Disclaimer: I do not own any of the books or characters :(

AN: The Demigods come from just after the SON OF NEPTUNE; the Olympians come from before the LIGHTNING THIEF.

People included:

All the Olympians












More should come later.

Poseidon POV

It was just a normal day in Olympus. Artemis was arguing with Aphrodite about love, Athena was trying to argue with me about Athens and Zeus was moaning because he couldn't say his speech that he made. Normal.

A bright light filled the room and I was just about to ask Apollo to shut his mouth when the light faded and there were eleven people in the centre of the room. I recognized Sally and I smiled at her when I saw her but all the others I didn't know.

"INTRODUCE YOURSELVES!" Zeus' voice echoed around Olympus. I mean, how can the king of the gods be so dramatic? He'd be better off in theatre.

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena" A girl with blond hair and grey eyes said quietly, almost as a whisper. Athena wondered what was wrong with her daughter to be so quiet.

"Yeah, hi, you should know me; I'm Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus" Another girl said cheerily; trying, and failing to lighten the mood.

"How are you alive again?" Zeus asked, surprised but confused.

"Someone went and got the Golden Fleece and then, here I am!"

Zeus' expression was priceless.

"Grover Underwood, Satyr" A scrawny goat/boy said almost as quietly as Annabeth. Something had obviously happened and it affected them a lot.

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades" A skinny boy said nervously. All Hades broke loose.


"Actually Nico was alive before the oath was made. I just arranged for him to be out in the lotus hotel and casino" Hades told Zeus calmly."And, you can't say much as you have a child too.

"You filthy piece of sh..."

"Zeus, that's enough. We can talk about this later when there's nobody around." Zeus just moaned about brothers quietly.

"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite" A girl with multicoloured eyes proudly said. Aphrodite beamed at her daughter.

"Hi, I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus" A boy with a mischievous smirk on his face exclaimed. He didn't look like a typical son of Hephaestus. All the others were big and buff from working in the forges all day, yet this little skinny kid was one of them?

"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter" Another child said anxiously, like he didn't know what to expect.

"ANOTHER CHILD, ZEUS!" Hades screamed. "You shout at me for hiding my child, when you sire two of your own!"

"Why is a roman with a bunch of Greeks though, that is what's concerning" Of course Athena asked that question.

"It's a long story" Jason rushed out.

"Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto" A girl with golden eyes exclaimed. Hades looked like he had been hit.

"But Hazel, your dead." Hades stated shocked. "How are you alive again?"

"It's a long story, but you can thank Nico." Hazel told Hades.

Hades beamed at his son.

"Frank Zhang, son of Mars" A big kid said quietly.

"I'm Sally Jackson, human" Sally whispered, almost crying. I nearly went to comfort her, but then the man who sat near her started to. They weren't together were they?

"Okay, now can you please tell us why your here?" Athena asked impatiently. Athena really doesn't like not knowing stuff.

A smaller bright light filled the room and a book fell, straight on to Artemis' head. "Ouch! Apollo, where did this come from?"

"Why do you think it was me, there's a lot more people in this room then just you and me?"

"Because it has a note attached and it says your name at the bottom, dumbass"

"Okay, can you just read the note; I really need to know what's going on." Athena asked politely. That really surprised me, Athena's never polite.

Dear gods, goddesses, and people of earth. Hi! Yeah, this is the best god ever here, Apollo! I got bored, so I got some books from the gods' future, but the Demigods, Grover, Paul and Sally's past. Enjoy! APOLLO

"What are the books called Artemis?" I asked curiously. With Sally there, I suspected what it was about

"Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, Percy Jackson and the Titans Curse, Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian." Artemis read.

"I'll start then" I said, trying to keep calm but freaking out. That's my son! Artemis passed me the book I started to read. "Chapter 1, I accidentally vaporise my math teacher."

A/N: What do you think? This is my first Fanfic, so all reviews needed. :)