
I'm beautiful. I'm petite. I'm classy. And I'm awfully imperfect. I'm Rima Mashiro. And I don't deal with things. Other people are the ones who try to deal with me, and it never works.

I'm not terribly rude, or mean, or bitchy in general. I just don't let many people in. Amu's an exception, of course. She understands me.

But what I'm really afraid of is that if I let people in, they'll see my imperfections and realize that I'm not as great as I seem.

Because when I face the truth, I have a lot of imperfections. The reason why I walk really slowly and try to avoid physical activity? I'm terribly clumsy. I can trip over almost anything. The reason why I talk quietly? I'm prone to stuttering when nervous.

Point is, I try to hide my flaws and transform them into something that will be an object of envy. But really, in doing so, I hide myself away. I can't really tell who I am anymore, even.

But that purple-headed girly boy, that stupid Nagihiko, has seen my flaws. Has seen through my façade. And he can't exactly unsee them, can he? So why does he even still talk to me? When he knows all of these imperfections… no. He doesn't even know half of them, and when he finally figures out how flawed I am, he will stop talking to me.

The reason why I'm so mean to the purple-head? Because maybe, just maybe…

Never mind.

Ah, really short prologue. The next chapter will arrive in approximately fifteen minutes :P

But this story is written from Rima's perspective, and I know I left a really teaserish ending to the prologue just then. Oh well... Since you'll have the next chapter soon. This is my first fanfiction, so please read and review!