The Time Lord and his Rose Go On a Date
I Am a Rock
"All of time and space and you pick Scotland in the middle of January, in the middle of the 1980ies, why again?" the Doctor ran a hand through his hair then let it rest on the back of his neck.
Rose grinned hands clasped in front of her, "Well, my dear Doctor there happens to be a fantastic little concert in Edinburgh I was reading about the other day, I want to see it, yeah?"
The Doctor appeared incredulous, "A concert? Really? All of time and space and you choose to go to a concert in the 80ies, well the 1980ies, I would have been impressed if you'd of chosen the 1780ies, or even the 1880ies...Mozart was a bloody fantastic composer. Did you know that dear Johannes – that was his baptismal first name you know... Johannes Chyrsosomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, what a mouthful that is...Anyway did you know that when he was just 4 years old..."
"Doctor!" Rose broke in halting his pacing around the console room by grabbing his hand.
"Yes, my Rose?" he grinned.
"This concert never really got much attention though huge names played it... Cher, the Proclaimers, Simon & was a benefit concert. The TARDIS and I were playing some of the oldies last week and I just would really like to see, so we can do that, yeah?"
The Doctor peered at her with his head cocked to the side.
"We could pop off and get chips, ya know?" she added when he still hadn't said anything.
"I know what this is...oh yes, I do! This is a date! You want a date!" he wagged his finger at her, "Concert, chips...I suppose you'll want me to wear a suit..." he paused briefly, "Right, well, I'm already wearing a suit...but you're wanting a right and proper date aren't you Rose Tyler!" he sniggered and made a clucking sound with his tongue, "And here I thought you were more the year 5 billion and a planet's destruction type gal..."
Rose rolled her eyes dramatically, "I'm both. Just happens that maybe I am wanting something a little more...traditional. I wouldn't trade our first date for anything, but a concert does sound lovely, no?"
"Answer honest, is it this particular concert, or is it a date you're really wanting?"
Rose blew out a breath, puffing her cheeks out slightly, "Well, I was honestly listening to oldies while you visited with Madame Curie the other day... But I guess it is a date I'm after. Not that I don't love our adventures and saving the world and stuff, just some times it would be nice to just spend some time and...I dunno, relax, enjoy the scenery just a bit?"
"Now, I did promise you that where ever in time and space...but since it is a date you're wanting what do you say to letting me plan one, hm? That is rather my role, is it not? The husband is supposed to think of date ideas and what not?" the Doctor tapped his chin with his folded glasses he had pulled from his pocket and then forgot what he had retrieved them for.
"Well, I suppose. Sometimes. Sometimes the wife does...or they do it together. Especially very important dates..." Rose put heavy emphasis on 'important'.
The Doctor caught that and looked at her strangely, "Right. Well, this time I'll do it. Why don't you...uh, I don't know, go do some Rose things...I need to plan!"
Rose laughed and leaned up to kiss his cheek, "I love you, you know."
She watched a touch of a blush pink his cheeks, "I know...and I love you too."
My Doctor has forgotten his anniversary. Rose, showing again why she is the one for my Doctor has seem to expect this. I remember the day she had been listening to what she called 'oldies' while my Doctor consulted with Marie Curie. I remember as I'm a complex, highly aware, advanced ship...but also because she had my whole vibrating with the noise. I still have the files in my memory...I recall she played this one quite a few times.
Is it in his face?
Oh no! That's just his charms
In his warm embrace?
Oh no! That's just his arms
If you want to know if he loves you so
It's in his kiss
That's where it is
It's in his kiss
That's where it is
I wondered why that song, I came up with several hypothesis, the one I'm most inclined to side with was she was likening it to the way the Doctor regenerates. I believe this because she scrolling through pictures on the work station computer my Doctor had set up in her study. She lingered over the ones from the Doctor's 9th regeneration. The man she had first met. The man she had saved. The one that first kissed her, though I'm doubtful she remembers that.
I remember feeling her questions and her fear when this current form of the Doctor changed in front of her. I, of course, am rather used to it. It's a bit uncomfortable at first, feeling the pathways of his new mind, a mind so like the one before, but also unlike too. The personality changes, the raw and base...sameness too.
My Doctor questioned if his Rose would stay with him, stand by him. I know she questioned if she would too.
I however never did.
I knew. I always know. All the companions before, I've known before him. There is fate and there is some magic the galaxy hasn't quite yet revealed to me but there is also some kind of knowing that affects me, that helps me put him in the right spot and just the right time to meet the people that have sculpted and carved him into the being that he is. Like him, I never know quite why, but I know who.
My Doctor's Rose sees him a bit like how I see him I think. She less sees his body, his physical form and more his soul, she sees him.
She's contemplating this again I think, as she has retired to her little study adjacent to my Doctor's. This room she has decorated with all kinds of mementos of their adventures and pictures of them, of her family. I wonder if this isn't why my Doctor doesn't venture to bother her much when she's in here. Not just to respect this 'sanctuary' as he called it when he introduced her to the room but because I think sometimes seeing his former form and the family she gave up for him several times over, makes him feel guilty.
I'm hypothesising again though.
She has just printed a few of their wedding photos. A lovely affair that was. She's arranging a collage in a large photo frame. These wedding photos are joining others, odd photos from all times, both forms. She has written out quotes on lovely paper and arranged them about also.
"You don't have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." - C.S. Lewis
"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Bronte
Their wedding photo, right in the centre. This is everything to her.
She's pulling up her playlist now and filling her room with music, their music. Her playlist is called Forever.
Unchained Melody – Righteous Brothers
The Longest Time – Billy Joel
Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley
In My Room – Beach Boys
Wear My Ring Around Your Neck – Elvis Presley
The Shoop Shoop Song – Cher
I Would Walk (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers
And the list goes on...
Song after song plays and all are some kind romantic heartbreak, or some kind of up tempo proclamation of devotion. I'll never understand why humans do this. My Doctor has a great affinity for music yes, but not like his Rose. She seems to have a song for everything and she plays music quite non-stop when alone.
It isn't that I begrudge her this, this bit of her home and her life. It's just I don't understand it really. It isn't part of my programming I suppose.
She is just putting the finishing putting the last pictures on the collage and then replaces the glass on the frame. She wraps it in a patterned cloth and ties it with a ribbon.
Ah, she means it as a gift for my Doctor.
I wonder if she knows that paper is the traditional One Year gift.
So it would seem that they both haven't quite lost track of all time... Perhaps my Doctor will come around as well.
The Doctor scrubs at his face with both hands. He wasn't tired exactly, no tired wasn't the right word at all. He was trying to remember something, something that he wasn't entirely sure he forgot.
There was something though, something right there on the tip of his brain. Something itching and important. Something that he should know.
Well bloody hell.
He forgot to get more bananas on their last trip to market!
He felt infinity better now that he had cleared up the thing he couldn't remember if he was forgetting. Now he could focus on taking his wife on a date.
He loved Rose, loved her dearly. More than he could ever really think to say. Loving her didn't even really begin to cover it. He couldn't fathom existing without his Rose. The concept was as foreign to him as...well, not liking chips. It just wasn't a possibility he could entertain.
Losing her terrified him. It was the nightmare that every once and a while crept into his sleep. He tried to dismiss the advancing of time, tried to ignore the ticking of the clock. Usually it was pretty easy since being a Time Lord and travelling as he did kept him rather wibbly-wobbly on the time situation.
It was also easy since it appeared Rose had superior genes, she barely looked a day older than the first time he had met her in that basement of that department store. Matured a bit, in the eyes especially, there was just a deeper sense of knowing and understanding, and that actually made him glad. They were growing together, even if she was the only one growing older.
Now, though...he needed to take his lovely wife on date.
Music. She loved music, he knew that and she had mentioned the concert originally. He found his way to his study and pulled up the TARDIS entertainment files. His lovely Rose also had a penchant for old movies. Old American movies, something about Cary Grant or something another, he thought he was British...but never the mind. At any rate, the entertainment files in the TARDIS system were far larger than they had ever been.
He accessed the shared files and looked through what she had been recently playing.
He recognized a good many of the titles, all Earth hits and rather drab. He did approve of the song by the Proclaimers, he found that one It reminded him a bit of his Rose too.
Of course though, his probably favourite group was The B-52's. Lovely group they were. Quite extensive knowledge of other planets. Especially Planet Claire, he always wanted to have a chat with them. Perhaps they would one day. Catchy sound they had. He highly suspected one or more of them were of alien origin themselves. Them and Adam Ant. Proof? No. Suspicions? Yes.
He tapped on the desk annoyed. What was he supposed to do? Really, the year five billion and Earth destruction for a first date, how was he supposed to top that? Wedding literally in the stars as a new galaxy burst into existence...
Something new began not to just itch, but claw at his brain. He frantically typed into the computer terminal.
Galaxy: Éternelle et nouvelle
Age: One Earth Year
Birth Date: Today
The screen blinked menacingly at him. He had forgotten their anniversary. Their first anniversary. He wondered how mad she was. So far her actions had implied that she wasn't actually mad. It rather explained her want of a date though. It didn't however give him any other inspirations for this now quite important date.
He drummed his fingers on the desk in a rapid and violent tattoo.
He had to commend himself on the wedding bit, that was pure genius he had thought. First date: Earth destruction... Wedding: new galaxy. Life and Death...what did one do for one year though? Really, what did one do?!
What could he do to show his Rose everything that she meant to him?
What did he love about her, specifically?
He pulled open a leather bound book and picked up a rather terribly old fashioned quill and began to write.
She was brave. So very brave.
She was giving. She gave all, up to and including her life for him, for others.
She was so forgiving. She forgave him over and over and others that had done grievous wrong to her.
She believed in right above all else and didn't hesitate to call him out when she thought he was wrong. Always kindly though.
His Rose was so very kind.
And sweet, so very sweet.
Beautiful, that was his Rose, beautiful inside and out.
She gave him heart, patience, she gave him a conscious. She kept him, the Oncoming Storm at bay, calmed, grounded. She was in every way, every sense, his better half.
Without her he wasn't whole.
Without her he was rudeness and a barely constrained, ancient and forever...storm.
How was it that humans believed they could sum all of that up by saying "I love you". Love was just the beginning, love barely began to cover it.
So. How did he show it?
While he was deep in thought the computer terminal beeped loudly, loudly enough to shake him from his contemplation. He looked up and grinned widely at the screen as he read what flashed on it.
"Oh, brilliant, Old Girl, just brilliant!" he kissed the screen loudly, "Thank you! Just perfect."
"You have to give me an idea of where we're going! How will I know what to wear?" she pouted.
"Dress up, something nice and fancy...but nothing you will pout about if it gets...ruined."
"Ruined?" Rose quirked an eyebrow and folded her arms.
"Well you know, things rarely go as planned with us. Best to prepared for anything, yeah?" he grinned.
She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, you're driving is terrible..." she huffed melodramatically before smiling widely, tongue pressed to the back of her teeth as was her habit.
She made the fatal mistake of walking to close to the Doctor who was sitting in the jump seat. He quickly snagged her around the waist and pulled her into his lamp.
"Doctor!" she giggled, arms instinctually wrapping around his neck, "You're trouble, do you know that?"
"I'm just you're kind of trouble though, aren't I Rose Tyler?" he pressed his forehead to hers. He never grew tired of touching her. Playful, loving touches, romantic touches...sensual touches. Everything was more intense and...special with his Rose.
"Absolutely...Exactly my kind of trouble..." she kissed the corner of his mouth, teasing him.
He didn't take the teasing long, instead slanting his lips over hers to capture them completely. She accepted his ardent kiss gladly.
He was a confident and passionate kisser. He took the lead and thoroughly kissed her, nipped at her bottom lip, pressed against her teeth begging entrance. There his tongue warred with hers until she gladly submitted and let his move and taste her, claim her. The sexual and erotic nature of his kisses nearly pushed both of them over the edge.
"We're sadly going to have to break this up...else we won't be leaving this TARDIS for a good long time..." he reluctantly broke away after several minutes, shifting her on his lap. He might be a Time Lord, but that didn't mean he could fully overcome his base biology when presented with the sumptuous temptation that was his Rose.
Rose blinked at him wetting her lips, she smiled as she still tasted him there, "I'm suddenly confused on why leaving the TARDIS is a good thing..." she tried to wiggle closer.
He stood and made her reluctantly stand also. She was hesitant to let him go though.
"You wanted a date, a date you shall have. Now, hop to it. Go get ready, there are a few ...stops, I need to make before we get to the main attraction." He patted her on her rear and grinned cheekily.
She made a low sound in the back of her throat and did her best sashay out of the console room. The Doctor watched unabashedly, enjoying the view. Damn his Gallifreyan self-control, he'd really like to take her back to their bedroom and celebrate the old fashion way.
While the Doctor did his errands Rose perused the wardrobe. Something nice, hmph. Rack after rack of clothing and she couldn't find a single thing she wanted to wear.
Before the...well before they were separated as they were, she had always travelled with her own clothes. It wasn't that she was fashion conscious for the most part, she just just wasn't overly fond of sharing clothes from the Doctor's companions before. Each companion she knew contributed to making her Doctor the man that he was, and she was grateful, so grateful, to each and every one of them but that didn't mean she really wanted to wear one of their dresses on her wedding anniversary.
As she was moved up down the circular stairs something nearly tripped her.
It was a large cardboard box jutting out from a shelf. She didn't recognize it as she pulled it out and opened the lid to look inside.
Among lots of pale, cream coloured tissue was black and beige lace. She had never seen anything like it before. She gingerly lifted the article from the box. It was a mid-length dress, just to her knees with a full tulle skirt that was gathered and tacked up to create beautiful swags. The sleeveless bodice would be form fitting, off setting the full skirt. The bodice was a base of perfect beige silk overlaid with antique black lace. It was a simply stunning dress that made Rose gasp.
There was a pair of black lace detailed heels and a string of black pearls in the box. She had no idea where it had come from, or how it had gotten there but she was fairly certain the TARDIS had something to do with. She didn't know how, or really even why...but she knew.
Rose took her time in the en suite off the bedroom she and the Doctor shared. She wasn't really one for overly done makeup but she did love her mascara.
Made-up. Perfumed. Hair curled about her shoulders. Black pearls around her neck.
She slipped on her shoes, surveyed her appearance and was very pleased with how she looked. She couldn't help hoping the lipstick she was applying before heading toward the console room that her dear Doctor would be rubbing quite askew before the days end.
She made a quick detour to her study to retrieve her present for the Doctor, even if he didn't remember...she did and she had been working on her gift for some time.
The Doctor finished with his errands and made it back to the console room just before his Rose did. He had surrendered his favourite pinstripe suit for a tux tonight. It was a night worth dressing up for. He didn't however trade in his trainers. Comfort over fashion in that department he staunchly believed.
He straightened his bow-tie in the reflection of the TARDIS just as he heard the familiar clack of heels.
The first, very brief, thought when he looked his Rose up and down was that she was going to break her neck if her heel got caught in the grating, the second...well there wasn't a second coherent thought to be had.
"Rose," he breathed.
She blushed and made a little curtsey, "I don't clean up too bad, eh?"
He smiled wider and motioned for her to spin. She obliged and turned a circle for him to admire the full effect.
"You are too beautiful for words...but what is that in your hands, hm? Is it a present...for me? I like presents from my Rose..." he closed the distance between them.
Rose grinned but held the package behind her back with two hands, "It might be..." She continued to beam up him, "You know, you don't look half bad yourself...I like when your hair is all mussed like that. You look like a naughty little boy. I'm also rather partial to bow-ties you know..." she stretched up to kiss him.
"You're a little that a present for me or not?" he tried to look behind her back.
"It is...I had thought perhaps you'd open it later, but now is as a good time as any," she laughed and handed him the rather large package.
"Why don't you open yours while I open this, huh?" he produce a gift of his own, wrapped in brown and swirly blue paper.
"Doctor!" she exclaimed completely surprised.
"What? I might have forgotten initially – it wasn't on purpose, but something as important as the anniversary of the day we married? I was going to remember eventually. I know I'm not the ideal husband, I'm moody, snarky, rude...I forget the grocery list and I get preoccupied with things and I seem to take you on at least one death defying adventure a week... But I am crazy about you..."
Rose had tears glistening in her eyes, "Quite right, too...quite right," she answered thickly. Answering in their private joking way. "I love you too Doctor, so very, very much."
The Doctor nodded, surprised to find a few tears of his own starting in his eyes, "Well go on, open your present."
She nodded and they exchanged gifts.
Hers was contained a small jeweller's type box which she opened while holding her breath. Inside on a bed of satin the colour of the TARDIS's Police Box exterior was the most stunningly gorgeous diamond ring she had ever seen. The setting a 3D rose, graceful petals detailed in with small diamonds that glistened, catching every bit of light in the dim console room.
"Doctor...I...this is too much...I can't..." she stuttered tearing her gaze from the ring to him.
The Doctor for his part didn't really hear her, he was absorbed in staring at her gift.
"Rose...I don't know what to say. This is the most...perfect and incredible gift..." He gingerly ran his hand over the glass, over each picture.
The picture she had snapped when the went for chips...on their first date.
A black and white picture of them on the scooter the day of Queen Elizabeth's coronation.
The Christmas photos of them at her Mum's.
Of them laying on his jacket in New New York.
Random shots she had taken throughout their time on the TARDIS.
Their wedding photo.
He silently read the quotes that she had pasted among the pictures and when he got to the one close the bottom left, one just a little longer, a little larger than the rest he read it out loud.
"Her heart-is given him, with all its love and truth. She would joyfully die with him, or, better than that, die for him. She knows he has failings, but she thinks they have grown up through his being like one cast away, for the want of something to trust in, and care for, and think well of. . . . "
A tear did slip down his cheek then, "Dickens...I'm a fan."
Rose let her tears fall too, "I know, I remember. It's from Our Mutual Friend, the TARDIS helped me find it...I haven't read that book since...well quite a long time. I mean it though. I mean it with everything in me... I love you Doctor. I joyfully, grateful pledge my life to you, however long it is...I've given my everything to you, and I love you so very much..."
"I think it was during our time with Dickens that I realized I was falling in love you..." he murmured, "I mean I am sure I loved you from the start, I'm just a bit ...thick at times."
She nodded, agree with that, "You are, but I love you anyway. Every single bit of matter what."
The both looked to the pictures, looked to things that they were, things that had brought them to where the were now. For the first time in a long time the Doctor looked back on his previous form and felt at peace. His Rose stood by him completely, without hesitation, without reservation. He felt entirely humbled.
"Now...about this ring," the Doctor shook himself and moved his attention back to the box Rose still held. "It was brought to my attention by a very meddling space ship that I left out a very important part in our wedding one year ago. Rings. This is a very important Earth ritual...I really don't know why you let me forget it..."
"It hardly seemed to matter really...I was so caught up in everything...and rings are something very...human. I didn't know..."
"If a Time Lord would wear or give a ring?" he chuckled, "Usually, no. Usually Time Lords don't marry humans though...A year ago we married by the rites of your home, I give you this ring as outward sign of my devotion, my love. It's a symbol of my promise to you to stand by you, to love you forever...without end. It is also a very basic and universal sign to any would be Lotharios that you belong to me. Just as I belong to you..." he lifted her left hand and with a pause to gain her consent, then began to slip the ring onto her fourth finger, "With this ring...I thee wed," he finished softly.
"I...I don't have..." she was crying again.
"I took the liberty, if you don't care that I picked it up..." he produced another ring, a simple silver band and offered it to her.
"No...I'm glad you did...I probably wouldn't have known your size," she laughed through her tears.
She took the ring and wiped at her eyes, hoping she wasn't ruining her make-up, "I promise you, like I promised you before to be right at your side for every single moment of forever. To love you and take care of fight at your side, to hold your hand and always to run with you...where ever our adventures take us. This year as your wife has been one of the greatest of my life...and I hope to have many, many more with you Doctor..." she began the ring on his left hand, "With this ring, I thee wed."
"Do I get to snog you proper now?" he gave her a cheeky smile.
"You better!" she said softly.
" that we've got that taken care of...the other part of our date..." the Doctor clapped his hands.
"You mean there is more?" she looked surprised.
"Oh, yes..." he offered her a hand, she took it without hesitation.
He opened the door and Rose caught her breath. They were under the water. The TARDIS was at the centre of a very large clear bubble. All around them was nothing but water. Pristine, glowing blue water. Rock formations slowly became visible as their eyes adjusted. Coral, sea grass, all kinds of plants and sea life. Blues, reds, purples, pinks, and greens filled their vision.
Rose stepped gingerly out onto packed, dry sand completely in awe, "Doctor...this, this is amazing..." she let go of his hand to venture out further. She looked up and slowly turned a circle. Overhead the diffused glow from a distant sun, or perhaps two, filtered down to illuminate their space. It was surreal, beautiful and so surreal. She had seen stars, she had danced on she was at the bottom of an ocean. Would she ever run out of things to be amazed by? ...So long as she had her Doctor, she doubted it.
As she watched all kinds of fish started to swim about. None she recognized, leading her to believe this wasn't an Earth ocean. Now that she had figured that it wasn't earth she wasn't entirely sure she was looking at fish, though they looked like some kind of fish. Large ones, little ones...things that looked like jellyfish and illuminated bright orange and citron.
"This is simply amazing Doctor..." she went back to him and hugged him, "This is so amazing..." she peppered his face with enthusiastic kisses.
"I thought you might like it...and though it might be a little macabre, we have dinner..." he motioned her toward the area next to the TARDIS.
There stood a round table set for two. The table was covered with a white table cloth, glowing fine white china with an accent of silver circling the inner diameter. Flatware of sterling silver, carved with an ornate design. Elegant crystal wine glasses, the globes of which caught the rays of filtered sunlight and were filled with white wine. Several tall lamps glowed around the setting.
Dinner however was a very nice showing of Earth fish and chips wrapped in brown paper. Rose laughed delighted. "It is simply perfect..."
The Doctor and Rose sat and enjoyed their dinner in very animated conversation. They talked about the last year, about their next adventures and the Doctor even managed to limit his lecturing tangents. Over all it was a highly successful dinner.
The night was drawing near and the ocean around them had darkened, the soft murmurs of it cooed to them, lulling them.
"Do you remember the first time we danced?" the Doctor asked abruptly.
"You mean the only time we danced?" she smirked, "How could I forget...Berlin...1941, during the Blitz, the first year we took a great deal of prodding if I remember. We did the Jitterbug, if I remember correctly."
"Will you dance with me now?" he asked seriously.
Her brow furrowed, "Here, now? We haven't got any music..."
"The last...well maybe not last, we've still got tonight..." he lifted his eyebrows suggestively, "but for now, the last part of your present..."
The Doctor rose from the table and offered her a hand. She accepted it rising with him.
The Doctor lead her to the centre of their bubble and while watching her and smiling he retrieved his sonic screwdriver from his pocket. He aimed it first at the lamps by the table, the turned off quickly. Then at the bubble around them, nothing immediately happened and Rose looked at him curiously, "Patience dear one..." he turned back and aimed it at the TARDIS.
The light on the top of the TARDIS blinked then an image was projected on the bubble wall. The image was grainy and black and white, it was a film, one of Rose's favourites.
"Blue Hawaii!" she exclaimed as Elvis Presley was projected, "There isn't any... Oh..." she stopped suddenly.
All the water around them was now filled with mermaids and mermen. The beautiful unearthly white of their exposed torsos caught light from the glowing jelly fish that surrounded them. The jewel tones of their fins glinted.
The Doctor wrapped an around around Rose's waist and lifted his other, "May I have this dance Rose?"
Rose, completely dazzled opened her mouth to again say there wasn't any music, but then there was.
The mermaid choir rang out in clear, perfect, harmony echoing in the perfect acoustics of the ocean.
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you
The Doctor and his Rose danced. They danced to the serenade of the alien mermaids on planet Kelth. They danced in the failing moonlight and the glow of the ocean planet. They whispered in each other's ear endearments and vows of love.
They remembered when a shop girl met a stranger in a basement...and her running after him with pure abandonment.
The way she wandered into his hearts without asking. The way he fell in love with her without trying, without warning.
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
So take my hand, and take my whole life too
Cause I can't help falling in love with you
"I knew, soon as you took my hand...that is was forever. More than you think there exists something more powerful than forever? I think there has to be...all that is in me believes there is more, and we have it..." she whispered.
"To the moon and everything that is beyond's always been, it was always supposed to be you...and there is nothing more powerful than that..." he answered kissing her deeply.
Like a river flows so surely to the sea
Oh my darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
So won't you please take my hand, and take my whole life too
Cause I can't help falling in love, in love with you
Cause I can't help falling in love, falling in love,
I keep falling in love with you
The song was ending and slowly the mermaids were leaving, one by one. Before long the projection of Elvis went blank and the Doctor and Rose stood quietly in the darkness nothing but the dull roar of the ocean as it moved with the tide surrounding them.
"This has has been the most incredible, amazing night we've ever had...I don't even know what to say... Other than I love you, until we discover a word more encompassing than that, that's all I have. I love you. I love you with my whole heart, for my whole life..." Rose whispered, to do more would be to violate the stillness, the magic of the moment.
"And I love you my darling Rose...forever."
So my Doctor ended up remembering his anniversary after all. Good for him...for them. He gave Rose a night she's not soon to forget and what a night it was.
It's a little bit hard, watching them as I do. I know it shouldn't be, I know I am a ship and I shouldn't having feelings, let alone pangs of jealously, but I do.
I want them to be happy, oh I do. It's why I took him back. It's why I do all that I do. I do want them happy, I want my Doctor happy but that doesn't mean that watching him with her doesn't sometimes make me wish that I had a body, a warm hand to offer. I wouldn't change our life, I really wouldn't. I am his rock, his home and his shelter. I always will be. I am the safe haven in the middle of galaxies and time for my Doctor, his island in the vortex.
I am hers too and I'm glad to be, I've just got to adapt. Rearrange things a bit. I am so happy for my Doctor and his Rose. She makes him so much better and he...he is the love of her life and there is no great thing than that.
I am leaving my anniversary gift to them on my main console, I don't know if they'll find it, I hope they do. I hope they realize what it means when they do. I don't know that they'll accept it when they go through the file...but I hope they do. It's the greatest gift I know how to give, other than what I've already given them – each other.
I am the TARDIS, I am a space ship, I am their home...I am a rock and I am island, because a rock feels no pain...and an island never cries.
Don't talk of love,
But I've heard the words before;
It's sleeping in my memory.
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved I never would have cried.
I am a rock,
I am an island.
AN: Yes, I know a LOT of older songs a lot of you might not know...what can I say, Christmas with my parents meant a musical retrospective with my father. Blame him. I Am a Rock by Simon and Garfunkel really to me is the perfect song for either the TARDIS or the Doctor without his that song... and the others, but that one inspired the story the most (and Can't Help Falling In Love With You) even though it was the least featured.
(good time for the disclaimer) SONGS NOT MINE!
Also, do y'all need to go to the dentist? This was waaaaayyyyy sweet and gooey with romance and proclamations of love. I couldn't help it, I was feeling romantic. :D
Future chapters will include the wedding and what it is exactly the TARDIS gave them...though I'm pretty sure you already know. There also might be a few M chapters if you're open to that...or I can post them as a different story since these all have kept my K friendly...thoughts?
Reviews are GREATLY appreciated, as are all your follows and favourites...THANK YOU, SO MUCH for those. They mean a lot. I hope you all are still enjoying!
Wishing everyone a grand New Year and a fantastic year to come!