[A/N]: I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this out. I was really struggling with trying to include all the different things people requested! I can't believe this has finally come to an end and thanks to all of you who stuck by this fic and kept reading right till the end.

Chapter 28


The sun streamed in through the open window of their room illuminating everything in sight and welcoming the beautiful day that was to come. A cool breeze drifted through causing her skin to prick at the change in temperature but she welcomed it all the same. She loved the cold, it always made her feel alive. She loved it even more when she had Gendry lying next to her. Even though she didn't need a reason, she always liked to blame it on her need to curl up into him for warmth. He was always more than willing, never wanting to turn down an opportunity to hold her. She smiled to herself at the thought. Things in her life had certainly changed since Margery's 21st and she couldn't be happier. To think she wasn't going to go. Would life have turned out so well if she hadn't?

"What are you smiling about?" a soft voice broke her train of thought. She looked over to her sister who was the picture of perfection. Aphrodite come again. Sitting across from the large oak vanity her auburn hair shone as the rays of sun glided over the long wavy locks. He pale skin seemed to glow, making her look even more radiant if possible.

"Oh nothing," she strolled to where her sister was perched. Standing directly behind her she fingered one of the loose locks then watched as it sprung into a perfect curl as she let it slip free. "You look beautiful," she smiled. It was true, Sansa was always pretty but she looked stunning today. She looked happy, a genuine happiness that was so obvious that even Sansa couldn't hide it behind a mask.

"So do you Ar," she countered. Her Tully blue eyes locked onto her Stark grey, "I'm so glad you're here," she confessed. "Did you ever think I'd ever say that?" she sniggered.

Arya couldn't help but chuckle along with her sister. "No," she said plainly. "Unless you were drunk maybe. We all know how much of a light weight you are when it comes to alcohol," she teased.

"Well sorry I'm not a tank like you." This only made her laugh even more. They both turned as they heard the door creak open. "Hello mother," Sansa greeted.

"Oh Sansa! You look stunning and Arya you too," Catelyn fawned. She scurried towards her two daughters and embraced them both. Arya could feel something wet on her cheek and pulled back to see the tears rolling down her mothers' face.

"Are you ok mum?" concern etched in her voice.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just so happy. You've both grown into such strong beautiful women and I couldn't be prouder of you. I know I don't always make it shown, but I do love you both and all I've ever wanted was your happiness." She was sobbing now and out of the corner of her eye she could see Sansa's blue eyes well up. Don't cry, don't cry. Sansa was laughing and sobbing and Arya unconsciously found herself joining her mother and sister. Dammit I'm crying. When did you become such a sook Arya? She mentally berated herself as the tears continued to run free.

The moment was broken with a loud buzzing sound that echoed through the room. "Shit sorry," she mumbled as she ran towards her bag where the said noise was coming from. "Umm hello," she walked towards the other end of the room to try and distance herself from her mother and sisters' prying ears.

"Hey gorgeous how are you going?"

"Umm babe this isn't really a good time."

"You ok? You sound a little nasally."

"Yea it's just a bit of hay fever," she said far too quickly.

"Since when do you get hay fever?"

"Since always!" she huffed.

"You were crying weren't you?" She could tell he was smiling. There was a hint of smugness to his voice.

"No, I was not crying."

"So something just got in your eye then?"

"I told you it's hay fever so stop being stupid!" her mood was turning sour now. "So what do you want?" she asked harshly.

"I just wanted to hear your voice," he said sweetly. "Even if you're getting angry at me I still love it."

It was cheesy and if anyone else had heard she would have made a gagging noise, but it was just her and him and she couldn't help but smile a little. "Whatever," she responded trying to make it sound like she was still annoyed.

"Don't be like that Ar. I really did want to hear your voice. It feels like we haven't had a proper chance to be together in forever and it's driving me mad."

"I know," she sighed. "I miss you too."

"Jon won't shut up about this Yigrette girl he asked out and Robb keeps babbling on about Jeyne. Even your little brothers seem to be getting more action then me!" he said agitated. "Bran's snagged himself an older woman and Rickon is all Shireen this and Shireen that. I can't talk to anyone about you because you're their sister and it's weird."

"What about Sandor?"

"Seriously Ar? Sandor is a nice guy but he's not much of a talker unless it's about your sister. Plus he's nervous as hell, I think he's worried Sansa is going to call everything off last minute."

"Well tell him he's being stupid. Sansa hasn't stopped smiling all day." She was looking at Sansa as she spoke. "I should get going, we've still got to put our dresses on."

"Hang on are you telling me you're only in your underwear?"

"Seriously Gen," she laughed. "I've got a robe on as well you dirty boy."

"Sorry I can't help it. Can you at least tell me what colour your lingerie is?" he begged.

"Gods Gen you sound like a horny teen!"

"That's because I am! Not a teen but horny as fuck," he grumbled. "I just want some proper alone time with you. The last time we were apart this long my balls almost fell off!"

"You're such a drama queen," she rolled her eyes. "Don't worry after today it will just be you and me ok?"

"Ok," he answered, taking a deep breath. "I love you Stark."

"Love you too Baratheon." She hung up and sauntered back to where her sister and mother were sitting. They didn't even notice she had left and she slipped back into the conversation easily.

"We should put your dress on now," her mother commented. Sansa nodded and stood as the dress was brought over to her. It was Sandor's mother's dress, slightly altered so it fit Sansa's tall form. She helped her sister step into it and tied the back of the bodice for her, making sure it wasn't too tight. Her mother brought over the matching veil and with Arya's help they pinned it into Sansa's thick curls. Looking at her now you wouldn't believe that only two years ago she had looked a tragic mess. All battered and bruised with chunks of hair ripped from her scalp. The memory sent a chill through her.

"You look beautiful," her mother said with tears in her eyes. A blush dusted her sister's cheeks at the compliment.

"Thank you," she replied shyly. She turned to look at her reflection in the mirror. "Do you think Sandor will think so?"

"Of course he will," her mother said back.

"You could rock up in a garbage bag and he would still think you were the most beautiful thing ever," Arya added.

"I still can't believe it's all really happening," her sister started. "I mean I thought he was dead and that I'd never see him again but now here we are," she trailed off. "Can you believe it?"

"If you had asked me two years ago then no," she said truthfully. "But a lot can happen in two years," she grinned. "Even something as crazy as a Stark marrying a Clegane."

Sansa giggled with her sister. "You're next you know?"

"Maybe…but not for a while. After I graduate from Uni we're going to travel then see what happens."

"If I had mentioned anything to do with marriage two years ago you would have laughed in my face."

"Like I said, a lot can change in two years. Now stop your jabbering I've got to put my dress on and we'll need to get going."

They piled into the carriage and Arya took hold of Sansa's hand as it began moving. "How are you feeling?"

"My stomach is doing these crazy flips," she confessed. "I just can't wait to see him. I've pictured this day over and over in my head since the day he proposed. I know it sounds silly but he makes me so happy Ar. Something I wasn't sure I was going to feel after what…what Joffrey did."

She gave her sister's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Let's not think about that prick. Today is all about you and Sandor." The carriage came to a stop and Catelyn was the first to exit with Arya following soon after. They both stood on either side of the door and helped Sansa out. There was a red carpet rolled out covered in rose petals. It was only a small affair, only close friends and family attending. Because there was no-one in Sandor's family to invite it was mostly Starks. After the incident with the Lannisters most of the girls Sansa called friends shunned her. It made Arya mad at first but Sansa wasn't phased. She wanted to start fresh and focus on her relationship with Sandor, something that surprised her. So it was she and her mother who were her sister's bridesmaids. Catelyn walked down first and Arya went next. She caught Gendry's bright blue eyes and smiled before standing next to her mother. Standing across from her he winked and gave her a cheeky grin. Although Sandor and Gendry weren't close friends he was asked to be one of the groomsmen, simply for the fact that he was Arya's partner.

She heard everyone gasp as Sansa began making the journey down the aisle. She looked truly amazing and the look of awe on Sandor's face spoke volumes. His eyes were glistening and Arya knew the large man was fighting back tears, something that made her own emotions surface. The rest of the ceremony went fairly quickly and everyone was practically in tears when Sandor said his vows. He was choking back tears and she noticed even Gendry wiping at his eyes.

"You look incredible," Gendry whispered as they followed the bride and groom out of the little church they had booked. One of his hands rested on her hip as they walked out sending a spark that went straight to her sex.

"You don't look so bad yourself," she said with a coy grin. The rest of the afternoon went relatively quickly. They posed for photos and Arya couldn't help but swell with pride as she watched her sister and brother in law exchange a few extra kisses then necessary. They both couldn't keep their hands off each other and the way Sandor looked at Sansa made Arya think about her own future with Gendry. They were still young and marriage was definitely something way into the future but still the thought lingered in the back of her mind and her stomach flipped as she thought about him slipping the ring over her finger.

"What are you smiling about?" his voice broke her out of her reverie.

"Nothing," she said simply.

"You were thinking about me naked weren't you?" his tone playful. She smacked his arm before rolling her eyes at him.

"God Gendry just keep it PG for a second will you?"

"Oh c'mon Ar, how can you not be in a lovey mood at a wedding?

"Lovey mood?" she scoffed. "I wonder about you sometimes."

"Well it is lovey. Look at Sandor, the guy hasn't stopped smiling once. His face muscles are getting the workout of their lives today. And don't think I didn't notice you tear up in there."

"You did too!" she hissed.

"Hey I'm not ashamed to admit my emotions got the better of me. When you see a big guy like him," he pointed to Sandor, "balling it pulls at the heart strings."

"It was beautiful."

"And so are you."

"You're so sappy Baratheon."

"And you love it." He pulled her closer to him and gave her a soft kiss.

"Get a room!" someone called out, which was immediately followed by a grunt. They both looked to see Theon keeling over, his hands placed firmly over his crotch.

"Looks like Rickon read my mind," Gendry sniggered. "He's almost as violent as you."

"Oh shut-up and keep kissing me already," she demanded. They swayed to the music that was playing in the background, her hands around his neck and his on her hips.

"That will be us one day," he whispered.

"Hmm," she responded too busy enjoying the feel of his warmth around her. He motioned his head towards where Sandor and Sansa were sitting.

"I said that will be us one day. Mr and Mrs Baratheon," he beamed.

She felt her heart rate hasten at his words and searched his face for any signs of a joke. All she saw was genuine confidence and belief that in the not too distant future it would be them saying their vows. Like it was obvious to everyone but her. "I think Mr and Mrs Stark sounds better," she goaded.

"If that's what it takes to tame the wild and unruly Arya Stark, then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make," his tone serious. "I'd do anything for you Ar," he finished lifting her chin so he could look into her eyes.

Her emotions were taking charge again and she felt the unbidden tears cascade down her cheeks. Expecting him to poke fun at her for being so girly, she was surprised when he smiled and leaned down to kiss away the tears. "If you keep crying like that I'm going to as well and my manhood will certainly be questioned," he mused.

"You're so stupid," she giggled.

"Yea, yea I know but you wouldn't want me any other way."

"No I wouldn't." She kissed the corner of the left side of his mouth then the right before gently letting her lips rest on his. "And for the record, as much as I love being a Stark I think I could have a lot of fun being a Baratheon as well," she murmured.

He pulled back a little so he could look at her face. "So…did we just agree to get married then?"

"Yea…I think so," she said biting her lip.

"Well we're going to have to wait at least a couple of weeks before we tell everyone. We can't go stealing your sister's spotlight."

"And we'll need to get a ring. Mum won't believe it unless I've got the ring."

"That's already sorted," he waved off.

"What do you mean it's already sorted?" confusion apparent on her face.

"Well…I…err…kinda already bought one a few months ago," he confessed.


"Look I was going to ask you properly but as usual you've managed to weasel it out of me in the most un-romantic way possible."

"Are you serious Gen?"

"Look Ar I know we're both still young but I've always loved you. I loved you as a friend then I loved you as the beautiful and mesmerizing enigma that is Arya Stark. I honestly can't imagine life without you and if you'll have me I'd love to love you until the day I die."

She stared at him dumb struck. "Fuck you Gen," she laugh cried. "That's twice you've made me cry in one day. Do it again and I'll get Rickon onto you." She jumped on him then sending them both crashing on the floor. She didn't care though and everyone around just clapped, obviously assuming they were just another drunken couple.

Well there it is the final chapter! I know some of you were thinking there might be smut but I think you've had your fair share already :) I'm working on a couple of other fics so look out for those! Thanks again to all those awesome peeps who left reviews.