A Run From Destiny

Chapter Twenty-Five

Princess Sailor Moon arrived before Galaxia's throne.

"Bravo, Princess. No one has dared come to the Galaxy Cauldron before" Galaxia replied. Sailor Chibi Chibi appeared.

"Princess, have hope" She cried. Serena received a vision of how Galaxia was once the most powerful Sailor Senshi in the galaxy and how she had sealed Chaos within her own body and then realized that it was getting more powerful within her body she released her own Star Seed into the galaxy to be safe from Chaos' influence.

"Chibi Chibi" Serena whispered. She squared her shoulders and stared at Galaxia. "I know who you are" She said firmly. "Chaos" Galaxia laughed.

"What do you intend to do about that?" She asked. "Galaxia is mine now"

"I will bring her back" Princess Sailor Moon swung the sword around, but Galaxia brought up her sword and the two swords clashed.

Back on the Earth, Serena's friends were worried about her.

"There must be a way to find her" Amara said, kicking a stone. Amy already had her computer out, but it was failing her for the first time since she became Sailor Mercury.

Princess Sailor Moon attacked using the sword to harness her power and blasted through Galaxia's force field hitting. Blood trickled down her side.

"Listen to me Galaxia, this is not what you want! remember who you are" she held up her Moon wand which extended into it's full staff form. It began to glow as she yelled out "Silver Moon Crystal Power!". A golden glow engulfed Sailor Galaxia and seemed to be working but Galaxia flew towards her and sliced the Moon rod into pieces.

"I'm going to destroy your friends!" Galaxia said.

"Over my dead body" Princess Sailor Moon released her Star Seed, the Silver Crystal from her chest. It began to glow a radiant glow.

"It is the most powerful Star Seed in the galaxy" Galaxia said. She paused, before she sliced it with her sword and ripped it from Serena's chest.

Princess Sailor Moon screamed as pink ribbons surrounded her and her body fell to the ground.

Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon began to cry and a tear hit the ground, mystical waves emanated from her as a cosmic red butterfly flies past. She floated above the ground, sending waves of energy towards the weakened Sailor Moon. The Silver Crystal appeared above Sailor Moon's body and slowly returned to her body.

Suddenly a massive pink energy expanded and surrounded the three of them. Sailor Moon found herself floating in space with a mysterious, shadowed form above her.

"I have been looking for you" The being said. "I am the light of hope" She then transformed into a red butterfly which faded into a pink Star Seed.

Sailor Moon held it above her body and felt it's warm light. She then transformed into her Moon Princess form.

"You must fight Galaxia and seal Chaos with your sword" The star seed embedded itself into Jadeite's sword.

Princess Serenity awoke from her vision when Galaxia attacked her. Galaxia then powers up into a black form and grew demonic wings.

Serenity gripped the sword, which began glowing. White wings appeared and she flew out of Galaxia's reach. Galaxia flew up and attacked viciously with her sword. Serenity stabbed Galaxia right in her right wing.

Galaxia was furious and shattered the sword. the star seed reverted back to the form of Chibi Chibi who disintegrated. Galaxia laughed.

"The Light of Hope is finally destroyed" She said gleefully.

"You have a good light inside of you" Serenity replied, "small as it is, it is still there" she summoned the Silver Crystal which sat on her chest.

Serenity saw inside Galaxia's soul and found her true self standing in a field of Star Seeds.

Sailor Galaxia sent a blast of dark energy at Serenity.

Sailor Moon's light shone on Galaxia's soul. The beautiful woman with golden hair began to turn around.

"I love my planet" Serenity said. "You can feel the love too. Let it come to you"

The woman turned and reached out her hand towards the light.

Serenity flew towards Sailor Galaxia. Galaxia raised her sword but to her surprise it cracked and shattered.

"I do love this planet" Sailor Galaxia's true self said. Suddenly all the Star Seeds she had stolen appeared around them and began to glow brightly.

The shocked Galaxia reached out her hand and grabbed Sailor Moon's hand. Her whole body began to glow and crack and quickly released her true form once more. The evil force that was Chaos moaned and flew through the sky and off into space. Galaxia's golden hair flowew down around her body as she floated there in the sky with Serenity surrounded by the beautiful Star Seeds of this galaxy.

"Thank you, Princess. For freeing me" She looked down, tears in her eyes. "I can never make up for the evil I have done, can I?" She asked.

"Return the star seeds" Serenity said, "and you are on the right path" Galaxia waved her hand and the star seeds floated away.

Down on Earth, Amy was still trying to track Serena, when Hotaru pointed to the sky.

"Look" She said. they looked up to see Princess Serenity, A woman that looked remarkably like Galaxia and Princess Kakyuu floating down towards them.

"What happened?" Jadeite asked.

"I freed Galaxia from Chaos's control" Serenity replied. "The star seeds have been returned"

"It is time for us to return home" Princess Kakyuu replied. Seiya looked down and Kakyuu smiled.

"Not you Seiya. You're home is here" He looked up her and she smiled. She took the hands of Yaten and Taiki and the three of them vanished.

"I must return to my home as well" Galaxia replied. "Princess, I thank you again. If you ever need anything, I'll be there" Galaxia also vanished and Serenity reverted to Serena.

"I'm so proud of you" Seiya whispered, kissing her cheek. Serena looked around.

"What did you do to Darien?" She asked.

"Oh, um, he's in the hospital" Jadeite said, looking away. Serena raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any questions. She turned to Trista.

"The time has come for us to go home" she said. "Will you take us"

Trista nodded.

"Crystal Tokyo will never exist, but we all have our kingdoms to return to. Our families will be expecting us. Darien's parents will return Earth to its rightful glory and I am sure give him a lecture. Lets go home"

All of them locked hands and if any one was passing by the park, they would have sworn that several shooting stars left the earth, soaring high into the heavens, and then they would have thought they were imagining it, for there weren't any stars on Earth, or were there?