Summary: It was all his fault.

Rating: T

Pairing: NaLu

Don't own Fairy Tail.

The sunlight was what woke her, but the heat was what kept her in bed.

She didn't even have to look to know who was sleeping next to her, clinging on to her like she was some oversized teddy bear. She didn't even need to glance, for the snores were familiar and the mumbles were something she could recognize anywhere.

She was late- that much was clear. The sun was much too high up in the sky to indicate any reasonable hour, and she could estimate that it was around noon, at least. The people of the guild would notice soon, for sure, and Lucy knew damn well that Mirajane would have a field day with the 'scandalous' scenario of her and Natsu both showing up to the guild late with no jobs recorded. She had to get up to avoid the drama. She had to.

But, he was so warm.

A heater, really. She supposed it was because he was the Salamander and had an affiliation with fire that he was like this, but she honestly didn't care about the facts once she surrendered herself to the waves of comfort rolling over her with every breath he took. All that mattered was that he was warm, and if she got up she would be cold, and she didn't want to be cold, did she?

She would blame him later, of course, but at the moment, she could think of nothing better than curling up against him and drifting off to sleep once more, warm and fuzzy and safe in the hold of her personal dragon.





Just some short cutie NaLu because of reasons