The Best Christmas Gift

Where did that yellow song bird go? It's in the middle of winter and it should still be in the house. I searched every nook and cranny yet I am unable to locate any yellow puff ball save for a plush toy of the canary.

Anxious about the well-being of my only friend, I dialled Kusakabe's number to dispatch a team from the Discipline Committee to search for my companion. Could he be in trouble again? The last time it went missing for three days I found it trapped in some wired fence. Did it get chased and eaten by a wild cat perhaps?

The thought of my friend getting eaten by a stray feline scared me. Without waiting for Kusakabe's call I dressed hastily and headed out to the snow.

After combing half of Namimori high and low, I finally heard a faint chirping "Hibari! Hibari!"

Zooming in on the location of the chirping, I noticed a dirty yellow puff ball peeking from beneath the trash can. As fast as I could without risking hurting my friend even more, I removed the trash can from him.

Hibird was shivering and his chirping was somewhat broken. I reached into my pocket and throw out all the unnecessary things so Hibird could rest inside.

Upon reaching home, I made sure he took a bath and had a small scarf and cap made for Hibird in the winter so he could fly freely without freezing to death.

It seemed however, it was unnecessary. Hibird had always perched on my shoulder whenever we went out. I would not consider making him the winter clothes a waste seeing how adorable he looked.

Hibird chirped happily at his new clothes I considered an early Christmas gift. Truth be told, I was rather happy inside as well. Hibird had learnt how to sing Christmas carols and it amused me to how such a creature could prove to be so intelligent.

This Christmas I wouldn't ask for anything because I think I have already the best gift anyone could give me. Kami just gave me a friend and I thank him for that.