Inside of an air conditioned bedroom, two young teenage boys lounged around. Parts and pieces of a science project were scattered about the room, waiting to be put together.

Bright blue eyes focused intently on a mop-headed blonde on the floor as Alfred studied his friend, Arthur, rather than his charts and data sets.

A stray beam on sunlight floated through the window, alighting on Arthur's messy hair and bringing out the highlights. Alfred watched intently from his perch on the bed as his friend took a sip of his tea and popped a blueberry into his mouth.

Distracted by the sight of Arthur's soft looking lips, Alfred let a thought slip from his mind and past his lips.

"If I kissed you right now, what would you taste like?"

Arthur looked up in surprise from his research. "What?"

Alfred winced. He hadn't meant that to happen, but he couldn't take it back now.

So he decided to press further.

"I said, if I kissed-"

"I KNOW, you git, I heard you!" Arthur snapped, a blush dusting his cheeks. "But what-"

"Artie!" Alfred whined. "Answer the question!" His courage was fast deserting him at the sight of his dumbstruck friend.

Something seemed to click into place in Arthur's mind, and he smirked slightly. "Blueberries and Earl Grey, hypothetically."

Alfred swallowed.

Arthur stood up from the floor and stretched languidly. As he stepped slowly up to where his friend sat frozen on the bed, he purred, "But you know what they say about a hypothesis?"

Arthur's hands slip up Alfred's arms to rest on his shoulders. Eyes widened and caught in the headlights, Alfred managed to choke out, "W-what?"

Emerald eyes burned coyly into bright blue.

"Well, love... You've got to test it."

Sweet lips pressed into his, and Alfred was gone.

AN- hey guys, I'm writing things! Look at that! Anyway, I'm pretty out of practice, so please tell me what you think. Love it, hate it, want to kill it with fire? Please review and tell me!