Hey guys! This is my first fanfic, so I might not do well. Anyway, I hope you'll like it!

The stories 'More Than No Good' by KuraiArcoiris and the unfinished story 'The Rightful Sky' by Heir to the Sky inspired me to write this! Enjoy~

This chapter was Beta'ed by Lunakatsuma

*Venice, Italy, Vongola Mansion*

"Reborn, it is time to choose a new Vongola Boss. These bones of mine are turning too old for me to continue being a Mafia Boss."

A twenty-one-year-old man wearing a black suit tipped his fedora down so it covered his face, a green chameleon sitting on the brim of his hat. "And who will this 'new Boss' be?"

The old man sitting on the throne in front of the man smiled kindly.

"His name is Sawada Takahashi."

*Namimori, Japan*

"This is all Dame-Tsuna's fault! If we hadn't had this loseron our team, we would have won!"

A brunet with gravity-defying hair and caramel eyes stood silently in the middle of the argument.

"The loser team has to clean up the equipment! Good luck with that, losers!" a buff teen from the other team hollered and laughed.

"Why you-" Another brown-haired boy who looked exactly like the silent boy named Tsuna glared angrily at his look-alike and yelled, "Look what you did! It's all your fault! You made us lose, so you have to clean it up!"

"Maa maa, Takahashi, he tried his best. Don't blame it all on him," a tall, nicer-looking, and raven-haired teen smiled, trying to calm down the angry boy.

"Tch. Whatever, Yamamoto," Takahashi growled angrily, his dark brown eyes glaring at his frail-looking twin. "I'm the boss here, so he has to listen to me!" However, Sawada Tsunayoshi, the older twin of Sawada Takahashi, stayed silent, his head lowered. Takahashi continued anyway, bringing his fist up close to Tsuna's face and threatening, "Clean it up! If you don't, you know what'll come up!"

At this, Tsuna flinched and nodded, head still down as Takahashi and his friends walked away, leaving the poor boy alone to clean up the mess. He felt sympathetic eyes come from where Takahashi's group was walking away. He didn't need to know who it was. His fists clenched by his side as he thought, I don't need anyone's sympathy, cleaning up the equipment so he could go home and cook dinner with his mom and do his homework, despite his most-likely irreversible, horrible grades in his classes.

This was Sawada Tsunayoshi and Sawada Takahashi's relationship. Tsunayoshi didn't know why his younger twin hated him, his older brother, so much. Once the two brothers were eight, Takahashi began to hang out with different kids and started to treat Tsuna badly. Tsuna had done nothing wrong to his younger brother, but deep in the bottom of his mind, behind all the hurt he had been through, lay the question…


When Tsuna was cleaning up, it was silent. When Tsuna was walking home that afternoon, it was silent. Everything was silent, besides the rustling of the sakura trees from the gentle winds and the birds whistling. He savored this quiet moment by himself, just like he did everyday when he walked home, alone. After all, he was Dame-Tsuna; a loser, clumsy, quiet, had horrible grades, and was known for having no friends at all.

Tsuna's classmates always questioned his quiet behavior. Some believed he was too afraid or too shy to speak, while others believed he was mute. But Tsuna always ignored his classmates' thoughts towards him. As long as he knew why he was quiet himself, nothing else mattered.

As Tsuna approached the door to his house, he heard some yells from the inside of his house, accompanied by the ringing of multiple gunshots. Tsuna frowned worriedly. Is Okaa-san okay? Who's shooting that gun? What about Takahashi? Is he alright too?

Just as Tsuna was about to open the door, it was thrown open by none other than his brother, Takahashi, who ran over the threshold frantically and hid behind his older twin. "Don't shoot me!" Takahashi screamed.

Tsuna briefly glanced at his brother before looking back towards the entrance to his house. There, a man wearing a suit and a yellow-striped fedora stood, holding a green gun. Tsuna narrowed his eyes at the man but did not move from his spot. There was something about that man that made Tsuna relax, yet he kept his posture.

Then a thought came into his mind. Who makes custom-colored guns these days!?

The man tipped his hat, his gun still pointed at the frightened Takahashi and the strangely calm yet protective Tsuna. "Ciaossu," he greeted, causing Tsuna to give him a curious look. He smirked. "I'm Reborn, Taka-Baka's home tutor. It's nice to meet you, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Taka-Baka's older twin brother."

Tsuna nodded in his direction while Takahashi glared at him, exclaiming in annoyance, "I told you already, I don't need a home tutor!"

At this, Sawada Nana, the twins' mother, appeared at the front door. "But of course you need a home tutor, Taka-chan!" she responded with an innocent, bright smile. "Besides, he said he would do it for free if we give him a free place to stay and food!"

Takahashi transferred his glare from his mother to Reborn to Tsuna, where it finally settled. "Only Dame-Tsuna needs a home tutor! I have better grades than him!" he exclaimed bitterly.

Reborn smirked again, tilting his gun so that it was facing Takahashi's face, which was poking out from behind his brother as he glared. "But your C-average grades aren't good enough."

Nana, for some reason, smiled good-naturedly as if men pointing guns at her child was completely normal and harmless, walking back into the house to prepare dinner. Takahashi grabbed his brother's shoulders and pushed him forward towards Reborn, using him as a shield as he cried, "Wahhhhh don't shoot me! Shoot Dame-Tsuna instead!"

Reborn raised an eyebrow at this. "And why should I shoot your brother instead…?"

Tsuna watched the scene, silent as always as he commented on the situation in his thoughts. Somehow, even though the strange man was pointing a gun at him (which normally meant 'danger'), he could tell that the man wouldn't really kill either of the twins in any way, especially since Nana was so calm about the situation. Just my intuition, I guess, he surmised, nodding to himself.

Then, Takahashi spoke again, and Tsuna felt something inside of him break a little more, despite all the other times Takahashi had been mean to him.

"Because no one would care if he died!"

Reborn frowned at this. What kind of brother would sacrifice his own flesh and blood just to save himself? This is certainly not boss material. He sighed, his gun morphing back into a green chameleon that crawled onto the man's fedora. Crossing his arms, he stared at Tsuna, who was looking down and shaking, caramel eyes filled with sadness. Seeing this, he shot a menacing glare at Takahashi as he walked up to the twins and smacked Takahashi on the head, making him fall flat on his ass.

"OW!" Takahashi shouted, smacking away the helping hand that was Tsuna's. "What the hell was that for!?"

Reborn ignored the question and took a step back. "Looks like I'll have to fix that attitude of yours," he commented darkly before turning around to face the Sawada Residence's front door.

"What attitude!? I don't have an attitude! And go away!" Reborn ignored the exclamations, too, walking back into the house without a single look back. Noticing that the man was gone, Takahashi muttered, "That damn man…" Then he glared at Tsuna, who was shaking slightly, and scoffed. "What are you still doing out here!?" He narrowed his eyes and yelled, "Go away and make dinner! I don't wanna see your face! It disgusts me!" Tsuna stumbled, hesitated, then traced Reborn's footsteps into the house with his head down. "I hate him. I hate him so much…" Takahashi hissed to himself.

Little did he know, a certain fedora-wearing man had not, in fact, left the scene. Having heard the entire thing, Reborn deepened his frown. What's wrong with this boy? Why does he hate Tsunayoshi so much? Reborn thought as he strode away slowly, many thoughts swarming in his head. Well, there are two things about Takahashi that I know for sure… 1) he's loud and annoying and 2) he hates his older brother. Reborn scowled. The spies he had sent for information were useless. All they had written were the twins' bio, not what they did physically did or how they acted towards other people.

Reborn's thoughts strayed to the other twin, Tsunayoshi. He certainly was a mystery that Reborn couldn't help but be curious about. He had not heard the small boy say a single word since their meeting. It is just me, or does Tsuna not like to talk at all? His younger brother most definitely did, and it was beyond annoying. However, with just one look, Reborn could already tell that the older twin was a shy and quiet sort of person.

Is this why Nono chose Takahashi? Because he was the louder of the two?

No, that couldn't be it.

During their private meeting, Reborn had not questioned Nono's request. After all, he was the Vongola's best hitman, and he only did what Nono told him to do, no questions asked. Maybe he should have asked for more information…

Reborn's thoughts were cut off when Nana's voice rang out. "Reborn-kun, it's time for dinner!"

Dinner had been awfully quiet. Reborn had expected the meal to be loud and noisy with Takahashi's obnoxious voice, but it had been absolutely silent. It was a bit… disturbing.

When the house's occupants were getting ready for bed, Reborn grabbed both of the boys and brought them into his own room. Tsuna was still silent, as expected, and Takahashi was still giving his brother a nasty look… also, unfortunately, as expected.

"Let's make this quick," Reborn stated, sitting down and making himself comfortable. "I am a home tutor, as you know, but not just for the normal maths and school subjects; that's just a façade." He paused for effect. "I am Reborn, the best hitman in the world. I serve the Vongola and I am here to train Sawada Takahashi into a mafia boss."

Both Takahashi and Tsuna (finally, a change in expression) gave Reborn a shocked look.

"Wh-what? M-me? A boss!? Haha, quit joking around…" Takahashi stammered nervously.

Reborn stared at him, a neutral expression on his face. "I do not lie unless it is necessary. And would I ever kid around about being a mafia boss? This is serious. You, Sawada Takahashi, are going to be the Vongola's next boss; the Vongola Decimo."

"B-but I don't want to be a mafia boss!" Takahashi exclaimed indignantly.

"It doesn't matter whether you want to be or not. You. Will. Be. Vongola. Decimo," Reborn ordered, putting emphasis on the last five words.

Takahashi gave Reborn a withering look before pointing at Tsuna, who automatically looked down shyly. "Then why is he here?"

"Siblings need to know what their siblings are doing, of course," Reborn stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Takahashi huffed in annoyance. "Tch. Whatever. I don't have time for this bullshit. I'm outta here."

The brunet quickly left, not letting Reborn speak or move an inch. Tsuna gazed at Reborn for a moment before blushing slightly and hastily looking back down at his feet. He was about to walk out of the door when Reborn stopped him.

"Why won't you talk?" Reborn asked curiously. "I haven't heard you say anything so far."

Tsuna stood still, his back facing Reborn as he pondered the question. That's right… the reason I stopped communicating with anyone is because… The brunet turned his head and his brown eyes met Reborn's onyx pair for one swift moment before he swiftly took his leave as well.

Reborn froze at the sight before tipping his fedora down over his face. Leon, the chameleon, licked his master playfully as Reborn thought about what he had seen in Tsunayoshi's eyes. The sadness, the pain, the loneliness. And there was one unspoken question that had been conveyed through that one look:

What's the point of speaking when no one wants to listen?

So, the first chapter was sort of angsty, since it showed how Takahashi felt about Tsuna and the twins' personalities. I didn't notice until I finished that Reborn was a little OOC. But hey, this is the adult form we're talking about, right? Also, Tsuna is a bit of a depressing person, being really quiet and all, but he'll get more talkative! I'm not a very angsty person, so I'm not sure whether I did a depressing Tsuna right, but oh well. -_-

Don't worry; the future chapters will get brighter! Thanks for reading!

R & R!