Hi guys! I have seen Rise of the Guardians and fell in love with it, so I decided to make a Fanfic, but I changed it so Sophie is now four years older than Jamie. Jack and Sophie won't be together, I think, but leave a comment of what u think!

Hope u like it!

Enjoy! ;)

Sophie sat by her writing desk, her back curving and her head in her hands. She hated to do homework; it was the most painful thing to do. Her mother was used to yell and argue about how important it was to do homework, but Sophie never listened.

She was now thirteen, and had started in 8th grade. Her birthday was December the 25th, so her parents decided to put her to school a year earlier than the other kids because of her late birth. Or maybe her early birth, she was supposed to be born January the 15th, but she 'came out' too early.

Sophie was a teenager, had some friends and lived in a small town in America. This town was called Burgess and was a nice place for a family to grow up in. She had a little brother, called Jamie and was eight years old. He (unlike Sophia who had blond hair) had dark brown hair and brown, puppy dog eyes. Sophie couldn't imagine a world without him, though he could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

As I was saying, Sophie sat in her white room, while biting her pen trying to figure out a math problem when it knocked on the door. She turned around and saw Jamie run into the room. She looked surprised as he jumped up on her unmade bed and started screaming as if his pants were on fire.

"Slow down, Jamie!" she managed to whisper loud enough for him to hear, "I'm supposed to do math right now!"

Jamie instantly stopped and put his hand over his mouth.

"Oops… Sorry!" he whispered back but his eyes still shone like thousands of diamonds.

"What's going on? And try to keep your voice down; I don't want any more visitors who'll see that I'm not doing my homework."

Jamie giggled slightly and opened his fist to show her what it was Jamie had been holding on to.

It was a little, white… thing. Sophie couldn't figure out what it was, but when Jamie told her and showed his gap on his mouth, her thoughtful face turned into a bright smile.

"That's great Jamie!" she laughed and gave her brother a loving hug, "how many do you have left?"

"I think it's five or four", he answered, happy to see that Sophie was excited.

"You have to hide it under your pillow, so that the tooth fairy will come!" Sophie said and clapped her hands.

Yes, I know what you think. Sophie's a teenager, and it's pretty lame to believe in fairies, the Easter bunny or Santa, but when she was smaller, she'd seen them all with her own eyes. All her friends told her that it had been just a dream, but she knew, deep inside, that it they were real, and ever since that day, she had believed more than ever.

Sophie's clapping had made her mother (Marcia) suspicious and was now sneaking up the stairs to see what was going on. She looked into her daughter's room, and when she saw Sophie and Jamie chatting, she sighted and walked in.

"Mom", Sophie said, frightened and looked at Jamie back to her.

Marcia put her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows, almost as saying "explain".

Jamie broke the silence and jumped towards Marcia and showed his tooth.

"Look mom, I lost my tooth." He was smiling a gorgeous smile and Marcia smiled back.

"That's great honey. Go make yourself ready for bed. I want to have a little talk to your sister.

Jamie looked up at his mom and walked out of the room. Before closing the door he glanced at Sophie as if trying to say sorry with it.

Sophie shrugged and the door closed.

Marcia walked past Sophie and sat down on her bed. Sophie picked up another pen and studied it as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. After a moment of silence, Marcia sighed once more and looked over at Sophie. She didn't look back.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Sophie's mother asked and tried to get Sophie's attention.

"Like what?" Sophie snapped and regretted her harsh tone.

Marcia blinked.

"You don't do your homework Sophie. Your rating is sinking fast, and you're affecting Jamie as well."

"What do you mean with affect…?"

"You know exactly what I mean", Marcia interrupted angrily and flung her arms out, "that fairy nonsense of yours are just dreams Sophie. It was normal as a kid, but you're growing up now! There are no such things as fairies or Santa or the Easter bunny. It was all a dream!"

Sophie could feel the anger boiling up inside her.

"It wasn't a dream! I saw it with my two own eyes!" she exploded and felt the tears sting in her eyes.

"It was a dream Sophie! And dreams are only for babies."

"So you're now saying that I'm a baby?"

"Yes, maybe I am!"

A tear fell down Sophie's cheek. She wiped it away angrily.

"I promise I saw them! I swear!

"You're lying, Sophie. It was only a dream. Your imagination. They aren't real!"

Marcia's voice was now almost threatening, as if she was trying to convince Sophie that it had been a dream. Sophie was quiet now. She looked at her feet which made the tears fell on her lap. Marcia was about to go out the door when Sophie mumbled something behind her.

"Excuse me?" Marcia turned her glance to the broken teenager.

"I said; this is why dad left."

Marcia's eyes widened.

"When someone's trying to tell you something, you just stop listening and start yelling", Sophie continued.

"Stop it…"

"I saw you do it to dad all the time…"

"Shut up!"

Sophie jumped. She looked in her mother's eyes and saw the look of sadness and anger in them. Somehow, Sophie felt… better. But as she looked into those brown, warm eyes, she felt a pang of sorrow in her chest.

Marcia opened her mouth as if to say something, but then closed it and walked out of the room, down the stairs.

Sophia finally started crying. Tears were streaming down her cheeks when she threw herself on her bed and put her face on her pillow.

"I hate you", she screamed, but her shriek was subdued by the pillow, "I hate you all!"

She didn't know who she was screaming to, her 'imagination' or her mother.

She finally fell asleep, dreaming sweet dreams about her mother seeing and believing in the tooth fairy, Santa and the Easter bunny.