one in the sweater vest. Yea, him." she said after Shawn finally pointed to the right man, who was in this ridiculous black in the front, white in the back, sweater vest. That's when Shawn walked right into the room and asked if Reid could spare a minute of his time to talk to him. Reid, being as clueless as ever, walked out of the room and out of the two front doors at the SBPD.

"So, your Spencer's sister?" came a voice from behind Declan and she spun around and lost her balance... And fell right into a man's arms.

"Hey, you ok?" he asked as Declan looked up to meet, in her opinion, the most handsome man she ever met with his blackish/brownish hair and blue/green eyes.

"Umm yea will be. I've always been sorta a klutz. So, uh what's your name?" she said, with flamed cheeks.

"Carlton Lassiter, head detective." he said proudly.

"Well Carlton Lassiter head detective," she said with a grin,"It's very nice to meet you, I hope we meet again..." Declan finished as she was pulling away from his arms he still had around her. She soon walked out of the building with a look over her shoulder and when she saw him looking at her she smiled and walked out of the SBPD, to look for her brother.