A/N: So this takes place when Yuki is in the night class and is no longer a prefect (Kaname's there too). I decided that the person to take her place would be Sayori, so she starts off as Zero's partner in this; it's safe to assume that they're friends.
This is my first Kain/Zero story, so YAOI! And please let me know what you think! Oh and there is some minor Aido/Sayori in this too…
Please read and enjoi!
Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight.
0—On Fire/One—0
"You can't be serious." Zero growled, pacing the entire length of Headmaster Cross' office, lifting a hand and running it through his already tousled hair. "You agreed that the prefects were to be used as a defense against the vampires. What the hell is the point of it if you assign the very things that we're trying to protect the humans from, as prefects?!"
Wakaba Sayori, Zero's fellow prefect, placed a calming hand on her partner's shoulder for the briefest of seconds before glancing to the headmaster, her brows knitting together. "I'm afraid that I have to voice similar questions, Cross-san… This seems to be quite sudden. Is our work no longer sufficient enough to protect the Day Class?"
"No, no, Yori-chan." The long haired headmaster waved off the young woman's question aside easily before leaning forward on his desk, dropping his chin on his folded hands. "Actually, work seems to be going a bit smoother since Yuki-chan joined the Night Class and gained their allegiance. They seem to want to please her, and nothing would please her more than to ease the burdens of Cross Academy's prefects…" The elder hunter paused when he noticed Zero tense and scowl at Yuki's name before continuing in a firm tone. "Even if she is now a member of their court, the both of you are still her friends."
Yori nodded while Zero shifted from foot to foot, his lavender eyes wandering around the room before settling on staring vacantly out the window and into the mid-afternoon sky.
Cross stared at Zero's stubbornly set jaw before sighing, falling back against the plush seat of his chair. "Anyways, back to the matter at hand, more vampires are enrolling in the Night Class than ever. I spoke with Kaname-kun and we both agreed that it would be in everyone's best interest if we assigned a couple of Night Class students to do the nightly shifts with the two of you; at least until the newer additions to our happy family get used to being closer to humans."
The silver haired hunter glared at the older male with a hint of disgust at the words happy family before moving towards to the door, his intentions of leaving then and there clear as day... Only to be pulled to a stop by Sayori. The female turned her large hazel eyes on the male, her blank face promising horrible things should he leave before they were dismissed.
Zero cringed. He could have easily broken out of her hold, and if she were anyone else, he would have; after all, he used to do so all the time when Yuki had been his partner, however, when it came to Sayori… Well, she made well with her threats. Since she wasn't much of a talker and would never talk Zero's ear off as Yuki used to, she decided to take a more… Academic approach.
Whenever Zero did something that the short honey haired female didn't particularly agree with, she'd force him into the library and… She made him STUDY! Zero shuddered at the thought and allowed himself to remain still at her side. But not everything can go her way. He thought stubbornly. In order to salvage what little pride he had left, he refused to turn back towards Headmaster Cross. That bastard could talk to his back for all he cared.
Once Sayori was positive that her silver haired partner would remain exactly where he stood, she turned back to the long haired male and gave him the smallest of nods. "Very well. When will we meet the temporary prefects?"
Kaien lifted a thin finger and adjusted his glasses, avoiding the young woman's inquiring gaze. "Erm… Well, actually, you will be meeting them…" There was a knock on the door, causing the headmaster to jump lightly and chuckle nervously. "Well, now actually. You may come in!" He called out in the direction of the door.
Zero froze for a fraction for a second when the door opened, before roaring back to life when his blood quickly boiled over with anger at the sight of the two new prefects. The silver haired male turned back and sent Headmaster Cross a murderous gaze, grinding his teeth together to keep himself from outright snarling at the man. "THEM?!"
"I can't believe that we're going to have to be on prefect duty with that level D and robot girl!" Aido groaned as he and Kain made their way through the main building towards the headmaster's office. The blonde all but draped himself on his cousin, who he viewed as more of a brother-like figure, as they ascended the stairs, pouting when the taller of the two gently nudged him off.
Kain Akatsuki raised a brow at Aido's choice of wording. "Robot girl?" He understood his cousin's choice in naming Kiryu; however, he didn't understand the nickname for the Wakaba girl.
"That girl doesn't have any emotions whatsoever! The one time that she caught me was when I was out during the day. I tried to flirt my way out of punishment. I told her that she had the prettiest eyes that I had ever seen, and do you know what she did?" Aido lifted his head high in the air and sniffed disdainfully. "She merely nodded as if she already knew and told me to leave immediately or she'd have to take disciplinary actions!"
The crimson haired male smirked and glanced over his shoulder at his cousin, who had started to lag behind a bit during his rant. "Maybe you aren't her type, Hanabusa."
"Feh. What nonsense. I'm everyone's type." Aido opened his mouth again, and from the looks of things, he was fixing to go off on another rant.
Time to daydream. Kain thought, already ignoring whatever it was that seemed to be the biggest problem of Aido's life as of late. Akatsuki loved his cousin; he really did, but sometimes… Sometimes Aido just needed to know how to shut up.
Being vampires, they were able to make it to the headmaster's office in record time, both of them pausing briefly at the older man's nervous tone before Kain lazily reached up and knocked a couple of times.
"You may come in!"
Kain reached forward and slowly eased the door open, and the first thing he saw was the whites of Kiryu's eyes, his lavender hues widened as far as they could. This was the first time that he actually clashed gazes with the prefect, and if Kain was being perfectly honest, the level D's eyes were quite captivating… Until they narrowed into dangerous slits, that is.
The laid back vampire barely managed to withhold the sigh that was on the tip of his lips. He knew that look… Things were about to get loud…
Headmaster Cross immediately climbed out of his seat and moved around his desk, coming to the livid hunter's side, a nervous, placating smile on his face. "I know that it's going to take some getting used to, Zero-kun, but—." He reached out and placed a hand on the young man. Wrong move.
"Get the hell off of me!" Zero snapped, shrugging off the touch before tossing Kaien into his bookshelf.
Despite their superior speed and strength, neither vampire moved to aid the older hunter as the bookshelf tumbled down. Akatsuki refrained because it seemed to be too much work for such an early time—for him—and Aido wouldn't save a human unless it was an order; however, it didn't stop him from commenting on the actions Kiryu took.
"How crass." Aido smirked as the silver haired prefect turned his blazing gaze onto him. "Though I suppose that one cannot expect any less from a level D."
"Hanabusa." Kain sent his cousin a warning look, sighing when it went completely ignored. Here we go again…
A deep growl that was purely predatory filled the room and Zero took a step forward, his lavender hues darkening every second. "What was that, bloodsucker?"
"Humph. I knew that due to your ranking in the food chain that your senses weren't nearly as honed as my own, but I never knew how weak you really were if you didn't hear that."
This isn't good. Kain thought with a slight frown. Judging by Kiryu's darkening eyes, he's fixing to experience bloodlust… That would be most problematic, especially since we're in the Day Class area of the campus…
"Zero." The single word was spoken so soft that if they weren't vampires, they wouldn't have heard it; however, it had a large effect on the angered prefect.
Kain's eyes snapped towards the 'robot girl'. The female's lips were pursed and her hazel eyes having a warning look in them as she stared her partner down. The smallest of smirks formed on the crimson haired male's face when he noticed that Kiryu was steadily calming down, his eyes slowly lightening back to their lovely lavender. Heh. She may be a robot when it comes to emotions, but she sure knows how to keep the beast at bay. He stole a glance at his cousin, who was taking in the information presented to him with a calculating gaze. He nudged the blonde lightly with his elbow, shaking his head slightly. Aido should have known better than to pick fights with Kiryu…
Zero froze at the stern sound of his name and the slight tightening of Sayori's hand on his arm He chanced a glance in her direction. Wrong move. He glanced in the other direction and scowled lightly. It irritated him that she knew how to deal with him so well, but… Well, it also made him feel a bit… content; it was great knowing that she cared about him enough to make sure that he didn't do something that he grudgingly knew that he'd regret later.
"Well… I suppose that we should quickly go over our rounds." Sayori broke the mounting silence, slowly releasing Zero's arm and taking a small step towards the new prefects as she pulled out a map of the campus.
Zero ignored the details that were being discussed, seeing as he already knew the routes like he knew the back of his hand, and instead chose to gauge the two vampires that he knew that Kaname considered his right hand men. Aido was examining his nails, nodding every now and then to let Sayori know that he was listening—an action that annoyed the silver haired male—as she explained the exact perimeter of the campus that was needed to be scouted. Zero quickly flicked his gaze towards the cousin who seemed to be the more mature out of the two.
Unlike his cousin, Kain was actually actively paying attention, asking a few questions here and there to clarify a few things.
I suppose that Kain is an acceptable choice. Zero thought, shoving his hands into his pockets. Even if he seems a bit lazy at times, when he is given a mission, he takes it seriously… But why the hell did Aido have to be chosen? Ichijo would have been a better choice…
"…and that's about it." He heard Sayori conclude. He glanced over just in time to see her roll the map up and place it back on the headmaster's desk. She glanced down at her wrist watch before glancing up at her partner, sharing a small nod before turning to the two vampires. "It's actually time for us to start our rounds. The two of you can patrol the east and south sides of campus and Zero-kun and I will take the west and north."
They shared a collective nod, turning in unison towards the doors, only to be stopped by Headmaster Cross. He somehow managed to get behind them and block the door without anyone noticing, an impressive feat, considering the majority of the room was comprised of vampires.
"Actually, I was hoping that the partners would have one Day Class member and one Night Class member…"
A/N: Thanx for reading!