As the days went by, he could feel her eyes upon him. She was always watching him now. Ever since that night. Filthy child. She wanted him again. He was well aware of that. Even though she had been severely rebuked for looking upon her lord's nudity, her punishment had caused an affect that was quite opposite from what Sesshomaru had intended. Whore. He knew what she desired…to touch and taste him again. To look at his body again. And most of all, she wanted to pleasure him again. Such a dirty child, he mused silently. So the last punishment was not enough, ne? In that case, he knew that he would have to make it much worse for her…just as he had promised her last time.
Ah,…last time. He allowed his mind to drift back to that night when she had first seen him bathing. Her touch that had aroused him. Her almost innocent kisses upon his flesh. But he knew better. Rin was no innocent. The way she had taken his length into her mouth had proven that. And how her soft lips and tongue had sent him over the edge to his climax. No,…not innocent by any means, save for the fact that she was inexperienced. Not a problem. He could remedy that easily. That whore-child was well deserving of another one of his punishments. This time, however, it would not leave her filled with longing and curiosity.
He chose a night when there was a full moon bright overhead. Very good, there would be enough light to see by, and he wanted to miss nothing. He bided his time patiently until the fire had smoldered down to a precious few glowing embers. Rising silently, he cast a glance at the child feigning sleep. He knew she was faking, and that as soon as he had left, she would follow him. He took his leave, striding out into the darkened woods. After a few minutes, he came into a clearing. Reclining his back against a tree, he sat and waited for her. Come find your master, girl. A twig snapped not far away. Rin was very close now. He casually glanced to his right and watched her emerge from the shadows of the trees. Seeing her lord, she ducked back into the dark, hoping to avoid his gaze…little fool.
"Come out, Rin. I know you are there." His deep voice pierced through the silence.
She emerged slowly. He could see her frame trembling. With what, he was unsure. Fear? Anticipation? He tilted his head at that thought. He caught her scent, heavily laced with fear…and something else as well. He could not quite distinguish what, but it intrigued him, nonetheless.
"Come closer, girl." She obeyed shakily. She now stood only a few feet away from his side. She did not meet his eyes, but instead, kept her focus on the folds of his clothing.
"Rin. Look at me when I speak to you," her head raised slightly, eyes peering out beneath dark lashes.
"Do you know who I am?" He asked her.
Confusion furrowed her brow, and she bit gently on her bottom lip. It was becoming difficult for him to control the tugging at the corners of his beautiful mouth that threatened to give him away. He found amusement in teasing her like this. Hardening his features, he queried her once more:
"Who am I, Rin?"
Now it was time for the fun…
"Is that a question, or an answer, mortal? Are you stupid? Do you not even know the name of the one who feeds your hungry belly? Who covered your pathetic form in a silk kimono? Who protects you from harm when you have fallen into its path? Answer me!"
"…Lord Sesshomaru!" she cried.
"Yes, it was this Sesshomaru and none other. And yet, even a wretched, feeble human child, such as you, will not even listen to an order as simple as 'do not follow.'" His youki flared suddenly around him.
She was in tears now. Seeing her lord like this was not something that she was accustomed to. She had seen him angry before, of course, but his rage was now focused on her entirely.
"On your knees before your master, wretch." he commanded sharply.
She fell clumsily into a bow at his feet, trying to make herself as small as possible. Her sobs shook her violently and her tears dampened the ground beneath her. Perfect…
"I alone summoned you back from the grip of death, and it is I alone who sustains your pitiful existence with food, shelter, and protection." Because she was no longer looking at him, he allowed his smile to twist his lips fully. Then he forced it away again and leaned forward to the cowering child before him.
He tipped her chin up with one delicate claw, forcing her to look into his eyes.
"I…own…you. It is your purpose to follow my every order and heed my commands. It would be wise not to incur my rage upon yourself if you can help it. Do you understand that?" he spoke in a harsh whisper. She sniffled softly before answering,
"…Y-yes, my lord."
He traced her trembling chin lightly with his thumb.
"With but a single touch, Rin, I can make your worst nightmares come true," he lowered his talon along her jaw, allowing it to scrape against the hammering pulse at her neck. She whimpered at his touch, but didn't dare to pull away.
"Yet, with the same hand, I can also grant staggering pleasure," he raised his finger to her lips. Parting them tenderly, he stroked the tip of her tongue.
"But, only to those who are obedient to me." he finished, pulling away. He leaned back against the tree.
A shaky smile lit her face. He did not appear to be angry any more.
"My lord-" she began, but his disapproving look cut her off.
"Silence, you have not earned the privilege to speak." he tilted his head in thought…What would be an appropriate punishment? He had many to choose from, but finally he made his decision.
"Rin, you may remove my armor." he said with the slightest hint of kindness in his voice.
This baffled her. He would permit her to touch him, but not to talk? Not wanting to disappoint him, she rose up and approached his side. Cautiously, she released the ties of his armor and removed his breastplate obediently, placing it beside him. Next, she untied his sash and removed his swords, and pelt. When she was done, she stood with her hands at her sides awkwardly, unsure of what to do next. She peered up at his face for instruction.
He gave the slightest of glances at her, but then his eyes trailed down. Following his gaze, she found herself staring at the ties of his hakama. Did he want her to untie them as well? It appeared so. She settled back on her knees at his feet,…then slowly began inching her way closer to his groin. Her shaking fingers played the knot loose. A gust of wind caught the hem of his haori, no longer tucked at his waist, and opened the garment, revealing his bare chest. She stopped, captivated by the site of her lord's skin. He was as pale as moonlight, and twice as beautiful. Her inquisitive hand reached out to caress a set of bright scarlet stripes at his side. They were so lovely. Against his porcelain skin, they looked like…streaks of blood. Blood on ice. Sudden movement! She found her wrist clasped tightly in a claw-tipped vice that was her lord's hand.
"You will not touch me." he growled, releasing her hand only after she pulled it away.
She was completely crushed. He would not allow any part of his skin to come into contact with her. Yes, it was truly the perfect punishment for her. She longed to feel his burning warmth beneath her hands. Longed to please him just as she had done last time. He sensed her frustration and captured her chin between his fingers.
"I know what you desire. You want to grant me pleasure, do you not?"
She nodded her head furiously, her eyes pleading with him for permission.
"You have not earned that right…but," his voice trailed off.
Her eyes became hopeful. Would he allow her? She could think of nothing she wanted more than that.
"There is something you can do for me. Will you do it?" he smiled at her genuinely.
She smiled back at him. Nodding he head once more to agree. He leaned his face against hers, pressing his cool cheek against her tear-stained one.
"Yes. I thought so…Remove your clothing." he hissed into her ear.
Her smile fell. Eyes widening, she pulled away to see if he was teasing her. His face was serious. He was not teasing. She swallowed hard as he released her chin, …and slowly, …she untied her obi. Casting it aside to join her lord's armor, she pulled her kimono open and removed it as well. Now only her thin cotton under-robe shielded her from the icy gaze of lord Sesshomaru. She held her breath as she loosened the bow at her back, and the robe fell away from her body, leaving her naked before the youkai.
Carelessly, he tossed the yukata aside and inspected her youthful body. She was the slightest bit darker in skin color, and her black hair spilled over her shoulders almost elegantly. The cold air struck her body, and she shivered. His talons sliced neatly through the bit of ribbon holding her bangs back, and the tattered shreds fell to the ground. Now, she was just as naked as he was on that night. A minute went by. Then another. His eyes roved over her form, taking in the modest swelling of her breasts, her flat stomach, and the bare folds of her womanhood. She attempted to shield herself with her arms, his piercing stare was unsettling.
"Do not." he warned her. She uncovered herself and stared at the ground.
He could feel himself becoming aroused. The sight of her kneeling between his legs entirely stripped sparked his lust. Her expressions of uncertainty and fear intensified it all the more. Yes, how does it feel, little one, to be completely unprotected? But he was far from finished with her. He brushed her bangs away from her eyes and cupped her cheek in his palm.
"Rin,…" he purred almost kindly,
"…touch yourself."
She was bewildered now. What did he mean? Where should she touch? Seeing her innocent confusion prompted a stirring in his loins. She did not understand. How cute. He would have to teach her then.
"Here, like this…"
His hand strayed from her face to her shoulder, then across her arm, and down to her hand. She watched with hopeful eyes as he splayed out her fingers. She remembered when he had held her hand last time…just as he was doing now…and had pressed it against his length. This time, however, he did not bring her hand to his body, but to hers instead. With his long, graceful fingers, he guided her hand to touch between her legs. Pleasure coursed through her body as his longest finger pushed hers inside of her opening. A hot, surging blush heated her face, and the sweetest sound escaped her lips.
"…ah." Her eyes squeezed shut as he withdrew the digit, then pressed it further in.
"Open your eyes, and watch, Rin," he instructed with no real warning to his tone.
She dared to look down.
"…Oh…" The sight of his hand over hers, and of her own finger buried deep within herself was overwhelming. Sesshomaru himself was captivated by it. This act of pleasuring Rin by her own hand was quite stimulating. He felt his erection swell fully against the silk of his hakama. With his thumb, he parted her folds slightly.
"Ah!" She cried out as he pressed a finger tip against a particularly sensitive spot.
He repeated the action and again she writhed beneath the touch. Suddenly she pushed her hips forward into their hands, increasing the contact of skin on skin. She whimpered in protest when he pulled his hand away leaving hers to continue alone. His aching shaft demanded his immediate attention.
"Keep going, Rin, and I will watch." he said, suddenly short of breath.
She searched for that sensitive spot again and visibly flinched when she found it. Sesshomaru freed himself of the binding discomfort of his hakama, and was pumping his length in a white-knuckled grip. Rin cried out again as she thrust a second finger within her folds. She kept her eyes locked with her lord's for all of two seconds before they each took in the sight of the other's pleasuring. He matched the rhythm of his strokes with her thrusting fingers. The sight of her lord and the blissful sensations her own touch were almost too much for her. Her eyes shut tight again as a slight pressure built where her fingers played. Only a moment later, an shocking sensation of ecstasy overcame her, and she cried out as she threw her head back. She was dimly aware of her lord baring his fangs and his eyes bleeding to crimson as he continued to watch her while squeezing his girth. Mere seconds behind her, he pumped himself one last time, then came hard. Not even caring as he spilled over his stomach and onto his chest.
Both panted heavily, each recovering their breath from the exhilarating rush of their climax. Pulling her hand away from between her legs, Rin laid her head upon her master's knee. After a few seconds, Sesshomaru recomposed himself and became aware of her gazing upon him. He smiled at her, only the slightest hint of lust still in his voice.
"…Rin,…clean it off." he instructed, gesturing to his chest with his chin.
Eagerly, she reached for her under-robe on the other side of him, and leaned forward to wipe the fluid off…but he stopped her.
"No…Do not use you hands," he took the yukata away from her gently. Then, he reached up to her face and traced her lips with his claws.
"Use your mouth," he murmured quietly.
Another blush rushed to her cheeks, but she obeyed. Lowering her mouth down to his groin, she reached out with her tongue and licked him from base to tip. Removing the last traces of his seed from his softening member. Then, she licked her way up over his belly, pushing his haori completely open. She made sure to caress his beautiful markings with her lips as well as her tongue. After his stomach was thoroughly cleaned, she moved further up to his chest, licking and suckling the skin that was covered by the thick, salty fluid. When there was no more on his chest, he extended his hand to her. Examining it, she found a streak of the whitish stuff there too, and traced her tongue along his palm until it was gone.
"…Very good, Rin." he patted her head softly and sat up.
"And because you were obedient," he lifted her hand to his mouth. It smelled heavily of sex. He parted his lips and licked her juices from her skin. The feel of his hot, velvet tongue against her hand was overwhelming. Her eyes took on a dreamy look as he continued. He dragged his fangs dangerously over her wrist, feeling her pulse fluttering against his lips. She made a tiny squeak of pleasure. Sucking her longest finger into his mouth, he playfully nipped her fingertip. When he was done, he breathed softly against her palm.
"I believe that you are growing accustomed to being obedient. Perhaps next time, you will earn the privilege of receiving more of my touch."
"Rin will try her best to please you from now on, lord Sesshomaru," she whispered,
"I did not give you permission to speak, Rin. Silence."