Heya boys and girls! Johnfenix here! This is my FIRST EVER FANFIC! *bows left and right to the (hopefully) cheering (future) crowd* that being said I'd like you ALL to know some things about my storytelling. First! When you see this (Blankety blank example here) with the parenthesis underlined, it is ME talking, not the characters. And when you see this (Blankety blank example here too!) just parenthesis WITHOUT an underline THAT , my children, is the characters! If I have any further developments on my storytelling, you shall be the first to know! (Firsties! :D well, second to me :3 sorry) Now without further adoo, let the story begin! *takes one more bow to the crowd as the lights dim until darkness, hold the screen, and walks off, stage left.*

Red. Red is all I see when I see her. Well, technically it's orange. Yeah, its orange not red, what was I thinking? What am I thinking? Oh yeah, about her, the red I thought I only saw is there, but it's not because of me, it's because of her. Those eyes. Those captivating, beautiful, red eyes… they belong to her. The girl. The girl I constantly watch from afar, above, and from behind the hood that hides my face. She is the only one, the only thing, which can do this to me. When the sun retires, and we rise, I watch her whenever I can. My friends say I'm in love, which they probably right about… but I feel something more when I see her. Something like a connection that was severed, like Pla… Pla… (Pronounced as "play") ow, my head, it hurts… it hurts to remember before. Before it happened… yes, it, the thing that destroyed the world effectively. The humans called it things like the Rapture or the… what were they called? Ow ow ow… The Mayans! Yes, the Mayans, other things that they tried to blame for this living hell. A hell where the Dead rose back up to reclaim the world, basically saying some such as 'Screw you' to The Reaper, Hmph! Well I can't speak, seeing how I am one of them. I hunt for my prey like a… bird? Yes, a bird and a.. a.. oww… a well what could you call it? A cheetah is close but also wrong. I have speed on my side, but even a cheetah would be a challenge to me. Eh close enough. Speed of a cheetah, when I leap I feel like a bird, and the strength of a… a bite from something like a… crocodile bite. (I say that because crocodiles are believed to have the world's strongest bite :P)Yes, a crocodile bite. (But I don't use it unless needed.) But as for names, and I swear to whatever god there is, if you call me a beetah or a chird or anything involving those animals I will… I'll… do something! I will!... As I was saying, I don't remember my name before the infection, but the survivors call me a "Hunter"… I say they are right, but are missing a single thing. But ill reveal that later, wouldn't want you to know everything, now would I? Now, enough with my constant mind rambling... oh look, apparently while I was explaining everything to you, enough hours passed for me to wake (Yes I was explaining everything to you in my sleep. Problem?) from my slumber. And now… (Read this next part with a deep but near silent villain's voice pwease!) I wake. "Mmmmhhhh…" I rose from my pile of blankets and mattresses on the floor and lightly scratched my head before I pulled my black hoodie back over my head. "So how long was I out this time?" I mumbled to myself as I crawled through the dark into the next room to see if it was still light out from the (mostly except for a small space shaped like a sideways ice cream cone) boarded up window. It wasn't. My face broke into a wide, sharp toothy like grin as I looked out into the city. "It's cold now, and dark, annnnddd best of all….. RAINING!" I hopped around like a little one on Christmas morning and thought to myself that this was as good as it could get, but then I remembered, and stopped hopping around an looked out of the small hole. "Maybe I could go up to her today… no, that's too soon, I mean what would I say? 'Oh hi, I been stalking you for a while, wanna go on a romantic walk together with just the two of us?' Geez, I can be such an idiot sometimes…" I hit myself on the side of my head a few times then crawled to my bathroom. I stood up and quickly turned on the light switch. Big mistake. Though I didn't know that until I had to very quickly step out of the doorway and hold my face, in pain that is, from the sudden exposure to light. Yay me. Man I really am an idiot. After a few minutes of small exposure to the (now dimmed) light, I stepped back into the bathroom of the small apartment that I had chosen to be my base of operations. With the light now fully back on, I looked at my reflection in the floor to ceiling mirror, which was opposite to my sink which also had a mirror above it. A black hoodie with dark, dark, blue jeans and my pair of sneakers and socks over in the corner. Not running sneakers, oh no, I wore skater shoes. Not because I liked to skate, but because they fit, were comfortable, and were stylish to boot. I looked myself over. 'Would she like me?' I thought. I looked up to my head. A black hood over my head, covering my face by that and even the darkness it produced. All you could see was my nose and below that. I pulled my hoodie off to reveal a (what I thought at least) was a handsome young man. At 18 years of age I was 5 ft. 9 inches tall, with an average build, brown hair, and eyes… well they're brown now but… not important. All I will say is that they like to change color. I looked down at my hands. My skin was a light gray color like most infected and at the end of my fingernails were long claw-like… claws. I sighed then went to the sink and washed my face. After drying my face, I proceeded to put my hoodie back on and then my shoes and socks, so that I may go and enjoy my night. I turned off the lights then went out from the door to my apartment and cautiously snuck to the stairs to the roof. You can never be too careful these nights. Upon getting to the roof, I was greeted by a slight cold and a good pour of rain. I lifted my head up and in took the sounds and smells that surrounded me. This is my home. This city is my home. And I love it. I put my arms above my head and half-heartedly stretched only to proceed on all fours to stretch yet again. Standing up and walking over to the edge, I looked over the city. So beautiful. But not as beautiful as her. I went to all fours again and then Leaped off onto the next rooftop. Picking out her smell, I leaped rooftop to rooftop to find her. Judging from the direction, she would be in the park. Lovely. She could be found there at times, siting in the grass with a blank face, smelling the flowers or looking at them. It was a beautiful sight to behold, believe it or not.

Upon reaching a view of the park from a nearby building, I looked into the park to see if I could spot her, but to no avail. So I leaped from the building to a tree, hoping she was here and it not an old scent. After silently searching the park from the trees I saw her. She was sitting beneath a tree that had flowers around and below it, trying to wait out the rain from the looks of it. She sat there with knees to her petite chest, arms hugging her legs with her head down. 'Man she's so… fuck, I can't come up with words to describe how beautiful she is' I hung from a tree limb, out of sight, staring at her. I listen more closely then and heard it. She was crying. 'Damn, I can't stand it when she does that, it's not right for a girl as beautiful as her to cry' Maybe it was because it was raining? Or that she couldn't pick flowers. I looked around for something that I might get an idea from, and that's when I saw it. A black stick, thingy was lying on the ground and I stared at it. Interested in seeing if it could help, I silently leaped over to it and stared at it once more. Then I picked it up and when I looked more closely, I had the feeling I had seen things like this before… ow.. ow ow ow! I gasped. That was it! It was an umbrella! Remembering everything about them, I hopped back into the trees and over to hers. Landing the limb a few feet above her, I looked down at her while she still cried. 'Good, she hasn't noticed me ye-'and out of nowhere I heard a sound. A quiet enough sound that I would hear it, but oh no, she wouldn't. A sound that anyone crouching on a tree limb would dread. And that infamous sound was… creaaak. I looked back at where the limb connected to the tree. It was going to break off. Oh. Crap. From the size of the limb I could tell that if it fell on top of her, she would die. I knew already that the chance that I was going to let that happen was a snowball's chance in hell. With the umbrella in hand I leaped down, yelling '"Look out!" She looked up, and to her horror, saw a hunter that was yelling at her and a huge tree limb falling. She looked back down, squeezed her eyes tight, and thought to herself 'this is how I die'.

I landed right next to her, and knowing I had enough time to do this, looked up at the tree limb as it fell in slow motion. I still didn't understand why that happened. Whenever something like someone tries to punch me, or claw me, or something is thrown at me, time slows down. Shrugging it off and picking her up in a princess carry. (Go me) Then finally leaped out of the way, only to roll over in the grass with her, landing in a situation that he only dreamed about. He was on his back, holding her as she was on top of him, inches away from her savior's face. She was the first one to open her eyes, and stared in amazement as she saw what she thought was the handsomest looking guy she had ever seen, and kept staring as he rubbed the back of his head. "Ow ow ow… are you alrig-" he suddenly stopped as he found himself inches away from the face of the girl of his dreams. Neither said anything for the longest moment. He suddenly snapped back to reality as the remembered the situation. He sat up, bringing her with him and still, neither said anything. Until he spoke up. "I'm so sorry! I saw you crying over there, and I wanted to help, so I grabbed this thing-" he nodded towards the umbrella in his hand and continued to blabber out the words like a nervous wreck. "- because I thought you might be crying because of the rain, so I… I…" he brought the umbrella up and pressed the button to release the spring so that the umbrella would open and held it above her. They continued to stare until she spoke "Um… thank… you…" he blushed. "I-I-It's not a p-problem, I mean I j-just wanted to he-help." They continued staring until he finally spoke up again "Where are my m-manners." He helped her stand under the umbrella and was going to help her to under a tree. Was. "Ow, my leg…" she said as she held onto his hand for support with one leg in the air. "W-what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He looked at her with a worried expression. "I'm fine… I think it's just a sprained ankle… I don't know if I can walk though…" "If you'd like, I could… carry you…" he blushed again. "Um… I'd be grateful…" He blushed more. "O-okay." He picked her up with what he believed to be the gentlest princess carry he thought he could do in his life, while still holding the umbrella. He stared ahead while she stared down at herself. Both were slightly blushing. He looked down at her through the corner of his eye. He was amazed at how she was even more beautiful up close. Her long, silver hair, glimmering red eyes, and her skin, oh her skin. It was one of the softest/smoothest things he had ever felt. And her face was… perfect. Perfect Jawline, Cheekbone, eye line, everything. He would have kept staring but his primitive mind said other wise. His eyes crawled down from her face, to her neck, to her chest. She looked to be at least a 32 C. He mentally hit himself. 'Now's not the time for things like that, so get your head in the game'

So? What did you think about my very first fanfic? :3 Obviously, there's going to be (many hopefully) more chapters, but I just felt like ending it a little bit after the 2,000 word mark AND YES, it will become an adventure, but it has to show who the main story is about, you know? Later on there will be gore and… well let's save that for later on shall we? ;3 Ciao friends!