A/N- Sorry for such a long wait! I was grounded from my computer, and my mom only now unlocked it… Sorry, guys. But here's the next chapter! Things are starting to pick up, sorry it's so short too, but I promise soon they will get longer and much more interesting!

So, read on!

Holy Rome was no longer a little boy anymore. Just like Italy, he had grown up. He was quite tall, though not so as to overpass Germany. But those eyes were just the same, the brunette could see as he came near. Bright blue, wonderful and familiar. They held no worry, though. It was almost surprising, considering what had just happened. It sent a jolt of something he couldn't name down his spine.

"Italy," the now-man said quietly, kneeling beside him. "You're hurt. Come with me, I'll help you." Oh, and his voice was so soothing… Italy nodded the very best he could, agreeing. Strong hands slipped underneath him and coaxed the Italian into standing. From there, Holy Rome slid his arm around his waist. He encouraged the brunette to put one around his neck.

The sounds seemed dimmed as they left the battlefield. Italy wasn't quite sure of his surroundings. Everything was blurry and soon, Holy Rome stopped and picked him up. This easily let his eyes slide closed, and the world faded.

But then…

It all came crashing back.


Italy jolted as sounds and noises assaulted his ears. Agony laced through his veins and he gasped for air, coughing, liquid racing uncomfortably from the corner of his mouth. Gunshots returned full force unlike they had been with Holy Rome, and he was once more on the ground.

Chocolate eyes gazed up toward the sky lips parted to attempt to bring in oxygen. A small shift to the right and that's when he saw him- Germany. He was cradling the Italian tight to his chest, holding him close, the hand on top pressing and causing even more pain in his middle. He coughed again and raised a weak, dirty hand to try and push away the bloodied one. Cerulean snapped back down.

"Italy!" Germany exclaimed. He kept his palm where it was. "Italy, mein gott, I-Italy! Thank Gott you're awake!" He seemed so happy, so relieved- but it was spoiled by the fear evident in his tone. "Italy, stay awake, alright?"

Italy twitched with how his nerves were on fire. "G… G-Ger-" He was interrupted by a coughing fit, body shaking terribly. "Wha…?" he managed at last.

"Shut up," he said in a gentle, worried-to-death tone. "Don't talk too much. Got it? That's an o-order." Italy gave a small nod to show consent. "You… Gott, Italy, you…You… I-Italy? Italy, no, don't do that!"

The country's eyes had begun to slide shut once more, limbs growing heavy. He tried to grasp onto the blonde's words, but it wasn't working very well. He was just so tired… A quick siesta couldn't hurt, could it? Germany would get mad at him, but, I'll get up right away, Italy thought blearily, not really processing what his own mind was feeding him. Then… We'll go train. Yeah. We'll train after a quick nap. Germany is nice. He'll forgive me.

"Italy, no! Stop it! Don't you d-dare close your eyes! Stay! Awake! Do you hear me?"

But no, he didn't. The last thing he heard before being swept away once more into that warm darkness was the German screaming for help once again.

A/N- See? It's getting a little more interesting. I know a lot probably doesn't make sense, but just wait. In due time, you'll understand! I hope that this isn't too terrible…

Please review!
