"Merry Christmas"

That's what he said

"Merry Christmas"

That hurt


"Merry Christmas"

That's what he said

"Merry Christmas"

That hurt

Because my Christmas is gone.

I never do much on Christmas

But something was special this year

I wanted to make them happy

To share the joy they gave me

I wanted to do something different

And make this their best Christmas ever

But it won't be the best

Because my Christmas is gone.

I decorated the house

I cut down a tree

I even put gifts beneath it

I set up at midnight

So I could see their suprise

When morning came around

They would have loved it

But they'll never see

Because my Christmas is gone.

Now it's cold

Now it's sad

Now I have nowhere to go

Because on Christmas Eve

He took them away

He took away all that I had

All but my health

And the clothes on my back

He took it away that night

"Merry Christmas"

He said

Before he took it all

But I'm not happy

I'm only broken

Because my Christmas is gone.


"Merry Christmas"

That's what he said

"Merry Christmas"

That hurt

Because Christmas has become a nightmare.

I didn't need much this Christmas

Just some snowflakes

And my friends

And for all of us to be together

But all I get is snow

And hurt

Because Christmas has become a nightmare.

I built them a snowman

Out in the yard

One for all my friends

Three snowgirls

Two snowmen

And a snow twin brother and me

They would have loved them

But they'll never see them

Because Christmas has become a nightmare.

He said that he loves me

He said that he cares

He said that he'll do anything for me

But he hurts me

And scares me

And makes me cry

Because on Christmas Eve

He stole me away

He took away all that I loved

He promised me joy

But gave only pain

"Merry Christmas"

He said

Before he crushed me

But I can't be merry

Ever again

For Christmas has become a nightmare.


"Merry Christmas"

That's what he said

"Merry Christmas"

That hurt

Because Christmas will never come.

I didn't want much for Christmas

Just my family

All of us together

Happy and safe

The way it should be

But that was too much

I won't get my wish this year

Because Christmas will never come.

I made her a journal

I put extra care to make it just right

It sparkled and had pictures

Of all our fun times

She would have loved it

But I'll never get to give it to her

Because Christmas will never come.

All I feel is the cold

All I feel is the hurt

All I feel is sad

Because on Christmas Eve

He left me to die

He left me in the snow

The snow turned crimson

"Merry Christmas"

He said

Before he left

But Christmas won't be so merry

Because Christmas will never come.

Can you guess?

A. Who is narrator 1?

B. Who is narrator 2?

C. Who is narrator 3?

D. Who is the 'he' mentioned in all 3 narrations?

E. There are others characters briefly mentioned, which ones?