A really small thing. I seriously have no idea how it came to my head. Well, you're probably bored with my introduction so I'm going to end it. I hope you enjoy! Also, I'm really sorry for mistakes (especially for the punctuation) English's not my first language, and I'm just learning.

I don't own anything.

Robbie was embarrassed. He fell to the floor at least four times that day, making everyone laugh. But he was even more embarrassed to tell someone that he couldn't tie his shoes. Because even little kids could do that, and everyone would think Robbie's subnormal. Well, more then they think he is now.

He fell again. Someone laughed extraordinarily loud and that set him off.

"Shut the fuck up!" he shouted. Everyone was surprised that little Robbie Shapiro could use such a language. It wasn't his fault, really. Jade took Rex as collateral of the money she borrowed him a month ago. A whole week without the possibility to say what he wanted to, left him all mad and jumpy. Now, he started being rude.

When he stood up, he was met with a worried gaze of the school's pretty boy. How Beck was still his friend was still beyond him.

"Rob? You all right there?" he asked. His horrible girlfriend stood unimpressed right behind him with Andre and Tori.

"Do I look all right to you?" he answered snarkily. Fuck, he should really learn to keep his mouth shut until Rex's back.

"What's wrong?" said Beck furrowing his eyebrows.

Robbie beckoned the dark skinned boy closer so that no one else could hear.

"I don't know how to tie my shoes." He said shyly. He knew Beck's cool and he won't tell others. The taller boy smiled just a little.

Robbie sure as hell didn't expect what came next. Beck got on his knees and started to tie his shoes.

It was all kinds of wrong. And he didn't mean that Jade was looking at him like she wanted to rip his throat out. Or the fact that everyone was looking at them strangely. No, the wrong think was that Robbie was kind of enjoying it. He could easily see the other boy on his knees doing something else.

"All done." Said Beck proudly and made a move to get up. A hand lightly touching his hair stopped him. He looked up to see the scrawny boy looking at him in a strange way. He didn't look like a lost boy for a while, more like a guy who knew what he wanted. And it usually didn't mean anything good.

"If you're down there already, you could use some time and give me head. You'd be perfect for that, princess." Robbie heard himself say arrogantly.

He really should learn to bite his tongue. But it was too late, the damage was already done.

To his surprise Beck blushed, and he has never seen him do that. But he had no time left to admire it because he was escaping as quickly as his legs allowed him.

He will never go anywhere without Rex again. Even if the bewildered look on Jade's face was kind of worth it.

Hope you enjoyed! Leave a review, they make me all tingly inside ;D