Yo to my readers! Hope your ready for a lemon 'cause here it comes! Enjoy!
Ciel walked through his front door, mentally exhausted from the events of that evening. Dragging his body up to his office, he opened the door and sat down in his high backed chair with a heavy sigh. Just as he was starting to relax Alyssa ran into the room with tears on her face.
"Uncle Ciel, where were you?!" She cried as she ran up and hugged him tightly. Ciel was taken a back at her reaction to his leaving the house for a couple of hours. With a resigned sigh and a smile he patted the top of the young soul piper's head.
"I was just out on business my dear. You needn't have worried about me," Ciel said with a gentle voice.
"But...then why was Sebastian so put out? He was listless the whole time you were gone. When I asked him where you were he had a really worried look on his face and said he didn't know. Why?! Why did you leave without saying anything?! I was so worried!" the girl sobbed into his shirt. Ciel's face remained still in a smile but on the inside he was shocked that Sebastian could actually look like that at any time. Sebastian worried about me? That's a first. Ciel thought as he continued to hold the crying girl before him.
"It's all right Alyssa. I'm fine and I'm here now, aren't I?" Ciel said gently as he pulled the girl back so he could look at her face. Smiling gently, he got up and carried the girl to her bedroom where he gently set her down on the bed. He covered the soul piper with the blankets and brushed the hair away from her face before turning around and leaving the room. Closing the door quietly, he returned to his office and sat down once again. Just as he was finishing some paperwork, Agni and Prince Soma decided to show their concern for his leave as well.
Annoyed with all of the interference with his work, he delt with them quickly and went back to his work. A few minutes later, Mey Rin slid into the room to share her concern and left to see to Alyssa without much fuss or major ceremony required on Ciel's part. With his work finished and the clock saying that it was 10 at night, Ciel walked back to his room and didn't even bother to undress as he fell back onto the mattress. A few minutes later he felt Sebastian enter the room and sat up on the bed gazing at the older demon with a questioning look.
Sebastian didn't even waste time by quickly walking across the room. He evaporated from where he was to a point in front of Ciel and showed the clear relief of his master's safe return on his face. Ciel was too shocked to do anything but stare, mouth slightly agape at this poorly composed demon who was his butler. Burning desire shot through Ciel's body without warning and he was really confused as to why until he found himself getting up off of the bed and kissing Sebastian of his own accord. I love you, Ciel thought to both his and Sebastian's astonishment.
Sebastian's surprise faded to desire for the young demon before him and he kissed Ciel back with a passion he'd never felt before. They shed their clothes quickly as Sebastian pushed Ciel down onto the bed. Kissing him with all his might Sebastian began to play with Ciel's already enlarged cock. The younger demon gasped into Sebastian's mouth in surprise and pleasure and reached over to do the same to the older demon. He was soon unable to do anything as Sebastian continued to play with his body. Threading his fingers through the older demon's silky black hair, Ciel gasped as Sebastian kissed his neck and trailed his mouth down to Ciel's nipples.
Nibbling them gently, the older demon focused his attention on the younger demon's entrance. Ciel moaned loudly to his surprise and he covered his mouth in embarrassment. Gently pulling his fingers away Sebastian said, "Be as loud as you want Ciel-kun(usually someone younger and well known). I've sound proofed the entire room."
Ciel gave into the throws of pleasure releasing sounds that had never been heard by either of them. Sebastian couldn't hold back any more and entered Ciel. Ciel gasped and moaned at the heat that entered his body sending him into a world unlike any other. The older demon moved once Ciel's breathing had leveled out a bit and thrust deeply into the younger demon's body. His pace quickened with each thrust until Ciel's mind became a white haze from the intense pleasure he felt. Heat rolled off of their bodies as they continued their rhythm until neither of them could hold back any longer and they came together.
Collapsing onto Ciel's body Sebastian breathed heavily until it had stabilized and he pulled out of the younger demon's body. Looking down at Ciel with love in his eyes Sebastian leaned down and kissed him before getting off of him and pulling him into a tight embrace. After a few minutes of laying in bed he heard Ciel chuckling and asked, What is so amusing?
You must have been pretty worried to show such emotions on your face to Alyssa, Ciel teased Sebastian. The older demon blushed in embarrassment and pulled Ciel even closer to his body. Feeling just how possessive Sebastian was of him left Ciel at peace and he fell asleep warmed by his... I guess he would be my lover? We've been through a lot and this last time was...
"I am definitely your lover now, Ciel-kun," Sebastian smirked into his ear. Ciel blushed bright red and covered his face with the sheets as Sebastian chuckled at the younger demon's shy reactions.
"Good night Ciel," Sebastian whispered lovingly to Ciel. They then passed into a state of pure oblivion where no one and nothing could ever be in their way.
Returning to the mansion the next day was a relief to Ciel as he no longer had to deal with Soma and his butler until the next time they entered the city. Alyssa was chattering away as they approached the mansion and found that it had stayed in surprisingly good shape while they'd been gone. As they pulled up to the front steps Finny and Baldor awaited them and waved at them with bright smiles on their faces. The only one not smiling was the demon slave but despite this Ciel couldn't help but think that he'd never been happier to be home.
Stepping out of the carriage into the sunlight he thought, Finally, I'm home.
Well that's a wrap folks. Hope ya'll enjoyed this story as much as I did. Thank you to all of my supporters and thank you all so much for the reviews. I'll see you next time. Have fun, play it cool and avoid deals with demons. ;D Bye bye!(waves)