Okay, so it's been awhile. I finally got inspiration to continue this, so I hope everyone enjoys it :) As always, thank you so much. -Much love, xoxo

Their plane landed in New York at about 4:00 that evening. Kurt smiled brightly, clapping his hands excitedly as the plane stopped. He grabbed Blaine's hand and practically drug him off of the plane, heading to the baggage claim. "We finally made it!" Kurt exclaimed happily, giving Blaine the biggest smile.

"I know! I can't wait to finally move into our apartment. Your dad said everything was already moved in and ready, right?" Blaine asked, picking up a few of their bags, watching Kurt grab the rest. All of their other stuff had been brought with the moving truck prior to their flight.

"Dad rent us a car. He said it's in the parking lot. Him, Puck, and Finn are spending the night in a hotel down the road. After we get unpacked and settled in, we should go buy things for our new place," he said quickly, leading Blaine to the parking lot. When they got out there, their dad was standing in front of their rental car, opening the trunk for them.

"I'm so proud of both of you," he said, smiling at Kurt and Blaine as they put their luggage in the trunk. "I suppose you'll call me if either of you need anything at all?" he suggested, handing Kurt the car keys.

"Of course, dad. Thank you so, so much! Tell the boys we said thank you, too. You guys are amazing," Kurt said, opening the passenger's side door for Blaine, hugging his dad tightly and kissing his cheek. "I love you," he whispered, squeezing him tightly before letting go, walking to the driver's side.

"I love you too, son," he said, smiling sadly as he watched Kurt get into the car, waving as he drove away.

"Kurt, honey, calm down," Blaine laughed, watching Kurt hang up the rest of their clothes. He was practically bouncing from excitement.

"I'm sorry, Blaine, I'm just so happy. This is our place," he said, walking out of the closet, looking right at Blaine.

"Ours," Blaine nodded in agreement, walking to Kurt, wrapping his arms around his waist tightly.

"C'mon, let's go shopping for decorations and stuff?" Kurt nudged him, kissing his cheek sweetly.

Blaine thought for a minute, biting the inside of his cheeks. He knew that the rest of their friends had planned to fly in soon. He looked at the clock on his nightstand. He nodded at himself, reading 6:00. They were flying in at 7, so he figured an hour would be enough for Kurt. He was supposed to bring Kurt to the café at the corner of the block of their apartment. He had a surprise for Kurt, and thought it'd be important for his friends to be there. "Sure. Let's go," he nodded, pulling back and grabbing his hand.

Kurt squealed excitedly, looking around their apartment as they left. "I guess we can go to that cool little thrift shop down the road. I bet we could find a lot of cool things for a reasonable price," he said, smiling proudly at Blaine.

"I'm sure you can find something," Blaine nodded in agreement, squeezing his hand. "Afterwards, we should go try the coffee at the cool little café at the corner of the block. You know the one, right?" he asked casually.

"That sounds great, love. After that, could we get dinner? You can't get a good dinner at a café," Kurt pointed out, swinging their hands as they walked down the street.

"Anything for you," Blaine said sweetly. He smiled to himself, knowing his plan would work out great. He checked his watch, seeing the time. "Soon." He thought to himself. He really hoped that Rachel would have the ring as planned.

An hour later, Kurt was still shopping. Blaine started to get nervous, texting Rachel quickly. They'd all just arrived, and they were supposed to be already at the café. They changed plans impressively fast. Rachel told Blaine to stall Kurt at the thrift shop for another half hour, while they all checked into their hotel across the street. After they checked in, they were all going to meet at the café, making sure to sit in the back so Kurt couldn't see them. Blaine smiled at the texted out plan, nodding to himself. He thanked Rachel about a million times in one text, squeezing Kurt's hand as they walked around the store.

"I think I'm done," Kurt said, holding a basket full of decorations, and a few throw blankets he'd found.

"I think you should find more," Blaine shook his head, pulling him further back into the store. "We need a lot of things," he encouraged, smiling at Kurt.

"O-Okay?" Kurt said questionably, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend's behavior.

A half-hour later exactly, Blaine stopped walking. "Kurt, I think this is enough. Let's check out, okay?" he said quickly, leading Kurt to the check-out counter.

"Blaine, what's going on? You're acting funny," Kurt asked quietly, a bit nervous. He noticed Blaine texting a lot, smiling at his phone as he did so.

"Nothing's going on, honey. I just think we have enough, and I'm starving. Let's go get coffee," he insisted, taking the basket full of things from Kurt and placing it in front of the cashier on the counter.
They stood in silence as their items were rung up, Blaine bouncing nervously on his feet.

"Blaine, honey, calm down," Kurt said quietly, placing both of his hands on his shoulders, pushing him down onto his feet steadily.

"Sorry," Blaine said, looking back and- flashing Kurt an apologetic smile.

When they were done checking out, Kurt grabbed the bags and smiled proudly, leading Blaine out of the shop. "To the café!" Kurt said happily, pulling Blaine down the block.

"I love coffee," Blaine said lamely, holding the door of the café open for Kurt. Kurt smiled and walked in ahead of him, walking up to the counter and ordering their favorites. After they got their coffees, Blaine led Kurt to a table in the front corner of the café, farthest away from where he knew everyone else was. The rest of the place was empty, which Kurt thought was strange.

"So…This is a cute little place," Kurt smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. "Wow, this is good," he widened his eyes in surprise. "I wasn't really expecting that from this little hole-in-the-wall."

"Yep, it's pretty good. This can be our new Lima Bean," Blaine winked, sipping his drink. He hummed quietly, rubbing his foot against Kurt's leg under the table.

"Where do you wanna go for dinner tonight?" Kurt asked, his face bright and excited.

"Somewhere nice, for sure. I don't really know yet. Any suggestions?" Blaine asked, reaching over to grab Kurt's hand.

"Not really, but I'm sure we can find a nice place somewhere close," Kurt shrugged, squeezing Blaine's hand.

"Kurt, I have something for you. It's been killing me, actually. I've had it for a while, but I needed the right time. And why not our first evening in New York?" Blaine said loudly, making sure that everyone in the back could hear.

"Honey, I'm right here. Why are you talking so loud?" Kurt asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Kurt, just…don't talk," Blaine insisted, getting up from his chair.

Kurt watched suspiciously, confused as to what Blaine was doing. He stayed silent, like Blaine requested. A few seconds later, music started playing, and he saw Brittany wheel Artie out into the room. He squinted his eyes in confusion, as the rest of their friends filed out. Sam, Santana, Puck, Finn, Mercedes, Rachel, Quinn, and the new kids. Everyone. Even a few of the Warblers, and Burt and Carol. Wes, David, Thad, Nick, Jeff, and Trent. They all hummed to the music, standing behind Blaine. When Kurt noticed the tune of the song, he widened his eyes and gasped in surprise. Blaine winked at Kurt, smiling brightly as he started to serenade him.

"Forever can never be long enough for me,

To feel like I've had long enough with you.

Forget the world, now, we won't let them see,

But there's one thing left to do,"

Blaine sat back down in the seat in front of Kurt, taking both of his hands in his. Everyone else huddled around their table, humming behind Blaine. Kurt gasped softly, tears welling up in his eyes, squeezing Blaine's hands weakly.

"Marry me,

Today and every day.

Marry me,

If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café,

Say you will.

Say you will,"

Kurt smiled brightly, keeping his eyes locked with Blaine's as he continued to sing. Both of them were teary-eyed, lost in each other.

"Together will never be close enough for me,

To feel like I am close enough to you.

You wear white, and I'll wear out the words 'I love you,' and 'You're beautiful'

Now that the wait is over,

And love has finally showed you my way…

Marry me,

Today and everyday

Marry me,

If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café,

Say you will.

Say you will."

Blaine got up and stood in front of Kurt, sinking to one knee in front of him, holding both of his hands tightly. Tears were streaming down Kurt's face, his bottom lip trembling slightly as he looked down at him.

"Promise me, you'll always be,

Happy by my side

I promise to sing to you,

When all the music dies

Marry me,

Today and everyday

Marry me,

If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café

Say you will.

Say you will.

Marry me."

Rachel stepped up behind Blaine, handing him a little velvet box, shedding tears of her own. Blaine had a few tears rolling down his cheeks as he looked up at Kurt. He continued to hold one of his hands, smiling brightly at him.

"Kurt, you are the love of my life. You're beautiful, strong, smart, talented, caring, sweet, and just…amazing. I can't really find words to explain how I feel about you, but I can try. You make me feel like I'm flying. You saved me, and you made me the person I am right now. You give me courage when I'm afraid, strength when I am weak, and love when I need it most. You make me feel beautiful, and special, and loved. You make me feel like there's a purpose, you know? When I was at the lowest point in my life, ready to give up, you came in and forced me to fight. I'm on this permanent high now, with you. Through everything we've been through, I've never loved you more than I do right now. I'm extremely happy to be living with you. Both of us, as adults, in New York. Starting a brand new life together. The only thing that could possibly make this better, is a wedding. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, I promise to sing to you whenever you want, to make you dinner, to care for you when you're sick, to care for you regardless, to make sure you feel like the most beautiful man in the world. I promise to love you forever, as long as I'm breathing. It would mean the world to me if you'd promise to be my lover, my best friend, my partner in crime, and most importantly, my husband? Will you marry me?" Blaine recited to Kurt, opening the ring box, holding it out in front of Kurt.

Kurt let out a small sob, covering his mouth with his hand that wasn't holding Blaine's. "Y-Yes," he nodded quickly, wiping his eyes. "Yes, Blaine, yes. I want to marry you," he said louder, laughing through the tears.

Blaine smiled brightly, taking the ring out of the box, taking Kurt's left hand again, slipping the ring onto his ring finger. He stood to his feet, immediately being filled with an armful of Kurt. He hugged Kurt tightly around his waist, spinning him in a small circle. "I love you so much," he whispered, shedding a few tears himself.

Kurt wrapped his arms tightly around Blaine's neck, still crying lightly. "I love you too, Blaine. More than anything," he whispered back, crashing his lips into Blaine's.

Most of the girls in the group were in tears, including Carol. A few of the guys were wiping stray tears away. Kurt's dad was crying freely, wiping his face. Everyone in the café was clapping. "I can't wait until our wedding day," Blaine whispered to Kurt, kissing him softly.