AN: alrighty my lovely reader friends this is it! the last chapter! Thank you sooooo much for reading, reviewing, following, and favorting! It really means so much to me! I honestly can't put into words how thankful and happy it makes me! You guys are awesome! Ta ta until next time XOXO Lizzie : )

I own nothing arg!

As the sun poured into his room through the open curtains Derek slowly woke. He rolled to his side and reached his arm over to the other side of the bed, his eyes still closed. They shot open when he was met with a cold empty bed instead of a warm curvy girlfriend. He sat up a little bit despite the pain. He thought for a minute.

Did last night actually happen? It must have! It was way too real to be a dream.

He looked around his room for any signs of Penelope but there were none. He lay back down and sighed. Maybe it was all his imagination. His stupid terrible imagination. It wouldn't be the first time he dreamt of telling Pen how he really felt. Hell it happened on a weekly basis now a days. But this time felt so different. He just chalked it up to the meds he was on, thinking that maybe it was a side effect. He punched the empty side of the bed in frustration. He woke up feeling more than complete and now he was back to feeling like something was missing. He really couldn't stand it much longer. Even though she was happy with Lynch he was going to have to finally tell her how he felt. He would go crazy if he didn't.

He just laid there motionless for a few more minutes until the sweet smell of cinnamon teased his senses. Confused he got out of bed, threw on some pants and started down the stairs. He was now slightly on edge. After the shitty wake up realization he wasn't in a good mood either. He got to the door way of his kitchen and stopped when he saw Penelope dancing around as she had the night before. When he noticed she was wearing one of his tee shirts he perked up a bit. He watched as she swayed to Elvis's Can't Help Falling in Love. She turned and spotted him smirking at her from the doorway. This time instead of stopping she sauntered over to him with an excited grin on her face.

"Good morning oh sweet boyfriend of mine!" she said as she wrapped her arms around her neck and gave him a quick kiss

His face must have shone his slight shock at what just happened because then her face fell slightly and she asked

"What's wrong?" she stepped back a little "Sorry I didn't mean to over step any-"

He grabbed her waist and pulled her as close as possible.

"oh no no no hell no!" he said smiling "Everything is perfect!"

Her smile returned "what's with the face then?"

"Well when I woke up this morning and you weren't there I thought it was just another dream. So imagine my surprise when I come down here to find you dancing around in my tee shirt, kissing me, calling me your boyfriend."

"What do you mean ANOTHER dream? You've dreamt about me before?" she asked with a wide eyed quizzical look on her face

"All the time" he smiled as her cheeks turned a light pink

"Well that just proves that we are meant to be. Cause I've dreamt about you too. It's destiny"

"It sure is" he said kissing her forehead "So how come I woke up alone this morning?"

"Because I was down here making you a surprise breakfast" she said walking over to the stove and taking out the cinnamon rolls "but you being mister I don't sleep for long periods of time ruined my surprise" she teased

"What can I say? I sleep better with someone next to me. You proved that last night, speaking of last night" he said unintentionally changing the subject "you still owe me a dance"

"But I-"

"You do dance baby girl, and you're good" he said entrapping her waist with his arms

She wrapped her arms around his neck as they swayed to the music. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes taking in the wonderful man holding her.

He planted a kiss into her hair and then rested his head on hers, closing his eyes and taking in the moment. He was unbelievably happy. He had a slightly whirlwind morning going from happy to pissed to ecstatic in about 15 minutes. He knew he hadn't dreamt it!

"See Pen I told you you could do it!" he said as the song changed

She lifted her head and looked at him for a few seconds "I think I just needed the right partner and now that I've found him, let's eat!"

They got their food and decided to eat in bed. Penelope held Derek's plate as he got comfortable then out of no where she handed him two pills. He gave her a confused look.

"Just because I've confessed my love for you does not mean I'm no longer Nurse Penelope, I know when my patient needs his meds!" she said walking to the other side of the bed and sitting down

"Well if you're still my nurse how come you're not in uniform?" he asked with a mischievous smile.

"Because dear, you have just been shot I wouldn't want you having a heart attack on top that" she said with the same expression

"I think I'd risk it!"

"Oh no! I want you back into tip top shape Mr. Morgan and then maybe I'll wear a proper uniform"

"There is nothing proper about the uniform I'm thinking about baby girl."

"Doesn't matter, I don't think I'll be wearing it for long" she winked and kissed him on the cheek just then her phone went off and let out a big irritated grunt/ sigh mixed together.

"What's wrong?"

"Well that is either work calling me in or it's Kevin, again. He's been calling all morning." She looked at it and confirmed it was the latter. Before she had a chance to do anything Derek took the phone from her and answered it.

"Lynch this is Derek" he said as calmly as he could before Kevin could say anything "look I don't know exactly what happened between you and Pen last night, and honestly I don't care. All I know is that you two are over now, for good. One man's trash is another man's treasure" he turned and smiled at her "If you had half as much smarts about women as you do computers maybe you and her would still be together but you're not. From what I gather you're just a pathetic ass that lost out on the best thing to ever happen to him. So that being said stop calling Penelope she, unlike you, is no longer single and she doesn't want to talk to you." With that he hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed. As he went to apologize for possibly over stepping his boundaries Pen crashed their lips together with a smile on her face. After she pulled back she looked right at him.

"Thank you sweetie. No one has ever stood up for me like that. So no apologizing because that is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me."

After they finished their breakfast she took their plates down stairs and then went back up, they decided to spend the day in bed.

"Find anything good?" she asked as Derek flipped through the channels

"Yeah, she's standing right there" he said grinning

She giggled then got back into bed and snuggled into her usual spot "When did you change anyway?" he asked still trying to find something on TV.

"Right after I got up. I was really hot so I grabbed this, I hope you don't mind." She said looking up at him

He chuckled "defiantly not! That shirt has never looked so good!"

Derek found a football game on.

"Do you mind?" he asked

"Not at all, if you don't mind explaining what the hell is going on" she looked at the TV with a confused expression.

They spent the rest of the day laughing about Pen's inability to understand sports and just talked and teasing as usual. They napped and shared little kisses but generally just lay in bed cuddled together. Each knowing how much they were loved by the other. Both feeling like they were about to burst because their dream had finally come true.


AN: I hope you liked it : )