So my first story is here! This is my most recent one (hopefully it'll be the best too). Please ignore any typos, when I get more into a scene I get more and more excited and end up typing too fast. Also, the ages of the Bat-Brothers are all over the place, I don't read many comics so just excuse that.
Review if you'd like too- I'm always looking for some tips! Other than that, enjoy! :D
"What's the matter, Little Red? You're not looking so hot." A man taunted. He wore a smirk on his face, a dark over coat and dark pants. His eyes were hidden with sunglasses as he stared at a crumpled figure on the ground.
The masked hero gritted his teeth. He tried to push himself up, but let out a small cry. He fell back to the ground, holding his side. Blood stained the uniform, trickling to the ground. His vision was blurring, feeling dizzy now.
The sight obviously pleased his attacker because his smirk turned into a full-fledged grin. The boy watched as the man took a couple steps, so he could see his feet at the side of his face. He then crouched. The thug held what looked like a butcher knife in his right hand. He pointed the tip of it to the hero's neck.
"That's good, keeping bleeding just like that. When the others get here, I want them to know you're in pain. I want them to worry." His voice was raspy. Hot breath was felt against the masked hero's cheek, "Unfortunately, you won't be here."
The teen saw the blunt of the knife suddenly raised-
Sharp pain in his forehead. The sudden inflicted blow to the head created dark spots. His ears were ringing loudly as he felt his eyes start to roll back.
Stay awake; the one thought rang through his pounding head.
He felt himself being lifted off the ground. One hand was under his shoulder, the other under his back. This created an awkward position for him. He assumed it was the same for his attacker.
The boy felt himself being carried for a little ways. He attempted to open his eyes, but it was so blurry and dark it wasn't much use. The only thing he could see was the ground below him.
Then, he was airborne. It was for a short time, nothing like the fall he had just minutes before. He landed on a hard floor. It was carpeted, but the hairs of it were worn and short.
A car.
That's where he was.
The young hero tried to open his eyes once more. This time, he could make out the back of the car. The trunk was open. He could barely make out the figure of the man.
Stay awake….
He felt something pull his arms back. It was painfully rough; he had to clench his teeth to bite back a cry. Something metal bound his hands together. Two hands then reached to his chest and unclasped the crossing belts. He felt them tugged off. He let out a slight groan in protest.
"Shut up." The man's voice growled in reply.
The teen's vision began to blur more as he saw his attack back off and put two hands on the trunk lid. The intense pain in his head came back to haunt him as his stomach knotted up.
His senses became numb. It must have shown as he started becoming limp because the voice replied, "That's right. Just take a nice nap."
The teen shook his head weakly against the ground. His voice was barely a murmur and it was impossible to hear. His eyes rolled back behind his cowl.
He blacked out to the sound of the trunk slamming closed.
Dick opened his eyes slowly. Light was coming in through his bedroom window. Well, his guestroom. The ebony agreed to stay in Wayne Mansion for a couple weeks, until Damian and Bruce could get along. And judging by the way things were going, he was probably going to be here for a while. He stared up at the ceiling, a small smile on his lips. He then yawned and sat up, itching the back of his head. Part of him was surprised his youngest brother hadn't snuck into his bed.
Before the oldest brother could think of that anymore, the smell of waffles came into his bedroom. It was a sign Alfred was up.
A grin spreading, the man pulled himself out of bed and headed downstairs.
When Richard entered the great smelling kitchen, he saw Damian already awake. The youngest brother was sitting at the table. A chess board sat in front of him. He held a complexed look on his face, something that looked strange on a kid for his age. Or at least would have if it wasn't, well, him.
"Good morning Master Dick." Alfred greeted from the stove. He had an apron on along with oven mitts. He was pulling cinnamon rolls from the heater.
The smell wafted around the room as the young man took it in. He let out a breath with a smile on his face, "Morning Al. Hey Damian." He greeted the two as he crossed the room.
"Grayson." The younger of the billionaire's kids addressed his brother with little interested.
Dick just smiled and took a seat next to the boy. He glanced over the chess board. It appeared that he had been playing with himself since both sides almost had the same strategy. He then glanced at the side the small boy was trying to move for.
"Your queen can take that rook." He told him, pointing to the chess piece.
"I do not need your help, brother. Now I have to start over again!" The young fumed with an annoyed growl. He started setting the pieces back to their starting points.
His older brother laughed and shook his head.
Just then, the phone rang.
He glanced over as the elderly butler walked over to the phone that lay on the wall. He picked it up, "Wayne Residence." He answered politely. There was a small pause as he listened which caused Richard to glance over, a curious look on his face.
Alfred looked a little concerned and confused now, "Why no sir, I have not seen him since yesterday." He replied with a small frown on his face.
Dick glanced back now, mirroring the frown, "Who is it, Alfred?"
"I will alert Master Bruce right away." The English man replied to the person over the phone. He then hung the receiver up. He let out an uneasy sigh as he turned to the two teens.
"That was Mr. Drake." He informed them.
"Mr. Drake?" Dick echoed, "As in Tim's dad?"
"It appears that Master Timothy never returned home last night." The butler explained, wearing the same worried look.
"He's probably dead." Damian remarked as he started his chess game over again.
"Not helping Damian." The older boy stated before standing up. He turned his attention back to Alfred.
"Where's Bruce?"
"I believe he is in the cave-"
As if to answer the question though, the billionaire stalked in. He looked like he always did, suited and neat, although his face expression was emotionless.
"I assume that was Tim's father." He noted.
"You heard?" Dick inquired, looking at him curiously.
"Oracle informed me that his com had been cut off."
"He didn't come back here. He would have told us; at the very least we would have heard him."
"Excuse me for asking sir, but do you think he's in danger?" Alfred questioned, worry and concern in his voice.
"There's a possibility. I asked for the coordinates of his last location."
"Are you going right now?" The 24 year-old asked, this time perking up a little more. As much as working with Batman was annoying, since the man insisted on treating him like a child, Tim was still his little brother. Like Hell he'd not be a part of this case.
Hopefully there isn't a case, he thought to himself, besides, there's still a chance he's just running late.
But the young man seriously doubted it.
"I was planning on it." Bruce answered in his usual monotone voice. His lack of concern was annoying, but his eldest son knew this was all just faked. He knew he was worried deep down.
Damian scoffed. Why his so called 'family' was so involved in Drake was beyond his comprehension. He continued to move his chess pieces, switching sides as he played against himself.
Dick caught this and crossed his arms.
"You're coming too." He told him, sounding much more like a father than a brother.
"Don't make me laugh, Grayson." The 10 year-old said as he rolled his eyes. He picked up a chess piece, only to have the whole board swiped from under him. He snapped his head up in the direction of the older boy now.
"Grayson!" He growled warningly, eyes flashing dangerously.
Dick didn't seem too threatened as he crossed the room with the board in hand, "Don't 'Grayson' me. You'll get this back once we find Tim. And not a moment sooner." He said firmly. The ebony then walked past Bruce and started to the office that led to the Batcave.
Bruce raised his eyebrows in slight surprise as Damian begrudgingly got up and stormed after his older brother, "Good for nothing…. waste of space…." He was mumbling.
The billionaire watched them go before looking back at Alfred, "Call if you receive any news."
And with that, he followed his sons out.