Jack landed inside the dark tunnels, immediately heading to Pitch's bedchamber, hoping that's where he'd be. He rounded the final corner and found his love laying on the bed, his arm over his face. Jack silently crept in and crawled over to Pitch.
"I'm sorry about this... I thought that they might be more understanding." Jack said sitting on the bed staring into his lap. "I can't believe they would do that to you, just shove you off like-"
"A monster? Jack I knew this would happen... It's not like they would just forget what I had done to them and the world. They will always see the man I used to be and not the one I could become." Pitch took his arm away from his face, Jack's stomach clenched as he saw the bruise that North caused. Clenching his fists Jack felt hot tears spring into his eyes. He put his hands to his face as they fell.
"I'm so sorry Pitch... This all started when I tried to help you when you were hurt... And I went and got you hurt again... You were right. I make a mess wherever I go..." Pitch's good eye widened as the words escaped Jack's lips. He sat up and pulled the white haired teen into a hug.
"Jack, this isn't your fault. I was the one who went and waltzed in without thinking." He lifted Jacks face up to his, "Besides you're the one who said that I'm full of myself." Jack smiled slightly and settled into Pitch's arms, sighing happily as Pitch drew soothing circles on his back. Eventually Jack slightly pushed away from Pitch.
"I'll be right back Pitch. I'm going to make some ice to help your eye." Pitch smiled and let Jack leave. Jack headed to the surface and retrieved the cloth he usually used to clean Pitch's wounds. He got it soaking wet and then quickly froze it. Heading back to Pitch's tunnels he was completely unaware of the sound of fluttering wings that followed behind him. He reached Pitch's bedchamber and ran over to Pitch and laid down next to him. He placed the icy cloth onto Pitch's eye and gently stroked his face. Smiling, Pitch grabbed his young lovers hand and placed a kiss onto it. Jack took his hand away and leaned in, capturing Pitch's lips. Pitch pulled his lover closer, and slid his hands underneath the back of Jacks hoodie lifting it slightly. Pitch broke the kiss and looked lovingly into the teens eyes.
"You know I love you Jack, right?" Jack nodded, the same loving glow in his eyes. "And by the way Jack..." He leaned in close to Jacks ear, his eyes staring at the entrance to the bedchamber. "We're being spied upon." Jack sat up quickly, he recognized Tooth's voice as she yelped at being caught. Pitch chuckled to himself as Jack grabbed his staff, heading to the surface as fast as he could. He burst out of the hole right behind Tooth and saw all the others were there as well.
"What IS it with you people!?" Jack shouted angrily. "Why can't you accept that I'm happy with Pitch!?" Jack glared at them each in turn as he yelled.
"Jack, we wanted to apologize." North said. "You were right. We had no right to interfere with your relationship."
"Then why the hell did you send Tooth to spy on us?" Jack accused.
"I-We wanted to be sure you were okay before we apologized. We wanted to make sure that Pitch wasn't doing anything... wrong to you." She said looking ashamed for spying on him.
"You mean like this?" Pitch said stepping out of the shadows. He grabbed Jacks neck lightly, and ran his tongue up it. His eyes locked on the guardians. Jack's face turned the deepest shade of red anyone had ever seen. The guardians faces came close though. Pitch laughed at their expressions. Jack shoved Pitch embarrassed beyond belief.
"Pitch you are such a jerk! J-Just go back... Please just go back." Pitch laughed a bit more and pulled his love into a hug. "No! I'm mad at you!" Jack said pouting.
"Oh come on Jack. After what North did I believe I'm entitled to try and get even." Jack just continued pouting. "Ok... I'm sorry Jack." Jack stopped pouting as turned to the guardians. He burst out laughing as they were still frozen in shock at what Pitch did. Tooth was the first one to recover. She fluttered over to the nightmare king.
"Pitch, I'm sorry. I judged you before I knew the situation. And I'm glad Jack is there for you." The other guardians nodded their approval of Tooth's statement. Pitch would be lying if he said the whole situation didn't make him feel slightly awkward.
"Thank you. Now not to seem too terribly rude, but we were having a moment back there." Without another word Pitch pulled Jack close and they fled into the shadows, happy in the knowledge that the guardians would most likely not be bothering them again anytime soon.