AN: Hi everyone! So I saw "Rise of the Guardians" about...hmm, 3 weeks or so ago? And have been OBSSESSED with it ever since. So obviously as soon as the movie was over, I thought of a fanfic.

This is actually the second time I've written for the RotG archive but that was a one-shot and since it was based off a comic from Deviantart I sorta had a script of sorts. But this story is gonna be much longer and of my own imagination so well I hope you like it.

Anyway, Rise of the Guardians belongs to Dreamworks and William Joyce.

I only own my oc Faith, but she won't be introduced till the next chapter.

Enjoy! :)

"Take that Jack!" Jamie Bennett yelled as he tossed a snowball at the Guardian of Fun. It was a snowy December day in the town of Burgess and the neighborhood children were doing what they did best on snow days. Frolicking in the white snow and were currently in the middle of a snowball fight.

Jack Frost spun around and ducked the flying projectile that Jamie, one of his closest friends and the first child who believed in him, had thrown. He held out the palm of his hand and blew into it. The mist forming into a snowball before his icy blue eyes.

"Oh Jamie," Jack said in fake disappointment. "I thought I taught you better." and with that he tossed the snowball at the brunette boy hitting him in the chest. More snowballs flew through the air as the other children got in on the action too.

The shouts and screams of the children filled the air as they tossed and dodged. Somehow, and even Jack wasn't sure how it had occurred, but the next thing the Guardian of Fun knew was that he was now on the bottom of a dog pile with the children thrown across his back.

"Easy! Easy! Hey watch the hair Cupcake." Jack laughed good naturedly and the children laughed as well until...

"Jamie! Dinner time!" Mrs. Bennett shouted from where she stood in the front door of their house. Almost instantly, the sounds of the other children's parents calling filled the air, telling their children to come in for the night it was time for dinner.

The children groaned in protest and reluctantly scrambled off the pile, bid farewell to their friends and then trudged through the snow to their respective homes until only Jamie and Jack were left.

"Sorry Jack, gotta go." the younger boy frowned as he helped his mythical friend to his feet.

"It's alright kiddo." Jack sighed leaning against his staff.

Jamie, still seeing his friend's disappointment said, "Hey we can always play tomorrow right?"


Jamie would have said more but his mother called to him again.


"I'm coming Mom!" Jamie hollered as he started off leaving the Guardian alone. "See you tomorrow Jack. Bye!"

"Bye." Jack called after him and watched as he disappeared into his house. Once Jamie was out of sight, Jack let out a long sigh and ran his fingers through his snow white hair. "Take me home wind."

A cold blast of air began to blow and Jack rose into the air and took to the skies. He glided over the houses and quickly found himself in the familiar territory of the woods. He floated down and landed on the snow covered ground. He looked to his staff and twisted it around in his hands lost in deep thought.

This was the time of day that he hated most. When the children were forced to go in for the night and he was left alone. Sure things were a lot better now since he became a Guardian five years ago and had found a family of sorts within the other Guardians but still, this time of day he was alone. He didn't like being alone. It brought back too many painful memories of how he wasn't able to be seen or heard by anyone for over three hundred years.

Sure he could always visit the other Guardians but Tooth and her fairies were probably busy collecting teeth, Christmas was only in a few weeks so he could forget about going to North's. Sandy would be a good choice but he wouldn't be here for several more hours and as or Bunnymund...well let's just say that Jack was giving the Easter Bunny a few days to calm down after he had decided to make it snow in the warren.

With yet another sigh, Jack rose into the air once more and began to float around the forest, mindlessly freezing things. Jack was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that he had begun to sing

There are few who deny, at what I do I am the best

For my talents are renowned far and wide

When it comes to a White Christmas on a cold December day

I excel without ever really trying

With the slightest little effort of my ghost-like charm

I have seen children give out a gleeful shriek

With a wave of my hand and a blast from my staff

I have seen the children happily play with the snow at their feet

Yet year after year, it's the same routine

And I grow so weary of the sound of winter themes

And I Jack, the Winter King

Have grown so tired of the same old thing

As he sang, the Guardian of Fun flew around the forest, circling trees before he touched them and caused frost to form all over them.

Oh somewhere deep inside of these bones

An emptiness began to grow

There's something out there far from my home

A longing that I've never known.

I'm master of snow, a demon of frost

And I can make a blizzard occur in a snap

At these lines Jack formed a snowflack within his palm and the touched another tree, coating it in frost. He snapped his fingers and blizzard like winds began to blow but he stopped it before a full size blizzard could occur. Didn't want a replay of the Blizzard of '68.

To the kids of Burgess I'm Mr. Snow Fun

And I'm known throughout the world never lost

And since I'm an immortal weather, I'll be around forever

A beauty to witness the world

No animal or man can freeze like I can

With the fury of the cold winter's chill

But who hear would ever understand

That the Winter King with his mischevious grin

Would tire of his crown? If they only understood.

He'd give it all up if only he could.

By now Jack had flown up in the sky and was staring at the full moon. The Man in the Moon. For many years he would have given up his power if it meant he'd escape the loneliness. He had lost track of how often he would curse the Man in the Moon for bringing him back and not telling him his purpose.

Now Jack understood why all that happened and now he did have friends and he knew his purpose...but still. His heart had a hole in it. Something was missing, but what could it be?

Oh there's an empty place in my bones

That calls out for something unknown

The fame and praise come year after year

Does nothing for these empty tears.

Jack flew over and landed in a tree, letting one long gangly leg dangle over the side. He looked to the moon hoping for an answer to what he was feeling missing but as usual, the Man in the Moon was silent.

Without much to do Jack rested the back of his head against the trunk of the tree and closed his icy blue eyes. Being immortal he didn't need to sleep. He could still do it if he wanted to but it was not necessary. So as a way to escape the world for a few moments Jack relaxed his body and slipped off to sleep.

For the record, even though I do like to add songs to my stories, I don't think this story will have a lot of them. Probably one to two more at the most.

Jack is happy with his life but he feels there's something missing from it.

Anyway the song is "Jack's Lament" (XD) from Disney's "The Nightmare before Christmas." Special thanks to my friends Cartooncaster21 and MwolfL for helping me change the lyrics so they were more winterized.

Next chapter will be out soon and I hope you enjoyed this one. Bye!