Jeff soon arrived back in the states, in a city we call Seattle. En-Tee-I, Kratos, Raine, and the jury were sitting on a mock up stage of the tribal council set, waiting for Jeff with the votes.

Jeff soon arrived and greeted the survivors.

"What's up?"

All of the contestants cheered.

"Excited I see. Anyway, it's time to read the votes. Before I read them, here's whats at stake. One millions dollar prize, and the title of Sole Survivor. Tonight, you want to see your name. It takes at least 4 or 5 votes to win. I'll read the votes."



"EN! TEE! I! EN! TEE! I!"

First vote,


Kratos. One vote Raine, one vote Kratos.

En-Tee-I. Tied one vote each now.

Kratos. Two votes Kratos, one vote Raine, one vote En-Tee-I.

Kratos. Three votes Kratos, one vote Raine, one vote En-Tee-I.

Raine. Two votes Raine, three votes Kratos, one vote En-Tee-I.

En-Tee-I. Two votes En-Tee-I, two votes Raine, three votes Kratos.

En-Tee-I. We are tied three votes En-Tee-I, three votes Kratos, with two votes for Raine.

This vote is not for Raine. It comes down to Kratos and En-Tee-I.

The winner of Survivor Ultimates, is,


Cheers erupted throughout the whole audience, with En-Tee-I bouncing up and down in joyful glee and excitement. Both Kratos and Raine congratulated him on the win. Soon the jury came over to the Final 3 and started to congratulate them. Then afterwards the first 8 contestants booted, Ling Ling, Jiro, Moses, Anise, Zaeed, Yuri, Metal Mario, and Kasumi, soon joined them.

"Last season Mordin set the record for oldest Survivor winner at 42, but this season En-Tee-I now tops that record at 47! En-Tee-I lost both allies in one tribal council, but after a pivotal tribal council, En-Tee-I managed to crawl out from the rubble, and win Survivor! Great job!" cheered Jeff.

– – – – –

Thank you for reading my sixteenth season of Survivor.

Raine got votes from Senel and Ren. Kratos got votes from Sweet Tooth, JD, and Thane. The rest all voted for En-Tee-I.

Compared to Andrew and Beat, who got zero votes in their second FTC, Raine at least got 2 votes.

En-Tee-I's victory was almost similar to Robert's win in Marble. Lost both allies, and managed to be the underdog. I was setting Kratos up to be a similar winner to Samantha from Koopa Beach, but ultimately, that didn't happen.

Season 17, Edenia, is currently going on and is on it's fifth episode so far. Check it out!

Season 18, Second Chances will be written beginning after Edenia's finale. And all this time you guys have been voting for the 10 players you want to see return.

Well, I have the results. The fan-voted returning players will be...

B.D. Joe, Bomberman, Cloud, Leafeon, Luigi, Niko, Samara, Shadow, Tails, and Vixey

Now... for my choices for returning players...

Ashton, Barney, Dexter, Hartman, Jared, N. Tropy, Quan Chi, Rain, Rizzo, and Urcle

Sadly, Green Hill and Koopa Beach are the only seasons not represented in this season. These aren't the tribes, so... yeah. I hope you enjoy this cast. This season will be taking place in Seaside Hill, which will be the second time we're reusing a location, following Fans vs. Favorites, which took place in the same place as Reals vs. OCs, the Marshall Islands.