A/N: Finally, I have made it to the last chapter. I hope you guys are happy with how it has ended up. This story has taken a long time to finish but I am extremely happy with the end product.

This story has been a fabulous outlet for me.

So read and review please, let me know what you think!

P.S. Thanks for sticking with it even through the long breaks between chapters! There are some cool people out there!

Santana Lopez had never been very good at voicing her feelings. In fact, she was terrible at it sometimes. It took a lot for her to tell someone how she really felt because she always operated under the assumption that the only thing feelings were capable of doing was hurting her.

So when Santana told Quinn that she loved her for the first time, it was a big step and one that she had to be completely sure of before doing it. Santana was dwelling on that thought as she looked through the glass. Her gaze trained on a very specific object.

"So what do you think Miss Lopez?"

"I think it's perfect. I'll take it." Santana replied.

Santana and Quinn stepped through the doors of the Lima Airport and hailed a cab. They were headed straight to Santana's parents. They had made plans to go to a restaurant later that evening with Judy and Santana's parents. Finally they were all going to be able to sit down to a meal together.

Quinn rang the bell and was soon greeted by the smiling face of Maribel Lopez, she opened the door wide and immediately hugged the two women before standing aside and allowing them to pass.

"It's lovely to see you two! We have finally managed to get you both together." She said.

"Hey Mami." Santana said.

"Maribel, it has been ages. I have missed you guys." Quinn said with a smile.

Santana walked into the kitchen, her mother had her back to her as she made them sandwiches for lunch. Quinn was in the shower, freshening up after their flight.

"Hey Mami, I wanted to ask your opinion on something." Santana said quietly.

Maribel turned around, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She looked curiously at Santana, wondering what her child seemed so nervous about.

"What is it, Mija?" She asked, taking note of Santana's wringing hands and the crease she got between her eyes when she was thinking particularly hard about something.

Santana looked at the doorway behind her, making sure that Quinn wasn't within earshot.

Santana took a deep breath: "I am going to ask Quinn to marry me. Well, what I mean is, I was wondering if you think it is a good idea?"

Santana looked hard at her mother, as if trying to read her mind. Maribel was silent for a few seconds before saying: " You know Santana, when you first told me that you were not interested in men, my first thought was 'my child will never know a happy, normal life'. And for the last part of your high school career I was convinced that would be the truth. Brittany is lovely and she has been an amazing friend and person towards you. I don't doubt for a second that she gave you so much support and strength through your coming out. I remember after the Finn incident, you came home crying your eyes out and you would not tell me what happened. I came up to your room later that night to see if you would talk to me but still you said nothing. Then Brittany rang the doorbell and I brought her up to your room and the look in your eyes when you saw her. It was as if the light had returned." Maribel wiped a tear from her eyes, " I knew it then. I knew what you hadn't told me about your relationship with her. I see the same thing with Quinn, only, to a greater extent. When Quinn walks in the room you seem to lose your breath and suddenly grow a few inches taller. You can't keep your eyes off of her. You love her, simple as. "

Maribel placed the dish towel on the counter and walked nearer to her daughter: " I cannot tell you how proud I would be if you married Quinn, I cannot tell you because there are simply no words to describe it. You love her, she loves you and you should never ever let that slip away."

Santana smiled at her mother and hugged her.

She cleared her throat before saying: "Right Mami, there is something I need to do before dinner. Can you cover for me if Quinn asks where I went?"

"With pleasure, Mija." Mrs Lopez said with a wink.

The doorbell rang as Judy Fabray was reading in the lounge. She placed the bookmark in the correct spot and got up.

"Who is it?" She called through the door.

"It's Santana."

Judy opened the door to her daughter's girlfriend: "Santana, I wasn't expecting to see you and Quinn until tonight."

Santana hugged Judy before saying: "It's just me, Quinn doesn't know I'm here."

"Oh?" Judy said with a confused expression.

"Can I come in? I have something really important that I need to ask you." Santana said.

Quinn and Santana sat side by side at the table, their hands would brush underneath it every so often. Quinn swore that every time they did, her heart would go a thousand miles a minute. Something about tonight felt strange. Like the stakes were higher. She wasn't entirely sure what the stakes were though.

Quinn couldn't put her finger on it exactly but she had the feeling that Santana was feeling nervous. This feeling was compounded when Santana excused herself for what must have been the fourth time. They had all finished their meals and were waiting on the dessert that they had ordered. Quinn wasn't particularly keen on dessert but Santana convinced her to get a piece of cake. Quinn had relented after Santana's persistent and slightly annoying persuasion.

Santana returned to the table and was closely followed by the waiter who was bearing their desserts. Santana, however, did not take her seat and remained standing. Quinn gave her an odd look but did not comment. She moved aside for the waiter to put her cake on the table, she was the last to be served. The waiter excused himself.

"San, what are you doing?" Quinn asked.

"Look down at your cake." Santana said.

Quinn looked down and was left slightly breathless as she finally noticed the ring resting atop the cake decorations.

"San, I..."

"Stand up." Santana said, interrupting Quinn, "Please, I can't exactly kneel in this dress without everyone getting an eye full."

Quinn stifled a giggle at her girlfriend's tactful words, she stood up as Santana removed the ring from the decorations and took Quinn's hand in her own.

"Quinn Fabray, I have known you for a very long time. We have gone through a lot together. Good, bad, indifferent. My life would have been quite empty without you in fact. And we all know you would have missed me if I wasn't there." Santana's nervous grin was enough to tell Quinn that she wasn't the only one who was a little edgy, "So, I guess, what I'm trying to ask is... Will you marry me?"

"And the rest, as they say, is history." Judy said to her first grandchild, "Of course, you won't understand a single word I just said seeing as how you're only 4 months old."

Judy looked down at her beautiful granddaughter. Her deep brown eyes somehow managed to remind her of Quinn and Santana.

Santana walked into the lounge shaking a bottle that held baby milk.

"Would you like to feed Becca?" Santana asked Judy.

"Of course I would."

Becca was halfway through her bottle when Quinn walked in the door.

Santana got up to greet her wife, giving her a peck on the lips but making sure to avoid the sweatiness. Quinn had been working hard to get her body back in shape after having their first child. They would be married for four years tomorrow night. Santana had no clue how she had managed to keep Quinn around for that long.

"Hey baby." Quinn said, "I'm just gonna take a quick shower."

Santana winked at Quinn and returned to the lounge. Judy stood up and handed Becca over to Santana.

"Tell my daughter I said hello and goodbye. Have a good evening, Santana." Judy said with a smile. She left Santana alone with Becca. Santana walked upstairs and walked into their room. Quinn was in the en-suite bathroom showering.

Santana lay Becca down on the bed, the baby looking up at her mother. Quinn walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, she quickly changed into clean clothes. She went to lay next to her daughter and wife, placing a soft kiss on her baby's forehead. Becca looked at Quinn and made gurgling noises.

Her eyes were the same colour as Santana's, a deep chocolate brown that almost looked black, however, the rest of her looked more like Quinn. Her blonde curly hair and rosy pink cheeks made her look like the perfect little angel.

"Hey baby, mommy is home." Quinn said.

She looked up to find Santana staring at her with a smile on her face.

"What?" Quinn asked, smiling back.

"You're beautiful, do you know that?" Santana said.

Quinn blushed and looked down, hiding her grin from Santana.

Quinn looked up and looked at Santana once more: "I love you, did you know that?"

"I had an idea that you might." Santana replied.

Quinn brushed her hand across Santana's cheek: "Becca is falling asleep. Let's go put her in her cot."

Quinn picked Becca up as Santana turned the blankets down in her cot. Quinn brought the barely awake baby to her cot and placed her inside. Santana stood behind Quinn and wound her arms around Quinn's waist. She rested her chin on Quinn's shoulder as Quinn leaned back into her.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Quinn said.

"Yeah, she is." Santana said softly.

A few seconds passed in silence until Santana said: "Thank you."

Quinn turned her head slightly to the side before saying: "For what?"

"For giving me this. The perfect life." Santana said into her ear.

"Turns out, we were always meant to be." Quinn replied as she kissed Santana.