Hi, this is my first fan fiction; please don't hate it ;) All copyrights belong to Ryan Murphy and FOX.

Blame It on the Alcohol

"It sounds awful." Santana closed her locker; "Is anybody going?" she asked down the phone to Brittany in disbelief.

The blonde walked beside her; "Let me find out." She pressed several familiar numbers into her mobile; "Did you hear?"

"Yes, Mercedes just told me." The familiar voice of Artie Abram's responded."Tell them I'll go if they go." Artie turned in his chair; "Tell them yourself, I ain't no pony express."

Mercedes rolled her eyes and pressed the device in her ear so that she could speak for herself. "You're going right?"

"Only if there's liquor. Because a Rachel Berry party is not something I can do sober." Santana replied, only to be interrupted by Brittany;"But its alcohol awareness week…"

The Latino turned to look at her friend; "Precisely, and I am aware of how much fun alcohol is. Let's ask Puckerman."

The other three waited on the line as Santana added Puck to the party call. "Go for Puck."

"Noah, its Santini and Artcedes, can your friends score us some wine coolers?"

"No but his I.D can." He answered as he walked down the stairs to meet the other four.

"Well, if we're all in, it's settled. The Rachel Berry house party train wreck extravaganza is officially a go." Mercedes announced to the group; "Now all we've gotta do is make sure the rest of the Glee club shows up."

The five separated and each started dialling numbers, Puck called Finn to make sure the quarterback would come and then called Lauren, Santana called her sort of boyfriend Sam and ordered his guppy face to be there and Brittany called someone in the Middle East by mistake. Mercedes called Quinn and invited her to the party; the blonde had been dismissive of the whole thing until Mercedes had said that there would be alcohol. Artie invited Tina and Mike, after hooking up with Brittany he had become a lot more accepting of the couple's relationship.

Quinn arrived at the same time as Puck and Lauren, she looked at the odd couple, even though Quinn had had some sort of relationship with the boy with the Mohawk which had resulted in Beth, the blonde knew deep down that they weren't meant to be. Although she did find it extremely entertaining to finally see Puck be brought down from his high horse and actually have to work for a girl's attention. Rachel welcomed them into her house, but not before ensuring that they had all wiped their feet on the 'Welcome' mat. She escorted them downstairs into her basement, which she referred to as the 'Oscar Room'. Quinn rolled her eyes at all the theatrics and looked for any sign of alcohol. However much to her disappointment all she was offered by the hostess was two drink tickets for a couple of wine coolers. She sighed in defeat and walked over to where Mercedes was sat, the girl was perched on what looked like a stage.

"Of course, only Rachel Berry would have a stage in her own house." She muttered under her breath, it was only then that she another little scan of the place to see who else was there. And to Quinn's discomfort, she saw her ex-best friend on her ex-boyfriends lap; the two were having an aggressive looking make out session on the couch. It sickened her to see that the boy who had only a couple of weeks prior proposed to her, had already moved on, however Quinn knew that she of all people couldn't judge; if it hadn't of been for her stupidity with Finn, herself and Sam would still be together. She was eventually able to tear her eyes away from the 'couple' and looked to see who else was there. Artie and Brittany were over by the stereo looking through Rachel's iPod playlist in disgust, Mike and Tina were sat at the bar looking as if they might fall asleep within any moment. Puck and Lauren removed themselves from Rachel's clutches; she looked momentarily confused only to be distracted by the doorbell sounding. Puck joined the couple at the bar whereas Lauren came and sat down with Mercedes and Quinn.

"Welcome." Rachel greeted the three with a big beaming smile; "Kurt, Blaine? I wasn't expecting you guys…" her smile wavered; Finn looked at her guilty;"Kurt's been black mailing me ever since he saw my browser history… He insisted on coming."

" I'm totally off the clock now Rachel, I'm not a Warbler. I'm just Blaine; I'm not even wearing my uniform."

There was an awkward pause between the four, until Kurt clasped his hands together and said; "So… this is your dad's 'Oscar Room'?"

"Yes! They transformed our ordinary basement for our famous annual Oscar parties." Rachel happily replied as she took their coats.

"Is that a stage!?" Blaine asked in astonishment.

"I like to give impromptu performances for our neighbours."

Quinn decided that she could no longer stand being in such a close environment with Sam and Santana and their over the top kissing. She got up and walked towards the bar to join Mike, Tina and Puck, only to be side tracked by Rachel;

"Hey Girlfriend! Having fun?" the brunette asked, completely oblivious to Quinn's wounded expression;

"Yeah… awesome party…" she responded and then walked past to join the others at the non-drinking bar.

Rachel looked confused as to why Quinn wouldn't be happy, in her opinion this party was running pretty smoothly, no one was throwing up, or spilling drinks and most importantly they were acting responsibly and maturely and it was all down to her. She then noticed the reason for Quinn's saddened expression; Sam and Santana flaunting their relationship down the girl's throat.

"Oh… Okay, let's go over the rules." Everyone but the hostess inwardly groaned; "Everyone gets TWO drink tickets to keep things from getting out of hand." She offered the new comers their own tickets; "We are serving wine coolers today, that is our speciality drink… that's actually all that we have…" Blaine and Kurt took their tickets and looked at each other in unsurprised faces.

Rachel looked around and spotted a rule breaking; "Brittany! Remember the rules, no sitting on anything!" The blonde looked puzzled; she looked to her boyfriend who just rolled his eyes at the controlling brunette.

"Okay everybody… Cheers!" Rachel shouted, Artie rolled over to her, with Mike, Tina, Brittany and Finn all stood behind him; "Great party Rachel, we gotta run."

"Yeah… dinner reservations" Tina gestured between herself and Mike, who silently nodded.

"Bbbbut, we haven't even played celebrity yet! I… Wha…" Rachel couldn't think of a reason for them to stay, they all started to head for the door.

"Why is everybody leaving!?" She asked Finn desperately needing an answer, but before he could reply, Puck responded "Because this party blows."

Quinn watched as Puck broke the news to Rachel, he could have at least broken the news a little kinder. Realising that there was no point in staying if everybody else was leaving and there was no way she was going to stay and spend the night all alone with Rachel; the very thought made her shudder.

She overheard Puck plead "You've gotta let me break into your dads liquor cabinet. No one is going to get buzzed off two wine coolers."

Rachel still looked unsure; "I'll replace it before they get home." Puck said in a final attempt to convince her.

"Let's Party!" Everyone turned to see Rachel's announcement, and within an instant drinks were being downed, the music was turned up to full volume and people started to slowly get drunk.

Quinn somehow got involved in some random drinking game, which consisted trying to get a quarter into a shot glass, then tossing back a mixture of vodka among other things and then sucking on a piece of lime, she was sat in a circle with Mercedes, Tina and Mike.

The next thing she knew, she was dancing next to Puck and still holding her red cup. Realising her cup was now empty, Quinn stumbled over to the bar and grabbed anything that took her fancy then mixed them all together. She looked around to see Santana crying and trying to get Sam's attention.

"You like her more than me! She's blonde and awesome and so smart! Admit it! Just admit it! No kiss me!" Santana grabbed Sam and pulled him into a weepy kiss.

Quinn used up every ounce of her self control not to go over there and start a fight, so instead she figured out that she needed to release all of her anger out on someone and the first person she saw was Puck. She began yelling at him for silly trivial things then moved onto the subject of Beth.

"I can't believe what you did to my body! I used to have abs!" Quinn stormed off leaving Puck to look at her in bewilderment; he then he had Lauren shout insults at him.

Quinn watched as her fellow cheerleader; Brittany started to give Artie a lap dance, shaking her head, she walked over to where Tina and Mercedes were laughing in hysterics, she figured that maybe some of their glee would rub off on her.

Suddenly Rachel took to the stage and shouted; "Spin the bottle! WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!?" Everyone cheered at the idea except Quinn and Santana.

The group all sat down in a circle and started to play, excluding the blonde who was sat just outside the group and watching, and the Latino stayed standing near the bar and keeping her eye on Sam.

Brittany grabbed the empty bottle, it span until eventually landing on Sam, everyone cheered and laughed, the two blondes moved closer only to be momentarily stopped by Santana's outburst.

"You know what, a reminder, I owns that guppy mouth! Those trouty Aerosmith lips belong to me so!"

But Sam and Brittany were too intoxicated to care, and the two locked lips; much to the discomfort of Quinn.

"You know what this is not! Hey! You know what honey's it's not a Big Red commercial! Norma gusta!" Santana shouted as she pulled the two blondes apart.

Quinn watched as Rachel's bottle landed on Blaine, everyone laughed and applauded as the two started to kiss, but after seeing Sam kiss yet another person, all Quinn felt was numbness. She couldn't take her eyes off Sam, and before she even knew what was happening; Rachel and Blaine started to do a duet, which meant that the game was over.

Santana marched over and dragged her boyfriend back over to their 'spot' on the couch only to start making out again. As the song went on, Quinn was slowly starting to sober up, Santana finally got off Sam and grabbed some random cup and started to drink and sing along.

Not long after the duet, people started to call it a night, Finn drove Kurt and Blaine back to their house. Mercedes's mom came to pick up herself, Mike, Tina and Artie then drop them off home. Puck, Lauren, Santana and Brittany called a taxi; leaving Sam, Quinn and Rachel still at the house.

"Where did everybody go?" Rachel slurred, she looked around at all of the empty bottles and cups.

"They all left Rachel, but don't worry they all enjoyed themselves." Quinn replied, Rachel smiled that her party had been a success; she then left all her hostess duties behind her as she walked up stairs to bed.

Leaving Quinn to clear up all the mess and Sam to lie unconscious on the couch, after clearing up most of the mess, Quinn decided that it was time to go; she headed for the stairs only to stop when she heard Sam mumble something, she turned to see Sam struggling to stand up straight.

"Wherrrreee you going?" Sam asked like a little lost boy; "Wherrree did Suntaannaa go?" Quinn shook her head at him;

"She's gone Sam, they've all gone…" His face dropped, he stumbled forwards; Quinn caught him before he hit his head on the table.

"How are you getting home?"

Sam thought for a second; "I… I, ummm… I don't know" He smiled as she giggled;

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

The two climbed the stairs and left the Berry household. Luckily Quinn and Sam lived quite close, so the journey didn't take too long, however they would've been even quicker if Sam hadn't kept stopping to steady himself then burst into song.

He gave several different variations of ' I'm still standing', B.O.B's song 'Don't Let Me Fall' and 'I get knocked down, but I get up again'. Quinn tried her best to quieten him down, but her attempts only made his louder.

They finally arrived at his house, Quinn silently opened the front door and led Sam to his bedroom, she placed him on the bed and went in the search of a bucket/bowl/trash can that he could throw up in. Once she found a trash can in his bathroom, she re-entered his room to find Sam staring at his feet;

"What's wrong?" Sam looked up alarmed, only to calm down once he realised who it was;

"Ummm… nothing."

Quinn nodded not wanting to push it; she placed the container beside his bed; "Just in case…"

He thanked her, she was about to walk out, when Sam said; "I miss you…"

She turned to see him staring at her with longing in his eyes.

"You don't mean that Sam, you're just saying that because you're drunk."

"No… I think I'm starting to sober up."

He got up from the bed and slowly walked over to her;

"Sam, what are you doing?"

"I don't really know, but one thing that I do know; is that I want to kiss you…"

He leant down and brushed his lips over hers; she pulled away and looked up into his green eyes;

"You're drunk Sam, you don't want me… you want Santana." She said regretfully; "Have you already forgotten how much I hurt you?"

Sam shook his head, but didn't pull away; "I forgive you. I love you, not Santana."

Quinn didn't believe him, she couldn't.

"You're my girl." He then kissed her again, only this time, she didn't pull away.

He picked her up and moved them to the bed; he laid her down gently, though never breaking the kiss. They eventually had to break apart because oxygen was seriously needed, he smiled down at her and began to kiss and nibble at her neck. Quinn's hands moved from the back of his head where they had been playing with his hair and moved down to his belt buckle. He realised what she was wanting, he reluctantly pulled away and clasped her hands in his;

"We can't."

He rolled off of her, Quinn looked hurt; understanding how that must of sounded Sam said;

"I want our first time to be special."

She smiled and curled up next to him. He protectively wrapped his arms around her and the two slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sam woke up to the feel of Quinn still clutching onto his side; he looked down to see her perfectly manicured fingers gripping his shirt, as if he might disappear or leave.

Her steady breathing was enough to send him back to sleep, but he could hear his family in the kitchen making breakfast, and they would be pretty pissed if they found him lying on his bed with his ex. He looked at the clock on his bedside table; it read 9:18am. Unsure of how to nicely wake Quinn up, he kissed the top of her head and stroked her arm to start with. She quietly moaned into his chest, making him smile; Quinn had never been much of a morning slowly opened her eyes.

"Morning" Sam whispered, she slowly lifted her head and whispered "Morning" back; he kissed her lips. Once they pulled apart all Sam wanted to ask was; if this had meant anything, were they getting back together or would she act as if nothing had happened.

His thoughts were interrupted by his sister; Stacey running inside of his room, she had obviously been asked to go and wake up her brother. Stacey stopped in her tracks at the sight of Quinn and Sam in his bed; Sam instantly jumped off the bed before she could go run and tell their parents.

Stacey squealed and he tried to cover her mouth and shut the door;

"Stacey, I'm going to release you, but you have to promise not to scream or anything like that…"

The little girl slowly nodded and Sam uncovered her mouth.

"What are you two doing?" She asked naïvely, Quinn smiled from the bed; Sam turned to look at her then back at his sister;

"You remember Quinn right?" Stacey nodded again;

"Well she slept over last night, but it's a secret. No one can know. Not even Stevie, Okay?"

"Why not?" She countered, Quinn giggled at the girls spirit;

"Because honey, Sam isn't allowed girls in his room." The older blonde walked up the younger girl;

"Can you keep this a secret? If you don't not only Sam will get in trouble, but so will I…"

Stacey looked upset at the thought of getting Quinn in trouble.

"I won't tell anyone." She smiled and hugged Quinn.

Sam watched as his little sister left the room in shock; "How did you do that?"

"It's a girl thing." She winked and stood up to be at his level.

"Well I should probably get going…" He nodded and inwardly sighed.

Quinn turned and walked back to the bed to grab her cardigan. Sam lifted up the window so that Quinn could escape without being noticed by his family; luckily Sam's room was on the ground floor and not upstairs. She jumped down and turned to look at him;

"I'll see you Monday…" before Sam could reply, Quinn was already hurrying through the garden to the front of the house.

Even though Sam had felt fine whilst Quinn was with him, as soon as she had left he ran to the bathroom to hurl up his guts. He repeated this routine several more times before even considering eating anything, but in order to try and act normal he had to try and eat the breakfast his mother had made for him.

Monday arrived too quickly for his liking; he was still feeling rough and had ended up wearing sun glasses to shield his delicate eyes from any harsh light that would give him a splitting head ache. He walked to school instead of catching the bus; just the idea of catching a slow moving, loud and bouncy bus made his stomach churn.

He arrived on time and saw Artie being pushed by his girlfriend; Brittany, they were moving slowly into the building, he caught up to his friends and the three manoeuvred themselves through the busy hallways to meet up with the rest of the Glee Club. Sam spotted Quinn at her locker sporting sunglasses like Artie, Brittany and himself. She greeted the three and tried to act as normal as possible in front of the odd couple. They were soon joined by Santana, Mercedes, Tina and Mike.

"How about some bloody Mary's ya'll?" Artie offered while holding up a flask and cups.

"Are you kidding me? The last thing I wanna do is drink." Mercedes groaned.

"It will help your hang over. That's what bloody Mary's are for." Artie replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Hair of the dog that did bit your ass."

Everyone gave in and accepted a cup each, Quinn and Sam downed their drinks in sync. In the end it did make them feel slightly better, but only because they slowly started to become intoxicated once more.

The Glee Club all arrived in the auditorium, where Mr Schuester was waiting to watch their performance. The song 'Blame it on the Alcohol' started to play and Artie took the lead; Sam spent most of the performance sat down on one of the rotating white couches, due to him being worried that if he stood up for too long he might fall/collapse.

The song ended, and Mr Schuester started to clap;

"Well done you guys!"

Everyone sighed in relief that they hadn't been caught and that they had managed to finish the song.

"I mean, you always bring it with the singing and the dancing, but what I was really impressed with was the acting. I truly thought that some of you were drunk." Will said with a smile on his face.

"We take our craft serious," Artie responded.

"But the problem is, the song is great but it kind of glorifies drinking. Don't you think? I mean, we're supposed to be singing about the dangers of alcohol for this assembly."

"Well good luck with finding a song that does that." Mercedes slurred.

"Mr Schue, first of all, that vest is very cute. You are all kinds of awesome. But maybe there aren't any songs about the dangers of drinking because there are none as long as you have a proper designated driver." Rachel countered as she flung her arm around Mike's neck in order to steady herself.

"Have I ever told you how great you are?" Rachel said to Mike, Tina stalked over and yanked her boyfriend away from the clingy brunette.

"Well yeah Rachel, driving drunk is dangerous, but have any of you heard of alcohol poisoning? Yeah it kills about four hundred people every year. An-" Will stopped abruptly due to Santana whimpering.

"Santana are you crying?" the Latina wiped away her tears.

"I'm okay, I'm okay…" Brittany rushed over and pulled her friend into a hug.

"You're such a hypocrite! You drink, most adults do." Quinn stated as she moved from the back to stand by Sam.

"I may have a beer every now and then, I don't get drunk."

"We're just saying that this is a waste of time, we're totally aware of alcohol, we see adults drinking it and having fun all the time. Every commercial during nascar is for Beer!" Puck cut in.

"Okay that's enough guys, look tomorrow come with your thinking caps on, because we're going to spent the entire day brainstorming song ideas for this assembly." Mr Schuester stated, just as Santana began to cry again.

The Glee Club began to slowly and rather unsteadily leave the auditorium; Brittany led Santana to the girl's bathroom so that she could fix her make up.

Quinn grabbed Sam's hand without anyone seeing and the two hurried into an empty hallway.

"How did we all just get away with that!?" Sam asked in disbelief with a cheeky smile on his guppy lips.

Quinn instantly began to kiss him.

"I've wanted to do that all day."

Sam looked down at her, she was absolutely breath taking, and he was beginning to lost in her eyes when they heard voices coming from down the hall.

"Quick." Sam grabbed her hand and the two jumped into an empty classroom. Mercedes, Tina, Rachel, Mike and Artie went past the door chatting about the assignment.

"Whoa, that was close." Sam let out the breath he had been holding.

"Let's go over to mine." Quinn suggested.

"What about your mom?" Sam asked nervously, Judy Fabray had never exactly given the relationship between himself and Quinn her blessing.

"She's out of town visiting my sister."

That was good enough for him, he poked his head out of the room to check it was clear, and then the two ran outside to the parking lot where Quinn's car was waiting.

Once they had arrived the two went straight to Quinn's bedroom, but only went as far as second base. Sam still wanted their first time to be special and Quinn agreed, plus she also didn't want to go that far whilst he was still technically going out with Santana.

"What's going on with you two anyway?" Quinn asked anxiously; not looking in his eyes.

"I don't know, we haven't even properly talked since Rachel's party, come to think of it we never really did much talking…"

Quinn cringed at the thought.

"Hey look at me." Sam lifted Quinn's chin up so that she was looking at him.

"You're the one that I want, no one else. The real question is; am I the one you want? Or are you gonna leave me again for Finn or puck?" Sam asked, the anger and jealousy was evident in his voice, he was still mad at Finn for thinking that he could get away with getting with his girl.

"Sam, Finn and I was one of the biggest mistakes I've made. I was just confused about the feelings I had for you; and Finn used that to his advantage. Not that it was entirely his fault, but you have to know how much I regret what I did. I love you Sam and only you."

He smiled at her declaration and kissed her once again. This continued until Sam's dad called him on his phone asking him where he was. Sam lied and said that he was with some of the guys playing football.

"I've gotta go." Sam said irritated, he kissed her on the head and started towards the door.

"Sam wait!"

He turned to look at the blonde still on bed.

"When are you going to end things with Santana? I want you all to myself." She winked in an attempt to hide her insecurities, however Sam saw right through it.

He walked back over to once again; "I'll call her tonight. She won't be surprised; we weren't even in a proper relationship."He leant his forehead against hers.

"I want us to go public as soon as possible, but I also don't wanna hurt her feelings, she seemed pretty unstable today…"

Quinn nodded in agreement; "Well I'm sure we could control ourselves for a week or two…"

Sam regretfully pulled away and kissed her on the lips one last time before leaving for home.

The Glee Club was getting ready backstage whilst Principle Figgin's said a couple of things before introducing them.

"Guys I'm really nervous… KE$HA has been a culture icon for weeks and I really want to do her music justice."

Sam finished adjusting his beanie and walked over to Brittany.

"We haven't had enough rehearsals."

"Or any at all." Mercedes interrupted.

"And most of our assembly performances usually end in some kind of riot…" Finn interjected.

"Never fear teammates, now it's a Broadway tradition to take a shot of whiskey to calm their nerves and mask the stench of bad dental high gene. And in that tradition, I mixed us a playful showbiz cocktail of what was left in my dad's liquor cabinet. There's some brandy, scotch and some cool aid and crumbled up Oreo's."

Rachel was holding a container full of some disgustingly looking brown liquid; she handed out some cups while Artie poured each of them with some of the 'juice'.

"Eurgh! This tastes like cough syrup." Santana's face crumpled up in disgust.

"There is also cough syrup in it." Rachel stated.


"To KE$HA" Everyone cheered and placed their cups in the middle before downing them.

They all took their places behind the curtain waiting for Principle Figgin's to introduce them. Sam squeezed Quinn's hand in encouragement as he walked over to his spot on the stage. The curtain rose, the music started and Brittany took the lead.

During a break in the lyrics Sam saw Brittany stumble up to Rachel and say "I don't feel good!" however she continued to everyone's relief.

Sam tried to concentrate on the complicated dance moves but all he was able to do was watch Quinn, her crimped hair was cascading down her back and was swishing around whenever she moved.

Suddenly the music stopped; he watched Brittany vomit in Rachel's face; the whole crowd went silent. Rachel ran off stage in distress of having sick in her mouth and on her; then Santana puked into her hands.

The blonde stumbled forward and addressed the audience; "Everybody drink responsibly!"

The entire Glee Club felt extremely sick, Quinn was bent over holding her stomach in preparation to hurl; Sam ran over and carried her off stage so that she wouldn't get into more trouble and embarrass herself in front of the entire school.

Mr Schuester and the entire Glee Club were called into Principle Figgin's office after the assembly performance.

"Probably all gonna get suspended." Puck stated to the group.

"I think you're definitely going to get suspended. You'll probably all get suspended." Will announced.

"Oh you're one to talk!-" Quinn couldn't even concentrate on the harsh words coming out of Santana's mouth, all she could think of was what this suspension could do to her University application. Quinn was adamant about leaving Ohio, and she wasn't about to let some stupid mistake dictate the rest of her life.

All of a sudden Principle Figgin's walked through the office door and addressed the group.

"William. Glee Club. I have one word for you…" everyone looked down at their feet, waiting for their punishment.

"Congratulations. Those special effects at the assembly really paid off! I had no idea what brilliant musical comedy performers you all become. The kids at this school are all scared straight. Today was the first day in a month without a single act public drunkenness at McKinley High!"

The principle began to applaud them, which they all joined in. The whole group were flabbergasted by his reaction.

"And as a thank you here are coupons for fifty per cent off frozen yogurt yummm."

Artie passed out the coupons to the group with a smile on his face.

"Okay, achievement!" Figgin's raised his fists in the air and encouraged the rest to join in.

The Glee Club members all walked back to the choir room with shocked yet happy expressions. Quinn walked slowly at the back of the moving group next to Sam; the two were secretly holding hands behind everyone's backs.

The couple reluctantly parted ways once they reached their destination; Sam sat down next to Santana whereas Quinn sat in the back row; she watched as the boy she loved pretend to be with someone else.

Mr Schue entered and took his place in front of the group.

"Alright guys, well I'm happy everything worked out with the assembly. I never wanna see you pull anything like that again. Drinking while performing is unprofessional, drinking while at school is just stupid and most importantly; any of you drinking at all is illegal."

"There's a fair amount of the pot calling the kettle black right now." Quinn interrupted.

"That is so racist." Brittany whispered to Mercedes who looked as if the latter blonde was insane.

"I couldn't agree more. Which is why I'm going to stop drinking, not even a beer at the end of the night to take the edge off."

"But if you don't drink, what will you have to live for?" Santana looked at Mr Schue incredulously, he chuckled at the girls serious tone.

"I have plenty in my life apart from beer."

"Like what exactly?" Mercedes looked sceptically at her teacher.

"The point is that I'm gonna stop; and I hope you do too."

"Isn't that kind of unrealistic?" Tina asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, honestly I think it is. This is why I'm only going to ask you to do it until after nationals. Consider yourselves heavy weight fighters; getting ready for a big battle." He walked over to a table and picked up several blue pieces of paper.

"These are pledge forms and I want you guys to sign them."

"And what happens if we fall off the wagon again?" Puck asked genially interested.

"Look in the top corner of your form; that's my cell phone number."

"Yes." Sam quietly cheered; a couple of them laughed at his response.

"Part of your pledge, is that if you do slip up; no matter where you are, or what time of the night it is; I want you to call me to drive you home."

The group looked stunned; no teacher had ever cared this much about any of their safety.

"We got lucky this time that the only consequences of your drinking was ill timed vomiting; none of us wants to see any of you guys get hurt."

"Cool Beans Mr Schue; I'll sign it." Santana declared.

"Me too, alcohol has done nothing for my song writing." Rachel announced.

Finn smiled and asked; "What about after we win Nationals?"

Will turned around and grinned; " I'm buying us sparkling cider." Everyone cheered and clapped.

Once Glee Club had ended Quinn waited in her car for the guppy faced boy, he was collecting his books and homework from his locker. Once she saw him exit the school, she turned on the car and waited for him to jump in.

"So I'm guessing that due to you and Santana still being on speaking terms that you're still officially dating?" Quinn muttered as she drove through Lima.

Sam sighed; he knew that this must be hurting her, but he also didn't want to hurt Santana's feelings either.

"I tried calling her last night, but she didn't pick up and then after today, the timing just didn't feel quite right…"

Quinn rolled eyes at the poor excuse.

"The two of you aren't exactly serious, she won't be distraught, she'll just move onto her next victim." She didn't mean to sound so bitchy but that was what happened when she got jealous.

The two arrived at the Fabray household and got out; Sam held the front door open for her and waited for a 'thank you' but it never came. He shook his head at how stubborn she was being; he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist; she tried to pull away but he held his ground and after a while Quinn gave in.

"I'm sorry about you having to watch Santana and I hang out in school."

Quinn scoffed at the words "Hang out" Sam tried to ignore her and continue.

"But it will soon be over and I will be free to date the hottest, smartest and most talented girl in the school. And if she's not available then you're next in line."

Sam chuckled as Quinn began to playfully smack him.

End of chapter one. Hope you liked it :) Review if you wanna