Disclaimer: not mine. I wish I could at least own Akashi and Kuroko :(

Pairing: Akakuro, GOM/Kuroko (I can't help but to put this in, I just love GOM/Kuroko)

Warning: MxM. you have been warned~

A/N: I wanted to read a story where Akashi made mistake, moreover it would be interesting if the mistake have something to do with love, and thus this story is born. This'll be my first KnB fic, also I'm not much a writer, so truthfully I'm a bit nervous here. Enjoy~

'...' is thought.

Edit: Beta Reader found! my wonderful new beta reader fixed all my grammar mistakes~ Big Thanks to Fangirling-girl. She will be this story beta reader from now on XD

Love comes at unexpected time, in unexpected place.

Prologue – The Bet


Akashi stared at the letter in his hand. He looked skeptically at the words 'letter of resignation' written on it. "What do you mean by this?"

His heterochromatic eyes landed on Kuroko's expressionless blue coldly. It was asking– no, ordering him for explanation. Kuroko stared back at Akashi blankly, "It's just as what's written on it, Akashi-kun. I want to quit the club."

"I know that, Tetsuya. I'm asking you why you have to do this now. We just won our third national championship, and seeing how we're in our third year already, we get only few months left until graduation", Akashi explained, raising the letter in his hand.

"Since you only need to stay at the club for few months, I don't see the need to quit the club now." he continued, before giving the letter back to Kuroko.

As always, Teiko middle school managed to won the national championship for the third time. Teiko's basketball club was famous for their extraordinary players, the regular consisting of five prodigies and one mysterious player 'the phantom sixth member' which known as the Generation of Miracle. With their overwhelming strength, no one was able to stand a chance against them, which resulted in easy and definite win.

Kuroko looked at the letter in Akashi's hand, without any movement to take it back.

"I have enough, Akashi-kun. I want to quit before I end up hating basketball."

Akashi's eyebrow twitches a bit after listening to the words coming out from Kuroko's mouth. His red and gold eyes settled on Kuroko's interestingly. "Elaborate, Tetsuya."

"It's just like what I said, Akashi-kun. I can't enjoy playing basketball like I used to anymore. I can't play with feeling like this." He answered, averting his eyes from Akashi.

'Interesting'. Akashi thought, then smirking lightly. "Is it because of Daiki?"

He saw Kuroko startled a bit. Though his expression didn't change much, it still didn't go unnoticed by Akashi keen eyes. 'Bulls eye.'

"I won't deny that, since it's one of the reasons. But, that's not all."

"Is that so? Then, care to explain, Tetsuya?"

"I can't. I'm sorry, Akashi-kun, but please let me quit the club."

Akashi didn't response. He just silently stared at Kuroko, before smiling lightly. "That won't do, Tetsuya. You can't hope to have me accept your request without proper explanation, can you?"

He paused for a moment to touch Kuroko's face and caressed it gently.

"You're mine, Tetsuya. As long as I deem you of use to me, you're not allowed to leave. You're not going to defy my order, are you?"

Kuroko didn't answer. He just let the red haired teen caressed his face. He knew it wasn't a question, —it was an order. His touches might be gentle, but every word he spoke was nothing but full of authority he must have followed.

"But, it won't be good if this problem affected your performance, so I'll give you a chance."

The sky haired teen immediately raised his head, looking at his captain's eyes, asking for explanation. It was faint, but Akashi could see the surprise look painted on his face.

He locked his heterochromatic eyes with the other's blue orbs. "I'll give you a chance. A chance to change my mind".

Akashi smiled. "Fourteen days, Tetsuya. From today until two weeks later, try your best to change my decision, by all means necessary. If you manage to change my mind by the end of these 2 weeks, then I'll accept your resignation and let you leave".

He trailed for a moment, deepen his gaze on Kuroko's, "But, if you fail, I take it you know what you have to do."

The red haired teen released his hold on Kuroko and stepped back a little, making a space between them.

"So, this bet, will you accept it? Will you not?"

Kuroko went silent for a moment before looking back at Akashi with determined eyes. "I'll accept it."

Akashi smiled, "I see. Do your best then."

He patted Kuroko's head, before turned his body and walked away. He raised his hand and waved the letter in his hand, "For the time being, I'll keep this. Don't disappoint me, Tetsuya. I'll be looking forward to it".

A smile was forming on Akashi's face as he walked. 'Let see how you'll do it. Such pointless struggle... I never lose, Tetsuya. In the end, the one who will win is me.'

He smirked lightly.

"Amuse me, Tetsuya."

A/N: so the prologue is done. I hope the start is interesting enough. Akashi seems to be super confident he is going to win. What will he do if he lose, I wonder~ Please stay tune to see what little Kuroko gonna do to change the tyrant's mind XD

Feedback would be nice, I wanted to know how I doing it c:

Thank you for reading~