Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters, I do however own any other characters (Namely: Molly, Olive, Nicole and Ruby)
Reveiws are very much appreciated!

Red hair whipped around as pale azure eyes scoped the new sights, the intrigue within them obvious. Her petite body raced ahead, further into the large sea of people within the compounds of the building. She was enchanted, it was everything she wished and more. There were so many people, so many who shared interests with her. She felt part of something, like she fit in with very little effort for once. She could show off the things that had her bullied outside of this wondrous place and people would think she was cool because of it. Sure she looked like a different person, but that meant she didn't have to be faced with the troubles she had when she had her own appearance, not that she was hiding who she was. In fact, it was more like her embracing who she was. She looked down at the black full body suit with t-shirt-like sleeves, ¾-length legs, and an open neck she was clad in. She stroked the white cloth that hung over her right shoulder and the left side of her hips, then readjusted the wide leather band system over her left shoulder and right side of her hips that held the large gourd to her back. So long as she was encased in her intricate costume, she needn't worry about anything. She could enjoy her time. She never wanted to leave this place and return to her dull life. It was a shame that this couldn't last forever.

"MOLLY ADAMS! Slow down NOW before you get lost then kidnapped then- GOD, WHO KNOWS WHAT!" Barked Nicole, her boisterous voice bringing the redhead back from her reverie. She wore a large Akatsuki imitation cloak and her natural short brown hair was dyed a striking blue colour that called attention to how short it really was. She was beautiful in a boyish manner but it worked outstandingly well for her.
"You know, you make a terrible Konan." said the muffled voice of Nagato's healthier, female doppelgänger whilst chomping down the contents of her self packed lunch-box. She was also in an Akatsuki cloak and her long auburn wig was pulled into high pigtails but large bangs were left and hid most of her face. She had two lip piercings and one nose stud that were in view and the visible eye showed that she was wearing rinnegan based contacts. A cheeky grin was plastered on her face as she continue to wolf down more food.
"And I'm sure that the real Nagato eats pockey out a lunch-box ALL the time." Droned Ruby, sarcastically- as she reached for some pockey, only to have her hand slapped away.
"What are you talking about woman?! I AM THE REAL NAGATO! And if you try to steal MY candy again," Olive paused to clear her throat, then in a much deeper and more threatening voice murmured various threats to the smirking woman, currently re adjusting the position of her silky white wig and paying little attention. Ruby's cloak had a significant difference to the others, one of the sleeves were torn off, designed from Hidan's appearance after the battle between him and Asuma Sarutobi although rather than being topless, she wore a rather tight black tube which left very little to imagination and showed off the curvaceousness of her body. She had purple contacts and her medium length silver wig was slicked back to complete her look.

"Shut up you two. This is Molly's first time, I'm sure she wants to enjoy her time at the convention." Nicole said, giving the two a pointed look that said 'Apologize or you will feel my wrath'. Nicole was the type of person who made sure everyone behaved and was happy. She was like a second mother to the three girls despite only being a few years older.
"Sorry Mo-Mo!" Both Ruby and Olive cried out in unison before trapping the small figure in between them, in what they thought was a hug until their small friend cried out for air. They obviously didn't account for the fact that Molly was short therefore her face was trapped in between their 'assets'.
"What would you like to do first Molly?" And just like that, it was as if they gave her a world changing decision rather then then a simple question. Her eyes widened, her eyebrows furrowed and she began fidgeting uncontrollably. She looked like she needed to take a god-damn piss. The girl couldn't make a decision if it saved her life, she just couldn't handle the stress of possibly making a bad decision. Even if it was just about what she wanted to do, she couldn't deal with picking something and having her friends be miserable because it was a lousy choice.

Molly opened her mouth and was about to respond to the question when a young boy interrupted them by clearing his throat. "Uh, hi! I was just wondering whether I could get a picture with you?" Ruby and Olive grinned and after seeing the small smile gracing Molly's face Nicole was grinning too. The boy was dressed as a young Kankuro, he was rather small although just barely shorter than Molly.
"Ofcourse!" Ruby shouted as they all posed around the boy. The boy's presumed brother snapped the picture and they stuck around for a short conversation. The boy's name was Jeremy, he was eleven, two years younger than Molly. His brother, Oliver, had just finished school and was considering environmental law. They were nice people and the girls enjoyed their company. After exchanging pleasantries and phone numbers, they left.

The day proceeded in the same manner, many people approached them for photos, stuck around for a short conversation, complimented their costumes or asked about a particular thing they wore that struck their interest. The people attending the convention were generally good-spirited. They watched the talent show in awe of the skills these people had and bought many things that they deemed worthy of buying. It was early afternoon that Molly- after beginning to feel the after affects of carrying a large gourd for several hours- tugged on Nicole's sleeve before quietly telling her she wanted to sit down for a moment. The older girl smiled and found a clear spot outside on a bench for her small group of mismatched friends to rest. She looked at Molly again, the girl was coming further out of her shell. Nicole only hoped she'd speed the process up, she missed the girls voice although she was proud that Molly had come this far.

"Nicole, you wouldn't mind babysitting for a friend of mine would you? Your mother and I invited him out for dinner but his kids need someone to look after them." Nicole looked at her father and smiled widely before hastily agreeing. She loved children, they were adorable and had wide imaginations.
"Wait, where is their mum?" She asked, watching as his lips curved downwards.
So followed a long lecture on not mentioning that subject in the presence of the kids. He wouldn't directly answer the question but from the few words on the topic that were shed, Nicole could guess.

"Hello, I'm Nicole! I'm looking after you and your sister tonight." She said to brown-haired boy, she was expecting him to be younger- this boy had to be at-least 14. The boys expression stayed blank and he sighed.
"I'm Mason, come in." He said as he moved out of the way. As she walked in she spotted the young girl on a couch watching television oblivious to the fact that there was a stranger in their house. Her hair was gorgeous, long red locks that were sprawled out everywhere, her skin was pale and in contrast she looked like a porcelain doll. There was very little resemblance between her and her brother and father, she obviously received her looks from her mother. Slowly Nicole approached the child, the last thing she needed was to scare the kid and have the neighbours report a noise complaint.
"Hello there, I'm Nicole!" She smiled looking down at the girl. The girl looked up at her with big brown eyes and smiled cheekily at her.
"Hello! I'm Molly! And I don't need a babysitter, I'm seven years old now!"
"Oh is that so? Well, I wouldn't mind having a friend for the evening. What do you say Molly?" She received a large smile from the girl and suddenly she was being pulled up the stairs into what she devised to be Molly's bedroom.

Molly was a talkative girl, she didn't seem to have an off switch but that didn't matter. She was oddly mature for her age, Nicole constantly found herself forgetting she was speaking to a seven-year old. Mason was kind despite his withdrawn attitude, he often asked whether her or Molly wanted anything to eat or drink and when neither of them did, he returned to his room where he was content to just sit and read. Apparently reading and writing was a large passion of his. He aimed to become a successful author when he grew up therefore he spent most of his time in his room reading what other authors had written or adapting his own style of writing.

Nicole constantly found herself being invited to look after Molly. Apparently the girl had taken a liking to her and nothing made Nicole happier than to hear that. The girl was great company, she had so much to say. Whether it was on politics, cartoons, celebrities or just food- her opinion was very unique.

It was a few months later when Nicoles father had woken her up quite early in the morning. He told her they needed to visit the hospital. Nicole noticed he appeared to be in a hurry. She could feel that something bad had happened.

They found out later that day that Mason unfortunately had Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, a genetic disorder that eventually resulted in lack of muscle control, gout and moderate retardation. Due to the fact that it was a genetic illness, Molly and her father had to be tested and thankfully showed no signs of having it. Mason was currently at the lack of muscle control stage and had no intention to wait for any thing else to happen. He had lost his ability to do the things he loved and so he lost his will to continue. Molly was hysteric, she didn't want to loose her brother although after speaking to him privately she suddenly seemed to be more calm and understanding. After his passing Molly felt no inclination to share her opinions or thoughts. It was strange seeing someone so loud and talkative turn into someone so withdrawn.

Poor girl.

Ruby waved her hands wildly in front of Nicole's face."Nicole, you agree right?" Nicole had no idea what she was asking but she didn't really care to be honest. They did this all the time, they argued over everything. She offered a nod and returned to her thoughts. "I told you so! Suck it Olive!"
Olive rolled her eyes at Ruby's gloating, "Look, Shikamaru beat Hidan once, he can do it again." This particular argument seemed to be a recurring one. No one ever won and no one ever lost. It ended when someone yelled at them to shut up or they had to do something else.
"As if! Hidan is amazing! And to top it off, he's a super hotty! Right Momo?"

Molly lifted her head to look at her two bickering friends. She was previously taking in the sight of her many new objects, she didn't even remember buying so much. The two acted stupid but they had good intentions. They had the ability to brighten a day with their antics and mischievousness. Although she really wished they would stop bringing her into their arguments, they have been doing that ever since they first met and every single time, Molly would have the same reaction.

"Molly, this is Olive and Ruby. They're a bit crazy but you'll love them!" Nicole had mentioned these two before but Molly had never met them. It was interesting to see the type of people Nicole kept in her life. They seemed cheerful, overly so. She wasn't sure that they'd like her, she was a hard person to get to know and she knew how difficult for others that could get.
"Hi Molly! I really like your hair. It's dyed right?" Molly shook her head making the one who had asked-which she recognised as Olive -to raise her eye brows in surprise. The name matched the colour of her large eyes. Her black hair was braided intricately, it looked beautiful especially against her pale skin. Molly felt a large surge of jealousy that she was unable to do such things with her hair. Ruby's hair was also styled meticulously although her hair was a strikingly pale blonde colour. They reminded her of salt and pepper.
"Aw man, I wished my hair was that pretty a colour!" Molly was shocked, a girl with hair like that was jealous of HER? She smiled softly at Olive and thanked her for the compliment.

Ruby tilted her head at Molly in thought, "How old are you?" Molly quietly mumbled the number twelve and offered another small smile. Ruby flicked her hair over her shoulder and once more Molly felt greatly jealous. She slowly ran her hand down her hair, knotty as it was. Ruby and Olive looked at each other in thought and smiled.
"Molly are you okay?" Nicole placed her hand on the smaller girls shoulder and gave a concerned look. Molly gave a reassured her with a nod. Nicole was special to her, she cared so much for her. Molly didn't really understand why, they weren't related and even their dads weren't that close. Either way she was glad, she didn't have many friends at her school and the ones she had, she wasn't close with.
Olive and Ruby grinned, "Can we do your hair?" Molly's eyes widened and she nodded enthusiastically, they were obviously quite observant. Molly was thankful for that. She would have never asked.

"What are you doing? She'd look better with one braid!"

"You're wrong Ruby! She'd look adorable with twin pigtail braids!"

"What do you think Molly?" Molly's eyebrows rose up and she began fidgeting. She didn't realise that her opinion really wasn't going to be taken seriously, they'd continue arguing anyway, she could've said anything she wanted and they would have carried on. Nicole thought it was time to interfere.

"How did you guys become friends in the first place?" It was a question that had been on Molly's mind for a while now, she was was glad Nicole had asked, especially since she didn't want to join their argument. They argued so much it was natural to wonder why they became friends. Ruby shrugged while Olive chuckled softly.
"We just always have been. We don't remember how." Whilst they proceeded to do Molly's hair, they taught her the fundamentals of braiding so that she'd be able to do it herself when she wanted. She thanked them and the four of them have been quite close since.

The sun was setting and it was starting to become chillier, the girls planned to go out for a nice dinner before returning to their hotel but before they left Ruby, Olive and Nicole had some business to attend to. The whole day had been preplanned and everything so far was running on schedule, it was going to be interesting to see the reactions of people in the restaurant to their attire.

"Gotta pee! Gotta Pee! Gotta pee!" repeated Olive as she ran towards the girls bathroom. Ruby followed in a similar way although with the addition of a few thousand curses. She really did suit the character she was portraying.
Nicole made sure Molly was okay to watch their items by herself until she returned from the bathroom and in a far more lady-life fashion, walked to the restrooms.

It was strange but as soon as the others left, Molly felt different. As though something bad was going to happen. She became paranoid and looked in all directions for anyone who showed even a slight sign of hostility towards her. She wanted her friends to come back already and she felt like a coward for not being able to stand about two minutes without being afraid.

The horrible feeling grew stronger and Molly became more worried as to why they hadn't returned yet. It definitely didn't take this long to 'take care of business'. It was getting a little darker but Molly didn't want to leave in the case of getting lost or them returning to her not being here. She held her head between her knees, an activity to supposedly calm her down, she read about it on the internet with little hope for it but it was working miraculously, she let out a sigh of relief. She no longer felt afraid, she could no longer hear any of the people that walked around her, she no longer see the suspicious people around her.

In fact she could no longer see.. anything. Who turned the lights off?

Olive opened her eyes, it was raining, what was she doing lying on the ground? She sat up to see Nicole and Ruby, passed out beside her. She looked at her surroundings, this definitely wasn't the convention and where was Molly? Something was wrong, that much was clear to Olive. She wiped the rain from her eyes and looked at her soaked costume. Atleast that stayed the same. She took three slow, deep breaths and shut her eyes.

"1, 2 and 3" She opened her eyes, nothing changed. Now she started to panic. The last thing she remembered doing was washing her hands. Yes, her hands because she had just gone to the bathroom. And she remembered Nicole rushing her so they could rush back to Molly who was alone. Oh, god! Molly was alone! Maybe they were still near by? She began to look for a road, a sign or anything that would give confirmation of being somewhere! There was nothing. Only trees. She began to shake her slumbering friends in haste.

Nicole's eyes opened, then looked around, then shut, then opened and finally turned to a panicked Olive. She lifted her hand and looked at the water rebounding off it, confusion written on her face.
"Where the hell are we?"