Disclaimer: see my profile

JJ lovingly replaced the gold and green bookmark and laid aside the family bible. She clasped Will's hand and nudged his shoulder a little. He glanced over to see Reid and Henry, curled up in one of their matching recliner chairs, fast asleep.

"Should we wake them?" She whispered. She smiled and stood up. "I didn't notice they fell asleep."

"I think it was right after the angel told the shepherds they would find the child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger."

"Well, at least he heard a good portion of it. I guess we had better get him to bed. He'll be clamoring for gifts in a few hours, if last year was any indication."

"I'm glad we decided to stay home this year," Will said, as he stretched his arms over his head and yawned.

"I think you need to go to bed too."

"It's all that ham, cheese potatoes and pie you fed me."

She backhanded him in the belly. "I didn't force feed you."

"No, you didn't, which makes it even worse. It's my fault and I can't blame my gluttony on anyone."

She lifted her head to him and kissed him. He cupped her face in his hands and deepened the kiss by the addition of his tongue inside her mouth. They jumped away from each other when two annoyed and sleepy voices said in unison.


JJ felt her face going hot as she looked at Reid and Henry who were rubbing their eyes in the most adorable way, "Well, hello you two."

"Geez, can't a guy fall asleep without waking up to kissing?" Reid grumbled.

JJ opened, and then closed her mouth at the look in his eyes. He had had the same faraway expression on his face, for the past six months every time he thought no one was looking. She wondered…

"Mommy," Henry shouted as he clambered off the chair. "When is Santa coming?"

"He's going to come tonight, but only if you go to sleep."

Henry looked back at Reid, who nodded solemnly. "Come on, let's get ready for bed."


Reid took in the huge air mattress Will had set up in the living area near the tree and the two sleeping bags, one brown and adult size and the other, child-sized with dinosaurs all over a green background.

"I bought those to go camping," Will had explained. "JJ hates it, but Henry and I sometimes go with the families of some of my buddies on the force."

Reid was dressed in blue plaid, flannel pajamas and a white tee shirt with words "Live long and prosper," across his chest."

"Uncle Spence, what does that say?"

Henry pointed at his chest. Reid explained the quote to Henry and showed him the Vulcan greeting.

"What's a Vulcan?"

"Not now, little man," JJ, said. "It's time for you to go to sleep so Santa can come."

"I'm not going to sleep. I'm staying awake till he comes," Henry argued while he studied the fireplace with its crackling and dancing orange flames.

"Why don't we just lie down and look at the Christmas tree lights for a while?"

Henry, dressed in pajamas covered with dinosaurs, climbed into his sleeping bag and JJ raised the zipper halfway. She kissed his forehead and Will leaned down to ruffle his hair. "Don't bother Spencer with questions and chatter. Go to sleep."

"Alright, daddy," Henry complained.

Will chuckled and winked at JJ. "We'll leave the tree lights on."

They shut off the living room lights and left for their bedroom. Reid turned his head to look at the tree, which was the most beautiful he'd ever seen.

"I put the star on top," Henry had bragged proudly the minute Reid had arrived that afternoon.

It was a silver star with little white lights outlining it. All of the ornaments were silver and gold. A string of lights, white and scarlet encircled the tree and sparkled like sunlight on new snow. Glittering, silver strands of fake icicles hung all over the green fir branches and added to the illusion that the tree still grew in the forest. JJ had placed a skirt under the tree, made of fluffy, white cotton material that sparkled and there were small, chalet style houses and people with skis, toboggans and little cars. It was as if a tiny little village lived in the shadow of this enormous tree.

"Uncle Spence," Henry asked in a sleepy voice. "Will you tell me a story?"

"Alright, but only one, and then you need to go to sleep."

Henry nodded, but his eyes said he'd try to stay awake as long as he possibly could.

"Why don't I tell you a kind of Christmas story people used to tell? Did you know that in olden times, people used to tell scary stories at Christmas time?"

Henry's eyes got big. "Like Halloween," he asked.

"Yes, but this story won't be too scary," Reid assured the boy.

"That's okay," Henry said. "I'm going to be a profiler like you when I get big. I'm not scared."

"You can be anything you want," Reid said.

Henry nodded. "Mommy said, I can be doctor, or a fireman, but I want to be a profiler."

Reid sighed quietly. "Well, why don't I tell you the story?"

"Kay," Henry said happily.

"Once upon a time, in a place called Virginia, there lived an ordinary man with a very difficult job helping people. He had family and friends around him, but there was something missing."

"Did he have lots of toys to play with?"

Reid smiled at Henry. "He played chess with his friends, and did magic. He liked to play his keyboard, too, but he was sad."

"It's you," Henry shouted.

"Be quiet, or Mommy will come out and make us go to sleep," Reid hushed.

"Is the man in the story, you, Uncle Spence?"

"I can't tell you. Now, let's get on with the story. One day, the man decided to ask a doctor to help him with headaches. The doctor gave him vitamins to take and told him to get enough sleep."

"My mommy gives me vitamins and I have to sleep every night."

"Well, it is kind of silly that this man didn't sleep or take his vitamins, but he doesn't have a mother to take care of him, like you, Henry."

Henry's eyes got big. "He doesn't."

"No, she's very sick and can't take care of him, but that's okay because he has lots of people that love him."

"Good," Henry said and closed his eyes.

Reid reached out and pushed Henry's bangs away from his forehead. "Anyway, the man and the lady doctor became good friends. They talked to each other on the phone every week, but never met face to face."


"Well, you see the beautiful doctor had a bad man that followed her everywhere, called her and sent gifts that she didn't want."

"Did the man make him go away?"

"No, he went away on his own, so the lady doctor and the man decided to meet each other."

"Was she pretty like mommy?"

"Well the man didn't know because he'd never seen her, but he was sure that she was the most beautiful woman in the world because he lo…um likes her very much. It doesn't matter to him what she looks like."


"So they decided to meet, and he took her a gift, one of his favorite books."

"He gave up his book for girl."

Reid almost laughed at the look on Henry's face. "Well, when he got to the place that he was supposed to meet the doctor, something happened."

Henry's eyes opened, but fluttered shut again. "What happened?"

He yawned and Reid pulled the edge of the sleeping bag up around his shoulders. "Perhaps we should leave the end of this story for another time."

"I'm not tired."

"I know, but I am," Reid teased.

"Okay, Uncle Spence. I love you."

"I love you too."

Reid turned onto his back and stared upside down at the Christmas tree. If only his life could be like the imagined people that populated the little village under the tree. He bet they didn't have rapists, serial killers, troubled young men that shot up schools and stalkers that made young women's lives miserable. He was sure they didn't have war, poverty, and death. On the other hand, if their lives were free of adversity, how could they have joy? He sighed and turned back to look at Henry. He wanted so much to take away all the bad things, but it just wasn't possible, and there were many good things in the world. He just had to know where to find them. Spencer decided to make a New Year's resolution a few days early. He'd resolve to help Henry find the joy in life despite the sorrow.


When JJ entered the living room with Will, Henry was fast asleep but Reid was lying on his back staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Spence," she said softly as she checked on Henry.

"He's been asleep for a while."

"What about you?"

Reid turned to his side. "I can't sleep."

"Why don't you help me with these after we play Santa?" Will pointed at the cookies and milk on the table.

"No," Reid whispered. "That's your job, but I do need to make a phone call."

"Reid, it's after midnight," JJ admonished.

"I know, but this is important."

"Okay," JJ stood back as he got up and headed to his go bag on the couch.

He pulled out his phone and grabbed his jacket. He put on his shoes and hurried out the door. It was softly snowing and it was cold. The wind had died down as the storm had blown out. He dialed Maeve's number and waited as it rang.

"Hello," she said tentatively.

"Maeve, did I wake you up?"

"No, I can't sleep, but Spence why did you call this number."

"He's still gone, isn't he?"

"Yes, but -"

"Then don't let my over reaction the other day scare you. That was my fault, Maeve."

"I just can't help it. It's been months since I've felt truly safe. I just wanted to meet you without him watching and -"

"I messed that up. I'm so sorry."

He shivered a bit in the cold and a light breeze ruffled his hair as he paced up and down along the porch.

"Spencer, are you still there?"

"Yes. Listen, there's something I want to tell you."

"You can tell me anything."

"I know I can, but not over the phone, and not tonight. I want to meet you and this time nothing is going to stop me. Let's get together tomorrow night."

"Are you sure? I'm scared, Spencer."

"Me too, but I'm not going to let him ruin our lives."

"Alright, where do you want to meet?"

"Not at the same restaurant. There's this place I know…"