A/N: Harry Potter and all the other characters here (except for Maya and Kyle) belong to our very own, J.K. Rowling. Thanks to her, this fanfic became possible. The story begins at Hogwarts, end of the school year (Harry's fourth year). As we all know, Vol—I mean You-Know-Who is back to life and Cedric has died. And so all the students are preparing to leave, but then an unexpected surprise is bound to happen to Harry...

***Note: Everything that happened while the three were aboard the Hogwarts Express also happened here (like the Rita Skeeter beetle Hermione showed Harry and Ron). Also their meeting with Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum (although the above-mentioned and others are not here—I didn't put it it would be too long, ^_^' ). Except for their encounter with Malfoy, (I've changed it to suit the situation,) and their meeting with Fred and George (only Harry met the twins but still almost all the lines were a little the same.) I hope you'll enjoy and please… R/R!!!


Famous Harry Potter experienced a whole new vacation when he spent his whole vacation at the Burrow. There he encountered all sorts of changes a wizard of his age must encounter—about his best friends, his whole life, and his feelings for a certain girl. A girl not so pretty, an ordinary face in the crowd, but unique in her own way—Ginny. Harry was so unknown to this feeling that he kept on pushing it away. Setting the rule that she was Ron's little sister, to keep that feeling aside—he chose another girl in Hogwarts but he never felt that feeling towards her. His feelings stayed just for Ginny. Realizing the truth, he came back for her. Would Harry come back just in time to find Ginny still in love with him or did Ginny get tired of waiting that she already belonged to someone else?

Chapter 1

Whole Vacation at the Burrow

"Harry! Come on, you got to hurry up, or we're going to be late! I bumped into Ron a while ago and he's looking for you."

Harry turned to see who was shrieking at his back. Then a familiar figure came into view; a pair of chestnut brown eyes stared at him annoyingly.

"Hermione! What are you doing in here?! You know you can't go in here! I thought you were outside looking for your cat, Crookshanks." Harry said while he pushed his trunk aside and began placing all his things inside it.

"It's all right; no one can give me detentions anymore. Crookshanks is already in my room." She reasoned out while she walked around Harry. "I thought you might need a hand with your stuff. I told you that you must have packed earlier… We really must hurry, Harry… We might be late if you do not finish that soon." She continued, eyeing Harry who was now having a hard time in closing his overloaded trunk.

"Hermione, we can't be late, the—"

"Of course, we can be late! Now, let me help you with your trunk so we can go now…" Hermione exclaimed as she rushed to Harry's side and helped him close his stubborn trunk.

The trunk was hard to close but after some of their fingers got stuck in the trunk ("Ouch! Hermione, wait my finger!" "Harry! Ouch!"), they managed to close the stubborn, bulky-looking trunk.

"At last! All packed up!" Harry announced triumphantly after that tiring task they'd just finished. Harry sank at the edge of his bed and gave Hermione a grateful smile for helping him.

Hermione shrugged at Harry and said, "Fine." Then she looked at her watch and gasped, "Harry! We're already late! Let's go!"

Then, before Harry could even say something, Hermione got him by the wrist and began pulling Harry and his trunk to the door.

"Her—mi—o—ne—," Harry protested, trying to get his wrist from Hermione's tight grip.

"Must hurry, Harry. The train will leave any minute now. What shall we do if we were left behind?" She kept murmuring while Harry was still being dragged helplessly.

"Hermione! Listen to me!" Harry shouted.

Hermione jumped in surprise and turned to face Harry. "What?!" She asked, crossing her arms in front of her. She made a face that looked puzzled and annoyed at the same time that Harry didn't understand if she was annoyed or just making fun. Harry held his wrist with his other hand. It was burning red because of Hermione's tight grasp.

"Hermione, the train won't leave— "

"What do you mean 'the train won't leave'! You keep on saying that! Harry, it's already 10 o'clock!" Hermione bellowed, walking in circles. She kept murmuring to herself like some kind of lunatic ("We must think… what to do….").

"Hermione, calm down and stop acting like a hysteric! It's only 10 o'clock and the train won't be leaving until 11:30! Besides, the carriages haven't arrived yet!" Harry shouted, neither breathing nor pausing to prevent Hermione from cutting in.

"Oh, yeah," Harry heard her say. She sighed and walked slowly back to Harry's bed and sat at the corner of the bed. "I forgot that they changed the schedule." She sighed again. She felt relief rushing into her. "Harry! Why haven't you told me that earlier so I won't have to panic!" Hermione snapped, looking at Harry.

"I tried to tell you but you kept on cutting in." Harry replied.

"Did not!" Hermione snapped.

"Yes, I did."

"Did not!"

"Yes, I did."

"Did not!"

Harry and Hermione were now grinning at each other as they teased. "Okay, okay. So you did and I wasn't listening. Guess I am too panicky today…" Hermione said, frowning.

Then, Harry's face turned serious and looked at Hermione. "Hermione, why are you so panicky about being left in Hogwarts?" Harry asked, walking towards Hermione. He sat beside Hermione and waited for her answer.

"With You-Know-Who back with his full strength, I can't imagine staying here in Hogwarts any longer to think that we're alone in here." She answered with a hint of fear in her voice.

"You mean, you're not going to Hogwarts next year?!" Harry asked in surprise, trying to change the topic.

"No, Harry. Of course, I'm still going here," she said, shaking her head side to side, "I mean—I know Hogwarts is a safe place but—who knows? Maybe one of these days You-Know-Who might plan to attack and kill you, Harry…" Hermione explained.


Hermione put a finger on Harry's lips to silence him and flashed a weak smile. "Harry," Hermione said, trying to look serious but friendly at the same time, "just always remember that if you need help, Ron and I are always here for you." She continued to say, her voice quivering a bit. Her eyes became watery and it didn't take long before hot tears started trickling down her face.

"Hermione, you don't have to cry. You know that whenever I need help, I always call for Ron and you. Don't worry. I'll take care of myself. I promise." Harry reassured her, putting his hand over her shoulder to calm her.

"Oh, Harry!" Hermione cried and flung her arms around Harry, giving him a tight hug. Hermione was now crying continuously at Harry's shoulder. Harry kept on patting her gently at the back to comfort her. Hermione pulled away gently and began to hush slowly.

"Um—Hermione, I think we better go down and see Ron. You told me he was looking for me, right?" Harry said, smiling at Hermione. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Hermione. "Your tears," he said still smiling, his green eyes full of warmth, "Ron might think I made you cry. You wouldn't like that, would you?"

"Thanks, Harry. You're right, we better go now." She replied, taking Harry's handkerchief and began wiping her tears. She flashed Harry a grateful smile and stood up to fix her robes. Harry also stood up and went to get Hedwig.

"Let's go?" Hermione asked, her eyes twinkling and her smile beaming.

"Okay," Harry said smiling back at Hermione. Harry gave Hedwig to Hermione for her to carry while he headed to his trunk. He and Hermione walked out of the room silently as Harry began pulling his trunk.

His trunk was certainly heavy but he managed to drag it downstairs to the Gryffindor's common room and stopped to wait for Hermione to get her trunk (and Crookshanks) upstairs in the girls' dormitory. The common room was almost empty except for two second year students who were busy looking at something ("Oh, isn't it cute!" "It's lovely!"). Harry shrugged and turned to see if Hermione had returned yet.

"What are you looking at?" Hermione asked while pulling her trunk beside Harry's.

"Nothing," he said, grinning, "just two mischievous girls giggling at something." He added, pointing to the second year students hidden in the corner.

"Harry! You're ruining their privacy!" Hermione scolded but she too was grinning. "I think we better look for Ron in the Great Hall." Hermione suggested with her 'I-Know-It-All' voice.

"All right, then." Hermione heard Harry answer. They went through the Fat Lady, ("Happy Vacation! Enjoy and have fun!") and then headed for the Great Hall. The corridors were completely deserted now. Everyone was in the Great Hall checking his or her things.

"Harry! Harry! Wait up!" A tall, red-haired boy called out, dashing towards Harry.

"Ron! Where in the world have you gone?" Hermione asked, her hands in her waist.

"Harry—you must—go—to Dumbledore. Met—Professor McGonagall—told me—to look—for you— " Ron said, gasping for air. He looked like he was running for the marathon. He looked so tired and his robes were all saggy with his sweat. "The—password is—Green Forest." He added still gasping for air.

"Why did Dumbledore call me?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Don't know—Harry. Just told me—to call—you." Ron said, putting his hands on his knees and gasped some more.

"Harry, I think you better go to Dumbledore now," said Hermione.

"Okay then," said Harry. "Could you please take my trunk and Hedwig with you to the Great Hall while I go to see Dumbledore?" Harry said, turning to Ron

"Don't worry 'bout your things, Harry, Ron will bring them." Hermione said, meddling. "And you Ron—you must change your clothes at once! You might get sick!" Hermione said, looking at Ron's damp clothes. She and Ron began dragging the trunks (and Hedwig's cage) towards the Great Hall.

"Bye, Harry!" Ron called out before he and Hermione disappeared in the corner.

"Bye!" Harry replied and then turned to go to Dumbledore's office. "Why did Dumbledore call for me? Does this have something to do with Voldemort?" Harry asked himself, deeply serious with his thoughts as he turned around the corner.

"Ouch!" A female voice squeaked. There was a sound of books falling and parchments rolling.

"Sorry," Harry said, bending down in front of the person he had just bumped into to pick up a book that had fallen. The girl was still holding her head with one hand and gathering her books with the other. "Here let me help you with your things." Harry said as he went to chase some of the parchments that rolled out.

The girl immediately blushed a perfect hue of red upon seeing the person she had bumped into.

"It's Harry," the girl said to herself dreamily. The girl stood up and began to collect the other parchments out of Harry's reach. "Thanks." She said in a whisper.

Harry headed to the girl to hand her the parchments. He smiled and said, "It's nothing. I'm very sorry, here…" Harry looked up to see the girl's face. She was very angelic; she had scorching red hair tied with a green ribbon, a pair of lovely brown eyes, several freckles, —there was no mistake that she was—

"Ginny!" Harry blurted out in surprise.

"Um…Hi, Harry…" Ginny whispered as she felt her cheeks burn again.

"Are you all right? I see you have your head a little—er—bloody. I'm very sorry. Um… do you need to go to the hospital wing? I could—er—escort you there if you want." Ginny heard Harry say with a mixture of concern and care. Harry felt so awkward with Ginny because she kept on blushing.

"Um… no, thanks, Harry. This is nothing. I'll just go find Fred and George and let them go with me." Ginny said, still holding her head to cover it from Harry. Blood started to ooze from her hands.

"Are you sure? Your head is getting really bloody." Harry asked, making sure that Ginny was all right.

Ginny nodded.

"Okay, if that's what you want…" Harry said, handing Ginny the parchments he was supposed to give her earlier.

Ginny got her stuff, placed them back in her paper bag and turned to go look for Fred and George. "Bye." She said and began to walk away.

"Clumsy me! I wish I didn't have to look stupid whenever he's around! I always blush and I can't even find the right words to say!" She muttered under her breath, scolding herself. She still clutched her head to prevent blood from oozing down.

"Ginny! Wait!"

Ginny jumped in surprise and turned to see who called, even though she already knew who called her. Harry came dashing to Ginny then stopped in front of her.

"Anything wrong, Harry?" Ginny asked with her usual voice when she talked to Harry—soft with a hint of shyness.

Harry took out his extra handkerchief (A/N: because he handed his other one to Hermione ^-^ Guys always have extra hankies, you know) and said, "Here, I have an extra hanky. This might help stop the blood from oozing from your wound."

Ginny took it with her shaky hands and began to tie it around her head. Harry couldn't resist grinning when he saw Ginny tying the handkerchief. She couldn't tie the ends together because she couldn't see them that she kept looking at Harry for help.

"What are you grinning at?!" She asked, blushing red at Harry.

"You need help?" Harry asked, still grinning and not moving.

"Do you think I would need help if I could tie this?!" She snapped, crossing her arms in front of her. She made a face that looked annoyed that Harry couldn't help but grin even more.

"I'll help you but you need to say please," Harry continued to tease.

"Harry Potter!!!" Ginny shouted.

"All right, All right. You don't need to shout at me." Harry said calmly, still smiling as he got the handkerchief from Ginny. He carefully tied it and gave out a smile to Ginny. "Done! You know, you look prettier when you get mad, maybe I'll build a Get Ginny Angry Club for you and in return you can build me a Harry Potter Fan Club." He teased, grinning.

Ginny blushed once more and said, grinning, "Try that, Harry and I'll build you a Harry Potter Hater Club. I'm sure Malfoy would love to join."

"Yeah, that slimy git would surely join. Maybe Fred and George would join my club." He said, walking away waving one of his hands in the air. "See you next year, Gin. Don't forget to return my hanky." And he was gone.

Ginny touched her head and felt Harry's handkerchief. It was color red. "See you next year, Harry." She whispered as she continued to walk to the corridors.

"I must have reached Dumbledore's office earlier. If only I had stopped teasing around with Ginny." Harry said as he walked faster and faster, turning to his left then to his right. "But it was my fault she got a wound in her head, she deserved to cheer up." He said to himself, smiling at the thought of Ginny. "At last, I am here. Now what was the password again?" Harry thought and thought until he finally got the answer. "Green Forest." He said and the gargoyle suddenly moved, cutting the wall into two and uncovering the spiral staircase that led to Dumbledore's office.

Harry rose upward in circles, higher and higher, until finally, Harry saw the sparkling oak door ahead towards Dumbledore's office.

"Harry, I've been waiting for you for ages. I want to discuss something with you. Now please, take a seat," said a thin, old man with silvery hair and a beard as he pointed to the chair in front of his desk. His nose was strangely very long and quite crooked but his blue eyes were sparkling behind his spectacles.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore," said Harry as he sat down.

"Very well, Harry. I'm just going to tell you that you aren't going to stay with your Uncle and Aunt this vacation." Dumbledore said, taking a roll of parchment out of his drawer and began to write down something. "I have already sent them a letter to inform them that you're not spending your vacation in Privet Drive." Dumbledore added without even looking at Harry.

"Professor, are you sure? I mean—where shall I stay then?" Harry asked with eagerness. Please let me stay at the Burrow, please. The Burrow. Harry prayed repeatedly in his mind. Harry always spent his vacation with the Dursleys (his Uncle and Aunt), not to mention his cousin, Dudley. They ruined Harry's vacation every time and they didn't believe in things such as magic, that was because they were Muggles (Non-Magical Folks). He would always spend his last two weeks in the Burrow together with the Weasleys. He always loved it there and he always felt that he was part of the family.

Dumbledore's blue eyes were sparkling behind those half-moon shaped spectacles he wore and he said, "I couldn't think of a better place for you to stay, so I'll let you stay in the Burrow for the whole vacation. I'm making a letter for them to know."

Harry could have jumped in joy. He was so relieved. At last, a whole vacation at the Burrow! He thought to himself happily. I can't wait to tell this to Ron! He smiled to himself.

"Professor, um—why do I need to stay there?" He asked, trying to sound a little casual to hide his happiness.

"It's for your safety, Harry. Voldemort might try to get you since he's already back and powerful and it's very dangerous if I try to leave you with the Muggles. And if Voldemort will attack, I'm sure many Muggles will get hurt and so it's better if you stay here in the wizarding world. I think it will be safer for you," replied Dumbledore, who was now finished making the letter for the Weasleys. "Here, Harry. Give this letter to Mr. Weasley. This will explain to them why you're staying with them." Dumbledore added, handing Harry the letter.

"Thanks, Professor," Harry said, taking the letter.

"You may go now, Harry. Enjoy your vacation," said Dumbledore as he stood and went to the window where an owl waited. "Now, I'll send this to your Uncle so as not to worry them," He added.

"Yes, Professor, I'll surely enjoy my vacation. Thank you." And with that, he stood up, put the letter inside his pocket and started to head for the door. All the worries he felt about staying with the Dursleys were gone—but they were replaced with new worries as he closed the door. Harry's thoughts wandered to his best friends, "Maybe I could ask them…" Harry said to himself as he made his way to the Great Hall to look for his friends.

Harry reached the Great Hall gasping. He had to run all the way there so he wouldn't be late. The carriage that would take them to Hogwarts Express would be coming any minute now.

"Harry! What took you so long? The carriages will arrive soon. Here's your cart." Ron said, pushing Harry's cart to Harry.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked, looking around for her.

"Forgot to get her books. She went upstairs to fetch them." Ron said, pushing his own cart. "There she is!" Ron pointed to a bushy brown-haired girl. It was hard to see her completely because the crowd was now rushing to the doors to wait for the carriages. "Let's go, Harry! Let's meet her!" Ron shouted to fight with the crowd's noise.

Harry only nodded and began pushing his own cart. They followed the crowd that went rushing to the doors, awaiting the carriages that would take them to the train station. "Bye, Hogwarts. See you next year—that is, if I can see you again." Harry murmured gloomily.

While waiting outside for the carriages, Harry thought of Voldemort again; he thought of Voldemort planning to attack Hogwarts. "Voldemort… This is my entire fault, if only I could have killed him, then everyone would have been safe… Cedric wouldn't have to die…" Harry told himself as he thought of his past year here in Hogwarts… Voldemort's resurrection… Hogwarts in danger… Cedric's death… All because of him and his stupid scar…

"Harry, come on, we need to hurry if we want to have a compartment of our own!" Hermione called out. She was now standing at the door of Hogwarts Express.

Harry rode the train and walked by the compartments without noticing it was even happening. He was so busy with his thoughts. Harry nodded again and followed Hermione and Ron to their usual compartment—at the train's tail. He sat down and faced the window. Crookshanks, rested beside Hermione, curled up like a furry ginger cushion. The train started to move slowly and began to gain speed. Harry turned to look at Ron and Hermione and saw them beginning their usual routine—to fight. Harry sighed and turned to face the window again.

"Harry, are you all right? You're so quiet since you came from Dumbledore's office. What did you talk about? If you don't like to tell us, it's all right—we understand." Hermione said, her voice full of concern. She already stopped fighting with Ron who looked victorious about the fight (I think he won, Harry thought, smiling to himself).

"I'm fine, Hermione," Harry said, turning his face towards them and giving them a weak smile.

"Is something bothering you, Harry?" asked Ron, still smiling sideways at Hermione. Hermione made a face at Ron and looked away.

They really looked funny when they fought. Harry would love to watch them fight but then he would hate it when he got stuck in the middle of their fight ("Harry, tell Ron he's wrong!" "No, Harry, you tell Hermione's wrong!")

Harry took a deep breath and looked at Ron seriously. "Ron, I'm—um—going to stay with you guys—at the Burrow." Harry said hesitatingly.

Harry looked at Hermione first to see her reaction. As he expected, Hermione's mouth hung open then closed, then she looked at Ron—looking puzzled. Ron, on the other hand, was also surprised. His eyes were outrageously wide and his face showed the expression of happiness and confusion at the same time. "That is, um—for the whole vacation." added Harry.

Finally, Ron found his voice and said, still surprised, "But—how—why—I mean, Dumbledore won't allow you! Your Uncle and Aunt will get mad!"

"Ron is right, Harry. What if Dumbledore got learned of this? He might think of expelling you!" Hermione said with her 'No-Way-Harry-Are-You-Doing-That' voice.

"Calm down, you two. Dumbledore was the one who told me to stay," replied Harry. "He told me that it wouldn't be safe for me stay with Muggles and so he thought of the Weasleys to protect me, since they are my only family left besides the Dursleys ('That is if you consider the Dursleys as a family for me, Harry thought but decided not to tell Ron and Hermione). And besides, he also didn't want Muggles to get hurt when Voldemort (Ron and Hermione winced at the mention of his name) strikes. Dumbledore already informed the Dursleys through owl and I also have a letter from him to give to Mr. Weasley." Harry explained further, taking the letter from his pocket to show Ron and Hermione.

"Great, Harry! We could play Quidditch all day! And Mum would surely love to have another kid around!" Ron said excitedly. "Hermione can visit us on late of August, right Hermione?" He added, facing Hermione.

Hermione nodded and looked at Harry.

"Harry what's happening to you? Aren't you happy?" Hermione asked, looking worriedly at Harry. Her brown eyes were full of warmth and concern.

"Do you think I really must stay at the Burrow? I mean, I'd really love to stay but—what if Voldemort attacks. What if he kills you all just because he wants me?" said Harry. Harry's face was full of worry and hesitation.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other and stared back at Harry. Harry knew that look and he simply knew what was next to that. Hermione looked back at Ron, Ron nodded and she nodded back. Then, Hermione sat beside Harry and looked at him.

"Harry… I know what you're thinking but… you can't face your problems alone. That's why Ron and I are here, to help you." Hermione said, her voice calm and smooth.

Harry opened his mouth to reply but not a single word came out.

Hermione saw Harry's mouth and quickly added, "Okay. If indeed you would not stay in the Burrow, where would you stay then? You can't go back to the Dursleys, can you?"

Harry knew that Hermione was right. Hermione and Ron looked at Harry with the same expression on their faces—concern. And that assured Harry that everything would go just fine. If Voldemort would attack, Harry would just do his best to protect them no matter what.

"I guess you're right, Hermione. Okay then, I'll stay in the Burrow." Harry announced happily. "But in one condition," Harry added, looking at Hermione.

"What?" Hermione asked, rolling her eyes annoyingly. Harry smiled and turned to Ron, who was looking confused with both Harry and Hermione's reactions.

"You must visit Ron and I at the Burrow as soon as you can, deal?" said Harry, smiling even wider. He extended his hand for Hermione to shake.

"Deal!" exclaimed Hermione, shaking Harry's hand.

Then, a clattering sound was heard when the same, usual woman, who brought the cart of goods, came and stopped by their compartment. "Anything to buy in the carts?" she asked, curling a smile in her mouth.

The three ordered their food (some Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, some other candies and one Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans) and began to eat their Cauldron Cakes. The three began to talk about how they'd spend their vacations. Hermione said she'd be staying with her family in a vacation in France (not again!) so she'd go to the Burrow on late of August. The two boys planned that they would play Quidditch, wizard chess and exploding snaps and may be have some fun messing up Percy's work (That would be fun! Harry thought). Hermione insisted that they should just do their homeworks and read books but the two just looked at her as if she was speaking a foreign language.

"Harry," Ron said, reaching for one of the Chocolate Frogs beside him. "I heard that there will be tryouts for those who wants to join for the Quidditch Game this year. Is it true?" He continued.

"Oh, that," Harry said while he unwrapped his Chocolate Frog. "Yeah, Professor McGonagall told me that there would be tryouts. Since Wood was gone, Gryffindor's looking for a Keeper and we'll be electing a new captain too. Why?" He asked Ron, although he already has an idea of what Ron will answer.

"Well, I've just thought that may be I can try for the position of a Keeper." Ron said, his ears turning slightly pink. "Mum told me in her previous letter that a friend of hers has given her a Nimbus Two Thousand and One because his son was buying a new Firebolt and they won't be needing it anymore. Mum says I can have it as an advanced Christmas present." He explained, smiling from time to time.

Harry felt happy for his friend. He popped another candy in his mouth and said, "That would be great, Ron! We can practice right away when we get to the Burrow."

Hermione also feeling the same for Ron said, "I'm sure you'll make a perfect Keeper for Gryffindor!"

With that praise, not only Ron's ears turned pink but his entire face.

"So, Weasel's trying for the Gryffindor Keeper, huh?"

The compartment door slid open and revealed a pale boy with silvery-blonde hair and two other boys, who were fat and mean-looking, all of them wearing a smirk on their faces.

"Malfoy!" The three gasped almost at the same time. Harry's hand went to search for his wand in his robes.

"Now, isn't this nice? Weasel's joining the Quidditch next year. I guess he would be using his brother's broom, a Comet 360. Or maybe you're going to use a worse one—your Shooting Star! Oh, how pathetic!" Malfoy sneered, smirking even wider.

"Shut up, Malfoy. Ron won't be using that broom; he's got a new one—a Nimbus Two Thousand and One." Hermione snapped at Malfoy.

Malfoy's smirk was still visible and he replied, "Oh, yeah? A Nimbus? Why at least you've got a more decent broom now, Weasel! Although we all know that Nimbus are already old-fashioned… Where did you get it? Were you too desperate you let your dad steal you one from a garage sale?"

Malfoy smirked even more and looked at his two buddies, Crabbe and Goyle. The two were already sniggering stupidly at Malfoy's statement to Ron.

Ron has taken more than enough. He pointed his wand at Malfoy, "Why you—"

But before Ron could mention any spell, Hermione answered back at Malfoy.

"Ron doesn't have to steal because his mother's got friends that gave them the Nimbus." Hermione said, defending Ron. "How about you, Malfoy? Does your parents have friends? Oh, yeah, they've got some. They're the friends of your father—those Death Eaters. You're father's one of those Death Eaters, right?" Hermione continued as she and Malfoy exchanged shots of deadly glares.

Malfoy's smirk vanished and turned into a thin line. "You better watch what you're saying, filthy Mudblood!" He told Hermione. "So what if my father's a Death Eater? At least we're a family of purebloods, not like you!" Draco glared at Hermione.

Hermione was dumbstruck. She didn't know what to say nor do. Everyone knew that it was really bad to call a witch or wizard of Muggle parentage a Mudblood. Hermione began to fumble for her wand in her pocket and held it tightly.

Ron, on the other hand, looked at Hermione and knew she needed help. He, again, pointed his wand at Malfoy and said, "Watch it, Malfoy! Or may be you would like to spend the rest of your life as a dancing ferret?"

Malfoy only sneered at Ron. He looked at Harry and then at Ron and said, while smirking, "So, I guess I'll be seeing you next year, Potty and Weasel. That is—if the Dark Lord hasn't killed both of you yet."

"Of course, you'll still be seeing us next year, Malfoy. That is—if you're not going to join your stinking father in serving Voldemort." said Harry coolly. "Now, Malfoy, buzz off before we change our minds and turn you into a dancing slimy frog instead!" Harry warned, pointing his wand at Malfoy.

"This isn't the end, Potter. I'll surely get you next time." Malfoy called out as he went off with a loud thud from their compartment door.

"And I'll be waiting for that, Malfoy. If that time would—ever come…" murmured Harry.

The rest of the trip went smoothly then the compartment door opened and revealed not Malfoy but two identical red-haired twins.

"Hi, everyone!" one of them greeted, taking a seat beside Harry.

"Hi, Fred! Hi, George!" Hermione smiled, as she patted Crookshanks on his head.

The twins told them who they were blackmailing when Harry, out of curiosity, asked George. The twins explained that it was Ludo Bagman. After some stories, they changed their Hogwarts robes into outdoor clothes to prepare for their arrival at the train station.

It didn't take long for their train to halt in King's Cross station. The crowd's noise started again, giggles and shouts of excitement came ringing everywhere. Hermione and Ron stood up and began their way towards the train's doors. Fred and George were about to stand up too but Harry stopped them and said, "Wait,"

Fred and George stopped and said, "What's the matter, Harry?"

Harry opened his trunk and took out his winnings (from the Triwizard Tournament). He threw the sack of money to the twins. "Take it," Harry said. "I don't want it," he added.

"But—" Fred said.

"Now," Harry told them. "Take it. If you won't take it, I'll throw it outside the window." He threatened.

The twins looked at each other then back at Harry.

"Are you sure? This is a big sum of money you know…" said George.

"Look," Harry said, taking out his wand, "Take it or I'll hex you. Just do me a favor, okay? Buy Ron some different dress robes and say they're from you. Now I don't want any word about this anymore so would you please go now…" Harry said playfully, toying with his wand.

The two scrambled to their feet and disappeared.

Harry let out a sigh and placed his wand back in his pocket.

The compartment door opened again.

"Um, Harry…"

It was the twins.

"What?" Harry asked, half annoyed already.

"We just like to thank you."

"It was nothing!" said Harry, smiling.

Hogwarts students had to go through the gateway in an obscure way so that they wouldn't attract much attention by bursting out of a solid wall at once in a shocking crowd. Harry got his turn and ran towards the gateway to the Muggle world—unnoticed.

The station was full of parents whose necks were stretching to look for their own sons and daughters. Hermione's parents were together with Mrs. Weasley, who was now waving at Harry. Harry saw Hermione and Ron at the corner, waiting for him. Harry waved back at Mrs. Weasley and approached Ron and Hermione, pushing his own cart while Hedwig hooted happily on the top of his cart.

Hermione and Ron immediately saw Harry coming. Hermione placed her hands on her waist and scolded Harry. "What took you so long, Harry?!" She demanded.

"I'm sorry, Hermione." Harry said, parking his cart beside Ron's. "I got stuck in the crowd." Harry said.

"Oh, well," Hermione shrugged. "Good-bye, Harry. Good-bye, Ron. I'm sure going to miss both of you," said Hermione as she gave each of them a quick peck on the cheek. "Just take care and don't make any silly things while on vacation." she reminded them.

Harry and Ron remained silent and exchanged quick glances. They grinned at Hermione and Ron said, "Of course, we won't do any silly thing. We don't want to receive any letter from the Ministry of Magic now, do we Harry?"

"No, Ron. Of course, we wouldn't want that." Harry replied, placing his hand on Ron's shoulder.

Hermione shrugged at the boys and sighed, "Very well then, see you in August! Happy Vacation!" She waved them good-bye and went to join her parents. Harry and Ron waved back and watched her disappear in the crowd.

Ginny, together with Fred and George, was now beside Mrs. Weasley. She wasn't wearing the handkerchief Harry tied on her head anymore (Perhaps she went to the hospital wing already, Harry thought). Fred and George were grinning at Harry (I see that they're very grateful for the money I gave them…, Harry thought to himself.)

"Hi, Harry." Mrs. Weasley greeted, hugging Harry tightly. "So how's your year in Hogwarts?" she asked, still with her same old cheery voice.

Harry looked at Ron, who nodded, and said, "Very busy but I'm fine Mrs. Weasley. I want to tell you that I'm going to stay—"

"Where are the Dursleys, dear? Aren't they going to fetch you?" Mrs. Weasley interrupted.

Ron inched closer to Mrs. Weasley and said, "Mum, the Dursleys aren't going to fetch Harry. Harry's going to stay with us!"

"What?!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

Ginny gasped while the twin's mouths hung open.

"What do you mean Harry's staying with us? I don't understand—why?" said Mrs. Weasley, confused with the situation going on.

"Harry, give me the letter." commanded Ron to Harry, without even looking at Harry.

Harry began to search his pocket for the letter. Then, when he found it; he gave it urgently to Ron. The letter's envelope was slightly crumpled but the green ink address was still visible.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weasley

The Burrow

Ottery St. Catchpole

Ron handed the letter to his mother, saying, "Open it, Mum. That's from Professor Dumbledore and it will explain everything."

Mrs. Weasley reached out for the letter. She looked at the green ink address and said, "Very well then, let's all go home. I'll just open this letter when your father arrives at home."

Mrs. Weasley led the other Weasleys and Harry into the car and they started their way home. Mrs. Weasley was sitting at the front seat while the twins, Harry, Ron and Ginny (including Hedwig and Pig) were the ones sitting at the back.

"Where did you get the car, Mum?" Fred asked curiously.

"Your father borrowed it from the Ministry, dear." replied Mrs. Weasley.

Hedwig was still in her cage, sleeping. Harry watched her sleep peacefully and adored her snowy white feathers.

Mrs. Weasley turned right around her seat to face Harry and smiled sweetly. "Now, Harry, I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to stay with your Uncle and Aunt but don't worry, dear, we'll do our best to let you feel at home." Mrs. Weasley said, feeling sorry for Harry.

"It's okay, Mrs. Weasley. I don't feel depressed about not staying with the Dursleys. I think, this will be my best vacation ever!" Harry said, smiling kindly.

The trip back home was a little bumpy but they arrived there just in time to prepare for dinner. Mrs. Weasley went straight to the kitchen to cook dinner and Ginny went quickly inside pulling her trunk hurriedly ("It's like her feet are on fire!" Ron said, seeing Ginny run towards the house). Fred and George started to unpack their trunks and proceeded to their room while Ron and Harry busied themselves in unpacking their own trunks.

Harry and Ron heaved their trunks upstairs to Ron's room. Harry caught a glimpse of Ginny's room while they made their way up the stairs; the room looked the same way back his last visit at the Burrow. He even remembered when he saw a pair of bright brown eyes staring at him through that door.

Without Harry really noticing, at last, they reached RONALD'S ROOM.

The room was—as it had always been—in a violent shade of orange. The posters of the Chudley Cannons were still there and Harry's bed, that was always put there beside the window when he stayed, was already there. Harry pulled his trunk beside his bed and began unpacking his clothes. Ron was also unpacking his things when—boom!

"Oh, well. There go Fred and George again." Ron said, shrugging.

Bang. Bang. Bang! Bang!!! The ghoul in the attic started its business—to bang pipes and groan. Harry and Ron looked at each other and shrugged. "Pretty normal…" Harry said to Ron and grinned. Harry and Ron finished unpacking and decided to play chess.

Ron was a chess champion so it was no doubt that he would win over Harry. Harry had a wonderful time playing but he was already tired. He rested himself on his bed and faced Ron, "Thanks, Ron." he said.

"For what?" Ron asked, placing his chess pieces back in its box to be kept.

"For helping me out in telling Mrs. Weasley." Ron heard Harry reply.

"That's nothing. I saw you were too nervous, so I helped you out but really, that was nothing, Harry." answered Ron, keeping his chess box inside his cabinet.

"Well, still, I owe you, Ron." Harry said. He grinned and took the pillow he was leaning on. He aimed it at Ron's head and said, "Here, Ron! Catch!"

"Ouch!" Ron groaned. "If that's the way you want it, Harry!" he said, reaching for the pillow and throwing it back with great force.

Harry was hit on the face and Ron was laughing so hard. Harry made a face and picked the pillow up. He aimed it at Ron and threw it. Ron, seeing the approaching pillow, ducked just in time. At that very moment the door burst open and the person behind the door got hit instead.

That person squealed in pain and took the pillow off her face.

"Ron!" shouted Ginny. "What in the world do you think are you doing throwing a pillow at me like that!" She shrieked, looking red and enraged.

Ron gulped and looked at Harry hesitantly.

"It's not my fault. I didn't throw the pillow, Harry did!" Harry heard Ron say, pointing at him. "I'm doomed!" Harry whispered to himself miserably, searching for words to say.

Ginny looked at Ron then at Harry. Her face was already calm but her eyes were still glaring. Harry gathered all the confidence he got and said, "Ginny, we're really—"

"The dinner's already done. If you want to eat, then, go downstairs." Ginny interrupted Harry. Harry tried to say sorry again but she had already left.

Harry felt worried, now Ginny was mad. "I thought I could befriend her this vacation, now she's mad at me," said Harry to Ron.

Ron looked at Harry pathetically and shrugged. He started to go downstairs and Harry followed him quietly. On their way, they heard noises downstairs that told them Mr. Weasley was already home. They ran all the way down to greet him.

"Good Evening, Mr. Weasley." Harry said, beaming at him.

"Good heavens! Harry! Why are you here?! Didn't the Dursleys fetch you?" Mr. Weasley said vehemently.

"Now, Arthur. Harry's staying with us for the whole vacation. Professor Dumbledore has already informed the Dursleys. They know that Harry's staying with us. " Mrs. Weasley cut in. "Here," she added, "Professor Dumbledore has sent us a letter to explain everything. You can read it later, after dinner." She continued, handing the letter to Mr. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley nodded and said, "Okay, we'll settle this after dinner." "By the way," he added, "Percy's still in the Ministry of Magic, dear—he's busy doing some papers."

Mrs. Weasley nodded and hurried to the stove. Mr. Weasley and the others went to settle on their chairs. Harry was about to sit down when he saw Ginny enter the kitchen. Harry flashed a smile at her but she quickly looked away. Harry didn't need words to figure out what that meant—Ginny was still mad at them.

The food was—as it had always been—delicious. Mrs. Weasley cooked some roast potatoes, sausages and pork chops. They had a pudding for dessert. Harry was glad that Mr. Weasley didn't ask him to sit beside him and talk about Muggle stuffs that dinner because he was too tired. But that gladness was reduced when Harry found himself sitting in front of Ginny. They couldn't avoid looking at each other because of that.

Harry looked at Ron, who was sitting beside him, and whispered, "What shall we do? She's still mad about the pillow incident."

Ron shrugged and whispered back, "I dunno. I'm sure that would pass out tomorrow. Don't worry."

The dinner was full of Fred and George's hilarious jokes. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley kept on chuckling; Ron was the one laughing hardest.

Harry and Ginny were the only ones left who remained silent.

Ginny was busy avoiding Harry's emerald-green eyes that she didn't notice she had been putting ketchup on her pudding. Harry couldn't help but smile at this but Ginny glared at Harry and that made Harry stop and just look down at his food.

Just then, the laughter began to vanish and Mr. Weasley cleared his throat.

"Time to open the letter." He said, smiling.

Everyone in the house (even the ghoul) went silent except for Fred and George who went upstairs and started the explosions—again.

Mr. Weasley took the letter out of his pocket. He opened it quickly and began to read it silently.

Time to time, Mr. Weasley would murmur to himself saying, 'I see…' or 'Ah…' Time came that he finished the letter and placed it flat on the table.

"Harry, Professor Dumbledore says that you must stay here for the rest of the vacation for your safety. He was afraid that the Dark Lord might attack the Muggles and kill you. So he let you stay with a wizarding family to be able to protect you." Mr. Weasley began to explain the letter's content. "I guess that's okay with you, Harry, right?"

"It's okay, Mr. Weasley." Harry said after nodding.

"Okay then, you can do anything as long as you don't get into trouble. Be careful and always bring your wand with you. You can go anywhere you want as long as you wouldn't go near the village. That's the rules." Mr. Weasley told Harry.

Harry nodded again.

"Very well, you can now go to your rooms while I help your mother with the cleaning." said Mr. Weasley, standing up.

Harry and the others stood up and went upstairs.

Harry and Ron changed into their pajamas and rested themselves into their own beds.

Harry took his glasses off and placed them in his bedside drawer. He closed his eyes and fell asleep immediately.

The Burrow was completely still; not a soul was stirring (except for the ghoul in the attic who continued to groan). It was a long day and they all needed a long rest to gain their energies for tomorrow's activities.

A/N: Review please ^_^ Thank you very much for reading!