So this will be my second Quinntana fic. I have started this and want to know what you guys think. Drop any reviews and/or ideas. Hope you enjoy!

Santana sat in her apartment looking around at the bare walls and naked windows. She suddenly felt the loneliness that had been threatening to darken her mind from the minute she had boarded that plane to New York. She shook her head and decided to Skype her best friend and ex-girlfriend, Brittany.

Santana had broken up with Brittany a few short months ago in order to avoid a situation that would endanger their friendship. Santana knew that at the rate they were going someone would cheat or things would get weird. She couldn't have that because first and foremost Brittany and Santana were best friends.

Santana stared at the red icon that signalled Brittany was offline. Santana wondered whether she was with Sam. Tina had informed her that the two were growing extremely close since their break up. To some extent Santana was happy because that meant that Brittany was happy, Sam was a decent guy after all, but she couldn't help but really hate Sam for being the one that Brittany turned to. However, Santana had to remind herself that she had broken up with Brittany, not the other way around.

Just as her thoughts were starting to take hold Quinn's icon turned green, signalling that she was online. Santana wondered if she should try to fix the rift that had formed between the two since the fight when they had both returned home from their respective colleges for Thanksgiving. Santana regretted mentioning Beth, she knew that it was a low blow. She just wished that she had the opportunity to have a mature conversation with Quinn about the relationship that she was in before Quinn had up and left. However, when Santana had gone to Quinn's house to speak to her Judy had turned Santana away saying that Quinn had returned to Yale that morning.

Before Santana knew what she was doing her finger hit the video call button and soon the ringing sound filled her empty apartment. Her fingers twitched the mouse in the direction of the red button but she just couldn't complete the movement.

Suddenly, the ringing stopped and Quinn's voice filled the apartment.

"What do you want, Santana?" She sounded angry. Figures, Quinn can never let go of a grudge.

"Hey Q." Santana replied in a calm voice.

Quinn repeated her first question.

"I just want to talk to you, okay. We left things on a bad note." Santana said, she was not one to apologise, Quinn had been wrong as well.

Quinn looked sceptical and said nothing, Santana followed suit. Both stared at the other for a few seconds before Santana said: "Look, Q, I'm sorry for saying the things I said, but I was right you know. That Kitty girl was bad news and I'm sure you heard about her little confession after some questioning. She was pressuring Marley into using laxatives."

Quinn's face relaxed a little and after a few more seconds of silence she let out a small laugh: "Wow, S. Did that apology physically hurt you?"

Santana smiled back: "Well, yeah, a little."

Quinn laughed again but then her face went serious again and she said: "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gone there. Have you been speaking to Brittany?"

"Yeah, we have been speaking. It's going to take some time but I'm sure we will get back to how we used to be just without the sex."

"I'm glad. You guys will always be best friends."

Santana nodded and was just about to answer when Quinn cut in: "Hang on, where are you? That's not your house or your dorm. New squeeze?"

"No, not at all..." Santana hesitated, "I'm in my apartment, in New York."

Quinn's eyes went wide: "Why?"

"I left Louisville, you were right about me not wanting to be there. Our little fight was just what I needed to push me in the right direction. My parents are going to help me for a little while until I can get on my feet. I have a gig singing in a blues bar once a week so far."

"Really! Wow, San. That's really amazing! I'm so proud of you. Show me around."

Santana laughed at Quinn's sudden and out of character loss of control: "Fine, calm down, Barbie."

Santana lifted the laptop off the floor and walked towards the kitchen. Santana showed Quinn all of the rooms, which didn't take long as the apartment was tiny.

She returned to her original position and looked at Quinn once more: "So what do you think?"

"Uh, you do realise that there is no furniture in there right?" Quinn said with a worried look on her face.

"Course I do. My parents are sending it all to me, it should be here by tomorrow. Then after that, what I don't have they will send me money to get."

"So you're really in New York..." Quinn said and if Santana didn't know better she would think that Quinn's voice held a slight bit of awe.

"Yip. I am. Now when you visit the Big Apple you're gonna have to show your face in my new hood."

Quinn giggled: "So you're no longer the scary Lima Heights Adjacent Cheerio?"

Santana laughed along with Quinn but then she said: "No, I like to think that I've changed since then."

Quinn smiled at Santana, an actual genuine smile: "You have changed, San. You would never have been able to apologise to me before. I'm glad you did though, because I would have been too stubborn. And, if truth be told, I have missed you."

"I've missed you too, Q."

Someone called Quinn's name out on her end and Quinn turned around: "Okay, I'll be there now."

Santana felt a twinge in her chest as she realised Quinn would have to go.

"I have to go, San. I will speak to you later." Quinn said as she smiled at Santana.

"Yeah, speak to you later, Q."

Quinn waved and then the screen returned to blank.

Santana wondered how she had managed to become friends with Quinn and Brittany, both of whom she had fallen in love with.