A/N: A little later than I would have liked, but here it is: The promised bonus (and final) chapter! ^_^ To be completely honest, it was my favorite to write (possibly because I didn't expect to write it...it just sort-of happened while I was trying to finish the last one). ^_^' I'll let you know upfront, it's basically a whole lot of silliness.
I want to thank each and every one of you who read, reviewed, followed, or favorited this story; you guys are freaking awesome, thank you so much! :D To date, this has been my most popular fanfiction with more hits than any other story I've written - which completely blows my mind, as originally this was a silly little one-shot posted in reply to a challenge issued in a chapter of The Kazekage of Suna's story "Signed: From Your Not So Loyal Author", and continued by popular request. So very special thanks to The Kazekage of Suna, who this is entirely dedicated to. ^_^
But enough of my mad ramblings and entirely too-long author's notes...because here, ladies and gentlemen, I finally present to you - Chapter 26! ;)
dear shikamaru
whattaya mean, temari was the admirer?!
why didn't you tell us?!
- naruto
Dear Shikamaru:
You could have told me, I wouldn't have said anything to anyone!
Your best friend,
Jerk, you could have told us BEFORE we went medieval on that stupid butcher.
And I'm with Temari on this one, it WAS funny. :)
That was anticlimactic.
- Shino
Dear Shikamaru,
What the hell do you mean, it was your girlfriend?!
I spent a whole WEEK doing community service and smelling dead animals at that meat place, and you couldn't have dropped a line?
That's the last time I try to help you out in a pinch!
Your 'supposed' friend,
How absurd!
And you better not be lumping me in with the rest of these idiots when you mention your insane 'friends'!
They're still together, Lee.
Um, sorry Shikamaru. At least it all turned out for the best, right?
~Hinata Hyuga
~Dear Shikamaru~
You're a dead man when I get ahold of you~!
Dear Shikamaru,
I mean, you've got a lot of NERVE talking smack about us when all we were trying to do was help you! And it wouldn't have killed you to simply TELL us that your back-stabbing manipulative girlfriend was the one that tricked us!
Someone who was TRYING to help,
What am I even doing?
- Sakura
Committing sacrilege on Shikamaru's journal.
- Shino
- Sakura
~Because we're mad at him
- Sakura
Just go with it.
- Shino
People just keep writing in this and giving it back to me, how did you guys even get ahold of it?
- Sakura
Naruto found it and decided to share with the group.
dear shikamaru
he's lying
also, your underwear drawer is a really stupid hiding place
I sincerely hope you aren't serious, Naruto.
Dear Shikamaru,
And FURTHER MORE, why wouldn't you want to tell us to begin with? Because you were embarrassed your girlfriend was smarter than you? Like that's NEWS?!
Still pissed off,
Where IS Shikamaru, anyway? We've been passing this around for a while, and usually he's gotten his panties in a wad by now.
Dear Everyone:
He was finally cleared for missions last week, and he's been out on one ever since.
Your friend,
Oh. That explains it.
So when does he get back? This is kind of boring if he's not here to react to it.
~It should be sometime in the next few days, Tenten.
~Seriously, Naruto?
His underwear drawer?
i was trying to catch him before he left, and his parents invited me in!
Go away, Sai.
- Sakura
I am not weirder than him.
- Shino
Sorry, he thought he was signing a get-well card.
- Sakura
Dear Shikamaru,
MEAT! I'm STILL smelling freaking MEAT! EVERYWHERE! And all because I thought I was doing you a stupid favor!
Wishing you and your girlfriend endless suffering,
You still owe me for those toys!
dear shikamaru
oh and i already knew about your mom not liking temari, she told me in the kitchen that day i spent with you after you fell asleep and i wanted a snack
Heads up guys, he just got back!
Dear Shikamaru,
I'm not speaking to you until you apologize, jackass. My dog even smells like liver.
Screw you,
P.S. Your girlfriend is a sadist.
Dear Journal:
I'm never writing in this again.
Your now friendless author,
A/N: And there we have it. The final chapter (for now, at least). I'm not saying I'll never come back to this if the mood hits or if anything new comes to me - just that, for now, I'm done. Besides, I think I've tortured poor Shikamaru long enough, don't you? ;)
And now for some quick and shameless self-promotion; Now that I've finished this story, I'm (finally) getting back to updating 'The 10-Step Program for Reforming Villains' to anyone who's been waiting for me to update that fanfiction. For anyone not familiar with the story, it involves members of the Akatsuki going to group therapy together, and yes, it's as cracky and insane as it sounds. But if you'd like to hop over and give it a try, I'd be eternally grateful. (There, shameless promotion over)
One last shout-out to ZakuroU for dubbing this and my other journal-type story (Me & My Shadow: Shikaku's Life Lessons) 'Awesome Tales of Naraness' - something I've been calling both stories in my head ever since, and will continue calling them forevermore. XD
Thank you so much for reading and sticking with the story up till now! ^_^ I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it.