It all started after Felix and Calhoun's six-month anniversary party, and the one of the most amazing night of Felix's life. The guests had left, and Felix and Ralph were cleaning up, Felix with his hammer and Ralph in the hard-to reach spots. "Glad I'm out of the clean-up crew for next week's party," said Ralph.
"What's the party for again?" asked Felix, fixing the hole that had been made from one of Calhoun men shooting a bug.
"Pac-Man's debut on some system. Anyways, I can't go, I have a Ban-anon meeting that day. Turns out the Pac-ghosts weren't even in that game and wanted to still have the meeting, so Pac-man is having his party here."
"Oh yeah, you told me. Hey Ralph!" called Felix "Can you help me reach the ceiling?"
Ralph helped Felix fix the crack in the ceiling. "Thank you kindly," said Felix. "We should hurry and get ready. The arcade opens in ten minutes. Cleaning up took a surprising amount of time. "
"You know what? Your wife's co-workers should stop shooting every bug they see. That would save a lot of cleaning time." Ralph remarked slyly.
"It would." Felix grinned. "I actually think it would be worth the money to buy bug...OW!" Felix suddenly broke off in a loud yell.
"Felix? Are you okay?" Ralph asked.
Felix cried out. He had the most killer headache in the history of his life. The room began to blur as the room grew dimmer and dimmer...and then suddenly it became clear again.
"Felix?" inquired Ralph, a deep frown on his face. "Is something wrong? Do you need me to fetch someone?"
Felix didn't answer. He could only think of what his father had told him long ago, when he had first come to the arcade. "As hero of your game, Felix, the control box is your responsibility. There may be people who come along and try to mess with it. You will know when that happens. It is your duty to stop them."
The control room...Felix swore under his breath.
"Excuse me?" asked Ralph. "Did you say what I thought you did?"
"Ralph! Follow me!" Felix ran to the secret door hidden on the side of the bookcase and opened it. "This leads to the control room," Felix told Ralph. "And I think someone's trying to mess with it."
"The control room? You mean the spot where all the data information in a game comes together?" Ralph's eyes widened. "I thought that was just a myth!"
"Well, I did too, until my dad showed me!" Felix responded back.
They ran down all fourteen flights of stairs and came to a door, locked by an NES controller.
"Let's see," murmured Felix, pressing some buttons. "I think this is it."
Felix wasn't sure what he was going to find in that room, although he had plenty of guesses. Maybe it was his father, somehow finding out about his marriage to Calhoun and trying to erase it. Maybe it was one of the Homeless characters. Maybe it was Q*Bert. He had shown it where the Controller was, in case he was incapacitated for some reason.
What he wasn't expecting to find was Turbo.
Felix was rendered speechless. Ralph, however, was the exact opposite. 'Why Turbo, you little fu..."
"OW!" yelled Felix, felling the headache coming on again.
"Sorry," said Turbo, who was obviously not sorry at all. "I'm just removing Felix from the game and taking everyone's memories. It's a little painful, I know, I know. But you won't remember any of it." Turbo smiled nastily.
"In fact, just one more wire..."
"Stop!" yelled Ralph at the same time Felix yelled "No!"
Turbo pulled the wire and Felix crumpled to the floor, glitching. Ralph crumpled on the floor next to him, holding his head in pain.
"And now for everyone's memories," said Turbo. He pulled a huge chest out the back of his coat. In it he stuffed the citizen's memory as well as the memories of all the bonus level characters.
"That's that." Turbo let out a maniacal laugh. "Now for the new programing." Turbo took out another code square, labeled, "Repairman Frank."
"And now for Felix's memory," said Turbo, laughing his head off. He tried to stuff Felix's memory coding in the box, but it wouldn't go. "Must have missed a wire," muttered Turbo. He paddled over to Felix's box and saw that there was indeed still a wire there. "But I know I pulled that!" Turbo swore under his breath. He tried to pull the wire again, but it stuck.
Turbo sighed. "Guess I'll have to cut it then." Turbo didn't like snipping wires; the results weren't as guaranteed. There was a small chance that the wires would reattach and Felix would regain his memory again. But Turbo didn't have a choice. The arcade was opening in five minutes. Turbo quickly cut the wire and paddled away while stealing the hammer from a groggy Felix while pulling Ralph outside.
"Quarter alert. Quarter alert." the voice echoed throughout the game.
Turbo quickly changed into his disguise and ran out, golden hammer help up high.
"I can fix it!" Repairman Frank yelled.