A/N I am soooo sorry! I was sick for a few days, and then I had a lot of work to catch up on, then registration, big week, I haven't had a chance to write! But I'm back, ready to go! Here is the final chapter of Goode Luck! Thanks to all of you who reviewed, followed, favorited, and just plain took the time to read it! Thanks, love to all of you! The sequel shall be entitled "Goode to Be Back". I have no clue when it'll come up so... just keep an eye out ;)

Percy POV

"Bye mom!" I leaned in to kiss her cheek goodbye, "I'll see you in a few weeks!"

"Be safe! And do your homework!" She yelled from the door.

"I will!" Probably not, unless Annabeth decides she wants to get some work in that is.

It didn't take long for me to drive down to the apartment to pick everyone up. Trinity and Hayden had come to say goodbye.

The streets were caked in snow, so I got the great pleasure (please not my sarcasm) of walking five blocks to the lobby of their apartment building.

Everyone sat in the plush velvet seats around the room, talking in hushed whispers. You know something's up when the two Stoll brothers aren't trying to sneak a piece of gum from your backpack. When I walked in and the little bell above the door dinged, Annabeth was the first to stand up to greet me. A smirk was planted on her lips as she reached up and brushed snow out of my hair.

"Lets get going!" Katie said excitedly, "Miranda told me that the blossoms we've been growing along the roof are blooming." She grasped Travis's hand and pulled him up to the door.

"The Hunters said that they were gonna meet me this morning, and I don't want them killing any campers while I'm not there." Thalia said as she shouldered her bow. Hayden and Trinity stood up and each took turns hugging goodbye (or in Hayden's case, the manly too-cool-to-hug hug).

"Be careful, man." He said as he "hugged" me too.

"You too, and remember: whatever Trinity say goes." He rolled his eyes, but nodded in understanding.

"You got it."

"We'll be back in a week, ok?" Rachel said, "Stay safe." Trinity nodded.

"I'll let you know what monsters I see," She winked, but her face was tense.

"Come on, people! I've got some butts to kick!" Clarisse yelled as she opened the door and started walking.

"I guess that's my cue…" Chris muttered and ran after her. Annabeth reached over and twisted her fingers through mine.

"Have a good break," She said as she hugged Trinity one last time.

"You too," With a final wave, we were all out the door and into the freezing cold.

Annabeth POV

"Chiron, what aren't you telling me?" I demanded. The old centaur and I were sitting alone in the Big House. He'd insisted on talking to me alone. Percy had been adamant, but agreed when I'd promised to go swimming with him later (not reminding him of the fact that the water was below freezing).

"My dear," Chiron rubbed his eyebrows like he had a headache, "There are many things that are quite far beyond your… control."

"You can't just expect us all to sit around while the world goes to Hades!" He scratched his beard, "And where's Mr. D?" It occurred to me that the drunk, old fool was nowhere to be found. A guarded look came up on his face.

"Mr. D was called back to Olympus." He said.

That's new!

"Chiron! What is going on?" He looked up at me, looking as though he was staring into my coffin.

"Go to Percy, child."

"But Chiron…"

"Annabeth," He stopped me. His voice wasn't yelling or scolding, it was simply firm, "Go be with Percy." It had been a long time since I'd heard him sound so… serious.

"Ok." But the knot in my stomach only tightened.

"What'd he say?" Percy asked, standing from his seat on the porch. I just shook my head.

"Something bad is gonna happen, that's all he would tell me… in so many words." He grasped my hand as we walked down to the lake.

"We can go back and talk to him together tomorrow." He promised, "For now, lets go swimming!" I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder.

"There's not way I'm going in there we'll freeze!" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You so sure about that?" There's that look again...

"Percy I swear to Athena if you—Ah!" He scooped me up and threw me into the water. Thankfully, he wasn't so dense that he forgot to make an air bubble and warm the water around us.

"You were saying?" He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You're a Seaweed Brain."

"You know you love me,"

"You know I do."

"Love you too, Wise Girl."

After the campfire that night, Percy and I walked slowly back to our cabins.

"Promise?" He whined.

"I already…"


"Yes! I have, several times!" He grinned and kissed my cheek.

"I'll hold you to that, you know."

"I'm sure you will."

"So… promise you'll go swimming for real tomorrow?" I shot him a look that shut him up.

"This is my cabin," I said as he attempted to walk past it… for the third time. But I'd been having too much fun fake-arguing with Percy.

"I'm not blind." He said, trying to steer me towards the Artemis cabin.

"If you want me to have enough energy to swim, I need to sleep." He pouted.

"Fine," We stopped in front of the door. For once I was glad we didn't have any windows on the front side of the cabin. Malcolm would probably shoot Percy with an arrow if he saw him touch my face like this. My boyfriend bent down and pressed his lips against mine.

I suddenly felt a surge of fear. I wasn't even sure why I was scared, but I was. Something really bad was going to happen soon. Who knew what? My arms wrapped tightly around his neck and I leaned into deepen the kiss.

Percy seemed confused at first, but didn't complain. He pulled me closer and gently raked his hands through my hair. Gods I hope Malcolm doesn't decide to open the door right now…

"Er… uh…" He started to stammer, "What's my name again?" I chuckled.

"Perseus Jackson," I answered.

"Right, I knew that." He choked out. I laughed and pecked him on the lips again.

"So… what's wrong?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Percy raised an eyebrow.

"The last time you kissed me like that I was about to die in Mt. St. Helen's." Good times.

"I'm not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?"

"Not complaining!" I smiled.

"Percy, I love you." I said seriously. And I meant it. I don't know why but I had to tell him that.

"Love you too, Annabeth." He bent his head to give me one more short, sweet, kiss. The moonlight reflected in his eyes. I stared into them, the fear still not going away. I squeezed his waist and buried my face in his neck.

"Night Seaweed Brain." I whispered. He kissed the top of my head.

"Night." And with that he walked back to his cabin, blowing me on last kiss when he reached the door.

Percy POV

Annabeth was acting weird… I wonder if Chiron told her more than what she said? I'd talk to her tomorrow.

Just before I fell down onto my bed, a bright white light filled the cabin and I had to shield my eyes.

"Perseus Jackson!" A voice yelled. It sort of reminded me of my mom when she was angry. The light subsided to reveal a woman with mahogany hair and a white, sleeveless dress. Sort of like the one Annabeth had worn when we visited Circe's Isle.

"H-Hera?" I squeaked. The goddess nodded.

"Perseus Jackson, I have an important job for you." That can't be good, "You're going on a little… vacation."

"Vacation? For how long?" I demanded. She didn't answer.

"There is a Roman Camp to the west, in California." She informed me, "You, and you alone, will be going there." Roman camp?

"What?" That must have sounded really stupid because she rolled her eyes.

"And you're the Savior of Olympus…" She muttered, "But no matter. We haven't any more time. Quickly now!"

"But what about Annabeth…?"

"No time. Hopefully you will see her again."


"Now Perseus!"

"Lady Hera, with all due respect, I'm not just going to pick up and leave without Annabeth." I said firmly. She groaned in exasperation.

"Just as well, Aphrodite is ready to send me to Tartarus for this anyways." Hera looked me in the eye, "Mr. Jackson, I will grant you this one wish that I will not grant the other. You will be allowed one memory."

"One what?"

"A memory, fool! You can remember one thing when I take you!" Take me?! Did Chiron know about this? What would my mother do? Oh gods Annabeth…

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that when a goddess wants something, she gets it. If I was going to get a memory, I knew which one I wanted.


Annabeth POV

The next morning…

"Annabeth! Wake up!" Malcolm shook my shoulder.

"Step away before I stab you." I groaned. Footsteps sounded.

"Annabeth you need to talk to Chiron. Now." Malcolm sounded serious. I blinked an eye open.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just go."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE?!" I cried. Chiron sat in his wheelchair, looking down at his hands.

"Percy was not in his cabin this morning, and it looks as though he hadn't been there all night."

"He has to be at camp somewhere," I insisted, "Have you checked the lake yet? Or maybe the forest…"

"My dear, he's gone." Chiron interrupted, "I'm sorry." My legs were shaking, and my head was pounding. There was no way Percy had just disappeared. I watched him go into his cabin for god's sake!

I knew something bad was going to happen!

And that's probably around the time when I fell down to the floor and started crying.

Trinity POV

Break had gone by awful slow. The entire time I'd been scared out of my wits about our friends. Something bad was brewing, I hadn't been able to go an hour without seeing a monster go by my window. By the time school started again I was ready to burst!

Hayden and I stood by the window in the front, watching for their car. A bright yellow school bus pulled up in front, and the first off was Rachel. She spotted us, but didn't walk any quicker.

"Rachel, where is everyone?" Hayden asked.

"Er… there was a… problem." She said slowly, "I'm the only one coming back." My blood turned to ice.

"Where are they? What happened?" Rachel's eyes were watery as she stared at me.

"Percy's missing."

And thus concludes this tale! Trust me, "Goode to be Back" will have a much stronger plot line. Thanks for reading, see you all soon!