Here's the end of the journey. I hope you enjoy.

He decided she was wrong – she wasn't an Amazon. She was a goddess – an earth goddess. He watched in awe as she walked slowly across the lawn, the music and the guests fading in the background. She was dressed in a long white dress which accentuated her stately height and her rounded figure, full with their child. Her hair, which had grown longer since she left the Air Force, was pulled up with soft curls adorning her face and small flowers threaded through it. She reminded him of some beautiful, ancient Greek fertility goddess. God – he was so lucky.

If he'd been able to think clearly, or if at all, he would have realized that he was staring and not breathing. It was only the jab to his ribs that made him come out of his trance. He glanced to his left, to see Daniel grinning at him.

So sue him! It was his wedding and he was watching the world's most gorgeous woman walk down the aisle – or grass – to him. He had a right to be stunned!

She arrived at the front, a soft smile on her face only for him. He barely saw Jacob as he gave his daughter's hand to him. Just as he went to turn away Jack realized, and gave him a smile of thanks and a nod. He then took Sam's hand in his and turned with her to face the minister.

"So – finally!" Daniel looked at him with a soft smirk. "Teal'c and I wondered what it would take to bring you two together. I think 'alien technology' was number three on our list."

"You had a list?" Jack scowled at him, a glass of beer in one hand and a canapé in the other. (What the hell was a canapé anyway?).

"Yeah." Daniel popped some kind of little pastry in his mouth and chewed for a minute. "We had lots of lists actually."

"Lots? You mean about Sam and me?"

"Mmm hmm. And other things too."

"Like what other things?"

"Oh – the different ways you might piss off system lords and/or the Air Force brass, new excuses as to why your reports weren't done, comparisons you made to all things Simpson or fishing – those kind of things."

"Really? And here I thought you two were actually working on saving Earth from the Goa'uld, or in Teal'c's case freeing his Jaffa buddies. Instead you were making stupid lists."

"Hey – there were lots of times we had nothing to do - usually after you got us captured by insulting some alien and we had to spend the night in a dark cell. And they weren't stupid. They were highly entertaining."

Jack just snorted and took another sip of beer. He looked around his yard and watched his closest friends and family (mostly Sam's) interact. It had been a great day, one he'd remember always. He hadn't really had time to process the fact that they were married yet. He figured that would come later, when they were finally alone. It still astounded him that Sam – who'd had half the men in the galaxy after her and most of the men in the Air Force – had chosen him. He was the luckiest man alive.

"You're grinning again Jack", Daniel informed him casually.

"So. I have lots to grin about Daniel. It's my wedding day."

"Yeah – and I'm really happy for you. You and Sam deserve this."

"Well, I don't know about that – I do know that it's what I've wanted for a long time." He turned to face his friend. "Thank you Daniel – you and Teal'c – without you this never would have happened."

Daniel looked touched and smiled at the man who was like a brother to him. "Thanks Jack. You're our friends and we're just glad it all worked out. Mind you, if this hadn't we had a plan."

"A plan?"

"Mmm hmm. Teal'c and I arranged with Thor to kidnap the two of you and put you down on a tropical island for a few weeks by yourselves."

"And you think that would have brought us together?"

"Yup", the archaeologist said positively.

"You don't think that we would have been strong enough to obey the regulations for a few weeks?"

"Nope." Daniel took another drink, looking entirely too smug.

"But Daniel – we're both professionals and we would have -"

"Not if you were naked", Daniel interrupted.


"Not if you were naked. We also asked Thor to take all your clothes. He thought it was a good idea since he doesn't see the point of them anyway – at least not if it's not cold."

"You're telling me that you and Teal'c – I don't believe you."

"Hey Teal'c", Daniel called their Jaffa friend, who walked slowly over to them. "Tell Jack what we arranged with Thor."

"You mean about having him transport O'Neill and Major Carter to a tropical island and leave them there without any clothing?"

"Yeah – that's it!" Daniel turned to Jack. "See, I told you."

"I can't believe you two! You're incorrigible."

"We learned from the master, O'Neill", Teal'c gravely intoned. "And it was only because of our desire to see you and Samantha Carter resolve your problem."

"Our problem?"


"And what problem was that?"

"Your unresolved sexual tension", Teal'c informed him.

"Yup! UST – the scourge of life with Jack and Sam. Fortunately we don't have to deal with it anymore", Daniel sighed happily. "We've moved straight into RST – resolved – you know – so we told Thor he wasn't needed – unless you'd like a honeymoon on -"

"No - no, that's okay", Jack quickly told him. "We need to stay pretty close until the baby comes. I still can't believe you two! UST – RST – God, who would think of something so – so – ridiculous!"

"What's ridiculous Jack?" Sam came up behind him and put her arm around his waist.

"Uh – nothing. Teal'c and Daniel were just telling me about this tropical planet where people run around naked, that's all."

"Really? Hmm – sounds interesting. Was it something recently discovered because I don't remember ever hearing about it?"

"Yeah – we were talking about it with Thor", Daniel explained quickly.

"What's RST? Is it something to do with this planet?" She asked, obviously having heard the tail end of their conversation.

"No – it's – I mean yes. I – you'll have to ask Teal'c." Daniel stopped and took his glasses off and began to clean them.

"Teal'c?" Sam looked at him expectantly. "Do you know what it means?"

"I believe that O'Neill can best explain it", the cowardly Jaffa said. "I see that General Hammond needs some more sustenance. If you will excuse me?" With that Teal'c turned and walked away.

"Okay –that was strange", Sam said, a slight grimace on her face. She heard something coming from her new husband and turned to see Jack bent over in hysterical laughter. "Jack?" She frowned and looked again at Daniel. "I wish someone would tell me what's going on!"

"Jack will explain later", Daniel assured her. "Uh – I think I see – someone – over there. I'd better go and see what he wants." Their friend made his escape quickly, leaving a puzzled Sam and a gasping Jack.

"That was wonderful", Sam sighed as she collapsed on the bed. "It was the perfect wedding."

"It was", Jack plopped down beside her, his arms folded behind his head and a content look on his face. "We should do it more often."

"Get married?" she asked, laughing.

"No – I mean have everyone over. Although I wouldn't mind getting married again – as long as it was to you."

"Oh you romantic you! You realize that saying things like that will ensure you get very lucky tonight don't you."

"Why do you think I say them?"

She laughed and slowly turned on her side. She could hardly wait until this baby was born. She felt like a slow moving whale. "So, are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"What it was you were laughing at? Daniel and Teal'c both looked like they'd swallowed a fly and you were acting like a ten year old!"

"I was not", he protested. He too rolled over so that he was facing her. "If you must know, they were telling me about their plot to get us together. They had arranged with Thor to drop us off on a tropical planet -"

"Don't tell me", she interrupted. "We were going to be naked!"

"Mmm hmm. They figured we wouldn't have been able to stay 'professional' and obey the regs that way."

"They're right", she told him. "I would have taken one look at your naked body and " she stopped suddenly, realizing what she was about to say.

"And what?" he asked, sounding totally calm.


"Sam? What?"

"Nothing I – are you hungry?" She struggled to sit up but was impeded by his arm. "Jack!"

"No Sam – let's talk. You were going to joke about having your way with me or something like that, weren't you?"

"I – I'm sorry Jack – I just forgot."

"Good. Look, I know you were teasing – and it really doesn't bother me anymore. I know you're not going to hurt me and we have to get over being worried about saying stuff that's going to upset each other. And anyway – I'm afraid that if we were both naked on that planet I would have been right there with you!"

She relaxed back down – relieved that he seemed to be handling things so much better. She knew she'd over reacted, but she still had the occasional nightmare about what she'd done. They were getting fewer and fewer, as were Jack's but every once in a while they'd rear their ugly heads.

"So", she said after a few minutes of silence. "What's RST?"

"Resolved sexual tension", he told her calmly.

"Re – you're kidding?"

"Nope. I guess Teal'c and Daniel thought we had unresolved 'issues' but that we hadve finally 'resolved' them." He gave a devilish grin. "And they were so right!"

"Those – idiots! You know their problem Jack?"

"No. What?"

"They both need their unresolved issues dealt with."

"You mean you think -"

" They need to get laid! Then they could spend less time worrying about us."

He laughed and pulled her to him, cuddling up with her on the bed. "Can I tell them you said that?"

She swatted him but couldn't help but smile. "No, don't you dare." The last thing she wanted was for Daniel and Teal'c to think she thought at all about their sex lives. Although in actual fact, she and Janet had often speculated about the two of them. Hell, they'd speculated about the Colonel before they'd gotten together. She frowned slightly. She still wondered about what he'd gotten up to before they'd become a couple. Other than a few instances 'off-planet' she wasn't aware that he'd had any girl friends on Earth. It would be something to ask him one day – but not on their wedding day.

"Hey – how about some RST right now?" Jack asked with a hopeful sound in his voice. His question successfully put a stop to her wandering thoughts.

It was her turn to laugh, but she wiggled around until she was finally sitting up. "Food first – then RST. I couldn't get enough to eat today and I'm starving, and believe me – you don't want to have to deal with a starving pregnant woman."

"No", he shuddered. "Uh but what about dessert?"

"Fine – you can have some RST for dessert!" She was pretty sure he muttered something about it being 'almost better than cake' – but for his sake she decided to pretend she hadn't heard.

It was as they were walking back from dinner at the hotel they were staying in (in the honeymoon suite no less) that Sam grew quiet, thinking about everything that had happened and how far they'd come. There was still one unresolved issue – she had to smile at that – that hadn't been dealt with yet and that was Jack's willingness to allow her to see him without his shirt.

She'd let it go before now, figuring it wasn't that serious an issue and that eventually he'd get over it. That hadn't happened however and she'd finally brought it up to the counselor she was still seeing. Her therapist had told her that it often became harder over time to deal with these kinds of things rather than easier.

"It can become almost a phobia", she'd told Sam. "You may want to talk to him and see but I wouldn't suggest you let it go on for too long."

The more she thought about it, the more she agreed. Jack went to all kinds of lengths not to let her see him and it was starting to bother her. She knew she'd have to say something but debated as to whether now was a good time. It was their wedding night after all. She should just let it go.

"What is it?" he asked as they shut the door to their room behind them. "You've gone quiet all of a sudden. Tired?"

"A little", she agreed. "But that's not -"

"Not what? Come on – you know you can tell me anything."

She knew that wasn't exactly true. It's not that she kept secrets from him about important things, but hell, there were some things it was just better not to share with your new husband. Jonah came to mind. Although the Colonel knew about him, he didn't know the details and it was much better that way. Still, she knew she should say something to him about this, she just didn't know if now was the right time.


"It's really nothing", she smiled. "Come on, how about that dessert?"

Rather than rushing into a passion-filled, frantic joining, they simply lay down together and held on another. It had been a wonderful, but exhausting day, especially for a heavily pregnant woman. As much as she loved Jack and loved to make love to him, she enjoyed this closeness almost as much. She did feel a bit guilty though. If it wasn't for her pregnancy she was pretty sure he'd be less likely to be lying beside her and would be initiating something more vigorous.

"Whatcha thinkin'", he asked suddenly, gently caressing her face. "You look so serious all of a sudden."

"I was just thinking that you'd enjoy this a lot more if I wasn't so huge."

He chuckled softly and kissed her. "Nope", he answered plainly. "Not true. I'm happier right now then I've ever been. There's nothing I like better than being close to you."

"Not sex?" she asked with a small smile.

"Well!" He laughed and flipped onto his stomach so that he could look at her better. "We have lots of time for that. Right now I just want to look at you and tell myself that you actually married me. I still can't believe it you know."

"Jack! You know that there was nothing I wanted more than to marry you."

"Not sex?" he grinned, repeating her words.

"Okay, I admit it. I wanted your body – that's why I married you. It was just the sex all along – all that UST had to be resolved!"

He chuckled again and snuggled up against her, his hand on her belly. "The baby's quiet tonight", he said.

"Mmm hmm. He – or she – is happy that Daddy and Mommy finally got married."

"Ya think?"

"Well, I don't suppose it cares really. At least not now. All our child needs to know is that it's loved. My father, on the other hand was ecstatic that we finally did it."

"I thought he'd be in mourning over the fact that it was me you were marrying."

"Hey, Dad likes you!"

"Yeah, right!"

"He does. It's just that he likes to give you a hard time even more. It gives him great pleasure to have a son-in-law he can harass."

"Great! I just hope that Selmak can keep him under control."

They laid there quietly for a few more moments, Jack's hand absently tracing patterns on her abdomen. While he was so calm and relaxed she decided she'd try and return the favor. Slowly she began to touch his stomach. He didn't seem to notice at first, but after a few seconds she could feel his muscles clench and he went to back away. She reached out and put her arm around him. "Don't", she said softly.

She looked into his eyes and could see the doubt and the fear still there. She hadn't planned on it, but decided right then and there that this had to stop. He had to get over this, for his sake more than hers.

"Jack – it's okay. I just want to touch you."

He took a breath that sounded rather shaky, but after a moment he nodded. She could feel him try and relax, although he was still tense. She slowly and carefully resumed her exploration of his chest.

It took a while but eventually she could feel the muscles let go, little by little. His breathing slowed and he actually seemed to be enjoying her touch. Although it seemed a small thing, in actual fact he'd taken a huge step. She figured that was as far as they should go tonight.

"I love you," told her suddenly.

"I know. I love you too."

"No – I mean – I really love you. You – you're everything to me Sam. I - I just love you."

She smiled and lifted her hand until it cupped his cheek. Moving slowly, her eyes focused only on him, she laid her lips gently against his mouth. "And I – really – love you." She could feel him nod, and then sigh and pull away. "What is it?" she asked, knowing it was something.

"I – hate that I'm so screwed up", he confessed. "I mean, what kind of man has trouble letting the woman he loves even touch him? How can you possibly want to be with someone like me?"

"Hmm, let me think. Could it be that you're strong and courageous? Maybe it's the fact that you're handsome as sin – and very sexy. Or it's that you're one of the most honorable men I know. No, no – it's got to be your crazy sense of humor. Then again, it may be because you take care of me so well." She stopped and considered him for a moment. "I know", she finally said. "I love you because you're you. You're Jack O'Neill – the man I've loved for a long, long time and the man I'll love forever. The fact that you don't want to take off your shirt – well, that's a pretty minor detail."

He could actually feel himself start to tear up and felt rather embarrassed. He put his arm over his face, again wondering what he had done to deserve this woman. It was a couple of seconds before he spoke. "I look better with a shirt anyway", he mumbled, not quite sure what to say.

"Prove it to me."

That stopped him. He lifted his head suddenly, not sure if she'd meant what she'd said. "I – no – I can't", he told her, starting to feel the panic return. "It's – Sam, it's better this way."

"Why?' she asked gently. "I think you've made it out to be a much bigger thing than it is. I think you should simply take it off and get it over with."

He shook his head and sat up, wanting to get away. Something at the last moment stopped him however. The realization that he was making this out to be something huge – something insurmountable - suddenly hit him. What was he thinking? It was just his shirt. He knew Sam wasn't going to attack him just because his chest was naked. No, but she would see the scar and that would – would what? It might make her feel bad but did it really bother him that much anymore?

He fought a silent battle with himself, but by the end realized that it was time to show some courage. He'd faced worse enemies many times – but few so frightening as this. Still – he was just about to embark on a new life as husband to this incredible woman and father to a new child. Now was the time to deal with his demons.

Without saying another word he grasped the bottom of his shirt and slowly pulled it from his pants. Once it was all the way out he stopped, his breathing again speeding up. He closed his eyes, trying to tell himself he could do this. He was just being silly – it wasn't as if he was stripping naked in the middle of Colorado Springs for God sake.

Sam sat quietly, watching as the Colonel – her husband – showed extreme courage. She could see the tremor in his hands but they remained holding his shirt. Slowly, deliberately, he began to lift the shirt over his head. He'd put on a long sleeve t-shirt once they'd changed out of their wedding clothes so there were no buttons to undo.

She watched as he abruptly took a deep breath and yanked it quickly over his head and threw it on the floor. He sat there, his eyes still closed, but now he was holding his breath.

"Thank you", she told him softly. "I love you."

His eyes slowly opened and he peered directly at her. She didn't look either disgusted, or filled with guilt. Instead, her eyes shone with pride – in him – and with love. He briefly closed his again and then opened them and gave a shaky smile.

"So – not wanting to run away?" he asked humorously, although with a serious tone underlying the question.

"Why would I want to? I told you, I think you're incredibly handsome and sexy and even more so without your shirt."

"I – the scars?"

"They tell me what kind of man you are. You should wear all of them with pride."

He slowly forced himself to look down at the scar – the one she'd left on him all those months ago. "And this?" he asked, lifting his hand and pointing to it. He still didn't like touching it.

But she did. She reached out her hand and carefully touched his skin with her finger and felt his chest quiver. She was pretty sure it was from fear, not passion. "Did I do that?" she asked.

He nodded, unable to speak. He wondered how she'd react and was surprised when she leaned forward and very gently kissed the scar. He couldn't help it – he jerked away from her, his heart beating wildly.

"Sorry", he muttered.

"It's okay. It will take awhile and I'm the one who should be sorry – for doing this to you."

"It -"

" – wasn't my fault. I know, and I finally believe it – most of the time – but I'm still sorry I hurt you. Do you hate it?" she suddenly asked, referring again to the scar.

"I – don't know. It's just – I try not to think of it I guess."

She reached up again and touched him. This time it bothered him less, although he still found it difficult. "I think we should think of it as the beginning of something wonderful", she told him. "Although this whole thing started with something bad, it's turned into something really good. This mark", she stroked it gently, "tells me that we're joined."

"You marked me", he said, and his voice was not angry or afraid – rather it held a trace of humor.

"Yeah – and it means you're mine", she told him bluntly.

He laughed softly and finally settled down beside her, her hand trapped in his. She wiggled around until she was partially leaning over him. She looked at him, her eyes asking permission. A deep breath and a small grimace and then he nodded. She leaned down and began trailing soft kissed down his chest.

He didn't allow it to continue too long – not because he was feeling panicked – although there was still an element of that – but because he was definitely starting to want that dessert.

"Mmm", he hummed when she reached his belly button. For the first time he wished she wasn't so pregnant because he really wanted to –

"Jack!" she squealed.

He forgot about his fears and hang-ups and spent the evening enjoying his wife.


"Mmm hmm", she murmured, her face bathed in perspiration. She took a drink from the straw as he held the glass and then laid her head down. "damn – it's coming again."

He helped support her through the next contraction. They were steadily getting stronger, although she seemed to be handling things well. She'd been in labor for close to eight hours, although only the last couple in hard labor. They'd stayed at home as long as possible but when her water broke they decided to go to the hospital.

"Hi Sam." Janet's voice suddenly broke the silence as Sam rested between contractions.

"Janet! You're here."

"I am." She moved to the other side of the bed and took her friend's hand. "How are you doing?"

"The doc said she's about six centimeters", Jack informed her. "She says she's doing well."

"I figured. Have you decided about an epidural?"

Just then another contraction started so Sam wasn't able to respond until it was done.

"I'm okay for now", she told Janet. "I'd rather not if I don't have to."

"Okay." Janet smiled at Jack. "I figured she'd handle it pretty well", she told the father.

"Yeah – once you've experienced a pain stick nothing's as bad", he said.

"Labor's worse", his wife said shortly.

It went on for a few more hours and Sam kept on without pain medication, although Jack worried that she was getting exhausted. The one time he'd suggested she consider an epidural he'd quickly regretted it. Janet told him gently that it was best to let Sam bring it up if she wanted help.

Jack stayed by the bed the whole time, except to take quick bathroom breaks. Once Janet made him get something to eat but otherwise he was there, right beside her. He felt guilty that she had to bear the pain even though he knew that was nature's fault, not his. Still, he knew he could do nothing less than stay with her.

Daniel and Teal'c and Jacob all came in at different times but didn't stay long. It wasn't a time for talking and Sam needed to focus, something she couldn't do with any of them there. Still, the fact that they were present, in the hospital, made a huge difference to her. Even George Hammond came by and told them he'd stay till the baby was born.

"We have such good friends", Sam whispered. She had grown rather teary-eyed and was looking sweaty and exhausted. Jack gently ran the warm washcloth over her face.

"We do", he agreed.

"And I'm glad my Dad is here", she said.

"He wouldn't be anywhere else", he informed her. "He told me that he told the High Council that they could go – uh – do something impossible to their anatomy if they didn't let him come to be here with you."

It was after the next contraction that Sam suddenly looked as if she couldn't take anymore. The midwife came in just then to check on her and see how far along she was.

"She doesn't look like she can deal with much more", he told her. "Maybe we should think about an epidural?"

The Midwife didn't respond immediately, as she was examining Sam. When she was done she took off the glove and lowered the sheet. "Mmm sorry. I'm afraid we can't give her an epidural. Not now."

Jack was ready to do battle for his wife. "Why not?" he asked. "She can't take this anymore."

"Jack!" Sam called frantically and reached out and grabbed his hand.

"And she doesn't have to", the midwife explained. "It's time to push." She got the bed ready and pulled back the sheet. "Okay Jack – you can help support her. Sam, you need to sit up and hold onto the bar if you want – or Jack if that's more comfortable." She waited while Sam slowly moved and then made it through her next contraction.

This time she wasn't silent – but instead cried out. "I need to push!"

"Good", the midwife answered. "It's time Sam. Go ahead."

It actually took longer than Jack had thought it would. Somehow, and maybe it was because of watching all those Hollywood movies, he'd pictured it as happening in just a few seconds. Instead, Sam pushed for almost forty minutes, during which time she'd cried, panted, and squeezed every drop of blood from his hand and had practically broken all the bones.

"Jack – come and look. You can see the head."

Okay – that was pretty weird, he decided. He really didn't know if he wanted – "Oh my God! Sam, you can see the head – and it's got hair on it!" He stared in absolute amazement and awe at his child, who was trying desperately to make its way into the world.

A few more pushes – he could tell it was coming out a bit further every time – and she or he would be here. God – this was a miracle.

"Jack, come here. Now hold your hands here and you can catch the baby."

His hands were shaking and he was terrified he was going to drop it, but the midwife continued to smile and watch. With a loud cry – almost a scream – Sam gave one last tremendous push and his child – covered in white and red – slipped out into his waiting hands.

He was crying - he knew it and he didn't care in the least. His child – their child was here, finally. He looked at the small, pink body and gently laid it on Sam's stomach. He watched as his wife, her face covered in tears and a smile, reached down and put her hand on the baby's back. The midwife quickly covered the small child with a warm blanket.

Jack watched in wonder as the baby slowly wriggled its way up Sam until finally it found her breast and latched on. He was breathless and in love. That was their child – his and Sam's. For the first time he blessed that alien obelisk and the Amazons. Sam was right – something that had started so badly had ended in utter joy. He could feel his soul travel that last small journey to healing and knew he had this woman and this small child to thank for that.

He walked out of the delivery suite, a huge grin on his face. Their friends – Teal'c, Daniel, Pierce, Janet and General Hammond all stood, looking at him expectantly. Jacob was there as well – looking expectantly at Jack.

"You want to come see baby O'Neill?" he asked them.

"Jack! Congratulations!" Daniel gave him a hug. That was quickly followed by congratulations and hugs from everyone.

"Jack? How's Sam?" Jacob asked his son-in-law.

"She's fine", he answered. "She did beautifully. The midwife is just getting her all cleaned up and then she wants to see all of you."

"O'Neill – you have not told us. Did you have a son or daughter?"

"You'll see in a minute Teal'c. Sam made me promise not to say. Come on – she should be ready now." He walked down the hall followed by the people who meant more to him than any others in the universe. He opened the door and watched as they all filed into the room.

He was the last to enter and he smiled to see his wife – looking serene and as if she'd done nothing more than go for a stroll in the park – sitting up in bed, the baby held in her arms.

Everyone moved up to the bed and looked at the newest member of their team. The baby was still red and slightly 'squished' looking, but was still totally beautiful, thought the doting father. He and Carter made gorgeous babies!

"So – what is it?" Janet finally asked. "Jack wouldn't tell us."

Sam looked at each of her friends and at her father. Her eyes finally rested on her husband, the man she'd followed willingly all these years and who now travelled by her side.

Jack watched as she smiled and knew that it was the smile that only a mother can give, the smile of a woman, a lover – the smile from his Amazon.

"Say hello to Erin Elizabeth O'Neill."

The End

Thank you, as always, to my many, many faithful reviewers (whom I'm terrible at replying to). You make it fun and worthwhile.