A/N: I've been meaning for such a long time to finally write up a Dean Ambrose story, and since I've finally built the courage here I am. So I hope you all truly enjoy this, and mad sense of writing.

This story is rated T however there is going to be excessive cursing, or even sexual content but of course I'll be sure to give out warnings when such things would happen. Also wrestlers will be referenced by Ring name. I would really appreciate reviews to the max, so please let me know you're thoughts once you're done reading, I do take them to great consideration.

I owe nothing that has to do with the WWE (obviously since its Vince McMahon's) but regards with my story, my OC – Vivienne Lopez is my masterpiece. Either way, enjoy and please review.

Chapter 1: First Impressions Aren't Always Perfect

"I asked for permission and they said it's alright to have you around with me for a couple of months, seeing as you've been causing trouble as usual, huh Viv?" Colby or more popularly known as Seth Rollins stated as he stared down at his apathetic sister Vivienne who laid on his bed.

Vivienne sighed as she glared up at her older brother. "Great, now I'm stuck with you, I'm excited." Her sarcasm was obvious as it dripped like acid from her tongue. Seth rolled his eyes as he plopped himself onto the bed and slightly shoved his younger sister by the shoulders. Vivienne sucked her teeth, not knowing how to feel at the moment. She didn't know if she should feel upset that she's stuck touring around with her brother and the WWE or at the least bit excited for it'll be brand new experience.

Vivienne recently got in trouble at home with her family and the authority for assault charges pressed on her. Luckily enough, they were dropped but she's required to attend anger management sessions for three months. "Come on Viv, it's been a while we've actually spent time together. I, for one am excited." Seth sighed, seeing as his sister didn't think of it like he did.

"What am I suppose to do while you're out there doing what you do, and I'm here probably stuck in your room watching the shows from the television? Please, where's the fucking excitement in that?"

"Vivienne, you can be with me backstage and experience it from that angle. I know you would love that since I've heard from mom that you actually have been tuning in to Raw more often." Vivienne sucked her teeth, knowing damn well she can't get away from this one seeing as of course – their beloved mother ratted her out.

"I'm just happy for you Mister Seth Rollins, oh so badass and here you are concerned over your little sister. If only they knew" Vivienne began to laugh as she sat up from the bed and moved herself to sit next to her brother. She then rested her head on his shoulder. Deep down, she knew this was needed. Back home, she wasn't doing well. She was around the wrong crowd, indulged herself in shameful vices. A hell of a life one would say – but it was more self-destructive if anything.

"Just don't bring your habits here, okay Viv? Try to be good for once.." Seth's tone sounded almost threatening.

"You know I'm no good Colby."

"Don't say that about yourself Vivienne, now come on. Let's start heading out, tomorrow is the TLC pay-per view and I want to meet up with Jon and Joe to get ready and even train for a bit." Vivienne glanced at her two suitcases with disdain, she didn't want to be here, she didn't want to be traveling anywhere, and she just wants to be home. But even home, seems like such a poor word choice for the inferno she was slowly diving herself in.

Vivienne stood up from the bed and walked towards her suitcases, and took each one by the handle. "I'm ready to go whenever you are.."

Am I really ready? Or am I trying to convince myself that I am?

Vivienne stuck her nose against the window of the car her and Seth found themselves in as they drove to Barclay's Center in New York. Ever since her arrival here in New York City, Vivienne has been in pure awe seeing as the City lives up to its hype, especially its beauty. All the lights on a normal occasion would irritate or blind the female, but here she is, like a child, admiring the luminous beauty.

"I know, its amazing isn't it?" And there it was, the bold, bright letters that state Barclay's Center meet her visage. For some reason Vivienne felt her stomach drop, to the point she felt the urge of wanting to throw up. She slightly gagged. Seth, alarmed placed his hand behind her back, rubbing it.

"Viv! What's wrong?!" Vivienne's reaction was just to shove him away as she cornered herself to her door, the gagging controlled, muted if anything. Everything within the car felt as though she was spinning.

Is it me? Or is it my mind? I find myself in this roller-coaster of sanity. A roller-coaster of myself versus reality. The very reality that I tried to escape, and here it is trying to haunt me. Trying to taunt me. And here I am, trying to runaway – I'm always running, aren't I?

Vivienne rested her head on her knees, her head pounding. It felt like a heartbeat almost but instead of her heart it was her brain. Seth left her in his claimed locker room to look for something to ease her headache. Out of all nights, it had to be tonight for me to bother Colby. And I just got here. So stupid, him and his damn skunk hair. Bitterly thought Vivienne, trying to distract her mind from the pain, however that proved to worsen the way she felt.

She slid out of her seat as she sat on the ground now. Her head tilted back and her eyes closed. She propped one knee up and with a free hand managed to push back her ebony colored tresses. At then, the door to the locker room was abruptly opened. Vivienne without opening her eyes groaned as she sucked her teeth.

"Fuck Colby, you know how I'm feeling and here you are opening the door like a fucking imbecile." Barked Vivienne as she clutched her head. Repetitively, the thud of the door played in her mind.

Unrecognizable, a chuckle was heard within the room. That's not.. "Well isn't that a damn shame Princess, sorry to disappoint. Please, do forgive me for my imbecile like actions." The tone obviously that of mockery.

Vivienne slightly opened one eye, squinting as she stared at the rather familiar face. She absorbed every detail within a matter of seconds. The brown medium length, the pout rosy coloured lips, and what throbbed Vivienne's headache all the more – those enticing, yet almost treacherous oceanic hues. Something about him right off the bat reeked of danger, instability.

It was fascinating almost. Comforting.

"Its you.."

"Jonathan Good, Princess, remember it so next time you won't get me mixed up."

"I had my eyes closed asshole, I've been waiting for Colby to get his ass back already." Snarled Vivienne, having zero tolerance towards Jonathan, or better known as Dean Ambrose, whom then stood right in front of her. Funny enough, this is the first time they've met. Disregarding her pains at the moment, Vivienne snapped both eyes open, her green hues clashing with his blues. Dean stared directly down at her. His tongue massaged the bottom of his lip, and the grin on his lips never faded.

"You're something else, way different than what Seth made you out to be. I envisioned a peaceful soul, but you're far from that aren't you Princess?" Every word spat at Vivienne felt like that of pure mockery. Vivienne, not tolerating a second of feeling small before his male, snapped up from the floor, and her eyes locked directly in front one another.

"I am sorry, I didn't live to your expectations, and stop calling me Princess you ass. It's Vivienne, got it?" Vivienne felt herself flare up – with little patience and a low tolerance level, here she is dealing with someone whom without knowing her knew exactly how to push her buttons. Self-control isn't going to exist with me and this guy around.

Dean parted his lips, preparing to say something with that smug look on his face however right then someone busted through the door. The air was tensed.

"Woah, and this is exactly what I didn't want to happen without me around.." Seth sighed as he glared at both Dean and Vivienne, mainly at his sister whom he handed his bottle of water and two painkillers. "500 milligrams each. I think you can handle that, right?"

Vivienne quickly popped the pills into her mouth and washed them down with the water which greatly cooled her throat. "Princess over here is going to be stuck with us huh Colby?"

"Yeah, I spoke with boss man and he said it's cool. Just to keep her out of the attention from the fans, and her out of trouble." Vivienne grunted at the last four words her brother stated. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, as she then dug her head into his pits.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to help you out with that." Dean beamed as he then winked at Vivienne before turning their back on the two and heading his way down the room. Vivienne glanced up at her older brother whom only stared down at her.

"I hope he wasn't too much."

"You should worry about him more than me. I'll eat that fucker up if I can." And she didn't mean that complimentary.

"Please Viv, just stay out of trouble."

"I know, just shut up about it already." Vivienne then wrapped her arms around her brother frame, as she felt her headache slowly seep out of her body. She rested her head lightly on his chest. Seth, surprised by his sister's signs of affection only basked in the moment. Knowing how long would he be able to hold his sister again.

Vivienne closed her eyes, and everything seeped out of her system. It has been two years since she last hugged Seth. A part of her didn't want to let go, because she missed him a great deal. However, a bigger part of her wanted to let go, run away, push him away, so he won't get hurt, so he won't disappointed with the mess that she is.

"I'll be rooting for you.. Seth Rollins." Seth grinned, a feeling of joy sprouting within him feeling as he's being supported. Vivienne pulled away as she pushed back the dual colored hair of her brother and smiled.

"You know you can call me that right?"

"Yeah, I should also call you skunk for this hair."

"You don't like it?!"

"Of course I do and you know that, stop being so dramatic, and get ready for your match."

"Great, Dean and I are going to go meet up with Roman. Maybe after the match you'll meet him, for now, later." Seth gave Vivienne a light squeeze as he then ran out of the locker room with gear in hand.

Dean slowly followed behind. Vivienne already sitting on a chair glared at the back of his head, however before he stepped out he turned around and winked once more.

"Cheer for me too Princess."

"Go fuck yourself Ambrose." And with that he stepped out the room. "Ugh, how does he do it?" It must be the princess label, it has to be.

Vivienne the entire time backstage hanged by the snack machine as she stared through the screen with wide eyes at the TLC match between The Shield, Team Hell No and Ryback. It was madness; however a match that truly kept her and the rest of Brooklyn on her toes. Though much of the crowd cheered for of course Ryback and Team Hell No. Faithfully she stood by The Shield.

She's followed much of her brother ever since his Ring of Honor days, and even some Ambrose due to FCW. Both, and even Reigns were at top notch performance tonight. These guys are amazing.. who would've thought… I'm so happy for Seth, Roman and even that asshole. Dean of course being said asshole.

She munched down on her nachos she managed to get by the Nathan's stand in the food court. However, Vivienne snapped right out of her seat at seeing her brother fall from the top of the ladder through tables, an obvious sign he got hurt as one of the tables hit him in the back of his head.

"Colby!" She yelled out at the screen, however managed to catch the attention of the staff working. She regained her composure, realizing there's not much she can do but watch. But she felt it; she felt it in her bones and then and there Reigns grabbed Daniel and set the pin fall.

Vivienne sitting beamed in happiness seeing The Shield be victorious, what was all the more exciting hearing one of the few people in the crowd actually cheer. However she felt her gut shake at seeing the condition of her brother as Reigns and Ambrose had to hold him up. He looked out of the zone. Taking one last munch at her nachos, Vivienne ran back to the locker room to find herself with The Shield.

"Colby! You guys were so awesome, greatest match of the night, hands down, don't have to even look at the other ones!" The four of them walked into the room. They placed Seth onto a chair. "The medics are probably coming soon, so just sit tight okay Seth?" Roman spoke up. Vivienne glanced at his direction, he gave her a slight nod.

And I guess that's us introducing ourselves to one another.

At cue, knocks echoed throughout the room as the medics came into the room and quickly began to tend to Seth. "Roman stay here, Dean and the girl, please wait outside." Vivienne grunted seeing as its her brother and it made no sense how she couldn't stay in and watch him being tended to. However she listened to the orders and stepped out. Dead did so as well.

Outside of the locker room, Vivienne leaned against the wall, and Dean did the same, just the opposite wall across from her.

"Gone quiet on me now Princess?"

"Please, I'm Vivienne. How stupid are you to forget such a simple fucking name Ambrose?"

"See, there it is." Ambrose pushed himself off the wall as he once again stood before Vivienne, just like the locker room. "With you, it's like poking the hornet's nest. Everything I say to you, irritates you, doesn't it?"

Vivienne rolled her eyes as she pried her visage away from him, and down to her Doc Martens. "You're too full of yourself."

"But I'm right?"

"Ambrose go-" Dean began to laugh, cutting Vivienne off as he turned his back to her and began to walk down the halls of backstage, but before he disappeared from Vivienne's sight, he gave her a slight wave with his index finger. "It's going to be exciting, having you around Princess."

It's the damn label, it has to be. Fucking Princess.