"What are you doing up so early? It's Sunday." Robin turns from her place in the kitchen to see her husband walking towards her, not yet suited up for the day ahead. He is looking terribly handsome in nothing but his suitjama bottoms, with his greying hair tousled from the night's sleep.

"I am making you breakfast." She replies, "Pancakes with maple syrup."

It's not very often she does things like this, actually it's not too often that their kitchen is even stocked with ingredients. They both have very busy work schedules, and are both convinced that when they do have time at home there are many better things to do with ones hands than cook.

"That's Canadian breakfast! I want American breakfast! Bacon and Eggs!" Barney protests.

"First off Barney, bacon and eggs are British, and secondly you love pancakes with maple syrup and you know it." Robin responds, rolling her eyes.

"I guess you're right" He relents. He gives in so quickly for her; it's one of the things she loves most about being with him, knowing she is the only person he will ever give in for that easily. "I'm not proud to say this, but some Canadian things are alright I suppose."

Barney has wrapped his arms around her from behind and has placed a light kiss on the top of her head. As he places a second kiss on her head, this time closer to the top of her left ear, she can feel his breath inhaling deeply and then she hears him sigh. He did always like that coconut shampoo.

"Just alright?" she inquires. She knows where this is going, but the banter pleases her all the same.

"Okay maybe more than alright." There he goes, relenting so easily again.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" She's pushing now, she is even aware that she is blatantly fishing for compliments, and she is sure he knows it too, but it is a fun game to play.

"Well I mean you know I like 'the Barenaked ladies'. Oh and trivial pursuit! I'm awesome at trivial pursuit." He is playing the game too it appears.

"And those are all of your favourite Canadian things?" She continues to push; she knows she will hear what she wants to hear pretty shortly.

"Yeah I think that's all of them Scherbatsky." He says with a sense of finality and a smirk.

"Nothing else you can think of? No one else even?" And she knows he'll have to answer this one honestly.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, my favourite Canadian thing of all!" he exclaims, with the false tone of some sudden realisation. "She's smoking hot," He says with another kiss to the crown of head. "She can hold her scotch," A kiss behind her ear. "She sings about going to the mall," A kiss behind her other ear, but this time she can feel him grinning. "And she lets me have sex with her while the breakfast she's made me goes cold." And suddenly she has been turned around to face him, and he's kissing her full on the mouth, and it's as intoxicating as ever after all these years, and the breakfast is going cold. But she supposes just as there are many better things to do with ones hands than cook, there are many better things to do with ones mouth than eat.