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It all began one day, when Tsuna came back from his first mission….Of course he was accompanied by Mammon for safety measures. In the same day though, the Varia will sign a peace treaty with another strong neighboring assassin squad, holding a reputation that can not be simply ignored any longer.

In one important meeting….

Anonymous man: Will you accept the agreements?

Lussuria: ….

Belphegor: (Looks away with boredom)

Leviathan: What do you think Boss?

Xanxus: …. (Glances on paper) Humph.


Xanxus: Don't tell me what to do trash.

(As Xanxus was about to sign the paper, the door opened. Showing two young figures covered in blood.)

Tsuna: Xanxus-niisama~!

Mammon: We're done boss…

Xanxus: About time. (Throws paper to the ground)

Anonymous man: The treaty!

Leviathan: Go home. Boss has decided.

Belphegor: Ushishishi~ Mammon. Was it a success?

Mammon: Yup.

Anonymous man: Hey! Listen to me!

Lussuria: Gomen ne~ Cielo-kun?

Tsuna: (Looks up) Yes?

Lussuria: Should boss sign?

Tsuna: Nope.

Xanxus: It's settled then.

Anonymous man: Why are you even listening to this brat?!

Belphegor: Kaching! What did you say to my little brother peasant?

Mammon: (Raised a hidden eyebrow)

Squalo: VOII! What did you say?

Tsuna: Don't be angry at him Squalo senpai for I have told the truth.

Anonymous man: Why you little-!

(A gun shot was heard with its bullet nearly hitting the foreign man)

Xanxus: Listen to the boy scum.

Tsuna: The reason why I choose to reject this treaty is that your organization is not yet fully equipped with the necessary items and characteristics. Outnumbering your foes isn't really the best strategy for an assault don't you think?

Squalo: Quality versus Quantity huh? (Rare moments of silent serious mode)

Anonymous man: It doesn't matter, all we need to do is train them up a little-

Tsuna: A billion members? You're wasting your time then. Trained to be in a crowd, they are a good as chicken fodder in this time of need.

(The man lifted Tsuna by the collar, anger written on his face.)

Anonymous man: You listen here! We know what's wrong with us so stop spurting out your fucking ideas at our faces!


Anonymous man: Look at me!

( Tsuna looked up at the man's eyes, Tsuna's golden eyes now turned as dark as fresh blood. Smiling like a twisted child, Tsuna spoke out)

Tsuna: Really?

Anonymous man: Wha- (The man was instantly hit by several things; An antique knife, a flaming bullet, one long sword and an electric shock)

Leviathan: Tsuna-kun! (Stepping on the now dead man as he reached to the boy.) Are you alright?

Tsuna: Yup~! (Is taken away by the boxer)

(The five figures in the room now debated on what to do to the dead body)

Xanxus: Take the trash out.

Belphegor: Put him as a Halloween decoration.

Leviathan: Electrocute him again.


Mammon: Now now. We all know that isn't the right way to treat a dead body, let's just send him back inside a cheap gift box.

(All of them agreed, ordering the servants to do so)

Ever since that day, the Varia received fewer peace treaties from the rest of the mafia who wishes to keep their lives intact. The Varia never did regret that moment, Killing is their main priority as assassins. Besides, no one insults their family-I mean-Famiglia member in front of their faces and doesn't get away with it.