Ham Man: Hello, and welcome to my fanfiction: Yugioh Revolution!

Okay here's an overview of the story.

Taking place 20 years after the Signers defeated Z-one and saved Neo Domino City from complete destruction. The world has learned of the dangers children's card games can bring upon us, and many people have stated that the game should be banned. But several people believe that we need said children's card game, for "it is our guide to evolution"… or something.

Further Notes. For maximum enjoyment it is suggested that you are at least familiar with the plot of Yugioh 5D's, otherwise this story may be confusing at points or contain massive spoilers… as seen above… and below, read at your own risk.

Also, I would like to note that this story isn't taking the final eight year time skip in the final episodes as canon. Due to storyline purposes. Though some things from said time skip will be kept.

I also use, what I am told is 'British English', which, as the name heavily implies, is basically the same as regular English – but with a few notable exceptions.

Some words, such as colour (color), and armour (armor) are spelt with an 'u', and a very notable difference is duellist (duelist) is spelt with a double 'l'.

Chapter 1: The End of Card Games?

The intense summer sun blistered down on the thousand or so people protesting outside the Tokyo branch of the Kaiba Corporation, a large silver and white skyscraper that towered over all the other skyscrapers making them feel insignificant and weak. A statue of the legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon stood outside the main entrance, which was now spray painted with anti-Duel Monsters slogans such as: "Down with Duel Monsters", "Stop trying to kill us all" and "Brad was here".

A grey-haired and bearded man, dressed in a brown overcoat over a white button shirt and black jeans, stepped up onto the front steps of the building. He faced the crowd as he raised the microphone in his hand up to his mouth and spoke.

"Everybody, we have gathered here today to protest against the phenomenon known as Duel Monsters. Twenty years ago we learnt; through a man who thought he was a God, as well as now-retired turbo duellist and scientist, Yusei Fudo; that Duel Monsters can and will, someday, somehow, create a bunch of giant robots fully capable of killing us all."

The crowd acted shocked at the remark. Acted, as in they knew this already, they were just being overly-dramatic.

The grey-haired man continued. "If we let this company continue to produce trading cards and duelling equipment for our own enjoyment, it will eventually destroy us all!"

"That is nonsense!" a man standing outside the spinning glass doors of the Kaiba Corporation lobby. "If you would listen to us for one second. Duelling poses no threat to society, it is a simple complicated card game meant for entertainment and enjoyment."

"Lies!" screamed a man in the front row of the crowd. He climbed the stairs as his bright multicoloured sleeveless shirt, two sizes to large for him, dangled on his skinny body frame. "Like, your corporation man, cuts down trees from the rainforest and destroys the homes of millions of little tree-critters, to make THESE!" as he yelled 'these' the large shirted man took a trading card out of his pocket and threw it on the ground, then began to stomp ruthlessly on the defenceless card as the crowd cheered.

"WHAT!" A brown haired boy yelled as he pulled his cereal spoon out of his mouth. "How could he do that to a card?" He pointed angrily toward the TV screen on the kitchen bench. "He should be punished."

"It's just a trading card honey," assured a middle age woman, while she was scraping food off a plate and into the sink.

"But it could've been a rare card." The boy complained, slumping over his cereal.

"It was only a card," replied a man sitting across the table from the boy. He looked about the same age as the woman, as he glimpsed over the newspaper he was reading. "There as thousands more of the goddamned things, and the sooner we can get rid of them, the better."

"Why should they be banned?" asked the boy. "Duelling never hurt anyone before."

The man dropped the newspaper on the table and gave a stern eye to the boy. "Stop ignoring the truth boy, these card games will be the death of us." The man slid the newspaper over to the boy, the headlines on the cover read: 'Another Psychic Duellist Attack in Neo Domino.'

"Read the story Hayato," the man calmly ordered.

"Alright, alright," Hayato sighed, flicking the front page of the newspaper over.

"Another Psychic Duellist attack has been reported as of last night. It is believed that between the hours of 10 to 11pm that local man, Fuji Kamanakwa, was attack by three masked figures armed with what is believed to be trading cards.

Mr. Kamanakwa suffered several major injuries in the incident, including a broken arm and leg. Fortunately he is predicted to make a full recovery.

The attackers are believed to be linked to another attack that took place three days earlier. Anybody with information, please contact Sector Security at once on…"

"But the cards never hurt anyone, it was the people who used…" Hayato argued against the inanimate newspaper article.

The lights in the kitchen began to flicker, as a ear–curling scream came from another room. "Cold! Cold! COLD!" it cried.

"Here we go…" Hayato sighed, as he placed a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"Who the hell turned the hot water off?" a female voice roared from beyond the door.

"Another power failure!" the woman whined. "Hurry up and get out of the shower, you'll be late for piano lessons!"

"They aren't on this week!" the female voice yelled back. "The tutor is sick!"

"Hurry up anyway!" yelled Hayato, "I have to use the bathroom."

"Hayato's right Sora," the man added. "You've been in there for nearly twenty minutes!"

"I am a growing woman. Father!" Sora replied as she flung the bathroom door open and walked out in nothing but a faded towel. Her soaking black hair dripping water on the kitchen floor tiles. "Showering takes time, we need to clean everywhere, including down…"

"You're only fourteen," argued Hayato, conveniently interrupting Sora's rant before it reached 'uncomfortable information'.

"And you're only fifteen," Sora replied as she wrung the water out of her hair.

"Stop arguing you two," the woman scolded. "Sora, go get dressed. Hayato eat your breakfast."

"Yes Mother," both siblings sighed, as Hayato returned to eating cereal and Sora went back into the bathroom.

The man checked his watch, as he got up from his chair. "Got to run honey," he smiled as he kissed his wife on the cheek. "Boss want's us in early; we've got a long day ahead of us down at the wharf."

"Yeah, I've got to go too," Hayato added, getting up off his chair too. "I told Hiro that I'd be at his place nice and early, so we can go and… practise for the basketball tryouts next week."

"Oh that's my boy," smiled the woman. "Always wanting to improve. You keep that up and you'll be a pro in no time."

"Yeah…" Hayato smiled nervously. "A… Pro… at basketball."

"And remember," scowled the man as he started to head toward another door, one that didn't lead to the bathroom. "Don't play any of those silly card games, you'll get us all in trouble."

"It's not against the law to play Duel Monsters," Hayato argued, before quietly and depressingly adding, "not yet anyway."

"I didn't say get in trouble with the law. Those anti-Duel groups will be on your ass like flies on a donkey." The man slipped out the other door as he finished his warning.

Hayato sighed deeply. "What is his problem?" he wondered

"Hayato," scolded the woman. "You know what happened to your father a few years back? Don't you?"

"Yes… Mother."

"You better head off, Hiro's expecting you."

"Yeah, I better get going," Hayato sighed as he headed toward the other door as well.

"Oh, wait I forgot my de... ball," Hayato realised, as he did a 180 turn and headed for a third door, next to his mother.

Hayato walked down the hallway entered his bedroom. Next to his desk was his basketball, half covered by last night's pyjamas. Hayato knocked the pyjamas off the ball, and wedged the ball under his left arm. With his right arm he opened a drawer on the desk and took a small blue thin plastic box out and placed it carefully in his pants pocket, so it couldn't been seen from outside his pants. He then turned and left the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

"See you, Mother," Hayato smiled, as he ran past his mother and toward the door that lead to outside.

"See you honey, and don't get into trouble," Hayato's mother warned.

"HOLD IT!" yelled an all-too-familiar voice. "Where do you think you're going without me?" Sora demanded stepping out of the bathroom.

"Everywhere," Hayato replied as he reached for the door knob.

"If you're going to Hiro's, I'm coming too," glared Sora.

"But… but…" Hayato pouted toward his mother.

"Take you sister dear." The sibling's mother replied.

"Fine," grumped Hayato as he flung the door opened and stepped outside. "But if she gets lost, I'm not looking for her." He yelled back into the house.

Sora happily skipped through the open door, a smug, satisfied smile on her face. "Bye Mother!" she smiled.

"See you later, Sweety," the sibling's mother waved, before dunking a dish into the water in the sink.

"So where are we going?" Sora asked, placing her hand in her pocket. "And don't lie. I know when you lie, like just then." She removed her hand from her pocket, it was holding a deck of card, duel monster cards to be precise.

"Alright you got me," Hayato scowled, taking his deck out of his pocket. Then quickly placed it back into his pocket, hoping no one else saw.

Ham Man: 26/8/2013 - Removed my previous author's note about submitting OC's, since I don't need anymore for the time being. On top of that found a fair few spelling and grammatical errors to be fixed up.

Anyway, if you do notice any errors, spelling, grammatical, plot holes, out-of-character moments. Don't hesitate to let me know, so they can fixed as soon as possible.

Thankyou for reading.