I never wanted this hate. I wanted peace; I wanted happiness for my people. I didn't ask for this.

My humanity wanes more and more. I still imagine, now and then, how my life could have been different. It makes me despise you even more.

I have no control over my own fate. I'm nothing but a marionette, forced to act the same part over and over again. I loathe it. I loathe it.

I never asked for this. I didn't ask to be born with such overwhelming hate. I didn't ask to be filled with a desire to destroy.

I've tried to suppress it, but I cannot. I'm too weak to fight against myself, and I only get weaker. The hatred is too strong. Eventually I'll be nothing but a monster, a blind, seething beast incapable of anything remotely human.

To be possessed by an immortal hatred is utter agony.

I didn't ask to be the plaything of the immortals. I had no qualms with the King of Hyrule. Nor with his daughter. Or that boy…

That boy…

It was his face—that damned face of his. I looked in his face, and it was like an old lost dream returning to memory. Like something slimy and grotesque being dragged from the dark bowels of the earth and being forced into the sunlight. The hatred was unexplainable, but it had me in its grasp, and I could not escape.

It was the same with the Princess. Just hearing her name set my teeth on edge. Zelda. I hate the name. I loathe it. I don't have any reason to, but I despise it.

The desire to see their faces contorting with pain, the desire to see life's light leave their eyes—it continues to eat at me. It has reached the point where I don't regard it as an alien thing, but as a part of me.

I have to wonder if they too wish there was another way. But it doesn't matter. They hate me as much as I hate them, and there is no escape for any of us.

I despise them all. I will grind them into the dust. I will pour my hatred into this land until every corner writhes with it. My hatred will fuel my strength, and I will see everything fall by my own hand.

…I have begun my descent down the path of no redemption. I did not ask for this, but now there is no escape. There is nothing but desire without satisfaction, hatred without ceasing, and death without reprieve.

With my last shred of sanity, I curse you, Demise.