"Soul, there isn't a point in trying," Maka said bluntly and tried to push him away from her. "Just give it a rest."

Soul Evans looked at her seriously, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes as well. "Maka, everyone is ticklish somewhere, don't lie to me, it's not cool."

She was about to respond when a shivering sensation fell over her and she found herself laughing, quiet a first but it quickly progressed to her kicking her legs and flailing her arms. How? How could he manage this?

Soul was laughing as well and continued to tickle her above her stomach.

"C'mon Soul! You proved your point, now quit it!" She told him trying to sound angry, but her laughter contradicted her intentions. She continued to flail around and-surprisingly-began to enjoy the feeling of Soul's hands on her. After that thought, she realized that she was now sitting directly on top of soul, her face inches from his. He seemed to realize it and his eyes widened. Maka felt her face go red the longer she sat there. "Oh-uh, sorry," Maka muttered awkwardly as she tried to move away from him.

Soul grabbed her and pulled her in so she was sitting on top of him again, this time with her legs on either side of his. Maka felt her pulse quickening and her face begin to flush again. What is this feeling? She thought, ignoring her thoughts.

"Soul..." She began, but didn't know where she was going with this.

Soul grabbed her chin so he could look at her, his red eyes bright, but also nervous. When was Soul ever nervous? Maka's breath caught and she found herself paralyzed looking at him. "Maka, shut up."

With that he leaned forward and captured her lips with his. She was always worried what her first kiss would be like, but with Soul it was easy. Her lips were frozen for a moment, but quickly relaxed as Soul's moved against hers. His hands went up to her hair and he took out her ponytails with ease. Her long hair fell and flowed down her back. She knew she should stop. They were just meister and weapon, right? Look what happened to mama and papa, but she couldn't find the strength to pull away.

Soul sensing her surrender, pulled her closer to him so their bodies were pressed together, the two of them entangled. He laid back down on the couch and pulled Maka down with him. Nothing had ever felt this right for her, nothing compared to this feeling of her and Soul together. He bit her lip and Maka felt a moan escape from her. Did I really just do that? Maka thought. She pulled back for a second and looked at Soul breathlessly. He looked perfect. Why is this the first time I'm noticing him like this?

"Soul, what are we doing?" She asked him, biting her lip. The sweet taste of him remained on her lips and told her to stop talking and just be with him.

He smiled, but it was nervous again. "Maka, I won't do anything you'll regret, don't worry. Just for now, don't leave."

Maka didn't need to hear anything else. Without her weapons push, she dove in and kissed Soul. For now this was enough, this was perfection.