Hello, hello, hello! :D

I have awesome news. My first book, Letting Lier and Finding Pax, came out today. TODAY.

Do you like Science Fiction? Dark Fantasy? Horror, gore, and angst?

ehhh... Not sold yet?

Alright. Now take all of that... and make it man on man. Super slash.

How about now? ;)

IF SO, it's available for purchase in ebook and paperback formats on dreamspinnerpress dot com.

If you click "New Releases" in the left column, it should be the first one, or one of the first ones, listed.

I would post a direct link here, but ffnet doesn't allow that.

I understand this isn't a place for self-promotion, but as a new author (PN Harper Moon) I need as much publicity as I can get.

Also, I've partnered with another author and migrated to Archive of Your Own. We'll be posting material there, as most of the things we write are explicit.

Username: HarperMoonandNickGrunge

You can also find me on facebook under Harper Moon (Author).

(I'm also in talks with a company about publishing a book under my real name soon. I'll keep you posted.)

Thank you for following this story. It's always a joy to write for you. I sincerely hope some of you will continue to follow me and enjoy the tales to come. :)

- Harper