A/N: Okay, I'm late again! Sorry but I'm really busy with my school requirements! Imagine I'm still going to school these days! I must be having vacation already but NO! I'm still going to school! I hate it! Oh well, let's just get on with these author's notes…

You know what? I'm really disappointed with the reviews… I only got 13?! Last time I got like 20 reviews and now it's just down to more than half… : ( I'm depressed about it until now… Maybe that's another reason that I can't write the next chapter…) Lol! Hehehe… If you promise me I'll get 20 reviews again for this chapter… Maybe I'll have the story updated again after a week which is the maximum (so actually you can already get my update in 5 days I guess). If I don't get the reviews, I'm not threatening you or anything, but I'm kind of busy with my other fanfic too so I might end this story already… But of course you wouldn't want that because Harry and Voldemort didn't meet yet! The story mustn't end without a fight, right? So I suggest to all of you that you submit a simple review to me… It wouldn't take you long… So don't you hesitate anymore! : )

To all those who reviewed previously, I'm so grateful to them! They were the reviewers that really took their time waiting for me and sending me a little note of appreciation. I love you all! Hope that I'll hear more of you soon. By the way, I need a beta reader because I'm really having problems with my chapters! They always tend to have errors! I don't want my reviewers to be bothered by them anymore so do you know anyone who might be interested? Please do mail me. Thanks.

By the way, another reason why it took me so long again is that I've been re-reading my previous chapters and I found soooo many (as in!) errors in them like misspelled words and grammatical errors so I corrected them all and re-posted them so you could read them properly now… If you want to check them out, you could. And tell me if I missed some errors so I can change them again…. As far as I can remember…. My fanfic is now REALLY lessened of errors—even error-free (I guess). Hope you're happy with that… because I am happy about that! Ū Ū Ū Another thing, I'm just curious about your answer here: is the lay-out of my story clear? I mean the paragraphs and the division of words… Just tell me in your review okay? You better take a look at the previous chapters before answering this question. Then see if your complaints before were fixed. So you really got to review! On with the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I can't believe I'm typing this statement again! The gang of Harry Potter isn't mine because they're J.K.'s. So I really don't own them, but I own the storyline and the swings at the Burrow! Lol!

Chapter 23

Problem Still Unsettled

Ginny continued to stare at the place where she saw Tommy last. I wonder where he's from, thought Ginny, feeling something strange in her heart.

Harry cleared his throat, trying to catch Ginny's attention.

"He seems to like you. What do you think, Gin?" Harry said, also looking at the direction Ginny was looking at.

Ginny turned her gaze at Harry and smiled playfully at him. "I can see someone jealous here…" She said softly, looking into Harry's guilty eyes.

Harry shifted his eyes to avoid Ginny's accusing eyes. "Hey! I'm not jealous!" He said defensively, slightly turning red.

"Really?" Ginny said in a teasing manner as she smiled at Harry. "Then what's with the red shade of your face?" She asked, giggling at Harry.

"Stop teasing me, Ginny!" Harry said as he grew redder.

Ginny laughed even more at Harry. "I love it when you act jealous but then deny it," said Ginny.

"But I told you, I'm not jealous!" Harry insisted, looking at Ginny.

"See what I mean?" Ginny said, patting Harry's cheek lightly. "You're so cute." She said as she beamed at Harry.

"Whatever." Harry said, giving up on Ginny. He really couldn't convince Ginny that he wasn't jealous. Besides, he was really jealous anyway so why say he wasn't; might as well let the truth conquer.

Ginny took Harry's wrist and looked at his watch. "Oh no!" She gasped, seeing the time. "We just have an hour left to finish our shopping before we go to the ice cream parlor!"

"That's what you get for teasing me," said Harry, grinning at his girlfriend.

"We got to hurry!" Ginny said, pulling Harry's hand instantly and dragging him to the sports shop they ought to visit a while ago.

"I'm very sorry we're late." Ginny said as she placed the shopping bags she was carrying on an empty chair. She immediately took a seat beside Hermione, looking deadbeat from all the shopping she had done.

"Where's Harry?" Hermione asked, looking around for Harry.

"There," answered Ginny, pointing to the counter of the ice cream parlor. "Ordering some ice cream."

Harry approached them shortly, carrying two ice cream cones.

"Here, Gin." Harry said, handing Ginny an ice cream cone filled with strawberry ice cream.

"Thanks," Ginny said gratefully as she took the ice cream from Harry.

"Ginny's very astonished with the Muggle shops here that we had to visit all of them." Harry said, sitting beside Ron. "She also bought all sorts of things that I didn't have enough time to finish buying things for myself." Harry added, looking at Ginny with a smile on his lips.

"You mean all of those are Ginny's?!" Ron said, looking quite shocked.

"Well, majority of those are hers," replied Harry. "I only managed to buy gifts for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley." He added with a chuckle.

"How did you manage to get that much money to spend for those?!" Ron asked his sister in disbelief.

Ginny laughed at her brother's reaction. "I didn't need that much money for all of those. The stores here are on sale so they're not really expensive…" Ginny said, still smiling. "And I still haven't finished my shopping. I still haven't bought any gifts for the two of you, Maya and Harry." Ginny added while she checked something on one of the shopping bags.

"You mean you're still going to shop for more?!" Hermione said, looking surprised by Ginny's words.

"Yes," said Ginny. "I'm planning to buy your gifts at Diagon Alley and then when I have some more money left, I'll go back here to shop again. I really love the shops here." Ginny told Hermione as she took out something from the bag. "Look, I got Dad some more batteries for his collection—and not to mention—for his flashlight." Ginny said, showing them the batteries she had purchased earlier.

"Guess what I got Dad. He's been fascinated with it since he found a broken one on one of his raids. Too bad he wasn't able to fix it." Ron said, grinning wide at Ginny. "The Muggles put it on sale so I bought one. Hermione even picked the kind that gives a cute clicking sound when you push the buttons." Ron explained, looking very happy.

Harry looked at Hermione with bewildered eyes.

Hermione gave Harry a shrug and a 'Just-Wait-And-See' smile.

"Really?" Ginny squeaked in excitement. "So what gift did you get for Dad?" She asked, looking at Ron keenly.

Ron lifted a small bag to the table and pushed it towards Ginny. "We got that from—what did you call that store Hermione?" He turned to look at Hermione for help.

"Appliance center." Hermione answered immediately.

"Yeah, that one." Ron said then turned back to Ginny. "You can take a look at it if you want," said Ron, beaming at his sister. "It's what Muggles call callutator used to compute numbers and other weird stuffs." He told Ginny.

Hermione winced when she heard what Ron called the calculator. "Ron, it's not callutator," said Hermione with an annoyed expression on her face. "How many times do I need to tell you that it's not callutator? It's cal-CU-la-tor. Get it?" She said.

"Okay, okay." Ron said smiling. "Cal-CU-la-tor." He repeated to Hermione.

"You really should have taken up Muggle Studies this year," said Hermione as she pushed a loose tendril of hair at the back of her ear.

Ron looked at Hermione with a disgusted look on his face and said, "Forget it."

On the other hand, Ginny was very happy as she pushed the buttons, making it give out a cute clicking sound every time she pushed the buttons, and Harry couldn't help but smile at Ginny. She really looked cute when she was fascinated about something.

"It's really amazing how Muggles can live without a single magic," said Ginny. "I've seen one of this on one of my Muggle Studies classes. We really had fun playing with it."

"Usually, the calculator makes use of batteries as a source of its power." Harry explained to Ginny. "It's a good thing you bought some." He added with a smile.

"I'm sure Dad will have fun placing the batteries in them," said Ginny, smiling back at Harry. "Here Ron, you can have it back already." Ginny handed the calculator back to Ron.

"So when will we go to Diagon Alley?" Ron asked curiously as he returned the calculator back in its bag.

"I've already talked to Mum and she said she'll be going there the day after tomorrow. Maybe we can go with her," said Ginny. "She's also going to do some shopping there."

"That will be great!" said Hermione excitedly. "I think we should go back to the Burrow. I'm already hungry."

"Yeah, we should go back already." Ron agreed. "I think the snow will fall any minute now." He said, looking up at the heavy dim clouds above them.

"Let's go then," said Ginny with a shiver as a cold wind blew by. "It will be awfully cold if the snow will fall and we might get colds. I don't want Mum to worry about us." She added.

"You worry too much, Gin." Ron told his sister.

"Better worry than sorry." Ginny said as she stood up to pick up her shopping bags.

"Where did you get that?" Ron asked, also standing up to help Ginny with her stuffs.

Harry also took some of Ginny's purchases, leaving Ginny with a small bag to carry.

"Thanks, Harry." Ginny said thankfully. Then she turned to Ron and said, "Get what?"

"That 'Better worry than sorry' line." Ron replied.

"Just created it. It came out of my mouth unknowingly." Ginny said with a smile. "I know it sounds really stupid." She added frankly.

"Yeah, it's so lousy." Ron said exagerratedly.

"Oh well," Ginny sighed. "At least the words rhyme." She said, smiling adorably.

The four left the village in a jiffy and headed back to the Burrow.

The snow finally fell down late in the afternoon. Harry and Ron were upstairs in their room, playing another game of wizard chess. The two girls, on the other hand, were also in their room, wrapping up the presents they had bought.

"I still don't know what present I will buy for Ron." Hermione said, keeping her already wrapped presents inside her trunk. "How about you Ginny? Do you know what present you'll give to Harry already?" Hermione turned to Ginny excitedly, waiting for her answer.

Ginny immediately blushed. "Well, I already have an idea but I'm not yet sure too." Ginny said as she finished covering the last present with a shiny red wrapping. She slowly stood up and began placing her presents inside her closet. "Don't you have any idea yet of what you'll give Ron?" Ginny asked, closing the door of her closet.

Hermione sighed. "I already have an idea but I'm not sure if Ron will like it." Hermione said, looking down.

Ginny approached her friend and held her hands with her hands.

"Whatever you'll give Ron I'm sure he'll like it." Ginny assured Hermione. "Ron loves you very much. Anything from you will surely make him happy." She added.

"Thanks Gin," said Hermione, smiling softly. "I'm sure Harry will also like your present for him. So how's Harry doing?" Hermione said.

"Huh?" Ginny said uncertainly. "Why are you asking me?" She asked, her heart speeding up.

"You and Harry seem to get along pretty well. Even though the two of you are not yet a couple, the two of you look as if you are a couple already." Hermione laughed. "In fact, if I can say so, I would say that the two of you are already a couple!" Hermione looked at Ginny for a while.

Ginny looked back at Hermione, looking into her chestnut brown eyes to see if she knew something. But it turned out that she was just trying to catch Ginny's reaction. She flashed a look of disbelief and luckily, Hermione bought it. "You're just exaggerating things." Ginny said then gave out a small smile.

Hermione smiled back. "You always say that." She said to Ginny.

"Because you always say that Harry likes me." Ginny replied, mentally sighing in relief because Hermione didn't find out. "I don't know why you keep on saying that."

"I don't know." Hermione said, shrugging. "Maybe because you're not telling me something." She looked at Ginny with suspicious eyes, trying to catch something from Ginny again.

Ginny really felt uncomfortable under Hermione's probing stare. But she was able to maintain her calm face, she really should consider being an actress someday.

"Huh?" Ginny said, trying to act innocent. She was successful because Hermione turned her look on somewhere else. If only I could tell you, Hermione… but that will be like telling my brother as well. Sorry, Ginny thought, looking at the window of their room.

"I'm sorry Ginny. I know you really want to get together with Harry but I mustn't push you like this. I'm sorry again." Hermione said. She suddenly stood up and went for the door. "Maybe I'll just go outside to give you some time alone." Without any further words, she disappeared behind the door.

Back on Ginny's mind, relief flooded her. "Thanks Hermione. You really know what I need in times like this." Ginny murmured. She walked towards the window and looked around on the once green lively fields in front of the Burrow. The whole place was now covered with snow. Everything was glistening white and not a trace of green grass could be seen. Even the weeping willow Ginny loved so much was covered with cold snow that made her tree very glittery. Her swings were still there, tied on the branches of her favorite tree—awaiting their riders with eternal patience. Beside her weeping willow, the river was also frozen hard but still it glistened like the way it did during summer. How she wished she could freeze time and make the scene last forever. It was so perfect for her; all her worries were dissolved and her heart felt like it found its sanctuary. To top it all, Ginny could see the sun half on its way in sinking down the horizon to make way for the moon. The sky was painted with red, orange, yellow and even purplish shades that made it look so warm and cozy. Even though the snow filled the whole place, the sun was still there making its splendid display like during the summer afternoons. Ginny focused her gaze on the layers of white snow; it was so inviting that Ginny wanted to lie down and sleep on those thick white blankets just to relax and let go (That will be really cold! Ginny giggled at the thought).

Her mind suddenly returned to its former subject—Harry. Maybe I'll invite Harry for a stroll on the snow outside early in the morning, thought Ginny. Maybe we'll have some time alone and I can talk to him so we can figure out the easiest way to tell Ron about us. I hope we can figure out a way to tell him soon… Ginny turned her back against the window and walked towards the door. It was time to help her mother to prepare the dinner.

Harry couldn't help but smile every time he ate his meals. The reason was a certain red-haired girl sitting in front of him that very instant. Ginny Weasley. The way her lips curled into small wonderful smiles, trying to hide the joy she felt every time she found herself under Harry's gaze. Harry simply loved the way she laughed at the twins' jokes and funny tricks, wishing he could lock her in his arms forever. It was simply torture to him. The way Ginny would try to avoid staring at Harry too much… how he loved to get lost in Ginny's warm chocolate brown eyes. She kept on avoiding eye contact with Harry because she kept on saying that they would be too obvious. Harry understood but still Harry couldn't stand it any longer.

Harry looked at Ron. He was happily eating his dinner, smiling at Hermione from time to time. How Harry wished he could do the same towards Ginny. If only they could tell Ron, it would be easier for them… much easier.

"Harry," It was Mr. Weasley's voice. Harry knew what was about to come. Mr. Weasley was going to start the 'Answer-My-Muggle-Questions-Harry' game. He wasn't in the right mood for that now. All he wanted was to have some time alone with Ginny. A walk perhaps or maybe a late evening or an early morning chat like the way they did back during the summer. He missed those times already… Even though Ginny was already his girlfriend, he couldn't even have some time alone with her anymore. Not like when they were just best friends…

Maybe we should have stayed best friends forever, Harry thought. Then I could talk to Ginny whenever I want and we wouldn't have a hard time like this. He looked at Ginny and to his luck, Ginny was also looking at him. She flashed a smile at him that made Harry's heart skip a beat. Harry felt his heart warming in joy. No, Harry thought to himself, that wouldn't do us any good. It will only hurt us more if we stayed as best friends. This is for the better…


Harry looked up to Mr. Weasley as he continued slicing his food.

"Are you all right? You seem to be deep in your thoughts that you don't seem to hear me calling your name." Harry heard Mr. Weasley say. He was looking at Harry with deep concern and Harry felt guilt inside of him. Must pay attention Harry! He scolded himself. You're going to get Mr. Weasley worry about you! Harry managed to put a smile and said, "Sorry, Mr. Weasley. I'm okay. Just thinking about my homework in Divination."

Mr. Weasley nodded. "So can you tell me the purpose of—er—what do they call them, Percy?" Mr. Weasley turned to his son for help.

"Blinds, Dad." Percy answered as he took another spoonful of his food.

"Oh, yeah right." Mr. Weasley said, nodding. "So what's their purpose Harry?"

"Umm…" Harry tried to think of simple words to string together to come out with an understandable answer. Unfortunately, he didn't find any words at all.

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley scolded. "You shouldn't bother Harry with those questions again!" She said to her husband. "He's got enough homework to deal with and I think he doesn't need another on his load." She finally turned to Harry and smiled sweetly. "It's all right Harry. Just finish your dinner so you can start with your homeworks, dear." She said.

Harry smiled back. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." Harry said. "I'll think about it before I sleep, Mr. Weasley." Harry said to Mr. Weasley.

"Thank you Harry!" said Mr. Weasley, his eyes beaming with excitement.

"You don't have to Harry," interrupted Mrs. Weasley. "I'm sure Arthur wouldn't mind." Mrs. Weasley gave a warning look at her husband. Mr. Weasley looked disappointed about it, though.

"It's all right, Mrs. Weasley. I wanted to do it anyway." Harry said to Mrs. Weasley, trying to cheer up Mr. Weasley.

"But—" Mrs. Weasley tried to argue but Harry flashed an assuring smile at her. "Okay, dear, if that's what you really like…" She said, finally giving in.

Mr. Weasley looked happy again as he finished the rest of his dinner.

After the dinner, the four headed for their rooms to prepare for bed. Ron and Hermione were very much ahead from Harry and Ginny, arguing with each other although their lips were curled in wide smiles. Harry and Ginny made their walk slower so they could increase the distance between them and the other couple ahead of them.

Harry looked at Ginny and smiled. "Did you enjoy your morning in the village?" Harry asked, trying to start the conversation between them.

Ginny smiled back and nodded. "Yes." She replied.

Harry smiled again. "That's good." He said. I should ask her if I can talk to her tonight, I really need to talk to her already or I'm going to go crazy already! Harry thought desperately.

"I missed you already. We haven't seen each other for the whole afternoon. The two of us locked ourselves in our rooms." She said with a grin. Ron and Hermione were already laughing about something; their fight had finally ended.

"I missed you too," said Harry. If only he could kiss Ginny that very moment… "Umm… Gin, can I t—" Harry's words were cut when he saw they had finally reached the girls' room.

Ginny looked at Harry and said, "So until here Harry." She extended her hand to Harry for him to shake.

Harry looked at Ginny with a confused expression on his face. What are you doing Ginny? Harry's mind wanted to speak out. Harry looked down at Ginny's hand still puzzled why Ginny wanted to shake hands with him. Then, he noticed a folded paper hidden between Ginny's fingers. Harry finally took Ginny's hand and shook it. While shaking it, he took the paper and Ginny winked at him.

Hermione entered their room a long time ago and Ron was waiting for Harry to finish talking with Ginny.

"Hey! What's taking the two of you so long?!" Ron complained. "And what's with the handshake?!" He added, looking suspiciously at the two.

Ginny looked at her brother and smiled innocently like an angel. "I was just saying good night to Harry." Ginny said; she really sounded innocent.

Good acting, Gin, Harry thought, struggling hard not to laugh. He immediately placed the paper inside his pocket.

"And what does a handshake got to do with saying good night?" Ron asked, still suspicious.

"Fred and George said it's the newest way to say good night." Ginny said, still wearing her innocent smile. "Unless you prefer that I kiss Harry good night…" Ginny said, leaning forward to Harry.

Ginny enjoyed the horror on her brother's face. "Virginia Weasley! I order you to stop right NOW!" Ron yelled.

Ginny stopped inching forward to Harry and shrugged at Ron. "Okay, so you'll just have to do with the handshake then." Ginny said, smiling at her brother then at Harry.

Harry sighed in disappointment. Why did Ron have to stop Ginny?! Harry asked his mind over and over again.

Ron's face returned to normal; his face was filled with relief. "Don't ever do that again Ginny! You scared me!" Ron said.

"I scared you just by doing that?!" Ginny asked in an exaggerated manner.

"Yeah, so don't do it again." Ron said seriously and immediately continued climbing the stairs. "Harry, let's go." He added, before disappearing to the next floor.

Ginny turned to look at Harry and grinned playfully. "Didn't know Ron was so scared 'bout that." Ginny said.

Harry smiled. "You know, you're very wicked." Harry said, still smiling.

"I know," said Ginny, looking quite pleased with herself. "Good night, Harry." She added.

"Good night, Ginny." Harry replied and turned his back to Ginny.

"Umm… Harry?" Harry heard Ginny call.

Harry turned around to face Ginny and was surprised when Ginny quickly kissed him on his cheek.

"See you tomorrow." Harry heard Ginny say before she disappeared behind the door.

"You are really wicked, Ginny Weasley." Harry said to himself, remembering the way Ginny kissed him without any warning. "Not to mention, full of surprises too." He added, smiling broadly as he went upstairs.

"Why was Ron shouting?" Hermione asked the moment Ginny appeared in their room.

Ginny shrugged. "Nothing." She said. "Just a handshake." Ginny added with a grin.

"I think it's much more than just a handshake." Hermione said, eyeing Ginny carefully.

"No it isn't." She answered plainly. "Let's just go to sleep." Ginny said then yawned.

"Are you trying to escape?" Hermione asked Ginny.

"No," said Ginny as she rested her body on her bed. "I'm just trying to have a good sleep so I can wake up early tomorrow." Very early, Ginny thought. "Good night, Hermione." She said before closing her eyes and finally letting sleep take her away.

Harry, on the other hand, was standing near the window of their room, watching the bright moon above him.

"Hey! Aren't you sleeping yet?" Harry heard Ron say. He was already sitting on his bed, wearing his pajamas.

"You go ahead. I'll just think for a while before sleeping." Harry answered, turning his gaze back at the window.

"Thinking about what?" Ron asked.

"Nothing very important." He heard Harry reply.

"Sure?" Ron said. "So what is it then? Is it possible that it's… my sister?"

Harry's heart immediately began beating faster. He turned around to face Ron. Ron looked really serious while waiting for Harry's answer. "Ginny?" Harry said, thanking that he didn't falter saying her name. "Why would I think about her?" Harry managed to say that coolly and he added—as a bonus—a confused look on his face.

Ron shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because you've been really good friends lately and you even danced with her during the ball—even though she's not your partner." Ron said, not taking his look away from Harry.

"Is there anything wrong in dancing with my best friend?" Harry asked, praying that Ron would sleep already.

"Well, no." Ron answered. "But you might keep her hopes high, Harry. I don't know if she still got that silly crush on you but if she does, she might fall deeper for you and—" Ron paused and sighed. "She'll just get hurt." Ron's eyes told Harry that he was very concerned about his sister.

"Don't worry Ron, I won't hurt her." Harry said, trying to assure Ron. "Just go to sleep." Harry added.

"I trust you, Harry." Ron said and finally went to sleep.

Harry turned his back and looked again at the moon.

If only Ron knew better. That Ginny could not fall for Harry anymore because—she already did and so did Harry…

Harry took out the folded piece of paper Ginny had given to him a while ago and opened it. He immediately recognized Ginny's handwriting and began reading the letter silently…


I was just wondering if we could have a talk. I know it's hard for us to find time (and place) where we can be alone but maybe tomorrow morning will be okay. How about I meet you in the kitchen tomorrow morning around 6:30 in the morning? I'm sure the sun will be already up by then so we can enjoy the view while we talk. We really need to figure out a way to tell Ron about us. So can you come? If you can't, I understand. I'll just have an early stroll outside alone.

Love lots,


P.S. Burn this letter after reading. Ron might get a hold of this and—I don't want to think about it anymore. Hope you could really come…

Harry placed Ginny's letter into the small flame of the candle near the window. He watched the letter crumble and turn into ashes. After that, he blew the light of the candle and walked towards his bed, wearing a smile. He couldn't wait for the morning to come. He would surely come to see Ginny tomorrow—he wouldn't let that chance slip away!

"I thought you wouldn't show up already!" Harry said, smiling when he finally saw Ginny in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry. I still had to make sure Hermione was still sleeping or she might know that I sneaked out of our room." Ginny said in a low voice. "You didn't have any problem with Ron?"

"No," replied Harry. "He's too busy with his dreams."

Ginny smiled. "So where shall we talk then?" She asked.

Harry paused for a moment to think. "How about in the riverbank? I always liked it there. Just make sure you've got your cloak." Harry said. "It might be nasty freezing out there." He added.

"Got my cloak right here!" Ginny chimed in excitement.

Harry couldn't help but smile at Ginny. She was really funny especially when she beamed at him like that. So carefree.

"So where's Mum?" Ginny asked, noticing the absence of her mother in the room. "Usually, she'll be here already, doing something… Oh well! That's better so we don't have to explain ourselves." Ginny said.

"I guess she overslept," said Harry, placing one hand inside his pocket. He offered his arm to Ginny and said, "Shall we go?"

Ginny giggled merrily as she slid her hand through Harry's extended arm. She replied, "Let's go then!"

Harry and Ginny slipped noiselessly out of the house and into the wide snow-covered fields.

Ginny took a deep breath and sighed. "It's so lovely out here!" Ginny said while she and Harry continued to walk their way to the riverbank. Ginny kept on looking around her. The snowy white grass fields, the white trees, everything was white around her. The sun was already up and she felt warmth enter her body as the sunlight touched her face. It was so relieving. She wouldn't want to go walking around here without the sun up above her—it would be really cold. She glanced up at Harry and felt her lips curling into a smile. She laid her head on Harry's shoulder and tightened her grip on Harry's arm. She was at peace whenever Harry was near her. If only they could stay like this forever—but they couldn't… nothing could last forever. That was the painful truth. But Ginny promised that she would hold on until the very end… until she arrived at death's gate.

Harry and Ginny had finally reached their destination. Harry led Ginny near the swings tied on the weeping willow. Neither of the two made any move to sit on the swings. Harry gently took Ginny's hand from his arm and held it for a while as he stared into Ginny's beautiful brown eyes.

Harry smiled at her. Ginny was simply wonderful. Her cheeks were flushed because of the cold air (Or maybe she's blushing again, Harry grinned at the thought), her fiery red hair was flowing freely past her shoulders; her eyes glimmered in a special way that could make Harry forget everything. Before he knew it, he was deeply entranced in Ginny's eyes and he was slowly leaning forward towards her, wanting so much to kiss Ginny.

Ginny didn't argue with Harry. She just stood there with him, waiting for him to kiss her. Her heart was beating so hard inside her chest.

Harry's lips fit perfectly on Ginny's lips. Cold left their bodies the moment their lips met and a spark of warmth filled both of them. Harry kissed Ginny with all the love that he had for her and Ginny did the same. Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny while Ginny placed her arms around Harry's neck. They kissed like they hadn't seen each other for a whole year.

Finally, Ginny slowly broke the kiss.

"Anything wrong, Gin?" Harry asked worriedly.

"I just forgot to breathe already," said Ginny, grinning.

Harry grinned back. "Me too. It's so amazing how kissing you makes me forget to breathe!" Harry said, still grinning.

Ginny giggled while she slightly blushed. "But you have to admit that was really… how will I describe it?" She said, looking at Harry.

Harry shrugged then smiled at Ginny. "Too wonderful to describe, right Gin?" Harry said.

"Yeah," said Ginny, smiling back. "So will we start our business?" She asked formally as she sat down on the swing.

Harry sat on the swing beside Ginny and said, "Actually I can't figure out a way to tell Ron. He's been more overprotective on you now… He's always suspecting us, didn't you notice it?"

Ginny nodded. "Yeah, I know he's really overprotective specially this vacation." Ginny said, looking worried. "I also can't think of a way to tell Ron without shocking him. He'll really explode."

"Are you giving up already?" Harry said, looking down.

"Me?" Ginny said. "No way! I won't give up! Never!"

Harry smiled. "Me too." He said. "We've come this far and I can't afford to lose this relationship." He added, looking at Ginny.

"Let's just think," said Ginny. "I'm sure we'll come out with a bright idea after some deep thinking…" She gave out an assuring smile at Harry.

"Okay." Harry said, patting Ginny's head lightly, more like a kid.

"Hey!" Ginny complained with a smile. "Will you stop patting my head like I'm a dog?!"

Harry laughed. "You're too cute for a dog!" Harry said, still laughing.

Ginny giggled. "Why thank you, Harry!" Ginny said sarcastically. "Now if you don't mind, I think we need to go back on our business." Ginny said, sounding much like a bossy Hermione.

Harry cleared his throat. "Well, I'm sorry I bothered you, Miss Weasley." Harry said, going along Ginny's game of 'Let's-Be-Serious-For-A-While'.

Ginny smiled. "Apology accepted." She said.

Time slipped by quickly and half an hour more and the whole Weasley household would be wide awake, wondering where the two went. Harry and Ginny still hadn't figured out a way but they were both very happy as they walked back to the Burrow.

"You know I really should be disappointed because we still haven't thought of a way to tell Ron but instead I'm very happy. Thank you for a wonderful morning, Ginny." Harry said as they neared the Burrow.

"Same here," said Ginny with a small smile. "We'll solve this problem somehow… one way or another." She told Harry.

"I know," replied Harry. And they entered the Burrow.

The air was filled by the scent of Mrs. Weasley's cooking.

"Good morning Mum!" Ginny greeted as she kissed her mother on the cheek. "What's cooking?" She asked.

"Good morning, Mrs. Weasley." Harry said then gave out a warm smile.

"Good morning, dears." Mrs. Weasley replied. "I'm almost done with breakfast." She told the two.

"Smells good." Ginny said.

Mrs. Weasley chuckled. "It's too early for jokes, Ginny." She told her daughter.

"I'm not joking!" Ginny protested to her mother. "It really smells good." She repeated and headed for her room.

Before she could leave the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley called out her name. "Ginny, can I talk to you for a while?" Ginny heard her mother say.

Ginny stopped and looked at her mother. She looked back at Ginny seriously. "Yes, Mum." Ginny answered, walking back towards her mother.

Harry knew exactly that he shouldn't be in the kitchen because the two needed some time alone. "Mrs. Weasley, I'll just go upstairs and check on Ron." Harry said, excusing himself. "See you later, Gin." He added before completely leaving the room.

"Okay," replied Ginny to Harry then turned to her mother. "So, you're going to tell me something?" Ginny asked in her ever cheerful manner.

Her mother smiled. "I know everything that happens inside this house, Miss Weasley." Mrs. Weasley said softly. "And you know very well that I know you too well…" Her mother continued. "So you can't hide anything from me."

A/N: Yup! I'm having another cliffhanger for all of you! Hehehe! Problem still unsettled but… what will happen next! Yes you guessed it! I guess. Next chapter will be Christmas and I think little by little they will know about Harry and Ginny. So just review this one for me and say something. Did you check the previous chapters? They're error-free now (I guess). By the way I'm on vacation this week. We're going to the province and they don't have computers there so… I'm disappointed to say this but… I can't post the next chapter yet. But it will come, I promise! Just be patient. So you have time to re-read the whole story and review the previous chapters you haven't reviewed. Pretty please, I need more as in more reviews…. I'll be missing you all so I need to find lots of reviews when I open my computer. I'll be gone for two weeks (that's the maximum). Ciao! Thanks to everyone and if you want to get email when I update… you know what to do! LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. AND DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW, REVIEW AND REVIEW MY CHAPTER! THANKS A LOT. I'm signing off!!!!